Ken Ham's new book

Just when you think these guys can't get any more dishonest, here comes Darwin's Plantation: Evolution's Racist Roots. The tag line on the book is a quote from Ham: "Although racism did not begin with Darwinism, Darwin did more than any person to popularize it."

Wow. More than Martin Luther, who helped make anti-semitism a favorite German pastime? More than Nathan Bedford Forrest, who helped the Ku Klux Klan grow to half a million members? More than Hitler? More than our Supreme Court in the Dred Scott decision? More than Richard Butler, founder of the Aryan Nations? More than Lester Maddox and Strom Thurmond? More than King Leopold II of Belgium?

This Charles Darwin?

Remind me, once Ken Ham dies, that I have to start a campaign to remember him as the person most responsible for popularizing piglet-raping. Truth doesn't matter with Ham, so we can freely invent any crime we want and blame him for increasing its popularity. Anything goes, too — he's certainly willing to stoop to any vileness to defame those he dislikes, so he can't complain when he gets santorumed.

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I would be on the front lines opposing you if you were to ever do something like that to the memory of such a great man.

-Christian Warrior

By Anonymous (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

What, you mean a creationist is lying using long-discredited ideas

Say it isn't so

Santorumed or should it be Santorummed? Kinda messy both ways.

Maybe we need a definition to be matched up with that newest of words 'kenham'.

Also, why wait until he dies?

@ #1 Hmm, it's so hard to spot satire vs. fundy foolishness.

By JohnnieCanuck, FCD (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

So, creationist fundies are pig rapers now eh? Sheesh, I knew they hated science, but going so far as to rape pigs. Now they have gone to far! Stop piglet raping now!

By firemancarl (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

This puts the Expelled cretins squarely in bed with Ken Ham. I hope the DI enjoys the fact that there's not a whit of difference between the sleazy tactics of the "unscientific creationists" and the Godwin's violations and assorted lies and accusations of the "scientific IDists."

And they've both largely given up on trying to convince the world that there is evidence, other than by claiming that there are dumptruck loads, except that "thought police" like PZ and Dawkins are preventing it from getting out. Not that either one of these super-demons can do a thing about a pack of lies going to be shown in theaters, but they sure are good at preventing the IDists from revealing their knowledge when they are badgered constantly for it.

You have weird superpowers, PZ. Apparently you're perfectly capable of preventing stuff like evidence from getting out, but the kryptonite surrounding screeching propaganda is something against which you are powerless. I don't know if I can be your minion any more, now that I know of your limitations.

Glen D

He's not called 'The Hammer' for nothing.

Perhaps he should be called the Hamster instead of the Hammer.
But then that would be doing a terrible disservice to all small
furry, four-legged creatures.

By Adrian Burd (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Can Matthew Chapman sue Ham for libeling his great-great-grandfather?

Perhaps he should be called the Hamster instead of the Hammer.
But then that would be doing a terrible disservice to all small
furry, four-legged creatures.

What, and you think one of the most fundamental of construction tools deserves such defamation by association?

I suspect the constant complaint that "Darwinism leads to racism" doesn't really point to any deep and continuing concerns over racism. No, it only shows that creationists really do think that secular liberals are "in control" of the government and public schools, and this is an issue they think will appeal to the liberal mindset and mentality. "We'll beat them using their own rules, heheheh."

I'm surprised they aren't arguing that evolution "goes against" homosexuality, which according to the theory must be unnatural and wrong because it leaves no offspring.

Next up, Ken Ham on "Homo-phobia has its roots in Darwinian thinking." No on Evolution; Yes on Gay Marriage.

Oh, that would be fun...

...More than the blble?

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

What do you mean, invent crimes? I've known that Ken Ham was a pig rapist since I first day I heard of him. His last name says it all.

Let's make sure that history remembers Ken Ham as the vile sex offender he is!

Crap. More than the Bible.

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

We'll just call all his creationist followers Children of Ham and be done with it...

By Geoffrey Alexander (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Ham is just following Goebbel's strategy, lie big and lie often. Guy is a disgrace.
Ken Ham and his looney followers (all 3 of them), Falwell, Kennedy, Robertson, Dobson, have and will make far more secularists, atheists, and antiXians than Dawkins X 100.

When you present Xianity as the domain of stupid, uneducated, murderous, liars, who would want to be one?

There is definitely a backlash against these clowns. Dobsons organization is rumored to be losing members and money. Coral Ridge is in trouble. Huckabee the Dark Ages candidate only got 10-20% of the total dem + theocrat votes. Polls show it too. As you sow, so shall you reap. Idiots should read their own holy book sometime.

