Celebrity endorsement acknowledged by Creation Science Evangelism

How can you not believe in creationism when such famous authorities in biology and human anatomy accept it?

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Ahh, he accepted Jesus Christ. I wonder, then, why God sent those telepathic messages to Christopher Scarver. I suppose some celestial red tape was responsible for not cancelling that memo.

I bet he is playing golf with Jesus at this very moment.

Why, don't you think he'd prefer to have such an old friend over for dinner? ... With fava beans and a nice chianti?

I was frequently and reliably informed that JC liked such invitations.

Hey, you never know -- there may be a substantial population of potential christian converts who strongly identify with serial-killing, sexually perverse, cannibalistic psychopaths.

That interviewer is a dope. He actually asks Dahmer if medication his mother took while he was IN-UTERO might have contributed to him being a sick freak. What the hell does someone say to that?

Yes it's true, atheism and evolutionary theory drove Dalmer to, drug, sodomize, mutilate and eat young men. Just as pornography forced Ted Bundy to rape and kill all those young women.

I am an evolution "believing", porn watching, atheist and it's all I can do to stop raping, mutilating and eating everyone in sight long enough to type this message.

Gotta go! Now where'd I put that chain saw?

I used to enjoy a nice meal of longpork until I got a hold of a chronic smoker. Talk about kissing one being like "licking an ashtray." Try eating one. Now, if we could just get them to switch from tobacco to, say, mesquite.

Well, if that fucking twat Jehovah hadn't seeded the planet with all those fake fossils, then there'd be no life-cheapening theory of evolution, and thus Dahmer wouldn't have done the wicked, bad, evil things that the theory of evolution leads to.

So who's the real cannibalistic necrophiliac sodomite here?

Besides, all those young men were probably asking for it, what with their tight little derrieres not covered by layers of swaddling burka. I'll bet Dahmer was just as unable to control his baser urges as any Muslim.

If Dahmer had seen the creation science material at school (in an optional religion class, of course) - he would have possibly not turned into the monster that he did.

By Ross Nixon (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

Well, I'm convinced.

PZ wrote: "there may be a substantial population of potential christian converts who strongly identify with serial-killing, sexually perverse, cannibalistic psychopaths."

You're right actually: there is a precedent for converts who meet 3 of the 4 criteria (cannibalism excluded). I call them the Republican Congress.

Hey, you never know -- there may be a substantial population of potential christian converts who strongly identify with serial-killing, sexually perverse, cannibalistic psychopaths.

Well, no wonder. Their own God is one:
serial-killing--2 1/4 million
sexually perverse--only likes virgins
cannibalistic--loves the smell of charred flesh
psychopaths-depravely indifferent to human suffering, when not actively causing it.

Sounds to me that going to a meeting of atheists would be very dangerous, what with all the lack of control and our desire to do unto others, what ever we want. Then again there might be orgies so........ Dunno,I can't decide. Be eaten by atheists or have sex with them? Wait, I guess I could eat one. But they don't look so tasty. Golly, what dilemma.

Hmmm. Dahmer says evolution is the source of his evil, whereas Ted Bundy blamed his 38 murders on pornography. Personally, the David Berkowitz "Talking Dog Hypothesis" seems to have better support.

By Master Mahan (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

"Racism, communism, nazism and anarchy are all effects of this dangerous theory."

How can racism, communism, and nazism all be effects of evolutionary theory? Communism and nazism in particular have radically different notions of of the role social and biological forces. Though I suppose it is no surprise that this writer would not have any better grasp of economics, history, or politics than he does of science.

"How can racism, communism, and nazism all be effects of evolutionary theory? "

Because they're all BAD, dummy! Sheesh, you pointy-headed liberals and your overthinking...

Cute. It is really fun to observe that creationist have hit this new low. They can now add this to the list of "scientists" endorsing creationism and may be add his interview to "Expelled".

By mndarwinist (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

Well he did stop killing and eating people after he accepted creationism. But I bet you'll just credit that to some secular practice like locking him in prison.

By Patrick Quigley (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

Wow!! We satirists try our hardest to go over the top, and then something like this happens.

If Dahmer had seen the creation science material at school (in an optional religion class, of course) - he would have possibly not turned into the monster that he did.

Are you out of your fucking mind?

Just once, I would like to see one of these guys, who have nothing left to lose say something like "well, I am told that I drugged, raped, killed and ate all those boys because I am batshit crazy. But you know, I just don't see it. I mean come on, did you get a look at them?"

