Southern hospitality FTW

Whoa. We had a long evening of it here at the Atlanta Pharyngufest — we closed the place down at almost 2am, and these ferocious Southern skeptics were still arguing philosophy and religion as I was staggering away (thanks to Pradeep Satyaprakash for the ride home!). They win. Here's a quick pan of the crowd early on — it got up to almost a hundred people later in the evening.

The attendees made a commemorative card for the event that was huge. Here's one bit of it — a portrait of yours truly. It's an amazingly exact likeness.


Now…unconsciousness awaits. They wore me out!

From Pradeep, here's a flickr photo set of the event; and here's another photo set from Tim Farley.


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Sleep well... I'm off to the post office in the morning.

By Ted Powell (not verified) on 12 Jul 2008 #permalink

I probably find that more adorable than I have any right to.

GLORIOUS! let's have Pharyngufest in Columbus, Ohio! but not before January 27th... i gotta be able to show up and drink legally.

By Paul Johnson (not verified) on 12 Jul 2008 #permalink

Ah ha ha! I love the drawing!

Glad you all had such a good time over there.

That's one badass godless octopus, the catholic church can't fack with that.

By Michael Pack (not verified) on 12 Jul 2008 #permalink

Great drawing. You should use it for your scienceblog portrait.

By Robster, FCD (not verified) on 12 Jul 2008 #permalink

Damn. And I know that bar, too. It's not too far from the Headquarters for the command I'm currently deployed with.

Maybe you could find a good reason to visit Las Vegas right around Dec. 10th. I'll be home on R&R leave right between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Paul @ #3: I'm kinda partial to that date, too. My birthday and anniversary (the latter being my wife's fault - she thought it would be funny).

All hail His Tentacled Frackin'ness!

Ah ha ha! I love the drawing!

what drawing?

ah, you mean the photograph of what he looks like after he removes the "human suit"?

yes, excellent photography.

It's A Fracking Cracker!

By galapagos (not verified) on 12 Jul 2008 #permalink

Horrors! It borders on sacrilege to depict His noodly appendages!

Wow, that sounded like a lot of fun. I envy those who made it. :)

By the way, today is Sunday... Catholics have Mass on Sunday... CRACKERS! It would be nice if people could get PZ some crackers (so long as no one breaks the law).

Wow, that sounded like a lot of fun. I envy those who made it. :)

By the way, today is Sunday... Catholics have Mass on Sunday... CRACKERS! It would be nice if people could get PZ some crackers (so long as no one breaks the law).

PZ, you are the consummate blogger, still posting at 2:43 AM when you are scheduled to wake up at around 5:00 AM today.

How long, I wonder, before a far-sighted, progressive manufacturer of cookies corners the rationalist market with "FRACKIN' CRACKERS" [TM] ?

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 12 Jul 2008 #permalink

Ah, I see that Your Tentacledness has discovered the handiness of the Flip Video Cam! I trust that my earlier usage of said device to immortalize your Berkeley remarks was instructive...Scott

Man it must be great to have tons of good people wanting to meet you and talk to you no matter where you're visiting. I hope you find an excuse to come to Austin (in a Pharyngufest setting) while I'm still here. Phil Plait did it!

An 'undred!

My, good sir, you have become a movement.

An idea occurs!

I recall Jon Stewart saying the Daily Show will be in the Twin Cities for the RNC. Maybe also Colbert Report... A PZ/Colbert interview! This seems like the perfect issue for Colbert, he doesn't mind poking fun at Religion (even his own), and after a nice hit piece he'll say "here to desecrate everything we know and hold sacred... PZ Myers!"

If PZ is going to be home during the Republic National Convention...

From an old Vicar of Dibley show: 'Did you hear about the new low-fat communion wafer? It's called "I Can't Believe It's Not Jesus".'

The British are more sanguine about frackin' crackers.

By DominEditrix (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

So...when will this be going on in detroit/ann arbor/anywhere in Michigan?


Can we get T-shirts printed with the self-portrait?

Thanks, PZ. I knew we could take 'em. A great time was had by all. Met Cooper, BenjaminFarnklin, Tim from What's The Harm?, Maria from Masala Skeptic and many many other smart people. I posted some pix on my blog. Enjoy your stay!

@#18 Richard Harris,

It would have to be a variety pack of crackers with peanut. butter, spray cheese, and possibly a bottle of wine.

It would be used as a snarky gift to the person throwing the party to disparage their party throwing skills.

Slogan: "What you need when you need to abuse the host".

Sorry about that.

