We're sorry, Oregon

Tikistitch reports that certain billboards are popping up in Oregon — yeah, the same signs our crazy billboard lady has been putting up around Minnesota. Try reading her forum — the stupid will burn, and you will wonder how anyone that ignorant is getting her message spread across the country.

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OMFG, that forum is absolute nonsense and the posters are scientifically illiterate. I just lost my appetite for lunch, which is good, since I need to lose a few pounds.

Reginald from you link:
"Their upkeep costs about euro4,800 (US$6,800) a month. Donors have offered to help, but there's a catch: Under Austrian law, only a person can receive personal gifts."

He sleeps on slik sheets, eats caviar an has a personal turor?

"you will wonder how anyone that ignorant is getting her message spread across the country."

She has plenty of company. No wonder about it.

Isn't free speech a pain in the ass?

Well, when the atheshits get power, they can shut down all that crap.

I think I may be most offended by the badness of the man-monkey morphing. It looks like her 12-year-old with photoshop did it. Well, not even photoshop, maybe just paint.

The stupid thing about this is that the morph they've done only goes to show how plausible it is that humans evolved from a chimpanzee-like ancestor!

And I find it a bit wierd that they are presenting this fact as some sort of affront to humanity - as if their own personal taste has any bearing whatsoever onthe way nature works. What sane person genuinely thinks like that?

By Rudi Tapper (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink

Ugh!! I saw those hideous things as my friends and I were driving down to Canyonville this past June for a bellydance competition (yes, more than one bellydancer reads this blog *^-^* ). Photos don't do them justice, they're actually much more ugly in real life.


By Watt de Fawke (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink

This woman's forum, such as it is, has a hilarious sticky at the top:

The message board cannot be left unmonitored as I frequently have had to delete inappropriate postings, even though we have a filter. They are almost always exclusively from evolutionists, but I know none of you would approve of them either.

I reserve the right to suspend postings if I so choose, and you have the right to participate when the board is active.

[i]Thank you for the robust debate![/u]

Why is it creationists think that a debate consists of censoring dissentig posts that contradict their unsupported assertions? To quote the Pythons:
Man: Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of any statement the other person makes.

(short pause)

Mr Vibrating: No it isn't

Isn't free speech a pain in the ass?

From the people who brought you capital punishment for blasphemy, folks. Aren't they great? Let's give 'em all a hand.

Levy, when you pull your head out of your ass, here's a little something to read, brought to you by True Christians™ at the Discovery Institute.

Once you've gone through that, feel free to lecture us all you want, thou hypocrite.

Isn't free speech a pain in the ass?

Well, when the atheshits get power, they can shut down all that crap.

Sigh. You're a one trick pony legion. And a dumb one at that.

Why on earth would anyone want to silence that crap? It's a prime example to point to of what uneducated morons have to say about science. You'd be right at home there legion. Good to see you back and posting here and else ware today.

Levy said:

"Isn't free speech a pain in the ass?

Well, when the atheshits get power, they can shut down all that crap."

Brilliant point. You poor, oppressed religious people have really suffered the iron fist of atheism for too long, and it's high time that the willfully ignorant have their say on the national stage! I'm sure the christian underground will someday topple the current atheist regime and establish a utopian paradise somehow based solely on magic sky man worship. In the meantime, keep fighting the good fight. I'm sure that all of the talk on this blog about eliminating free speech really gets on your nerves. (that was a joke, which I feel obligated to point out due to your propensity to believe things that are spurious)

Also, excellent jab at atheists using the often underused "insert derogatory term into opponents label" technique. I see what you've done there, instead of saying "you atheists are shits because you're atheists", you've combined them into a single term! A true master stroke of wit sir, nobody in history has ever produced such a crushing blow against the atheist position. Now, if you please, go bother someone else. Perhaps there are some "LIEberal" or "DemoCRAP" forums that you can troll. Cheers.


"Isn't free speech a pain in the ass?"

No it isn't. Liars and stupid people are, though. Like Levy.