It's true about Ken Ham raping piglets.I got intel off a piglet (It squealed).

"Also, why wait until he dies?"

Simple -- it puts you in the clear, legally. You cannot be successfully sued for libeling the dead.

As you sow, so shall you reap

With all this talk of piglet-violating, I read this "As for a sow, so too shall it be raped."

(Snort) Nice pun on Ham's name PZ.

The beauty of accusing them of piglet rape is you can accuse anyone who defends Ham of being a closet piglet rapper.

@#13 Kevin L:

I've known that Ken Ham was a pig rapist since I first day I heard of him. His last name says it all.

And isn't his middle name "Roger?"

While we're on the puns, what good is pork if you can't pork it?

What Sastra said, but I also think the Creos are implicitly accusing rationalists of racism since Darwin was a racist (by contemporary standards), using the guilt by association principle.

By Bureaucratus Minimis (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Whenever Jesus got a taste of Ham, he'd spit it out and say, "phooey!" His present day disciples ought to do likewise.

You know -- information on the Internet has a nasty habit of being like pee in a pool -- once it disseminates, it's hard to tell where it started.

I bet if everyone started the "I heard Ken Ham .... " thing and just started spreading lies (or better yet -- inconvenient truths) about him... thing is, they gotta be believable. As funny as piglet-raping is, that just seems hyperbolic.

What about Ken Ham's brief stint of homosexuality when he was a child? Anyone know anything about that? Perhaps the story about how he was a biology student at an Australian university and was so frustrated with getting poor grades in his Organic Chemistry class that he dropped out and turned against science.

Heck, do it against AiG themselves. They've been talking false trash about us for so long, and we're just playing the defense, trying to detangle the knots of yarn they spew at us -- surely someone can start some grassroots anti-AiG propaganda. Playing fair doesn't always work with a bully.

The followers of the Great Zombie are the biggest enablers of the Followers of Mammon that I've ever seen. They should just title this stuff, _Why the People You Already Disagree with for Bad Reasons are Evil_. You know this can't be about winning an intellectual war: one cannot choose how the universe operates, and the models we construct to explain its operation are selected based upon efficacy, not some cult of personality. This effort is in the same ballpark of dumb as the Deutsche Physik movement.

Sorta, but only sorta, OT (for one thing, it links with my comments above). Here's good idiot Stein, asking his usual dull, oft-answered (but he has a tin ear), questions, telling the exact same lies that have proven so lame in the past. And, oh yes, it's from the same tabloid that ran Bethell's pig-ignorant piece, The American Spectator:

Just a few tiny, insignificant little questions.

* How did the universe start?

* Where did matter come from?

* Where did energy come from?

* Where did the laws of motion, thermodynamics, physics, chemistry, come from?

* Where did gravity come from?

* How did inorganic matter, that is, lifeless matter such as dirt and rocks, become living beings?

* Has anyone ever observed beyond doubt the evolution of a new mammalian or aviary species, as opposed to changes within a species?

These teeny weeny little questions are just some of the issues as to which Darwin and Darwinism have absolutely no verifiable answers. Hypotheses.

Yes. Guesses. Yes. Proof? None.

To my little pea brain, these are some pretty big issues about evolution, the origins of life, and genetics that Darwinism cannot answer. Now, to be fair, does anyone else have verifiable answers either? Not as far as I know.

But if there are no answers that can be reproduced in the laboratory, isn't any theory about them a hypothesis or a guess? Isn't any hypothesis worth thinking about? And aren't these immense questions?

Yet the state of Florida, the glorious Sunshine State, was (I am told), until recently, considering legislation that would make it illegal to allow teachers or students in public schools to discuss any hypothesis about origins of life or the universe except that it all happened by accident without any prime mover or first cause or designer -- allowing only, again, the hypothesis, which is considered Darwinian, that it all started by, well, by, something that Darwin never even mentioned.

That is, the state of Florida was considering mandating that only Darwinian-type suppositions can be allowed about scientific subjects that Darwin never studied. (This is not to mention that we know now that Darwin was wildly wrong about some subjects such as genetics, and, again, although he wrote about the evolution of species, never observed an entirely new species evolve.)

This was beyond Stalinism. Stalinism decreed that only Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin knew all the answers, but it did not say that subjects they never mentioned could only be studied if the student guessed at what they might have said. The proposed law in the state of Florida was an anti-knowledge, anti-freedom of inquiry law on a scale such as has rarely been encountered. Maybe in Pol Pot's Kampuchea there were such laws, but they have been unknown in the USA until now.

