Electric presentiments

There's something wicked about being surrounded by bright red arcs of lightning — I may have to go with this look from now on.


(This is the flyer for my talk in Denver. I guess I'd better be a little bit ferocious.)


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Woo Hoo! In Denver twice in one year.

By Charlie S. (not verified) on 01 Sep 2008 #permalink

Red lightning, nice.

At first glance, that strap on your arm (camera? backpack?) looks like the top of a guitar. So we're looking here at Dr. "Science Educator" by day, Heavy Metal Rocker from Hell, by night.

The legend grows...

If you need someone to help design your flyers, give me a call 'k?
This you couldn't even do anymore with dignity back in the 90's! (except maybe for some free goa trance party)
Will this talk be posted on here maybe?

Hey, I want some bright red arcs of lightning! How do I get bright red arcs of lightning???


I hope you take a few moments away from the topic of education to reveal how you came to possess the Pick of Destiny.

Science Education: Caught in the middle of the war between Science and Religion

Wasn't that the tag line for "Crossroads"?

Nice flyer, though they should have gone with the photo from that animation where you are in a labcoat and desecrating a cracker with a nail. That's the kind of scientist people want to see...

...though I'm afraid the mad scientist image is going to be resigned to 50's horror films.

You should have been at Dragon*Con!

The Science and the Skeptic track were great, and always looked to be full.

By Josh West (not verified) on 01 Sep 2008 #permalink


Have your Satanic powers finally been caught on camera? Repent immediately!

By The Chimp's Ra… (not verified) on 01 Sep 2008 #permalink

I wanted to be at DragonCon, but it was just too close to both my return from vacation and the start of classes. I had to do some prep work in there somewhere!

I dunno, I always thought Satan would be capable of wearing his shoulder-strap-pad turned down the right way.

By simea mirans (not verified) on 01 Sep 2008 #permalink

True. Panic over.

By The Chimp's Ra… (not verified) on 01 Sep 2008 #permalink

It looks like they should have added a line saying "You'll pay for the whole seat but you'll only need the edge!"

Would you come to California already?!

If there are any religionist haranguers in front of you and they are close enough, give them a good spittle flecking!

Excellent. I think you should be carrying a flaming sword of truth in the poster for the next one.

Either way, I hope to see a vid posted of the event. Especially if a whackjob tries to heckle and you "deal with him".

That's birthday. I've been looking for something to do...I guess I should take the day off and come see this.

ugh. My birthday. Too much labor day beer.

I'd like to see "PZ Myers, Super Scientist"

Is that the only photo anyone's ever taken of PZ?

By info_dump (not verified) on 01 Sep 2008 #permalink

psst! Your halo is showing.

That's red lightning? I thought they were capillaries.

Hm. A "Science and Skeptic" track at DragonCon? That's the first I've heard of it...I thought it was just for sci-fi and fantasy.

I know that since people like Pete Abrams was there...

Anyway, on to topic: When it comes to the war between science and religion, this is the attitude that we have to fight.

Fortunately, there are people like Darron S out there!

We need more people like that, especially when there are guys like that last commentator who said that:

The evidence for design is all around us and the existence of the non-material is self-evident.

That IS a pretty awful poster. They use a picture of someone leaning on something and crop out the object on which he's leaning? Combined with the camera strap, he looks like he's wielding a riding crop or something. Taste the whip of shiny shiny leather, yikes.

There can be only one.

You didn't happen to cut someone's head off with a broadsword just prior to this photo, did you?

That IS a pretty awful poster. They use a picture of someone leaning on something and crop out the object on which he's leaning?

He's not leaning on something, he's zipping up his fly.

And to me, it doesn't look like red lightning (or white lightning, heh). It looks like a model of some sort of molecule.

By Donnie B. (not verified) on 01 Sep 2008 #permalink

Atta boy PZ!

Hey PZ, any chance of coming to Wisconsin?


At first glance, that strap on your arm (camera? backpack?) looks like the top of a guitar.

I thought it was a very large toothbrush.

Aw, too bad. I'm over in the Kenosha area and can't travel out that far during the semester. Oh well. Any chance of you hitting the Milwaukee or Kenosha/Racine area?

I wonder if Australia would be able to bring you out for National Science Week next year given it's the 150th anniversary of The Origin Of Species. Having Michael Shermer come out this year was very awesome.

Um, you look like a folk singer on the wrong poster. Just sayin'.

We need a picture of you, Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens playing in a badass death-metal band, similar to the image with Darth Vader, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princes Leia, R2 and C3PO playing in a concert. I'd wallpaper that forever.

It seems like a lot of people want this filmed. We plan on filming it for the CFI, but our resources are scant and the quality of the video might not be very good. We really only have one video camera. If anyone in the area wants to help us film it though, they are more than welcome.

eeeek. that flyer design makes me cringe. I do like the red plasma lines.

BTW, if your event in Northern California craps out on you, we've got a relaxacon down here the same weekend. Even a mad scientist competition. Just a day's drive.

(Interstate 5 in California, when the cops tell you 90 is too slow for local speeds.)

Posted by: Rey Fox | September 1, 2008 8:52 PM

Taste the whip of shiny shiny leather, yikes.

You forgot the best part. Taste the whip! Now BLEE-EED for me!

Damn but PZ is a meatball, the impaler and Lou Reed. What is PZ's scariest form? I'm going underground! (Excuse me as I slip in some Jam.)

By Janine ID (not verified) on 01 Sep 2008 #permalink

"It's at times like this when I start to think that maybe humanity wasn't such a happy accident."

Which part are you doubting, the happy part or the accident part?

i'm sure you can fend off all comers with you trusty bunsen burner.

By genesgalore (not verified) on 01 Sep 2008 #permalink

Awww... you look too cuddly to be all satanic.

But that light glow around you does give you a god-like quality!


By Lynn David (not verified) on 01 Sep 2008 #permalink

They really needed to photoshop in a cephalopod behind you, too, looking krakenish. "Go forth, my pretty, and crush the creobots!"

By Samantha Vimes (not verified) on 01 Sep 2008 #permalink

"They really needed to photoshop in a cephalopod behind you, too, looking krakenish. "Go forth, my pretty, and crush the creobots!""

Or Cthulhu :P

Anyway, PZ, as you seem to be going everywhere these days... Any chance of you coming soon to either the Netherlands or the UK?

..pretty please?

Arno said:

Anyway, PZ, as you seem to be going everywhere these days... Any chance of you coming soon to either the Netherlands or the UK?

..pretty please?

Seconded, especially with regards to the UK!

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Turnhalle? Hää?

Either way, I hope to see a vid posted of the event. Especially if a whackjob tries to heckle and you "deal with him".

"I find your possession of faith... dis-tuuur-bing."

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

They shoulda gone with the pink 'pod picture for contrast.

Yes, tooting my own horn.

I'm sorry that they put PhD after PZ's name. A PhD should be a given. It's what the person does after earning a PhD that should determine his or her credibility, and unfortunately people like Dr Kent Hovind, PhD have cheapened the honour (hi Kent, how are getting on?)

By Wayne Robinson (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

I'm sorry that they put PhD after PZ's name. A PhD should be a given. It's what the person does after earning a PhD that should determine his or her credibility, and unfortunately people like Dr Kent Hovind, PhD have cheapened the honour (hi Kent, how are you getting on?)

By Wayne Robinson (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

Damn. Wish I still lived in Colorado. At least ya get to speak at the place that made me a hardcore atheist. Yeah Modern Cosmology class!