Well, when the atheshits get power, they can shut down all that crap.

Atheshits! Truly, sir, your insults are peerless, and show a sophistication quite beyond the kindergarten education you may have received. I am duly impressed, especially with your ability to extend the insult by using 'crap' at the end of the sentence.

Some people might suggest that the prodigious brainpower obviously expended to create this witticism might be better spent on things like "acquiring a first grade understanding of the term 'free speech'", but I would not wish you to tax your mind so. Instead, I feel you should perhaps take a well-deserved rest from posting, lest the gray matter upstairs overheat.

*sigh* You know you guys are just repressing poor Levy will all your big words.

Hey c'mon guys! Don't scare Levy off so quickly -- I need someone to point and laugh at today!

OK, Rey Fox, this crap crosses the state line you and I have our work cut out for us . . .

Actually, I'm a little surprised it hasn't shown up yet. ID isn't much of a hot topic in Idaho. Maybe they figure everyone here already agrees with them.

I am sorry but this is NOT the the most stupid billboard I have seen. About fifteen years ago ther were a few billboards in Chicago that stated; "The Virgin Mary Speaks To America." There was a number one call call.

All I could think was, wow, this changes my knowledge of history. Did people in the Middle East know of the existance of North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica? Did anyone record what The Blessed Mother have to say? Did they have tape recorders two thousand years ago? (How else could they have a tape of Mary speaking?) Or did anyone travel back in time to interview Mary for her thoughts about America?

Let's just say that the sheer stupidity of the billboard struck me dumb. All I could do was stare at this thing for a few moments while all possible ways that this could be true passed through my mind. Never did find out what group placed these things. This was before wide spread internet and I did not want to know.

Oh, as for Levy. No one here said it should be banned, just that it was stupid and a waste of money. I think you are bothered that you cannot ban the likes of us. Isn't free speech a pain in the ass? Only for the like of you.

As for me, I like it when people like you post. You provides me with a few good laughs. "Atheshits"! Pure comedic gold. How long and hard did you have to think to come up with that?

Wait! Is there a Monkeywrench Gang in Oregon?

Paging George Washington Hayduke!
Paging George Washington Hayduke!
There is a job for you!

"Atheshits"! Pure comedic gold. How long and hard did you have to think to come up with that?

Just wait until it pulls out its other favorite one.


The brain power involved with legion's quips is astonishing.

Billboard's been up annoying me since at least last spring.

I still don't understand how you get a TAX DEDUCTION for spreading teh stoopid. *gah*

*sigh* You know you guys are just repressing poor Levy will all your big words.

Well, y'know, once the Revolutionary Atheist Council achieves power in the coming coup (y'all have got yer orders, right? I mean, we're getting down to the wire, here, people), we do actually have a plan to dog said poster with teams of Men In Black, who will systematically expunge every comment he ever makes from the public record. They'll be empowered to delete stuff from blogs, mess with the memories of anyone he speaks to, and so on... Standard stuff, now, y'know... Good thing we got that whole Memory Eraser thing working, a year or so back... Made the whole enterprise so much more practical.

Anyway, in case you're wondering, no, it's not actually about thought control, nor really about censorship. We'll let other creobots do their standard ranting. Dembski will even be given a one hour slot on daytime cable (working title is currently 'Irretrievably Dense Hour'; anything for entertainment, really)...

No, the Men In Black/censorship thing is more an experiment. We want to know whether a raging persecution complex can actually reach critical mass. And what happens when it does.

The pool's up on the board, north entrance of our Eeevil Atheist Conspiracy headquarters (the one in the volcano, natch), should anyone else wish to put up a few bucks on this...

Me, my money's on spontaneous human combustion.

Chimpy, are you saying that Levy is everybody's favorite troll? I have not seen his dropping left anywhere in a couple of weeks.

Chimpy, are you saying that Levy is everybody's favorite troll? I have not seen his dropping left anywhere in a couple of weeks.