By an incredible miracle of good sense, at the last minute, the state of Florida changed the proposed regulations. They backed off powerfully saying that only Darwinism could possibly make sense and said they would allow discussion of differing theories about the origins of life. That's the current proposal as I write this on the afternoon of the 19th of February.

I suspect the now omitted proposals would have been unconstitutional in any event (although this always depends on the court you ask). Freedom of inquiry is part of freedom of speech. That is basic. That is what America is all about. Whatever the proposed -- now discarded -- regulations were, they have nothing to do with freedom, very little to do with science, and not even much to do with Darwin, who had a lot more respect for freedom of thought than his henchmen in Florida apparently do.

Of course he's still too dull, or prejudiced, to learn that "Darwinism" has absolutely no hypotheses or guesses regarding how the universe started, or where matter came from. He really treats evolutionary theory as if it were the pig-stupid nonsense that religion puts out, myths that are supposed to explain absolutely everything.

But at least he left out some of the whopping lies that he's told in the past (this seems to be attributed to him, but the punctuation is weird, perhaps indicating a paraphrase):

"The debate over evolution is confusing and to some, bewildering." Darwinism does not take into account DNA, microbiology, The Big Bang, Einstein's Theory of Relativity or the human genome.

If he did indeed say that, or something close to that, he really strikes me as even less informed than Ken Ham. Nevertheless, he matters more than does Ham, even though he sounds like he dropped out of middle school as far as his "science knowledge" is concerned.

Glen D

Simple -- it puts you in the clear, legally. You cannot be successfully sued for libeling the dead.

You can't be successfully sued for statements that any reasonable person would see as satirical either so we're perfectly free to call him a swine rapist now.

The piglets are small potatoes anyway. I have it on good authority that Ham kidnaps hobos and forces them to fight to the death in underground gambling dens.

Doesn't Ham know that people are tired of mudslinging and negative campaigning? Racist or not, I just hope Darwin can balance the damn budget.

Wait, what am I talking about?

the slur about darwin being racist is historically false, and should be repudiated as any historical falsehood.

at the same time, i also think it's worth making (reiterating) the point that even if darwin *had* been a racist, and a piglet-rapist to boot, this would not make a damn bit of difference to the scientific merit of his work.

this is something the creationist morons simply don't get, probably because they have never understood science at all.

science is not a form of religion.
neither is it a form of hero-worship.

the quality of a piece of scientific work does not depend on the moral qualities of the scientist.

if scientist x puts forward theory t, we do not take it on faith.
we do not swear fealty to it because x was a great guy.

instead, we investigate it, see what predictions it generates, what explaining it can do, how it helps us to understand things or not, and only on the basis of its success in those regards do we accept it or not.

what irritates me about the attacks on darwin is that our responses, just as much as the attacks, play into the anti-scientific view that what matters is building darwin up as a hero or tearing him down as a villain.

sorry, kids--that's not the way science works. people like ken ham only prove that they don't have the first idea what science is actually like.

maybe he could learn some if he'd stop soliciting those hormel whores of his.

By kid bitzer (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Sean H:

I heard he makes the hobos fight the piglets.

By chancelikely (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

As alluded to in Comment #16 -

I've been waiting for him (Ken Ham) to publish a book like this. It is almost too ironic with his last name...

For those of you who don't know, "The curse of Ham" (handed down by Moses shortly after the flood) was the KKK's reasoning for their racism against African Americans. (Their reasoning for extrapolating this curse - as should need to go unstated - was complete bullocks.)

How crazy is it that a man with the "cursed" people's last name is saying that racism comes from Darwinism...

By The Kardinal (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

"I heard he makes the hobos fight the piglets."

So not only is Ken a piglet rapist, but he's also hobophobic?

tsk tsk...

What the hell is a "Christian Warrior?!?"

Really... You'd think an all-powerful god wouldn't need an army of indoctrinated goons to fight his battles for him.

It's true about Ken Ham raping piglets

Of course it is! He's a biblical literalist, called ken ham, & to ken is to know, & in the bible, to know is to have sex with, so his name means 'having sex with pork'. QED

But seriously, his stupid creationist activities aren't any better than bestiality. Maybe worse; certainly so in terms of the damage to the sum total of human understanding.

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Why wait until he's dead? It's not like we're under any obligation to protect the reputation of a damn piglet rapist.

