Must learn to write faster…

I was sitting down this evening to write up this nifty new paper from the Carroll lab, when I noticed that Carl Zimmer beat me to it. Dang. There are all these other bloggers around here, and it's hard to keep on top of all of them, all at once.

Go read it anyway. It's good stuff, all about the importance of regulatory changes in evolution.


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Science coverage in New York Times is good because they can afford a whole stable of people, each expert in one field only. If Carl Zimmer was forced to cover, on a daily basis and without time to research, everything from astronomy and physics to archaeology and materials science, he would do a…
Don't miss it! Tonight at 8pmET/7pm Central, NOVA is showing What Darwin Never Knew, a documentary about evo-devo. I shall be glued to my TV tonight! I just started watching it. So far, it's a nice little history of Darwin and his ideas; Sean Carroll is a good person to have talking up the story…
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Carroll also has an exchange with Behe in today's Science.

I was expecting a Saccharomyces cerevisiae themesong

I've been waiting to use this line-
BEHOLD! The Awesome Power of Yeast Genetics!!!

Carroll is coming to give a lecture nearby me soon, huzzah!

You've got eight arms and you're complaining you can't type fast enough? Cthulhu will definitely not be eating you first for being so ungrateful!

By Peter Barber (not verified) on 12 Oct 2007 #permalink

PZ, if you got any faster you'd become superluminal and we wouldn't be able catch up to you! Alas, there are only so many microseconds in a day.

By Arnosium Upinarum (not verified) on 14 Oct 2007 #permalink