Yes, we are worthy of your envy. It was a great time. Great beers, (I was drinking Red Stripe), PZ was drinking Guiness? and the local brews.

Excellent conversations, and, as would be expected, divergent views.

Thanks for the comradery, PZ. Good Luck with your presentation on Tuesday & your meeting on Thursday.

Benjamin Franklin

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

What a blast! PZ, thanks for coming. It was great meeting you and all the cool people who showed up. I'm sorry we couldn't stay until the (not so) bitter end!

Richard Harris wrote: How long, I wonder, before a far-sighted, progressive manufacturer of cookies corners the rationalist market with "FRACKIN' CRACKERS" [TM] ?

I envision something on the lines of AMAZING 2-IN-1 FRACKIN CRACKERS--GET THE BLOOD ALONG WITH THE BODY.

Biscotti di Vino (Wine Biscuit) can be used as a basis for the recipe. Substitute red for the white wine and use part whole grain flour to attract the health conscious crowd. 2-IN-1 can be imprinted on the frackin cracker with sesame or poppy seeds.

It's A Fracking Cracker! could we say PZ's a Cracking Fracker?

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

wow awesome post PZ.i really hope you come back to Denver.I didnt go last time cus i had never posted here and didnt realize you didnt have to register.long time fan but had only commented to your posts through RDF at that point!

You know we have the best brew so come back so i can buy a round or 4

teacherninja-- Yay! We made it into a picture, that's awesome! (bottom shot) Thanks :)

That was a great time. It was very nice to meet you PZ, even if it was just a quick hello on our way out. Hope your stay in Atlanta is a nice one, have a safe trip home!

Balls... I had to work last night. I'll try to make the next one!

By scarshapedstar (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

Hey PZ, man, are you working out? Those cephalo-biceps look huge!

The Catholics/Christians who are threatening or wishing death or who claim that God hates atheists are, it seems, reacting with understandable anger but with precisely the type of emotion that we are not to give into in such situations. When Christ said to respond with love, that is the difficult but necessary call. So with that in mind (and heart), I personally would like to simply say that it is hurtful and, in my view, blasphemous what you are wanting to do but, of course, it is your choice and as an American, it is your freedom. Go with or without God. These detractions take nothing away from Catholicism or Christianity.

"FRACKIN' CRACKERS" [TM], guaranteed nut free, (because they've not been consecrated).

I think PZ should get a share of the profits.

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

That picture looks great! You look so happy!

Nice to meet you all last night. Sorry I had to cut out early. Some of the conversations were just getting good.

Skip Huffman. (Last guy in PZ's video above.)

By Galbinus_Caeli (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

Anne writes: These detractions take nothing away from Catholicism or Christianity.

Absolutely, since Religion is null and void.

Anne writes: it seems, reacting with understandable anger but with precisely the type of emotion that we are not to give into in such situations. When Christ said to respond with love, that is the difficult but necessary call.

Love need not apply. All is required is their acceptance of freedom of speech. You religites complicate everything, devising solutions to non-existent problems.

We had an amazing time. I was so proud of our southern Skeptic contingent who turned out to see his Crackerness! Big thanks to Cleon and the Masala Skepchick for helping to organize Atlanta Skeptics in the Pub. We meet every second Saturday at Manuel's Tavern crackers be damned, so please join us.

PZ out drank, and outlasted Derek and myself, it was a fabulous time.

- Swoopy

Anne writes: ,...of course, it is your choice and as an American, it is your freedom.

Are you found of speaking the obvious? Duh.

and speaking of the obvious, I meant fond of speaking the obvious.

Posted by: Anne | July 13, 2008 10:14 AM

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

By MAJeff, OM (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

Dammit, I hate that I missed the get-together! Unfortunately my sweetie fell ill with a ferocious kidney infection, so I wasn't able to drive up. :(

Glad you guys and gals had a blast, though!

Damn, I'm jealous. I really wanted to go (really...really) as I'm an Ann Arborite that has been stuck in Augusta, GA for over a year. When PZ was in Ann Arbor I was working in Chicago. I really miss any form of intelligent debate here in Augusta. I'm told at least once a day at work how I'm going to burn in hell for not believing ( yep, that's their argument). My big problem with going to any thing like this in Atlanta is after the talkin' and the drinkin' I'd have that un...........GAWDly drive back to Augusta!
I did see on one of the links during PZ's announcement that he was going to Atlanta that this is a regular gathering.
What's the general feeling about crash space with you all.
Sorry I went off thread.
I'm sooooo jealous. Good to hear that you all had a good time, though. (absolutely no sarcasm)

By LionDancer (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

Posted by: MAJeff, OM | July 13, 2008 11:41 AM

You left out 42 blahs (her empty verbosity contained 112 words, you only did 72 blahs. Here are the missing ones:

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah.

