Don't get mad at me

There is a short interview with me at One Blog A Day, and they asked about you people, you know, you commenters here, and I was brutally honest. Please don't rise up and strip the flesh from my bones.

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Wow. Y'learn so much sometimes. I knew there was an explanation for all the screaming from my browser.

By Johnny Vector (not verified) on 15 Apr 2007 #permalink

Hey! Who you callin' a "raconteur"? Them's fightin' words, you random biological ejaculator!

By David Livesay (not verified) on 15 Apr 2007 #permalink

The text box here doesn't scream. It just stares and stares and stares.

We dare not disobey


"We are so vain that we even care for the opinion of those we don't care for."
Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach

Wow! He could care less about these comments. The lack of vanity is impressive.

PZ, we all try to to our bit for the cause - godless evolution by natural selection, & we're right behind you man!

And it looks like the N Y Times is coming on board, eh. I don't get access to the full N Y Times, so has anyone here checked this out?

The Age of Darwin
A newish all-explaining narrative has crept upon us willy-nilly and is now all around.

I dunno about willy-nilly though. Surely, what started as a trickle has turned into a flood.

By Richard Harris, FCD (not verified) on 15 Apr 2007 #permalink

I guess I should apologize for writing that you are a nice, mild person who likes children and fuzzy kittens. In truth, folks, I trembled in his presence. He chained my kids in the dungeon and would have eaten them, but I distracted him by tossing him a bucket of stem cells and squirming fetuses that he could greedily study and then destroy.

I only wrote what I wrote in hopes that some creationists would be trapped by the prospect of having a "reasonable" disagreement.

Eat well, Master, eat well.

I badly, badly, badly want to become a creationist troll here after reading that.

Must resist ...

Blogging is its own justification. Commenting? Not sure.

"...militant atheists..." Great. Isn't it enough that the Christian community has already decided to refer to us this way?

"He's not a ferocious atheist. He's a very naughty boy!"

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 15 Apr 2007 #permalink

Great interview, PZ!

David Brooks today. Apparently, he's found a place for Darwin in his boboworld. Do I care? No.

And it occurred to me that while we postmoderns say we detest all-explaining narratives, in fact a newish grand narrative has crept upon us willy-nilly and is now all around. Once the Bible shaped all conversation, then Marx, then Freud, but today Darwin is everywhere.


Creationists reject the whole business, but they're like the Greeks who still worshiped Athena while Plato and Aristotle practiced philosophy. The people who set the cultural tone today have coalesced around a shared understanding of humanity and its history that would have astonished people in earlier epochs.


Looking at contemporary America from here in Jerusalem and from the ancient past, it's clear we're not a postmodern society anymore. We have a grand narrative that explains behavior and gives shape to history. We have a central cosmology to embrace, argue with or unconsciously submit to.

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 15 Apr 2007 #permalink

For the first time, I am dissapointed in a PZ analogy.

We atheists do not leave the gleaming bones of Creationists to lie. We do as our bloodthirsty ancestors did, we smash the bones and eat the protein-rich marrow!

That's what makes us human.

I do feel that evolution is being controlled by some sort of divine engineer. I can't help thinking that. And this engineer knows exactly what he or she is doing and why, and where evolution is headed. That's why we've got giraffes and hippopotami and the clap.

Kurt Vonnegut


Well, I have never been so insulted in my life!

(Where's my share?)

(I now suppose I gotta add a smile. ;D Happy now?)

You make money doing this? Cool. I just like to msging if its good enough for that. Can you see how many people visit you a day?

By Adrian Clement (not verified) on 15 Apr 2007 #permalink

Yes, the stats are wide open -- there's a little rainbow colored square at the bottom of the page that will take you to the sitemeter stats.

the protein-rich marrow!


(There! I found an excuse to fill half of the empty text box!)

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 15 Apr 2007 #permalink

f y lk dscss sss bt Phryngl's plcy, prfssr Dvsn bnng nd cncptn f vltn gvrnd by lw t st whr ntrvw wth dctr Myrs s vlbl nd whr t sm dscssn s pssbl wtht cnsrshp (nlk t Phryngl):…


(f crs f y r nt frd dctr Myrs wll bn y hvng dscssn wth m thr.)

[For the last time, VMartin, you are an obtuse moron. You have been told repeatedly that you are not welcome here, you know that you will be deleted on the spot so you constantly change your username to evade the filters, yet you persist in intruding where you are not wanted. GO AWAY. Your comments will be deleted as soon as I see them. --pzm]

Well, I guess you can't be all bad...after all you do like Jhonen Vasquez.

Where's that accent from? Must spread that around...

Glad you liked the video, the accent is "very rarified Irishman". I've lived in too many countries to have kept the real thing, what you hear is a pale shadow. Some Irish people think I'm American.:-)

Here is the great Paul Robeson singing the Soviet Anthem in English. Some may think I am kidding, but the sentiments in this song are genuine.

The capitalist credo is "do unto others before they do unto you".

Is it possible to recycle creationists? Anyway, can somebody give me a hug? I accidently stopped over at WorldNetDaily and feeling a bit shiverish all of a sudden...

I'm definitely a savage raconteur. Actually, probably a reconteuse sauvage, but that's quibbling.

No, I have not yet written the piece on basic framing, sorry!, so if you're among the folks who have been coming to my pad looking for it, you will continue to be disappointed. Right now I'm trouncing the hell (or maybe the "expected standards") out of the Mathematica abstinence-only education report. In the meantime, go on over to Coturnix's place and get up to speed on what framing is.

Brian, I was thinking your accent was Transatlantic of middle-class Northwest English extraction, so I wasn't far off... :) You sound an awful lot like a slightly North Americanised version of my boy in Birkenhead. :)

hmmm, I'm troubled by the JTHM reference. Where would a respectable professor come by such material?


As usual, you have hit the nail on the head.

And the nail deserved it.


By Will Von Wizzlepig (not verified) on 16 Apr 2007 #permalink

I badly, badly, badly want to become a creationist troll here after reading that.

My thoughts exactly! It looks like so much fun! And you don't need to know anything about the subject at hand - just let loose with the inspired ramblings.

By grimalkin (not verified) on 16 Apr 2007 #permalink

'just let loose with the inspired ramblings.'

I do believe that insipid rambling would be the better, more accurate descriptor of our creationist interlopers postings.

(There, I filled in the beckoning box, once again. I feel better now, for a while.)

By Desert Donkey (not verified) on 16 Apr 2007 #permalink

the protein-rich marrow!


(There! I found an excuse to fill half of the empty text box!)

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 15 Apr 2007 #permalink