And for that matter, Jesus Christ, number one cannibalistic instigator of all time! Between "eat of my flesh" and "if you do this unto the least of your brethren, you have done it unto me" you get some *serious* permission...

By Chris Anderson (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

Such a shame that Kent Hovind will never get to share a cell with this particular creationist conversion success.

That may be the creepiest interview I've ever seen.

I'm not really up on the sort of perks available to a sociopath in the Wisconsin prison system with a snowball's chance of parole--is there any chance they'd be enhanced by a well-publicized declaration that he'd accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord & Saviour?

Not that I'm suggesting he's insincere or anything.

By Molly, NYC (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

Too bad Mr. Dahmer isn't around to eat his own words.

Ross Nixon:
I don't think there's any way to adequately address the idiocy that is behind your comment (#12).

Religion is not proof against psychopathy. (I'll leave the question of whether it exacerbates the condition to another day.) If you have not noticed that, in your general observations of the world, I suggest a pilgrimmage.

RickD, proof? Who mentioned proof? If you check my statement, I said "possibly". In other words it was an almost meaningless statement. Why the over-reaction?

By Ross Nixon (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

In other words it was an almost meaningless statement.

So why did you make it? I mean, I don't disagree that it was bullshit, so we're in agreement there.

"Like Dahmer, many today are being influenced by the cheapening of life promoted by the evolution theory."

Sooooo, its Darwin's fault that Dahmer raped, tortured, murdered, cannabilised and stored assorted body parts in his apartment. That is possibly the most unique defence I've come across in ten years of practising law. I'm presuming we can also blame (or thank, really) Darwin for influencing the guy who shivved Dahmer in jail.

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

Biologists/Evolutionists shouldn't take this one sitting down. The best defense is a good offense.

Do we have a Spokescannibal of our own that we can send out against him? Anybody?

The first words out of his mouth were "I feel it's wrong for people who commit crimes to try to shift the blame..." After that he shifted the blame. He also said that he had "left his parents home", although they had abandoned him. But really, moving from one delusional state to another is easy. It happens all the time where I work.

By Christ Davis (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

Sheesh, what's next?

"Buy this sports car; Hitler would have."

If Dahmer had seen the creation science material at school (in an optional religion class, of course) - he would have possibly not turned into the monster that he did.

I suppose it's possible...but isn't it much more likely that if the priests involved in the Inquisition had just been exposed to a little evolution in biology class they wouldn't have turned into the monsters that they were? Or that if Mohammed Atta had been touched by the noodly appendage of the FSM he possibly wouldn't have felt the need to run planes into buildings? Or that if Hitler had just followed the word of the holy prophet Zarquon he might not have been the monster he was? Etc, ad absurdum.

sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but isn't it one of them "AD HOM" thingies to dismiss a convicted sociopathic cannibal's opinion just because he's a coonvicted sociopathic cannibal?

i'm just sayin'

Skyotter: Nope.

This is a case of extremely bad marketing. You have to choose your spokesperson well. See my Hitler comment.

"Buy my liniment; Barry Bonds does!"

So let me get this right, Dahmer goes to heaven because he found a divine escape clause, but his victims are going to hell because they are unrepentant homosexuals? Those fundies have strange ideas about justice. Of course, the good news is that Dahmer will be saved the embarrassment of running into someone he ate.

Can we talk about this? I notice that at the bottom of the link, CSE says: "ALL MATERIAL (UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED) IS COPYRIGHT..."

Just a thought, given the problems the same outfit has tried to cause lately.

By Swiftsure (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

So, let me get this straight - evolution is retroactive? I guess it must be, since racism, mass-murder, etc., etc., existed for millenia before Darwin was even a twinkle in his mommy's eye. And I guess those Jesuit priests who tortured and fried all those "witches" and "heretics" in the Inquisition must have been closet Darwinists. Are these knuckledraggers trying to tell us that those Christians who oppressed, enslaved and killed all the tinted folks who were already here weren't really racist? What's their frigging definition of a racist, then? Unless the history I learned in the fifth grade was way off, all that happened quite a few years before ol' Chuck sailed off in the Beagle.

Hmmm. Dahmer turning to a religion in which you eat the body and drink the blood of the head of the church. Can't see what the appeal would be for him there.

