Building up a good head of steam already

We're up to a round two dozen submissions for the Ham Roast or Creation Museum Carnival or whatever we're going to call it — keep 'em coming in, I'm planning on posting it early Sunday morning. At this rate, it's going to be big, and it's going to be good.

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I'm going to be speaking at the Secular Student Alliance conference on 8 August, and before that, you may recall, I announced that we were going on a little field trip to Ken Ham's bunco joint in Kentucky, on Friday, 7 August. We're trying to organize a bit, so SSA sent me the notice below.…
I've already received quite a few submissions for the big Carnival of Evolution. Alas, I have also received a few submissions which, while good, were outside the parameters of what I had in mind. So let me offer two clarifications: I'm looking specifically for writing first posted on blogs.…
I would like to begin by reminding you that the next edition of the Linnaeus' Legacy blog carnival will be hosted HERE In theory, it will come out tomorrow, but I have the sense that a few more submissions (your?) are still to come in, so I may delay posting until Tuesday morning. So you have…
Despite being the one to pick the topic for the upcoming Scientiae, I have struggled and struggled to come up with anything to post for this month's Carnival. As Alice alluded to earlier, I'm having a particularly tough month, feeling like I am treading water most of the time, and not making any…

I think the term 'Ham Roast' is unfair. Pigs don't deserve to be associated with creationism.

I'd say I'm jealous -- the Fiesta de Tejas! has difficulty getting that many nominations for posts in a month -- except, I'm not jealous at all. It's a good cause, and I hope I can find something to say to push it along.

There is something creepy, obscene and unholy about Ken Ham's peddling of foul disinformation to children and naive religionists. Creationism is a rising tide of inferiority and error that threatens our nation's children and their education, to borrow a famous phrase.

Keep up the good work.

Oh, and if any of the posts are about Texas, I'm gonna steal 'em for the Fiesta, too.

I wrote a story poem for a class this year that generally mocks the story of Adam and Eve. It's from the serpent's point of view. Might that work, or does it need to be specifically aimed at Ham or AiG?

By Chinchillazilla (not verified) on 23 May 2007 #permalink