Radio reminder

Don't forget: Atheists Talk radio at 9am Central time!

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Don't forget: 9am Sunday morning, it's time for Atheists Talk radio!
Don't forget to tune in to Atheists Talk radio at 9am Central. This week, it's a celebration of Juneteenth and a discussion of African American freethinkers and civil rights.
Don't forget to tune in to Atheists Talk radio at 9am Central! Today Mark Borrello will be talking about the grand Evolution 2008 conference that will be taking place this coming week in Minneapolis (I'll be there — I'm even giving a talk in the education session on Sunday). You may recall Mark as…
It's almost time for Atheists Talk radio, at 9am central. This week, they're interviewing the marvelous Susan Jacoby, author of Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll) and The Age of American Unreason(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll). Don't miss it!

Are they going to be as angry and irrational as their right-wing counterparts?

I would have said no, but after the previous post, I'm thinking maybe...

Today's interviews are with Rob Boston of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and Fred Edwords of the American Humanist Association. It should be interesting!

I world like to hear a discussion as to whether or not Ben Stein is a transitional fossil.

I think its more likely that hes a prehistoric relic.

I world like to hear a discussion as to whether or not Ben Stein is a transitional fossil.

Stein is a living fossil from the Nixonian era of the great Ranter Lizards. They are not extinct yet.

PZ, I noticed you're starting to make a usual effort to mention the Atheist Talk radio show. I would also like to pimp out "The Atheist Experience" podcast from the public access TV show in Austin, TX. They know all about you, but I don't know if you or your readers know about them. They do an amazing job, and I just wanted to let everyone know about their show. You can download them from iTunes or visit their site at

The ACA puts on a great cable show, and have been doing a podcast longer then MN Atheists have. I'd say there should be more clever names for shows with atheists in them.