In the spirit of a likely hero of Ham's, I'd like to present him with a query:

To the inspiration by which of your Holy Trinity do you owe your mendaciousness, dear Sir, the Father, Son or the Holy Ghost?

Oh, d-d-d-dear!

There's a band called 'ken ham raped my piglet'. Well, there will be soon. In fact, 17,000 of them. The joy of being a web developer! Google that, retards.

Has anyone thought to ask him what the point of the book is, if any? Evolution could have been discovered by a collaboration between Hitler, Djenghis Khan, Stalin, Pol Pot and Barbra Streisand and it wouldn't matter the slightest. (ok, but for a few chronological problems)

By Frederik Rosenkjær (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Richard Harris, that's a superb etymology. I salute you.

By chancelikely (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Why bother to make up stories about Ken Ham, when it's a matter of public record that Ken Ham's father was a convicted pedophile?

And this was in Australia, which as we all know, is notoriously lax in terms of prosecuting pedophiles.

By dontsueme (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

kid bitzer #32 wrote:

at the same time, i also think it's worth making (reiterating) the point that even if darwin *had* been a racist, and a piglet-rapist to boot, this would not make a damn bit of difference to the scientific merit of his work.

Exactly. I once responded to a creationist who brought up the old "Darwin renounced evolution on his death bed" canard with a breezy "Not really, but so what if he did? Evolution today isn't based on anything he did anymore; its gone beyond that. He was wrong in a lot of ways, and the science has improved. Biologists only read Origin of Species in a history of science class, if at all. So scientists -- and atheists -- don't CARE what Darwin himself believed or didn't believe. So what? He's just a guy. It doesn't matter to the THEORY, which has data, evidence, and works."

Her response was funny -- a lot of stuttering and "you do TOO care about Darwin." She was quite indignant. I happened to be manning an atheist booth at the time, and it was as if she heard a Christian say they didn't care WHAT Jesus said or meant. And that, of course, is exactly how they frame it.

I must have been getting my science -- and atheism -- all wrong.

I think the subtitle of the book implies something even more odious than that evolution is responsible for racism. "Evolution's Racist Roots" implies that racisms is responsible for evolution. That's thugbuttery on a whole new plane fuckwittedness.

By Greg Peterson (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

It's too bad it's not illegal to libel someone who's dead. I'd sue his piglet-raping pants off.

Since they can't win with data, it looks like they're turning to a "poisoning the well" strategy. Just like all big lies, it does not matter whether what they are saying is true--just as long as enough people begin to swallow it.

Can't Ham be exported back to Australia? How did he ever get citizenship in the US? Was he being "persecuted" there?

Re #51:

Can't Ham be exported back to Australia? How did he ever get citizenship in the US? Was he being "persecuted" there?

Persecuted for piglet raping, perhaps?

Anyone live near Corvallis, in the Portland Oregon region? They're going to show Expelled, apparently in Corvallis, free if you pre-register (might not be best to let on why you want to see it):

Restore America event seeks to spread influence
By Carol Reeves
Gazette-Times reporter
The role of government, homosexuality, the culture wars and who's controlling public education are just a few of the topics that will be addressed at the third annual Restore America conference Friday and Saturday, Feb. 23 at the Rolling Hills Community Church, 3550 S.W. Borland Road in Tualatin.

The theme of the event, "The Seven Spheres of Influence," is expected to draw up to 2,000 participants anxious to answer such "politically incorrect" questions as: Should faith influence the workplace? Is homosexuality wrong? and Are we at war with Islam?

Conference organizers claim history has shown it only takes a small minority in leadership in the areas of government, family, religion, education, business, entertainment and the media to control the direction of a nation. Participants will be challenged to assume their responsibility as individual Christians to make a difference in each one.

David Crowe and Marshall Foster will speak during the 6:30 to 9 p.m. opening session on Friday. Crowe is the founder and executive director of Restore America, an advocacy organization intent on restoring the United States to a nation "under God." Foster is the founder of the Mayflower Institute, an education foundation also dedicated to teaching the history of what it calls America's godly heritage.

Friday night concludes with a premier screening and interview with the producers of Ben Stein's movie "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" from 9 to 11 p.m. The film offers a look at the debate over intelligent design and campaign to keep the theory out of public schools.

Saturday morning will feature Terri Schiavo's attorney David Gibbs III, filmwriters and producers Jonathan and Deborah Flora and David Kupelian, the managing editor of and author of "The Marketing of Evil." In the afternoon, featured speakers include Charlene Cothran, a former lesbian activist and publisher of Venus magazine; Kamal Saleem, a former Muslim terrorist; and Star Parker, a social policy consultant and founder and president of the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education.

