NCSE has a wishlist?

I didn't know this until just now, but the National Center for Science Education has an Amazon Wish List. It's interesting to see what dark corners they're poking around in, so have a browse.

And of course, if anyone wanted to make a little contribution to that worthy organization, you could always click on "Add to Cart" and help them out by sending them a copy. These are resources they use to understand the opposition (and their own side) and to help make informed arguments … so give the gift of knowledge!

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Any idea if a gift of one of these books would be tax-deductible? Or would it just be better to increase the donations we give?

Is this actually from NCSE? Not just a prank to get them cdesign proponentists books?

By Chris Granade (not verified) on 29 Jan 2008 #permalink

The NCSE needs your support. I just received my annual membership premium from them - postage due.

By Reginald Selkirk (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

@ #2 & 3: The list is really for the NCSE archive and NCSE is a charitable organization. The books are shipped directly to the NCSE archivist. I'm including the books I sent to NCSE via their Amazon wish list as part of my 2007 charitable deductions!