I do believe so. It peeked in at my place as well.

Levy the Master Wordsmith, everyone! Give it up! Big round of applause for today's entertainment!

Be sure to tip the wait staff.

ever notice how often the "i didn't come from no monkey" crowd resorts to flinging (verbal) poo?

i just adore irony =)

Whut whoa! Looks like somebody retracted their post -- just when when he was starting to throw his best material too . . .

Interesting. Ya know, I haven't seen those "We need to talk...God" Billboards. I wonder how well they did???

Maybe someone should have one made that says "C'mon down and lets party...Satan"

By firemancarl (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink

Interesting. Ya know, I haven't seen those "We need to talk...God" Billboards. I wonder how well they did???

They're still around. I've seen them here in SC recently.

Whut whoa! Looks like somebody retracted their post -- just when when he was starting to throw his best material too . . .

What post? There was no such post.

Levy left a comment in response to the Rev's #23. Don't know what happened, but its not there now.

Tikistitch (#24) wrote: I still don't understand how you get a TAX DEDUCTION for spreading teh stoopid.

Because they meet the tax code definition of a charity. Most religious groups are legally incorporated as non-profit entities. Government can't get involved in judging the validity of the beliefs of these groups, that would violate the establishment clause of the first amendment to the US Constitution.


There's a billboard exactly like that down here in Georgia too, on 316 between Athens and Atlanta. I didn't really pay it much notice, however, since it's far from the worst religious billboard down here in the Bible-Belt. I am surprised to hear that it originated from my (proud to call it) home state of Minnesota, that bastion of rational and liberal thought between the coasts...

By Leukocyte (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink

Ruh roh...

Well, at least they don't seem to have made it as far north west as Portland/Beaverton/Hillsboro (at least, I haven't seen one on any of the major highways that I frequent). I'll be sure to report back if I see one. Somehow, I'm thinking that around here people will mostly just point and laugh, though.

By Brain Hertz (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink

(So sorry for putting this in the wrong place before. . .)

OK, I guess I'm attracted to burning stupid like a moth to a flame. I had to visit the forum, but I didn't need to see much after reading this gem by "John":

Now here is where it gets interesting. The only change possible under Darwinian theory, is by DNA mutations caused primarily by background radiation in the atmosphere. And yes, it is true that radiations causes mutations by knocking off parts of the DNA structure. It is also true that most of these mutations are either negative, or neutral. Very few are beneficial, and those that are positive are caused by destroying part of the delicate DNA structure.

Apparently, John learned all his science from comic books. All he needed to know he learned from Dr. Bruce Banner!

This sign is in Southern Oregon. The only people unlucky enough to be in Southern Oregon are either on their way to/from California/Vegas, or live there for the express purpose of owning a restaurant/gas station/motel to service people on their way to/from California/Vegas. For those poor local folks hell would probably feel like an upgrade so why bother with the dogma? Sundays are better spent watching sports.

What are the odds that even one person wrote down the URL so they could visit it once they got to/from California/Vegas? Mobile phones don't get any signal down there last time I went, so forget visiting the website on a cell.

Advertising on billboards is expensive; it's odd that they'd waste their hard earned tax-free money on them.

At least it was in southern Oregon. I've seen some crazy religious people in Portland, where I live, but they all seemed to be legitimately crazy, not just whackjob fundies.

At least we don't have this billboard in Oregon. It updates fairly regularly as anyone who drives I-5 through Washington very often knows, but my favorite of all time was when it read:
"The Evergreen State College Home of Environmental Terrorists and Homos"

You can buy a postcard with a photo of that in the Evergreen bookstore.

"The only people unlucky enough to be in Southern Oregon are either on their way to/from California/Vegas, or live there for the express purpose of owning a restaurant/gas station/motel to service people on their way to/from California/Vegas."

Or they could be going to raft the Rogue River. Or take in the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland. Or just looking at the mountains. I've never actually been to So-Or, but it seems like a decent place. Compared to, say, the Magic Valley in Idaho.


