I spent Sunday morning with an ex-Mormon

And she has pictures to prove it! You can also download the podcast in which we both speak. Oh, and there's about 40 people who showed up at the Pharyngubrunch at Q. Cumbers who can testify that we all had a wonderful time.


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Am I the only one annoyed by the restaurant name?

Okay, I apologize. While I tend to hate punnish names for businesses, like "Just Desserts," etc., at least this place seems to be independently owned and operated, not another "Flingersesque" corporate chain like I first thought.

Sounds like it was a blast. I need to find where they sell the shirt P.Z. is wearing in the picture in the first link.

Listening now...

Semi offtopic, is there an Atlanta Atheists group? I know there is a skeptics group but I don't know how to contact em.

By Josh West (not verified) on 28 Jul 2008 #permalink

Hmmmm,titties.....Ex-mormons,yummm !

Okay, I apologize. While I tend to hate punnish names for businesses, like "Just Desserts," etc., at least this place seems to be independently owned and operated, not another "Flingersesque" corporate chain like I first thought.

Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays!

*checks pieces of flair*

There's something about PZ's hair and beard that makes it look like his head has been photoshopped into the pics.

By Mike from Ottawa (not verified) on 28 Jul 2008 #permalink

There's something about PZ's hair and beard that makes it look like his head has been photoshopped into the pics.

He forgot his mask. Given the Horrible Things which occurred when his True Visage was revealed to the unfortunate few who attended, it was decided that the photos required alteration.

I'm a fan of Catholic Girls, in the Zappa sense, but I learned from my days working for Don Bluth that it takes a special kind of Mormon Girl to wear a sweatshirt that makes "Brigham Young University" legible in that special way.

It was great fun!!!

This is my first trip back to the U.S. in a few years, and by luck I happen to come from (and be coming home to) the state that's the world capital of atheist blogging!!! The Minnesota Atheists have a large, fun, and lively group, and I'm hoping to make a future visit some time when my kids are old enough to attend Camp Quest!

Another ex-mo here. I've been out of the Morg for nigh unto eight years which is nowhere nigh unto Kolob. (If you've been a Mormon, you get it.) As I look back on my Mormon days the only thing I can say is STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! Why it took so long for me to see the light I'll never know.

By Nebularry (not verified) on 28 Jul 2008 #permalink

Don't be too hard on yourself, Nebularry. At least you're out now. One thing Joshua ben Joseph got right: it's a lot easier to see the splinter in your brother's eye, than the beam in your own.


Am I the only one annoyed by the restaurant name?

Posted by: craig

If I lived in the area, I would make a point of going to this restaurant for this simple reason, they have a commercial that makes fun of the idea of irreducible complexity.

By Janine ID (not verified) on 28 Jul 2008 #permalink

I once heard it said that former Mormons should be called "Foremons".

By Don O'Treply (not verified) on 28 Jul 2008 #permalink

Nice shirt PZ! lol sorry...

It was my first visit to Q. Cumbers, and I can testify that people had a great time - fantastic company and a fabulous buffet! I definitely will go back.

Man, ex-Mormon girls are so awesome.

Big deal. I spend every day (and every second of my life) with an ex-mormon. Yes, and the shame of having been conned. In my defense, I was 15.

"If I lived in the area, I would make a point of going to this restaurant for this simple reason, they have a commercial that makes fun of the idea of irreducible complexity."

are you serious?

If I lived in the area, I would make a point of going to this restaurant for this simple reason, they have a commercial that makes fun of the idea of irreducible complexity.

If I'm ever even passing through the area, I'm gonna make it a point to visit Q Cumbers: I feel compelled to search for evidence of transitional buffets!

Seriously, I love hearing those commercials on the Atheists Talk podcast.

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 28 Jul 2008 #permalink

Chiming in as another ex-Morg here, though I can more relate with people like Hitchens who say they never really were into the religion that was foisted on them.

Also, @Nebularry(#15): That Kolob shit is hilarious!

I also want that shirt but to give it as a present. My neighbor would be very annoyed if his wife wore it.

Yes, I'm evil.

A very good discussion, but with the way that Lynn Fellman talks, I couldn't help but be reminded of this old SNL sketch:


But what I didn't realize until watching it again is that the way PZ Myers talks is an awful lot like the way Alec Baldwin played that sketch. Fortunately I was already quite familiar with the subject matter, having read about it previously, else I would have been too distracted by the similarity to this SNL sketch...

By Jason Dick (not verified) on 28 Jul 2008 #permalink

I thought I'd check in as one of your exmormon readers. I was in the church up until December of 07, and now consider myself completely Atheist.

Click on my name if you want to read my story of why I left the church, though that scienceblogs traitor Carl Zimmer played the role of my gateway drug to Atheism.

I had a great time among the gang at Q. Cumbers as well, including a nice conversation with C.L. and a picture taken with the Chief Cephalopod. Thanks, all!

OK, ex-Mormon, all well and good...

But how about a formal Mormon excommunication, eh?


Myself, I got hauled up in front of an ecclesiastical court this summer and formally excommunicated. Really. A genuine heretic, anathematized by the grace of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as the Mormons.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 28 Jul 2008 #permalink

Thanks for the photo, wOOt.

I had an amazing time at the brunch and I enjoyed the conversation I had with you, PZ. Also, the fact you enjoyed the button I gave you, haha. :)

I am also loving and wanting that shirt!

I had 5 offers for rides to go to the godless brunch. It was great! Everything I thought it would be and more. And I also took a picture with the big guy, which I may even put up on my own blog once I get back home in a few days. PZ, it was great to meet you and Mary. And of course, all the other Pharygulites too.

Ex-mormon chick here. Looks like there's more of us than I thought.

To the guy (Josh, I think) who wants to know about atheists/skeptics in Atlanta, just want to let you know that there are some groups here. We even got to meet PZ at Manuel's Tavern. Look up GUST and Skeptics in the Pub. Both have monthly meetings. Hope this helps.

It was fun to meet PZ and the folks at the south end of the group. The waitron remarked that it was a "big group today". QCumbers brunch is awesome, I didn't need to eat the rest of the day. Next time however, we need a place that serves cold beverages uh huh.

By SplendidMonkey (not verified) on 28 Jul 2008 #permalink

My wife Jean and I had a nice time, too! Thanks to August, Cynthia, Mike, Bjorn and the gang at Minnesota Atheists for putting the brunch together.

PS...have a great trip and safe travels to the Galapagos, PZ. The "Trophy Wife" deserves a break from all the "cracker-gate" death threats. I simply can't wait for the pics and posts from Darwin's lab.

By Rick Schauer (not verified) on 29 Jul 2008 #permalink

I am jealous of all of you and your breakfast meetings. Any plans to come to Ottawa anytime soon PZ?

I'm like a vampire. I have to be invited to enter. I do have pending requests to come up to Toronto and Edmonton this Fall, so it's not as if I'm ignoring Canada.

No, no...PZ, you must come back to Atlanta. I did not get a chance to meet you although I did actually catch a glimpse of you. A skepchick friend of mine and her husband (who is writing about kidnapping a consecrated cracker at savethecracker.com) got to chat with you. You may want to wait until October when the weather will be tolerable.

Scary thought but how much alimony does an ex-Mormon have to pay out to his ex-wives?

By Wallace Turner (not verified) on 29 Jul 2008 #permalink