A strong voice goes quiet

Sad news for us all: Steve Gilliard has died.

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One of the very first bloggers I have ever read, and always one of the best, Steve Gilliard has died. He was exactly the same age as me. His powerful voice will be greatly missed. The last few months of the blog (as of the move to a new domain) appear not to be accessible, but you can check the…
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It is sad news indeed. What did he die of? I knew he was seriously sick for a while.

Very sad news. My condolences.

We knew things were bad when the family requested a cessation of posting on Steve's condition, but this exceeds all my worst expectations. It didn't occur to me that a man that young would not recover and return to work. Sad, sad, sad news. I'll miss his sharp, brave voice.

Why do I only hear about most good people when they die?

Agreed, Baratos. I'd like to read his writings, but it seems that his blog is no longer up.

By Mike Saelim (not verified) on 02 Jun 2007 #permalink

That is very sad news to hear. I had really hoped he'd recover, but he definitely had an uphill fight. I'm sorry he wasn't able to come back from it.

His writings will definitely be available. The Daily Kos is probably a good place for updates.

God bless him and his family. (It's OK to say this.)

Very sad. Thanks Steve for all teh great, and spot on, writing.

And becuse he would of loved seeing NYs second-rate team falter like they are this season - Fuck the fucking Yankees!

Steve Gilliard's old blog, stevegilliard.blogspot.com, is still up and running. You can read his old(er) posts there. No one knew military history like Steve. I will so miss him.

Oh no. I loved that guy's blog. Really saddened.

What was the cause?

"What was the cause?"

You are advised to go to the News Blog archives for better details, but as far as I can tell, it was a combination of heart valve trouble, kidney problems, a stroke during heart surgery, and an infection or three related to the former.

The News Blog was always one of my first stops on my daily surf; Steve's intelligence, incisiveness, and wit will be terribly missed by many, myself emphatically included.

By Captain C (not verified) on 04 Jun 2007 #permalink