I was only able to spend precious few seconds there before my Firefox install broke due to the level of stupidity. Any time a religion-freak starts telling you about the evils of secularism and evolution, look behind the curtain.

By BlueIndependent (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink


If you're looking for an atheist cannibal, I'm pretty sure Hannibal Lecter fits the bill. The downside is that he's fictional. But I bet he's way more popular than Dahmer, so he may be a good spokescannibal after all.

By kellbelle1020 (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

I think more celebrity endorsements for creationism are in order

Let us remember the wise words of Adolph Hitler, spoken in 1942.

'Woher nehmen wir das Recht zu glauben, der Mensch sei nicht von Uranfaengen das gewesen , was er heute ist? Der Blick in die Natur zeigt uns, dass im Bereich der Pflanzen und Tiere Veraenderungen und Weiterbildungen vorkommen. Aber nirgends zeigt sich innherhalb einer Gattung eine Entwicklung von der Weite des Sprungs, den der Mensch gemacht haben muesste, sollte er sich aus einem affenartigen Zustand zu dem, was er ist, fortgebildet haben.'

I shall translate Hitler's words, as recorded by the stenographer.

'From where do we get the right to believe that man was not from the very beginning what he is today.

A glance in Nature shows us , that changes and developments happen in the realm of plants and animals. But nowhere do we see inside a kind, a development of the size of the leap that Man must have made, if he supposedly has advanced from an ape-like condition to what he is' (now)

Of course, Hitler was EXPELLED (see the new movie by Ben Stein if you want more details of WW2)

By Steven Carr (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

So, before Darwin there were no murderers and thieves? This remembers me a joke of an american (don't know who). He said: "When I was a little boy, I prayed to god to give me a bicycle; when I grew up and found out how things work, I stole a bicycle and prayed for forgiveness"

Aside from the points that everyone has pointed out so far, I also noticed the mention of something called GodTube in the sites commentary. Now I'm almost sure this is old news, but good-god-damn those chistians can't help but make one of everthing for themselves so as to insulate them from the entire world. Even YouTube is apperently not over run enough with Jesus. Soon they'll start making their own christian Bed Bath and Beyond stores. Though I shudder to think of the uninspired name they'd come up with...

By Michael X (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

@Ross Nixon
Pssst! Ross! There's another meaning (several actually) to the word 'proof'. Here's a hint, think about the 'proof' in 'waterproof'...

By demallien (not verified) on 30 Oct 2007 #permalink

Of course, the good news is that Dahmer will be saved the embarrassment of running into someone he ate.

Reminds me of a short story, "Reginald at the Carlton", Saki (H. H. Munro):

"Isn't there a bishop or somebody who believes we shall meet all the animals we have known on earth in another world? How frightfully embarrassing to meet a whole shoal of whitebait you had last known at Prince's! I'm sure in my nervousness I should talk of nothing but lemons. Still, I daresay they would be quite as offended if one hadn't eaten them. I know if I were served up at a cannibal feast I should be dreadfully annoyed if anyone found fault with me for not being tender enough, or having been kept too long."

I think more celebrity endorsements for creationism are in order

Wow. I'm not terribly surprised, but I had no idea he had ever said such a thing in such clarity. Congratulations for finding that!

Your translation is very good.

BTW... Adolf. Germanic name ("ethel" + "wolf"), not Greek.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 30 Oct 2007 #permalink

I also noticed Dahmer's first words of: "I feel it's wrong for people who commit crimes to try to shift the blame..." And I agree wholeheartedly. But it also means I shouldn't allow another person to be accountable for my crimes... no matter who it is. Which is something that Christians allow themselves to do every time they say "Jesus died for your sins".

By severalspeciesof (not verified) on 30 Oct 2007 #permalink

And I guess those Jesuit priests who tortured and fried all those "witches" and "heretics" in the Inquisition must have been closet Darwinists.

Wasn't the Inquisition a happy fun time perpertrated by Dominicans and Franciscans?

Not that shifting the blame from Jesuits changes much...

By Jim in Chicago (not verified) on 30 Oct 2007 #permalink

I think more celebrity endorsements for creationism are in order

Wow. I'm not terribly surprised, but I had no idea he had ever said such a thing in such clarity. Congratulations for finding that!

Your translation is very good.

BTW... Adolf. Germanic name ("ethel" + "wolf"), not Greek.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 30 Oct 2007 #permalink