The passing of a giant in his field


To be honest, I hadn't been following his career in years, but it's still sad to see that Pac Man has died. I am pleased to learn that at least he has left his body to science.


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So, what sexually dimorphic bone structure indicates this is "Mr." Pac-Man rather than "Ms." Pac-Man?

Or could the rumors of transvestism be true?

I saw something about this a few days ago, but I thought it was a fossil, not the skeleton of the celebrity. I mean, if nothing else, it looks a little big, and we all know there's been increasing selection pressure toward smaller body size among the male Paciandreae.

On the other hand, given the pronounced differentiation of the teeth, maybe it's a hoax.

First strong evidence of intelligent design.

Oh my. I wasn't especially close with him personally, but I did spend quite a bit of time with his beloved Ms. Pacman. And I was there when they met, and I witnessed their courtship. Yes, and I cannot forget that time when the stork brought in Jr.

I will have to send her my condolences.

Skull, one vertebra and sacrum/coccyx. With his head so close to his ass, it makes me wonder...

By natural cynic (not verified) on 16 Jun 2007 #permalink

"Amy, tend to the widow Pac-Man."

I wonder if that "Ghosthunters" show on sci-fi channel will do a memorial show dedicated to the memory of the original video ghost hunter? ghosts feel shadenfruede at the death of Pac Man, I wonder?

Will the model be available for Anatomy and Physiology classes. No extra holes behind the eye area? I knew Pac-man was an evolved mammal!


By Ken Mareld (not verified) on 16 Jun 2007 #permalink

Ms. Pacman has eyes.
Posted by: Louis

Actually, both Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man had eyes. It was only Pac-Man's avatars that were eyeless.

Actually, both Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man had eyes. It was only Pac-Man's avatars that were eyeless.

i think that depends on how far back you look.

the early CGA version of pacman did not have eyes, IIRC. later, as higher resolution versions evolved, eyes appeared.

now I don't think these were complex eyes, more like "eye spots".

even later, we see pupils and irises appearing.

Then the remains are clearly from the Carter era. Someone needs to excavate Reagan era, Bush I era and Clinton era rock to find some transitional Pac-Man fossils, lest his eyes be called irreducibly complex.


otherwise we'll end up with some nutter putting together a hackneyed museum where the CGA version of Pac-Man is seen cavorting with ultra-high-res versions of Donkey Kong!!!

Pacman didn't have teeth! This is a hoax by macro-evilutionists so they can use it (alongside Piltdown Man) to show that Jesus came from a monkey, thus justifying abortion and other social ills.

Besides that, you've all missed the point. Prior to the tragic introduction of vector graphics in the virtual world, there was no shedding of neither blood nor ectoplasma on the screen. Thus, Pacman didn't eat ghosts. Those white dots on the screen are slabs of are vegetabilic lard, nothing else - beneficially and purposefully supplied by the Game Designer.

Pacman didn't have teeth! This is a hoax by macro-evilutionists so they can use it (alongside Piltdown Man) to show that Jesus came from a monkey, thus justifying abortion and other social ills.

You're right! How is it that those teeth are rendered in such detail in Pac-Man remains that don't have eyes? It's the Pac-Down Man Hoax! The Darwinists have no shame!

I think we've all missed something here that CLEARLY demonstrates thus as a forgery. We all know that, upon death, Pac-Man curled up, shrank, and winked out of existence to the tune of that "weowowowowoo" noise. He left no mortal remains. Therefore, QED, this is a fraud! SCANDAL!!

Re: jared
I agree - obviously a fraud! SFAIR pac-man never lasted long enough to mate - this evilution nonsense is obviouly a darwinian lie - god made each and evey pac-man in his own image as a message to all of us of his bountiful and unchanging nature.


Correction: It's "weowowowowoo...brink-brink!" And Pac-Man is no mere mortal - popping another quarter guarantees instant resurrection.

Hmm, no legs. It appears that Pac-Man can only move by sliding around on his butt or his scrotum.

The latter sounds especially painful.

Response that I've found interesting to analyze:
I immediately feel disgust every time I see this silly photo. The ole' face muscles try to go into snarl mode & there's a literal sick-feeling in the abdomen. Immediate extreme fight-or-flight rxn.

Long-time Pharyngula reader, crusty veteran biologist, yet cannot recall any image eliciting such a visceral, unpleasant response as this one does.

So, just curious: anyone else's body reacting so forcefully to this picture?

No extra holes behind the eye area? I knew Pac-man was an evolved mammal!

There is an eye socket, and it's continuous with the temporal fenestra. You can see the corner where they meet. It follows that Pacman is a mammalimorph, if not outright a mammal, as its human teeth suggest anyway.

The human teeth are an exceptional lack of imagination. They ruin the whole impression for me.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 17 Jun 2007 #permalink

Are we certain that this is actually the skeleton of a pac-man? It has considerable similarities to the protagonist from "The Missing Piece", which did have many pac-manian features, but consumed wedges instead of dots.

Ms. Pacman has eyes.

Not to mention - legs that won't quit!

Hey... she's on the market now, isn't she?


She's "alone in the game room" and "very, very hungry" - need I say more, nudge-nudge, wink-wink?

By Evil Otto (not verified) on 18 Jun 2007 #permalink

No extra holes behind the eye area? I knew Pac-man was an evolved mammal!

There is an eye socket, and it's continuous with the temporal fenestra. You can see the corner where they meet. It follows that Pacman is a mammalimorph, if not outright a mammal, as its human teeth suggest anyway.

The human teeth are an exceptional lack of imagination. They ruin the whole impression for me.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 17 Jun 2007 #permalink