For exam question #3…

I'm giving my students a take-home exam tomorrow, and one of the questions references this paper:

Stoleru D, Peng Y, Agosta J, Rosbash M (2004) Coupled oscillators control morning and evening locomotor behaviour of Drosophila. Nature 431:862-868.

I'm just providing the link here to simplify finding the paper — if you aren't in my neuro class, you can ignore this.


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I can? Apparently with the repeated twice daily checks of your site, and RSS feed to my Google Page... I don't think I can. Adding the fact that I've now commented it seem remarkably impossible to ignore.

You may? Eh, sounds a bit like giving people permission.

Good luck on the test students.

Darn you PZ! I REALLY wanted to read that paper! (I don't subscribe, of course)

By Nic Nicholson (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

You're telling us to ignore this? I never did take well to being told not to do something. Yes, I'm the person who touches the "Don't Touch, Wet Paint" sign to check. There's always one in a crowd.

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

I study coupled oscillators. Maybe there'd be something interesting in there. Since you haven't given the exam yet, you can't really answer this question, but when you can answer: what's the exam question about?

The link goes through a UMM proxy server, I'm sorry to say, so unless you've got a university password or are accessing it directly from a campus IP address, you aren't going to get through.

If you've got Nature access, though, this one will work.

Can you post the exam question by any chance? I need something other than multivariate stats to think about...

Well just give us your password then PZ. I promise we'll all keep it confidential ;-)

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Did I just read that right? The same professor that was such a hard-ass about extra-credit just gave a take home exam?


Man, I loved take home exams!


Mayyyyyyyybe. In-class exams are pains due to how you have to remember everything and write within the time alotted. Take-homes are nicer on the can-look-things-up and lack-of-hand-cramp fronts, buuuuut... Profs can expect that you do more, and better. Evil profs expect a LOT more and a LOT better. :-(

Kids, don't listen to this guy, it's a trick question. Everybody in the field knows that the circadian rhythm of drosophila is controlled by the resonance of light with the outer wing tip. There's even evidence for this in the paper that the authors conveniently ignore.

Or maybe I just gave away the answer...oops.

"Resonance of light with the outer wing tip?" I think you're bluffing the poor impressionable students :) as I checked your blog and you seem otherwise mostly sane.

Or feel free to explain otherwise?

By Stephen Wells (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

We don' need no steenkeeng eegnorance....