We movie stars are used to the resentment of the little invertebrates.
(It desperately needs some correction, though — he ought to refer to himself as "a body-regenerating echinoderm", singular, rather than using the name of the group.)
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One could also be picky with the phrase "media is". Media is plural; singular is medium.
So, should we send this comic back to the "drawing board"?
No one ever said starfish were the mental giants of the intertidal zone. I'm too impressed that it can manage English without a tongue, lips, or larynx to quibble about its knowledge of dead languages.
well they don't call you sphincter boy for nothing.
Clearly, bloggers need to take over science cartooning.
One could also be picky with the phrase "media is". Media is plural; singular is medium.
That is so true. I have this ongoing bone to pick re. the use of the word "media" in connection with tissue culture. Maybe someone in this learned crowd can enlighten me ? Is it correct to use the singular term as in "we culture our HeLa cells in this media". It just sounds awful and wrong, but just about everyone uses it thusly.
It is one of my favorite past-times when reviewing a manuscript to make a well
"This medium" is both prettier and correcter.
Well, I dunno... Patrick Star is quite a celebrity.
With media again, if it said "these media", perhaps that would be okay. I don't do biology, so I don't know if there is more than one medium used in a culturing dish.
So, possibilities:
"this medium"
"these media"
not "this media".
Oh, and someone says "corrector" again, they are only asking for a world of grammatical hurt.
(This has to be the worst threat ever.)
Gilgamesh is The Corrector!
No one yet has mentioned the use of 'data is?'
Grammar Nazism taken to the next level.
From the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed.:
You wrote
Please tell me you were kidding. Better yet, please tell the others. A comment with nothing more than a simple smiley face would do the trick (maybe winking).
", singular, rather than using the name of the group"
And if you want to be that fussy starfish don't have eyes.
It is using the royal "echinodermata".
We movie stars are used to the resentment of the little invertebrates.
I dunno, they may just be more realistic about the quality of the movies that are coming out these days. Take for example the new Chipmunks movie. It has a trailer that includes one chipmunk putting the poop of another chipmunk in his mouth. I'm going to assume that they are warning us about the quality of that one in advance. There are others but that would make this post way too long!
And if you want to get really really fussy, star fish don't talk, there are probably leash laws wherever those dogs are, and that body of water appears to have a massive oil spill. I'm not sure !?! is correct punctuation, the G in "ARG" could easily be misread as a 6, and the m- and n-dashes are of inconsistent lengths. The dogs have ill-defined hind legs and could be mistaken for seals. It was probably printed on unrecycled newsprint, and originally drawn in a politically-incorrect era. But otherwise -- haha!
One of the animals has ill-defined legs and has been mistaken as a dog. Mooch is a cat.
I usually manage to control my pique over grammatical errors. However, as a member of the RCMP*, I couldn't let that go.
Royal Comic Monitoring Police.
Peter Griffin: (While videotaping a bag blowing a wind) Look! It's dancing with me! It's like there's this incredibly benevolent force that wants me to know there's no reason to be afraid. Sometimes, there's so much beauty in the world, it makes my heart burst.
God: (Angrily) It's just some trash blowing in the wind! Do you have any idea how complicated your circulatory system is?