General admission for both days of the conference costs $89. Discounted tickets of $69 are available to pastors, persons in the military and seniors age 60 or older. Teens and college students with ID can attend for $29.

Those interested in attending Friday night only will be charged $39; Saturday only costs $59. Registration and check-in will begin at 5 p.m. Friday.

Admission to the premier of "The Expelled" is free, but preregistration is required.

For more information, call 503-639-7298 or go online to…

Could be interesting.

Glen D

Conference organizers claim history has shown it only takes a small minority in leadership in the areas of government, family, religion, education, business, entertainment and the media to control the direction of a nation.

History has also shown that one far-right think tank with a $5,000,000 annual budget can keep a bullshit pseudoscience idea alive for years.

I once met a piglet who claimed to have been raped over a dozen times by Ken Ham in the woods near the eventual site of the Creation Museum. Completely credible, and also very tasty after a slow roasting with barbeque sauce.

By Great White Wonder (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

There really is a band called 'Pig Destroyer'. No smoke without fire, I say.

Although to verse I'm not averse
(Oh, no, perverse is what I am)
With phrases terse, I could do worse
Than share the curse of tainted Ham.

In rhyme or prose, well, goodness knows,
I could compose this tale of mine;
And thus expose the growing nose
And lying pose of Kenneth Swine.

We're all aware he does not care
If truth is rare in what he's writ;
He says a prayer for public glare--
He's happy there, as pigs in shit.

Although he'll write that Black and White,
If Darwin's right, are different species
He takes delight, producing quite
(To be polite) a load of feces.

He knows he's wrong, but bobs along
Among the throngs of simple minds
There must be strong stuff in his bong
That makes him long for deep-fried rinds

It's no surprise his book of lies
Sees truth's demise in every word
If facts arise, they're in disguise--
Complete with flies, this one's a turd.

I have an idea for a future money making venture and I'm looking for investors to help me get started. My idea is to create an atheist pilgrimage travel package, we'll travel round the world and piss on the graves of demented fucktards like Ken Ham. Now I know I'll have to wait a while for him to die, but really how much longer can he hold on? Someone that stupid is bound to walk under a bus one day. A lot of the big name creobots aren't that young, added tour stops would make the trip better all round.

My idea is to create an atheist pilgrimage travel package, we'll travel round the world and piss on the graves of demented fucktards like Ken Ham.

All the asparagus you can eat!!!!

By Great White Wonder (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

There is a bright side: having grown up in a literalist, evangelical, and very happily Caucasian church, I'd assumed they were pretty intractable on race.

If I had known that all it took was a nasty rumor about Darwin to make them decide they were _against_ racism ... hell, I'd have started the rumor myself years ago.

(Somehow, though, I still get the feeling their heart's not in it just yet.)

Ham has been making bacon? I heard he has been porking Miss Piggy, the swine. Ham is such a boar. I know his favorite songs are Duroc of Ages and Your my Hampshire Honey. I remember his movie debubt in Deliverence "squeal like a pig, squeal like a pig".

I did some research to see if Ken Ham actually rapes piglets. I typed ken ham rape piglet into Google and lo and behold, a very reliable source turns up as the first hit.

Don't tell nobody about this. This shit is between me, you, and Mr. Soon-To-Be-Living-The-Rest-of-His-Short-Ass-Life-In-Agonizing-Pain-Piglet-Rapist here.

It ain't nobody else's business. Two: you leave town tonight, right now. And when you're gone, you stay gone, or you be gone. You lost all your Cincinnati privileges. Deal?

"I would be on the front lines opposing you if you were to ever do something like that to the memory of such a great man."

Some "great man" Ham is turning out to be, isn't he? He claims racism is popularized by Darwin, yet he still continues to shun and spew out hatred towards anyone who oppose his so-called "Christian values", including Gays and Muslims.

Not only does Ham rape piglets. I've also heard that before the rape he needs to strangle a newborn puppy to even get aroused.

PZ, it seems that you may be on to something.

Here is photographic evidence that shows that Ken Ham just isn't fussy.

Oh, the shame!

maybe this is a sign that creationists are simply changing their anitievolution tactics. as they have no fin or leg to stand on regarding their case against they now try to make it unpalatable to the left and a large ethnic demographic (instead of the right and largely white bunch)who suddenly see 'evolution' and 'racism' together. the longer all this goes on the more perplexing it becomes to me, it must be a dreadful burden to want to be at the centre of the universe.

