That's some lineup

The speakers for The Amaz!ng Meeting 6 have been announced. Uh, wow. What am I going to do up there? I don't do card tricks, nor do I blow stuff up. I'm not going to be the most acerbic speaker in that crowd, either.

I also have to be worth some fraction of the $450 registration cost. The pressure is on!


More like this

I'm fed up. There have been 5.5 Amaz!ng Meetings with James Randi, and I haven't gone to a single one…yet. That's finally going to change, though, as I've been invited to speak at TAM6, in Las Vegas, on 19-22 June. Who else is going? Maybe a few of you will think about marking your calendars and…
I'm in Vegas, I'm at the Amaz!ng Meeting, I'm distracted by all the shiny flashy lights and all the strange people who want to talk to me, so you're all going to have to talk among yourselves for a while. Here are a few news items to prime the pump. Don't read this one until after breakfast. It's…
Holy crap, have you seen the line up for The Amaz!ng Meeting? Everyone is going to be there, except maybe the Chinese army and a forgotten marching band in Lithuania. How are they going to schedule this monster? How many people are they going to have attend…or are they all signed up to present…
Darn it all! I knew they'd find us out. I just knew it: Actually, I'm happy. Our diversion has worked. While the conspiracy loons will be protesting the lesser of two meetings, the real work in crushing conspiracies and ensuring our world domination will be some 600 miles away in Las Vegas at…

Oh, that's easy. Celebrity Death Match with Phil Plait!

Perhaps you need to wear some fruit on your head to really stand out. You know, kind of like Carmen Miranda?

Then again, Adam Savage would be looking to you for fashion tips and Hitchens would keep grabbing your lemons to put wedges in his drinks.

You're on your own, man. Good luck, and I wish I could be there.

Well, like my parents always told me, "It's never too late to start blowing things up."

By October Mermaid (not verified) on 05 Feb 2008 #permalink

Oh, and...

"and Hitchens would keep grabbing your lemons"

I almost choked on my soda when I read that part.

By October Mermaid (not verified) on 05 Feb 2008 #permalink

Hahaha, look who's talking. The dishonest dumbfuck who lied and stole the Research Blogging icon for his delirious Jesus propaganda institute. Brilliant!

Now, now Casey. Just because that's what YOU see in the mirror doesn't mean it's the same for everyone. Actually, I think it's the perfect "design" for you. No reproduction possible!

Someone is pretending to be Casey Luskin?

That takes some talent right there. I mean, it's one thing just to take the name, but it's a whole 'nother kettle of fish to actually be "Teh Burning Stoopid."

On a slightly more serious note - if you are really concerned you needn't be because I'm sure a majority of attendees,like me, are avid readers of Pharyngula.

Someone is pretending to be Casey Luskin?

What's wrong with that?

By Adolf Hitler (not verified) on 05 Feb 2008 #permalink

Speaking of Casey's testicles, I'd give his right one just to get to that meeting. What a line up!

Might I just add that's also the first time I've seen what the intial PZ stand for. Somehow spoils the mystery.

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 05 Feb 2008 #permalink

Don't worry, it's a typo. Everyone knows that PZ stands for Pretentious Zygote. Or was it Perpetual Zymurgist? I'll have to ask Mom.

Pulchritudinous Zoophile?

The George Hrab/Greydon Square doublebill alone is almost worth $450!

By False Prophet (not verified) on 05 Feb 2008 #permalink

OT, but West Virginia (18 delegates) has reported in:

Huckabee 52%
Romney 47%
McCaine 1%

Piscicultural Zealot?

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 05 Feb 2008 #permalink

Uh, wow. What am I going to do up there? I don't do card tricks, nor do I blow stuff up. I'm not going to be the most acerbic speaker in that crowd, either.

What's wrong with you? You are an atheist, aren't you? Do what we do best: eat a baby then destroy the fabric of American society.


I'm hoping me and hubby and make it out for TAM6. Gotta do the taxes first...

PZ = Pharynguloid Zombie.

OT, but West Virginia (18 delegates) has reported in:
Huckabee 52%
Romney 47%
McCaine 1%
Posted by: Kseniya | February 5, 2008 6:29 PM

The reason that happened was that Romney won the first ballot with 43% of the vote, thus moving it to a second ballot. Then McCain's people cut a deal with the Huckabee delegates to knock out Romney, throwing their support to Mr. The-Flintstones-was-a-Documentary. Totally legal, but I'm really disappointed - way to represent, West Virginia.

I also have to be worth some fraction of the $450 registration cost. The pressure is on!

C'mon. Randi, Penn & Teller, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, A Mythbuster AND famous blogger Phil Plait? With that line-up, you've got no pressure to make a large contribution. Just bring a bag of pennies and fling them at the audience and the faction of the $450 those guys don't account for is paid up.

Casey Luskin could do the same if he showed up.

Provided Casey first wrapped each penny in a Grover Cleveland to make amends to the audience for his 'contribution'.

By Mike from Ottawa (not verified) on 05 Feb 2008 #permalink

I'm a little bit concerned about what Banacheck/Banachek will be presenting--what the squid is "mneumonics"?

First I thought it conflicted with robogames 2008 -- but it doesn't! Do you know what day you are presenting?

I don't know if I'll ever make it to any of the Amaz!ng Meetings. It's bad enough being surrounded by all you smart people in the realm of an online blog, but literally being surrounded by them in real life? I'd feel out of place.

At least I can take comforting in knowing I have the biggest inferiority complex of anyone here! Well, unless Casey really does show up.

Wait, does it still count as a complex if you literally ARE inferior?

By October Mermaid (not verified) on 05 Feb 2008 #permalink

I attended the previous 2 TAMs and they are great. I'd love to meed PZ after reading the blog for sometime now after coming here through Phil's admission that "Biology is cool." Alas, changing careers and going back to college are not conduce in either the time or monetary arenas. Maybe some other time, hopefully!

Wow, did I ever hit the wrong button: That second to last sentence is simply atrocious. Sorry, guys and gals, but I think you get the point and I'll spare you the edit.

October Mermaid

I think you'll find Casey's complex is more along the lines of the "waaahhhh, mummma, the big bad nasty Darwin lovers are all picking on me" complex. Its probably in the DSM IV next to the entry on adults who like to dress up in diapers and get spanked.

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 05 Feb 2008 #permalink

The chance to see PZ and Phil share the same breathing space with the possibility of beating each other senseless was too good to pass up. TheOtherPuckishOne and I registered and booked last night for TAM6. And if I don't get a fierce, bloody battle royale, there will be HELL to pay!! ;)

By PuckishOne (not verified) on 06 Feb 2008 #permalink

what the squid is "mneumonics"?

It's a combination of pneumatics and hermeneutics. He's going to take a jackhammer to the Bible.

Isn't anybody desperately focused on the horrendous CO2 production from all the concerned scientists/skeptics flying to Las Vegas?

If we don't start to minimize our personal CO2 production right now, when will we?

Our commitment to both science and intelligent behavior, is on the line here.

Wouldn't it be so much better for the planet to exercise restraint on this critical issue?

There is no way out of confronting our own behavior on this dilemma.

If we don't put our love of science and its predictive power ahead of our personal titillations, who will?

Not long ago I confronted Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum with the same paradox concerning their flying trips to South Afica & Italy.
They flew off & pleaded carbon offsets for twenty dollars Merican.

These two professed scientists/environmentalists flying and titillating themselves produced more than TWENTY-FIVE TONS of CO2.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 06 Feb 2008 #permalink