MAJeff - You're getting damn good on that blah key. Is it brass or wood wind?

I was there last nite and stayed a lot longer than I had intended. But the company was so pleasant and convivial that I just stayed. PZ was gracious with the voracious questions and comments poured his way and very generous with his opinions.

Thanks Ben Franklin for refilling one of the round tables with cheese sticks, you rock.

Great time had by all. So glad I caught it.

By dogheaven (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

LionDancer, I know how you feel having to come up from Augusta. I actually drove home back to Augusta after the meeting. If you want to carpool to any future meetings, drop me a line at pradeepsp[at]yahoo[dot]com.

It was a great time, sadly, I had to leave early, since my mind turns to mush these days when my meds run out around 10pm. But, it was GREAT to see P.Z. in my home town. And I hope to see him come back sometime soon! :)

What's with the hunk holding the hollowed out bible in the Flickr photos? Please tell me that was a vessel for smuggling a certain foodstuff out of mass. That would just make my day

By Bride of Shrek OM (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

Thanks pradeep for posting those pictures.

It was a pleasure meeting you all.

Benjamin Franklin

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

We're very adamant about atheism, because of natural selection, naturally.

By Orson Zedd (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

FTW? PZ, are you branching out to the gaming community? Or has such lingo seeped into the outside world without me noticing? Oy, I need to crawl out of my bubble more often..

There is a Pharyngula guild on the horde side of the Proudmoore server, even. Not very big and not at all active because I don't play very often, but it exists. So not exactly reaching out, but there is a faint, tenuous connection.

It looks like it was a successful meeting...why can't the believers see it is much more informative to meet in a saloon and talk science and religion than to sit through a preaching from a poorly informed cross-dresser?

Anyway, I'm in Hiroshima, Japan today and tomorrow and will gladly sponsor a Pharyngula-Fest here at the Rihyga Royal Hotel...and another while in Kyoto Wed-Friday...leave message here or at the front desk...I would love to meet you!

Not many cracker eaters here either, PZ...yet they are the most respectful and kind people I have ever met...funny how that works, isn't it?

By Rick Schauer (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

Hey guys, those of you who attended, go on my flickr site with the photos and identify yourself, so those of us who are new (like me) can who's who.

i know it's an octopus but you could easily change the "cracker" to kracken

Anne writes: These detractions take nothing away from Catholicism or Christianity.


Is that what Anne thinks?


your church is dying, and much of the reason is just this kind of idiocy, combined with pedophile coverups, gross misuse of power, and a veritable laundry list of destructive idiocy.

yes, go on and fiddle while your church burns itself to the ground, and its leaders and followers continue to repeatedly shoot themselves in the foot.

Thanks for coming to Atlanta PZ, glad you enjoyed yourself. I had to leave early(5 am for a triathlon the next day) but I'm glad I got to visit.

By Josh West (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

It was a pleasure to meet, Pradeep, BenjaminFranklin, Sara and David, and, without need of mention, PZ!

A special thanks to Pradeep for the photos. I left my camera in the hotel.

The next time my department hosts a Phil. of Medicine roundtable on evidence-based medicine I will let you know. We host one major conference a year.

I am linked in my name.

@ #9: So PZ is like Kodos and Kang on The Simpsons when they ran for president?
Is there ever going to be a NY/NJ gathering? Because I'm looking for some fun-loving atheists.

I feel so envious! I could not make it from Birmingham last night. Thanks a lot for posting pictures!

moxie @ # 68,

i tried to get a pharyngufest going for NJ/NY on the pharyngula facebook group, but it never got off the ground...this was at a time when the fans were trying to meet by themselves without pz's i guess we need to wait for a visit from the overlord before something works out

It was awesome meeting all of you guys! (Thanks for the pictures, Pradeep!) I'm not in many pictures, but I was the guy wearing the Jesus shirt. (I don't think PZ trusted me until halfway through the night.)

"There is a Pharyngula guild on the horde side of the Proudmoore server, even."

This pleases me, if only for the fact that it is Horde based. Too many academics play Alliance, where I fail to see the appeal. Why be a two-foot gnome throwing fire from your hands when you can be eight-foot bovine creature with a flying snake pet that make herp fans like me drool (if not lament its improbability).

Big City- I remember you. You'd be the spitting image of your shirt if you grew that beard! Hopefully we'll see you at the next meeting.