By extatyzoma (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Ha! "...santorumed!" You really are in touch with half-popular culture. Kudos to you. See, you need to be more in the limelight to show that you are not like those in the previous post on scientists' image. It is people like you that can get in touch with undergraduates like myself that love science, but also have a life well enough to know what "santorum" is.

You could make the case, as horribly as Ham has with Darwin, that Jesus of Nazareth popularized the burning and torture of Jews under the Nazi Regime. Not only did Hitler credit his work to his Lord, Gentle Jesus burned the Jews, again, in Hell, this time for an eternity.

By MarquisDeSade (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Outstanding effort Cuttlefish. Bravo.

How much does anyone want to bet that Ham bags ass out of this country leaving his museum bankrupt before the end of this year. The Feds. are hot on the trail of the phoney baloney evangelists and I would bet he is on the top of the hit parade.


Our American Judeo-Christian tradition as represented by Jonah "Doughy Pantload" Goldberg's book "Liberal Fascisim" and Ken "Piglet Raper" Ham's "Darwin's Plantation".

Orwell must be puking in his grave.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Pure poetry, Cuttlefish, OM!

What was it that Chaucer said in the Knights Tale (movie version) - "I shall eviscerate you in verse".

Billy, you made a point that I've noticed too. It actually is progress for these worst-of-the-dimmest to consider racism as a bad thing. A couple of generations ago that accusation would have lead to some churches and politicians trying to make common cause with (their version of) Darwinism.

Steven Carr quoting Hitler:

'The consequence of this racial purity, universally valid in Nature, is not only the sharp outward delimitation of the various races, but their uniform character in themselves. The fox is always a fox, the goose a goose, the tiger a tiger, etc., and the difference can lie at most in the varying measure of force, strength, intelligence, dexterity, endurance, etc., of the individual specimens. But you will never find a fox who in his inner attitude might, for example, show humanitarian tendencies toward geese, as similarly there is no cat with a friendly inclination toward mice.'

Sounds just like a creationist!

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Somewhere on the internet I bet you can find pics of Ken Ham fucking the cast of "Swine Lake".

How will Kermit feel if he finds out that Ken Ham has been forcing himself on Miss Piggy?

By freelunch (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Clearly Ken Ham deserves no respect, but to start a campaign to slander him would be stooping to the creationists' level. Let's combat these lies like we combat all the others... with the real evidence.

By Kamikaze189 (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

A young piggy-poker, KenHam
Said "you don't need the brains of a yam
To be in on the joke:
Saying 'pig in a poke'
Meaning 'poke in a piglet,' by damn!"

By PoxyHowzes (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

@ cuttlefish- OUTSTANDING. Talk about packages- making a disagreeable subject 'honey-sweet.' There is no shortage of Ham jokes.

@3 and 73. There may be a more scientific term here. Let's call it Kenhamian mimicry. This is one who infiltrates society and imitates (mimics) science for the purpose of fleecing the public. It would fall between Wasmannian mimicry- creatures that (for example) infiltrate ant society for the purpose of living off the booty of the colony; and Peckhamian mimicry, species that mimic their prey for the purpose of feeding, the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing.

This book is quite a stretch, coming as it does from a proponent of the same group that would have kept institutionalized racism going forever, if possible. The blind arrogance that it takes, as a religious group, or institution, to first turn around and say that your group was "against racism all along", when it finally is against the law, and those battling for it under the confederate flag, have lost, is amazing. Obviously it is not only religion that aids racism, and was a great source of self-soothing for slavers, but without it, I suspect that the whole enterprise of slavery and institutionalized racism, would not have gone very far at all.

Having learned my lesson from Steven, I will now tell you the facts that forms the title of Piglet Rapist's book. Darwin, being the recipient of Big Science's vast power was able to break England's law and hold slaves on his estate. It was those slaves that did all of the work observing the earthworms in the field. By using the intelligence of his slaves, Darwin was able to expand the influence of Big Science.

"Clearly Ken Ham deserves no respect, but to start a campaign to slander him would be stooping to the creationists' level. Let's combat these lies like we combat all the others... with the real evidence."

I agree with you 100%, Kamikaze189. Let's attack just the claims, not the people behind them.

Is there a "Ken Ham is a piglet rapist" Facebook group yet?

Poor Piglet. He's got a hard enough time with his stutter. Now he has to protect his ass from Ken Ham? (Then again, who wouldn't want to protect their ass from Ken Ham?)

