Suddenly, it makes sense. Schizophrenia is a methodology. Now we also know who is watching.
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Beck is a Mormon... case closed.
Good grief, John Nash's schizophrenia is irrelevant to the imagery that Beck was trying to invoke, why even bring it up? There's enough wrong with Beck's point of view that can and should be intelligently addressed without resorting to just trying to score points. That's a creationist tactic and we should be better than that.
"You call me a victim of insanity, whilst you claim to be an authority governed by the hand of God. The main difference between you and I is that I don't promote my illness.
Elias Nichols 1821 (Nichols was imprisoned in a mental institution after he was caught desecrating a Christian monument. Upon his arrest, he claimed he was being harrassed by Christian zealots who tried to convert him on a number of occasions.)
From the Random Quote on the left hand. neeato
Becks a perv....there are ways to flirt with the ladies and then there are ways to completely creep them out. Here Beck demonstrates that technique:
Oh no, do not argue with Beck... I think he might be on to something... specifically, my plan for world domination. But he won't be able to stop me, my evil hordes are bearing down on him as we speak MUAHAHAHA
-> Sorry, it's got to be in the genes
I saw the movie "Bug" last weekend, and I bet I was the only person there who loved it. There is a scene at the end of it that is exactly like this, with paranoid schizophrenia turned into a sort of methodology. I spent some time as a mental health worker, specifically with schizophrenics, and I thought the scene was brilliant--the main character's delusional "blood aphids," given to him by the government, were used as a launching pad to explain everything in both of the key characters' lives. Everything that had ever happened to them could be reinterpreted through the lens of this delusion. The movie was based on a play, and I'm not sure if the playwright had this in mind, but the blood aphids reminded me a lot of fundamentalist religion.
I'm a big believer in synthesis and creating narratives out of a whole lot of fragmentary evidence (I'm a bloody historian, or a pro-am one, anyhow), which could be described as a "schizophrenic methodology," but not, I think, in any meaningful clinical sense. I can kind of get what Beck is (I think) getting at, but he definitely has a piss-poor sense of analogy. That's not surprising in a right-winger, the obstinately literal-minded lot they tend to be.
The major flaw in his analogy is that schizophrenics tend to see connections where they don't really exist (unlike historians, who like to try to find evidence of such connections), but again, that's actually par for the winger mentality: "Make shit up" seems to be a large part of their modus vivendi.
How stupid do you have to be to CONVERT to Mormonism?
Beck seems paranoid as well as stupid. Here is what he thinks of Europe.
He speaks of "muslim neighborhoods" in France, of which there are none. For him, Europe is on the verge of civil war! Paris is literally on fire!
CNN should be ashamed to put this ignorant wanker on the air.
As grand a political analyst and geostrategist as Beck is, he apparently is also a major expert on French social customs ;) It always seemed to me, from a rather German perspective, that the politial discourse in France has always been a bit rougher than elsewhere. Try cutting farming subsidies in France, sit back, and wait for the protest to turn into slugging matches with the police.
But if that constitutes a civil war, I would not even dare set a foot into any major US city, be it LA, NYC, Chicago or Detroit... oh boy, America is on the verge of total break-down. Just look what happened in LA in 1992. This country will collapse in a matter of weeks... and they have got fire-arms on the street.
Beck propagates total BS, just one more advocate of that "fright-culture" that seems to be running rampant in the conservative circles of US society.
At risk of being damned to be Cthulu's first and last victim by this horde, I am schizophrenic and I frequently use it as a part of my methodology. It really does help make obscure connections that a rational person would not make. The trick is, after these connections are made, to get back on my medication and separate the wheat from the chaff. Most of it is chaff.
Mike Fox
P.S. Dr. Myer's beard is where the Flying Spaghetti Monster hides.
Well, almost...
As if we'd bother.
I am in Paris right now, with the Seine in front of the window.
Incidentally, France managed to raise its birth rate to 2.1 children per woman -- by the use of the occult, ungodly practices of *horror* socialism.
I stopped watching CNN when they put Nancy Grace up as their leader in inane controversy-creating. At least, I stopped watching when I couldn't laugh at it anymore.
In Austria, the Austrian Association of Unions and the Economy Association etc. sit together and negotiate the wages for the next year. That's called the paragovernment. Average strike duration per year: a couple of seconds. Seems to be similar in Germany (keyword: Metaller), though less extreme.
In France, the bosses negotiate with the government, then the workers go on strike, and then they start negotiating. I know people living here who avoid flying by Air France at any cost...
Well, whatever the reasons, the French will step on the lawn. My mom says they probably elected Sarkozy so they can have a revolution... they haven't had any for so long...
It's always the same: ignorance produces fear, and fear produces conservativism.
I bought the book "The Age of Anxiety" two years ago. I still haven't read it...
Mike Fox said: I am schizophrenic and I frequently use it as a part of my methodology. It really does help make obscure connections that a rational person would not make. The trick is, after these connections are made, to get back on my medication and separate the wheat from the chaff. Most of it is chaff.
We used to perform experiments with a bong and a tape recorder in college, and with similar results. I wonder if Beck makes more sense after 4:20.
Some of us are unfortunate enough to be coprophiliacs, but it takes a special kind of coprophiliac to BOAST ABOUT IT IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
Hey #14, was #15 one of your recordings?
"Hey #14, was #15 one of your recordings?"
Ack! what happened? As pertains to what is now #18 (my earlier post) make the relevant numbers #15 and #16. Or just Deep #6 it. Whatever.
Yes, remember it was CNN that fired Aaron Brown and hired Glenn Beck.
I wrote something about Glenn Beck's craziness waaaaay back on April 21, 2004:
Whew. I've read (most) of the bible. Where the hell does this stuff come from?
Well, almost...
As if we'd bother.
I am in Paris right now, with the Seine in front of the window.
Incidentally, France managed to raise its birth rate to 2.1 children per woman -- by the use of the occult, ungodly practices of *horror* socialism.
In Austria, the Austrian Association of Unions and the Economy Association etc. sit together and negotiate the wages for the next year. That's called the paragovernment. Average strike duration per year: a couple of seconds. Seems to be similar in Germany (keyword: Metaller), though less extreme.
In France, the bosses negotiate with the government, then the workers go on strike, and then they start negotiating. I know people living here who avoid flying by Air France at any cost...
Well, whatever the reasons, the French will step on the lawn. My mom says they probably elected Sarkozy so they can have a revolution... they haven't had any for so long...
It's always the same: ignorance produces fear, and fear produces conservativism.
I bought the book "The Age of Anxiety" two years ago. I still haven't read it...