Radio reminder

It's almost time for another episode of Atheists Talk on Air America! Tune in at 9am Central to hear the notorious Greg Laden; he's going to be talking about academic freedom bills…ferociously and profusely. Lois Schadewald will also be on to talk about studies of pseudoscience. Mike Haubrich has more details.

You can listen to AM 950 KTNF; it will ask for a Minnesota zip code to listen direct. If you can't catch it then, subscribe via iTunes or RSS.

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... Being interviewed by ME! (So don't expect this to go well!!!!) Sunday March 1, 2009 Prof. Massimo Pigliucci, of the Stonybrook Institute in New York, is a biologist and a philosopher who has published about a hundred technical papers and several books on evolutionary biology. He is a fellow…
Minnesota Atheists will be having the first of many weekly radio programs on Air America, starting on Sunday, 13 January, at 9 AM. They're getting off to a very strong start with an interview with Richard Dawkins, among many other features. Minnesota Atheists will launch a weekly, one-hour program…
I've been a guest or interviewer on Minnesota Atheist Talk radio a number of times. I never talk about atheism because I'm nothing close to an expert on that or related issues (though I do have a chapter in a book about it, here!). And, of course, I'm very involved, professionally, in certain…

Have you heard about this?

"Giant squid has world's largest eyes "…

"By RAY LILLEY, Associated Press Writer

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - Marine scientists studying the carcass of a rare colossal squid said Wednesday they had measured its eye at about 11 inches across -- bigger than a dinner plate -- making it the largest animal eye on Earth.

One of the squid's two eyes, with a lens as big as an orange, was found intact as the scientists examined the creature while it was slowly defrosted at New Zealand's national museum, Te Papa Tongarewa. It has been preserved there since being caught in the Ross Sea off Antarctica's northern coast last year."

By Notorious P.A.T. (not verified) on 04 May 2008 #permalink

I'd fucking drive spikes into my ears before I listened to that parasitic ass-wipe. Just because one might be able to loosely define him "my side" doesn't mean he's not a link-farming, parasitic douche-bag with a fourth-rate blog.

Don't hold back, Moses, tell us how you really feel.

By Jeffery Keown (not verified) on 04 May 2008 #permalink

I thought Moses was slightly too charitable.

P.A.T, PZ has actually blogged about this last week. And it's not a Giant Squid, it's a Colossal Squid (slightly different Colossal are bigger than Giant Squid). You should check out what he's had to say, he even has links to the autopsy videos and pictures. It's very cool, I was able to watch a little bit of it. Also, I think The Discovery Channel (or one of those type of channels) will be having a special on this later this year so you will get to see footage there, too.

My problem with the Minnesota Atheists is that their internal ads are so painful to listen to that it makes it difficult to listen to the entire podcast.

P.A.T, PZ has actually blogged about this last week. And it's not a Giant Squid, it's a Colossal Squid (slightly different Colossal are bigger than Giant Squid).

I wonder what the difference in hit points there'd be between a Colossal and a Giant Squid?

[gets smacked upside head by a dozen squid] Ow! I'll behave.

My problem with the Minnesota Atheists is that their internal ads are so painful to listen to that it makes it difficult to listen to the entire podcast.

No, the one about the intelligently designed salad bar is hilarious...

To those listeners outside of Minnesota if it helps use 55418 it's a very nice zipcode