Somebody's got to look out for the little thing. I wonder if Owl is available to claw out Ham's eyes.

This is the same vile piece of filth who uses his faith to justify his own racist attitude towards The Australian Aboriginal :

Someone, somewhere in their [Aboriginal] history, has turned away from the true God, devised their own religion and successfully persuaded their fellow Aboriginals to accept it. They have suffered the consequences of this. Instead of being a culture regenerated by God's standards, they have degenerated from them. Now, before you start shouting racist, take into consideration the fact that the European culture in Australia is little different

...on the basis of a literal Biblical view of world history, aborigines have been in Australia less than 4,000 years (not 40,000). Many want land rights so that Aboriginal sacred or religious sites can be kept. Is this valid? Again, before we can decide, we must have a correct view of why they want sacred sites preserved. Is it that they want to preserve all things associated with their religion? If this is the case then to understand their religion, you have to understand their true history. Isn't their religion anti-God? Shouldn't Christians rather be telling the aborigines they need to turn to the true God of history and turn their back on pagan worship?

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Cuttlefish, you just get better and better. That was poetical magic. Bravo sir, bravo, you should be OM^2 :)

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

So Ken Ham has turned to ad hominem attacks against evolutionary theory?

He really does know his audience doesn't he. Not a skeptical or analytical lot are they.


It's just a matter of time before objective reviewers point out that, even IF evolution, in any way supports racism (a force that has been extremely powerful LONG before Darwin, and has actually, coincidentally, lost momentum since his lifetime), this fact does NOTHING to negate the SCIENTIFIC LEGITIMACY of the theory itself.

Species have evolved as a result of natural selection. This is a fact, regardless of what social impact the theory may or may not have had.

(And yes, the position he takes in this book is laughable. And, has he really read his Bible? It does nothing BUT support slavery.)

This just makes Ken Ham look like the mincing pseudo-intellect he is.

Oh yeah, and he's also, a piglet fucker.

dontsueme re:

And this was in Australia, which as we all know, is notoriously lax in terms of prosecuting pedophiles.

Well, no nations is perfect in this area, and assuming you're from the US, I might point out certain activities in the Archdiocese of Boston:

All western nations went through a period of religious unoffically "sanctioned" paedophilia, the consequences of which we are still sueing for, or seeking 'out of court settlements' here (down under) today. And the institutional internal committees that handle these claims are damned humble--from my own experience in dealing with them.

To single out Australia is, IMHO, unfair, to say the least.

Send Ham back by all means, we don't have the audience here that would appreciate him.

Thank Darwin :-)

By Aussie Lawyer (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Hey, those piglets consented!

And, oh yeah, they were of age.

In piglet years.

Ken (do you ken ham?)

By Bob Carroll (not verified) on 22 Feb 2008 #permalink

Is it just me, or does the Hamster look rather Neanderthalish?
On his death, I think we need to make some measurements on his skull and do some DNA comparisons. He may be a missing link.

Ken Ham,

or "the worst example of intellectually dishonest quote mining liar".

Example :

page 1 of his book, first quote, from S.J.Gould, Ontogeny and Phylogeny

"Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory."

but wait, was that only what Gould wanted to say ?

Here is the full paragraph :

"Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory. The litany is familiar: cold, dispassionate, objective, modern science shows us that races can be ranked on a scale of superiority. If this offends Christian morality or a sentimental belief in human unity, so be it; science must be free to proclaim unpleasant truths. But the data were worthless. We never have had, and still do not have, any unambiguous data on the innate mental capacities of different human groups--a meaningless notion anyway since environments cannot be standardized. If the chorus of racist arguments did not follow a constraint of data, it must have reflected social prejudice pure and simple--anything from an a priori belief in universal progress among apolitical but chauvinistic scientists to an explicit desire to construct a rationale for imperialism."

Yes, Mr Ham, what Gould really meant was completely different from what the first impression from that first sentence might give.

People can be the judge of your dishonesty.

I certainly don't need to read the rest of your book. That first quote was sufficient to show, that it is not even worth using as toilet paper... It might even make my bumm dirty.

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 22 Feb 2008 #permalink

Sorry, typo, I meant bum, not bumm

I certainly don't need to read the rest of your book.
That first quote was sufficient to show, that it is not even worth using as toilet paper...
It might even make my bum dirty.

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 22 Feb 2008 #permalink

I grew up in apartheid South Africa and we got taught racism in church, but never in science class.