What's the difference between God and the Lone Ranger?

there's a T- shirt floating around with a picture of a chimp on it that says "95% Human"

im getting mine

By brightmoon (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink

At least we don't have this billboard in Oregon. It updates fairly regularly as anyone who drives I-5 through Washington very often knows

Yes, we just drove by Uncle Sam, a/k/a Washington's Own Embarassing Crackpot Billboard! Actually, Sam seems to have lost some of his zest. The text read, approximately, "In the presidential election, can we just vote 'No?'" Guess there's nobody running this year KRAZEE enough for Unc Sam! I bet he can't wait for President Hillary Clinton, so he can recommence Wingnuttia.

I know that billboard! It was a major landmark back when we'd travel between Eugene and Seattle much more often. I agree that it's gotten pretty tepid in years since -- it used to be a major trumpeter of John Birch Society talking points.

The fact that its a religious billboard sucks. But in my opinion, what sucks even worse is that its a NEW billboard. We used to have a great law that restricted the total number of advertising eye sores. (Oregon is in the bottom 4 states with the fewest billboards) Just recently, we lost it. No I'm told to expect more popping up. Bleh, I just hope McDowells and Lunarbucks buys 'em before the fundies.

By Bart Mitchell (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink

It has been a while since I have meandered south from Eugene, but I do recall seeing two of the Chimp boards down around Roseburg and Grants Pass. My guess is the location is chosen to 'preach to the choir', which means a few locals will chip in a few bucks to the cause in that neighborhood.

As far as bashing the outlying semi-'red' regions of Oregon, this is a long tradition in the state, and those of us who happened to have been born and raised outside the Willamette Valley find it a bit annoying. We manage to attend school and graduated from universities just like people from Portland. Even in Idaho and Utah a significant minority of citizens voted against GWB, and southern and eastern Oregon ain't half as right wing as Idaho (been there, done that). Being rural is not the same as being stupid, nor ignorant, nor necessarily religious. I've met several fine denouncers of religion east of the Cascades.

And yes, the sign guy near Longview, WA has lost his vigor.

By Desert Donkey (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink

I live in a small town on the Oregon Coast. Our local volunteer youth and family program is sponsoring an 11 session (2 hours/session) Biology program for homeschoolers at middle school and above level. The program is $20/student ($10 for each additional student from the same family). So far only 2 kids have signed up (the program starts tomorrow). The problem might be the tuition cost so the director of the program is doing some calling tonight to let parents know that "scholarships" are available and their kids can attend free. My husband and I will hopefully soon be writing a check (tax deductible).

Let's see which approach is most effective: Billboards-from-bimbos or access to education.

I'm always amazed at the billboards that state "Embryos...are just little babies!". So working with that same logic I guess I could say "Octogenarians...are just old babies!". Hey! Maybe that could be the billboards they put up next to fight euthanasia. Makes as much sense.

Sorry, should have read "Octogenariens...are just big babies".

Levy belched,

"Isn't free speech a pain in the ass?

Yes, but the stupid it burns, it burns, it burns.

Well, when the atheshits get power, they can shut down all that crap.

No, and we can't cure stupid either so you're shit-out-of-luck I'm afraid.

I sort of like the "Atheishits" term. 'A' meaning 'not', "theishits" mean people who believe in a personal god and are shits about it.

By Robert Thille (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink


The problem might be the tuition cost so the director of the program is doing some calling tonight to let parents know that "scholarships" are available and their kids can attend free. My husband and I will hopefully soon be writing a check (tax deductible).

I too would be happy to sponsor a couple of kids, and I wont even worry about the taxes ...


By Desert Donkey (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink

How's this for opposing billboard:

Christianity in a Nutshell:

A cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father and could magically walk on water wants you to telepathically acknowledge him as your master so that he can remove an evil force from your soul that was put there when a talking snake convinced a rib-woman to eat the fruit of a magical tree.
What's so hard to believe?