It's time for a brand new Tangled Bank at the Behavioral Ecology blog. It's got man-boobs, screwworms, and kumatos, so you don't want to miss it.
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Hey everyone, and welcome to the 96th Tangled Bank blog carnival! This is where you can toadally catch up with the best recent blog writing on the life sciences.
Grrlscientist at Living the Scientific Life explains why bright blue tits make better mothers.
Tangled Up In Blue Guy gives…
A brand, spankin' new Tangled Bank has been posted over at fellow ScienceBlogger Tara's Aetiology. It's more science bloggy goodness than you can absorb in one day.
And while we're on the topic of blog carnivals, don't forget that the latest Skeptics' Circle will be appearing at Geek Counterpoint…
Comprehensive review of the state of affairs at New Scientist. Surprisingly, the biological mechanism and the reason (or lack of it) for this is still not well known. My last conversation about this was about 12 years ago with a medical student friend of mine in college who obsessed over female…
It's Friday! I have no classes today, so this is the day where I desperately struggle to catch up with the backlog; it also happens to be the day we're hosting a party at our house (you're invited: 5:30, my place, across the street from the university; everyone who is anyone will be there). If you…
Usually your tangled bank threads are also open, so I'm posting this mild snark here: in the scienceblogs competition, the major prize is a trip to a science city, but only one in the UK and 2 in the US are listed. SF and Boston may be fabulous places (I've only been to SF), and I lived in Cambridge in the UK (I was at the LMB, which is a wonderful place), but your govt is making it so unfriendly and difficult to visit your country for those of us abroad, I'm sure I'm not the only one that would prefer a coffee mug to the anal probing required of foreign visitors to get behind your iron curtain. I think the mug should be first prize. Second would be a trip to the US. Third prize would be 2 trips to the US.
Yeah, I know. It's depressing. The Bush administration has screwed this country over in more ways than one: we've become the ugly nation with the corrupt government that no one wants to visit.
There are days when I look wistfully at jobs in Australia, New Zealand, and Britain...maybe when I retire.
No, who can resist man-boobs? *shiver*