Amphitretus pelagicus
There are many more photos of adorable creatures of the deep sea at this site.
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Amphitretus pelagicus
Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
The Antarctic Benthic Deep-Sea Biodiversity Project (ANDEEP) has been working on an unprecedented project to document marine life near the bottom of the Antarctic Ocean. 80% of the isopods identified are entirely new species. Another species, foraminifera, single celled organisms with decorative…
This is completely unsurprising. An account from Randall Price has emerged; Price is a notorious Ark-hunter, young earth creationist, and professor at Liberty University, so he has good kook credentials and is the kind of guy who desperately wants the recent claims of the discovery of Noah's Ark to…
Experiments in the deep sea are a novelty, like a healthy Southern breakfast. Mmm...biscuits...but I digress. If you want to run a experiment in the intertidal it usually requires $100 of pvc and $100 of a graduate students time (about three weeks). In the deep sea that same experiment will run…
Thanks for the link! Deep sea creatures are awesome. A little more than 3/4's down the page is a black eyed squid. Any idea what it's carrying? Is that it's brood?
I would hardly call the Fanfin Seadevil adorable!
In the picture you posted, I can make out the eyes, but are the other two pink shapes it's brain and beak?
The other photos on the site are spectacular. Far better than any human-designed alien species, IMHO.
I think they're ALL cute. My youngest has a thing for deep sea creatures, but she's more into angler fish. She epcecially likes viper fish. Me, I like the inverts. I think those red plumed tube worms are the CUTEST!
I like the dumbo octopus; do we know anything else about this nifty creature?
For some reason it looks vaguely like Darth Vader. Or maybe Chad Vader.
Ewww, I can see it's brain! Looks a lot like my 5th grade teacher actually, only slightly more evolved.
Very cool! Thanks for the photo link, I'm really enjoying looking at these when I need a break from paper-writing.
Also, I thought you might enjoy this post from the CRAFT blog yesterday: Octopus love!
He is disguising himself as a martini!
(clearly the photo was printed upside-down)
Thanks for the link. My daughter got a kick out of finding out that 'snails' and 'worms' live underwater. I'm kind of partial towards that reddish creature above the Munnopis. Has it been identified/named?
Are you on the committee for this years LA Times festival of books?
Though they're relatively common in my area , my heart still flutters when I find an "Othoceras" with an exposed siphuncle .
It's Robbie the Robot (reincarnated as a cephalopod)! :-D
That site is diggbait, as you can guess from the name. The actual site that originally uploaded the photos is http://www.thedeepbook.org as you can see from the watermarks on the pix.