I'm here!

I'm at this amazing meeting meeting these amazing people right now. I'm going to have an amazing lunch and then I'm going to an amazing reception. Say hello if you see me — I've already put my autograph on one octopus.


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What a truly Amazing post. I wish I could have made it out this year but everything has piled up at my place of employment such that taking a vacation now would result in my execution by coworkers on my return.

Maybe next year I'll get to have an Amazing time.

How the hell are you going to get any sleep, let alone eat being among the best of our kind! Good grief, there is enough brain power, our kind of brain power, at that meeting to shift our position in our Milky Way Galaxy! And please PZ, you and all those other superior minds, get a lot of digs at that scourge of reason, religion!

Don't you mean Amaz!ng?

Poor 'pus. Now how is it gonna blend in with its environment?

I'm pretty sure "I autographed an octopus in Vegas" must be code for something. Something pretty unsavory.

By Greg Peterson (not verified) on 19 Jun 2008 #permalink

Have a great time, PZ! See if Randi will teach you how to pull an octopus out of a hat or palm a squid.

Has Adam Savage blown anything up yet? I'd watch him closely.

By Dave in Austin (not verified) on 19 Jun 2008 #permalink

I hope you handle everything with Amazing Grace.
(Ducks to avoid thrown objects.)

(Raises head to see if coast is clear.)

By Janine ID (not verified) on 19 Jun 2008 #permalink

Time to roll 7/11. Watch out for the water sprinklers and cleavage. Clark County seems to be fascinated with them.

Damn, I wish I was amazing.

Brian(to crowd):You are all special!!
Man in crowd:I'm not!

By BicycleRepairMan (not verified) on 19 Jun 2008 #permalink

@ Sili #5

Poor 'pus. Now how is it gonna blend in with its environment?

It's OK, I'm sure PZ's autograph pens all use octopus ink.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

I've been at both workshops today, and haven't yet seen P.Z. He should be fairly obvious, with the tentacles and all. I've seen James Randi, and ran into Art Benjamin (who is doing a "show" tonight on Mathemagic). So far, it's been outstanding, and the main part of the conference hasn't even started yet. Reception with "mixing" is tonight.

So, if Neil DeGrasse Tyson is the "Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive", what dead astrophysicist beat him out?


By David Brown (not verified) on 19 Jun 2008 #permalink

Waves of contrasting color are coursing across my skin in a most fascinating way. I interpret the display as signifying jealousy.

Of course, a couple pictures with The Amazing are expected.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 19 Jun 2008 #permalink

Dammit, I've always wanted to go to TAM. And guess what, I passed through Vegas 2 days ago on business! Maybe next year I'll be able to book the time off.

By Bad Albert (not verified) on 19 Jun 2008 #permalink

Dave in Austin @ #9

Has Adam Savage blown anything up yet? I'd watch him closely.

I'd imagine that all of the Mythbusters are on the Do Not Fly List by now...

Psht...you act as if you "just" missed it. I'm getting married in Vegas...in 2 weeks. It would've been nice if JREF could've postponed it till then, but apparently they're not THAT Amazing.

I'm pretty sure "I autographed an octopus in Vegas" must be code for something. Something pretty unsavory.

Well, you know what we say here: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

(Now it's "Your Vegas is showing," and I can't decide if that's lame.....or sort of titillating.)

I'm pretty sure "I autographed an octopus in Vegas" must be code for something. Something pretty unsavory.

Well, you know what we say here: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

(Now it's "Your Vegas is showing," and I can't decide if that's lame.....or sort of titillating.)

Don't say "amazing people"!!11!!! You can't just post, "amazing people."!!!!!11 You have to Name Names!!!!!!

The people demand Names!! Amazing Names!!!!!!111111!!

@Scooter (#14):
Unlikely, given that the Mythbusters actually appeared in cameo in an episode recently, and are seen giving the thumbs-up to George Eads in the lab after one of his experiments blows up.

I envy the people who have a sufficiently flexible personal schedule and enough disposable income to attend a TAM. Ditto for "TED", and doubleplusditto X-Day, even if it always seems to be just a drill.


TAM and X-Day converge nicely on a bunch of different levels. They should get their chocolate into each other's peanut butter, and vice-versa.

By Disciple of "Bob" (not verified) on 19 Jun 2008 #permalink

I'm with Glen, if you can't be amazing - just be randi...
otherwise -
Atta boy PZ!

I wish I was there... My daughter and I wanted to go this year as newbies and suck in the amazing aura and thoughts. Too many other plans, but next year! Hey Lena! You reading this? Make it a plan for next year! Clear the calendar!

Have Fun!

Waves of contrasting color are coursing across my skin in a most fascinating way. I interpret the display as signifying jealousy.

Ah, The Color of Distance...

and then I realized that I was getting a little ahead of myself

By natural cynic (not verified) on 19 Jun 2008 #permalink

whoa 'natural cynic'! warn us that they're NSW!

I find it amazing the octopus held still.

By Samantha Vimes (not verified) on 20 Jun 2008 #permalink

Brian(to crowd):You are all special!!
Man in crowd:I'm not!

Sorry, I can't let that misquote stand - it kinda ruins the genius of the scene

Look. You've got it all wrong.
You don't need to follow me. You don't need to follow anybody! You've got to think for yourselves. You're all individuals!

Yes, we're all individuals!

You're all different!

Yes, we are all different!

I'm not.

James F @ # 27 Nice to see another member commenting on current astronomy, especially the news transmitted by the Phoenix Lander from MARS! Crap, we should have been walking around and exploring on Mars years ago if we weren't so engaged in all the crap happening across our planet and tolerating dissension from religious retards. I hope to see us transmitting documentaries from Mars, especially a helicopter view over Olympus Mons and Valles Marineris! Man, the thought of it makes me salivate! Brought to you by indomitable and wondrous Science!

Much as I'd love to see PZ, Phil, Randi, Adam, Neil, et. al. there is NO way I'd ever go to Vegas without half a dozen sheets of high quality blotter.
Haven't seen that for years.

I'd just have loved to see Adam in the flesh. I freely admit to finding gingernuts dead sexy. He could autograph my octopus anyday.

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 20 Jun 2008 #permalink

A couple weeks ago, you were in Northern California. So was I.

Now, you're in Nevada, and so am I (Elko, returning from Yellowstone).

Coincidence? Yeah, pretty much.

I sure as double-hockey-sticks would love to share some of these Yellowstone photos, though. My first time there. I'll try to get some up on Flickr and post the link when I can.

BTW, I've always wanted to attend TAM. But, I gotta say, Yellowstone vs. Vegas... I think I may finally have won.

Maybe I should set up a poll for us to crash.

@ #29
Ha ha, "aura"... did you do that on purpose?
Anyway, yes! I will clear the calander! Next year for sure!
You went through all that trouble to prod my inner scientist into being (showing me blogs like this helped a lot) so might as well enjoy it with some like-minded people. <3

But was it an amazing octopus?

That reminds me. Whatever happened to Cuttlefish?

By Flamethorn (not verified) on 20 Jun 2008 #permalink


A field of energy that surrounds living creatures.

a sensation recognized by a patient that precedes or signals the beginning of a seizure. May include uneasiness, deja vu, sensory illusions (odors, visual illusions or misconceptions, sounds), stomach discomfort, dizziness.

Both. I think many at TAM are experiencing the second one right now. Experiencing the energy of the people there is also what I would like for us to experience! :-)