When politicians wanted to justify their racist policies they always turned to the Bible, never to Darwin.

Strange that...

While I can't condone what Ken Ham does to piglets, I am glad that he gave up his previous hobby of raping babies.

More than Martin Luther, who helped make anti-semitism a favorite German pastime? More than Nathan Bedford Forrest, who helped the Ku Klux Klan grow to half a million members? More than Hitler? More than our Supreme Court in the Dred Scott decision? More than Richard Butler, founder of the Aryan Nations? More than Lester Maddox and Strom Thurmond? More than King Leopold II of Belgium?

More than the Southern Baptists of the US, who for most of their history advocated slavery, and then segregation, as well as creationism?

Has no one else noticed that a side effect of the the phrase "more than any person" is that Ken Ham is calling Darwin not a person?

I'm hoping that means Darwin was some sort of cool cyborg from the future sent back to ensure that evolution is discovered in time for mankind to... um, do something. I'm not sure what.

Unfortunately, coming from Ken Ham it's more likely to mean that Darwin was really one of the Devil's angels veiled in human form.

I just need to slide this comment in sideways. . .I was glad to read that he's fighting the hobos and porking the piglets, because if it were the other way around, he'd be a hobosexual. OK, I'll be going now. . .

I'm gonna stick it up for Ken. I think all of those pigs were of age.

kenhaminate - verb -
1a) to sexually defile juvenile swine.
b) slang "making bacon"
2) A process by which pork is made even less kosher.

My idea is to create an atheist pilgrimage travel package, we'll travel round the world and piss on the graves of demented fucktards like Ken Ham.

You could put down Falwell's grave as the first stop. Where's he buried, anyway?

I think on the campus of Liberty University... there maybe an eternal flame to snuff out.

someone on wrote a really good review of a bad book by pointing out how much Darwin hated slavery and quoting an extensive passage about that from one of his books

By brightmoon (not verified) on 22 Feb 2008 #permalink

I heard Ham was just trying to achieve that special "basted from the inside" flavor with the piglets.

A process by which pork is made even less kosher.


By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 22 Feb 2008 #permalink

Uh oh, looks like someone has been searching through Ken Ham's hard drive.

*blinks and rubs her eyes after reading #95*

I am stunned into shocked, amazed, horrified silence.

Someone actually -said- that!

Talk about an overgrown sense of personal infallability

By kittenchasesyarn (not verified) on 25 Feb 2008 #permalink

You could put down Falwell's grave as the first stop. Where's he buried, anyway?

he's not.

Falwell was so dense, when he died he created a mini-singularity and simply disappeared into it.

even hell wouldn't have him.

(I checked)

Has anyone thought to ask him what the point of the book is, if any? Evolution could have been discovered by a collaboration between Hitler, Djenghis Khan, Stalin, Pol Pot and Barbra Streisand and it wouldn't matter the slightest. (ok, but for a few chronological problems)

By Frederik Rosenkjær (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

A process by which pork is made even less kosher.


By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 22 Feb 2008 #permalink

someone should write a book and expose Ken Ham and his stupidity. Also the stupidity of all the creationists. Ken Ham only wants power over people who know nothing about science. It'd also be good to make a movie that would expose all the creationist nonsense which also would focus on the stupidity of all the televangelists, who make millions of dollars on poor people by talking a lot of nonsense in which they themselve do not believe. There are many examples, just turn on TV and those lunatics are all over the TV. Ken Ham himself doesn't read the Bible, because if he had read it he wouldn't talk nonsense. Bible talks about slavery, murder, hate etc. especially the Old Testament. Creationists do not even read the New Testament and do not even know the real teaching of Jesus. They do not even understand the real message of Jesus. The real science is about doing research, about discovering things, and creationism is about making things up,no data to support their claims. Ken Ham blams Darwin and the theory of evolution for all the bad things in the world. Does he know that Christians in the medieval times killed more people than Hitler and Stalin combined? Yes, Christians, they invented the killing of Jews, and not Hitler. There should be a book about it and a movie made that will show the real history and once and for all expose the idiocy of Ken Ham and his crack house, and all his lies. Ken Ham has done a lot of harm to our science education. He things that he stands for God, but he is wrong very wrong. When he'll die he will get one ticket down to Hell for all his lies, and raping of childerns minds by feeding them with his nonsense. Therefore, whoever can come foraward to write a book and make a movie I talk about then it'd great. I'm writting a book titled "ID Lies Exposed".

By Alexander Hayden (not verified) on 02 Jun 2008 #permalink