My dance card is officially full

I've squeezed one more talk into my fall schedule, but that's it — if you want me to come talk to your university or organization, it'll have to be in January or later — I'm not accepting any more invitations. Here's my complete and final long distance travel schedule for the next few months.

Friday, 12-14 Sep: Denver, CO
Friday, 19-21 Sep: Madison, WI
Thursday, 25-28 Sep: Long Beach, CA
Friday, 10-12 October: Springfield, MO
Friday, 31 Oct-2 Nov: Toronto, ON
Thursday, 13-15 Nov: Kearney, NE
Wednesday, 19-22 Nov: Philadelphia, PA
early December: Central Florida (pending)

I do have a few engagements set up for the spring already, and it's filling up fast, too.


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Since people have been asking about my travel schedule lately, here's how I'm going to be spending my weekends: Friday, 31 Oct-2 Nov: Toronto, ON Friday, 7-9 Nov: Washington, DC Thursday, 13-15 Nov: Kearney, NE Wednesday, 19-22 Nov: Philadelphia, PA Friday, 5-6 Dec: Orlando, FL I'm…
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What, no Michigan? That's kind of disappointing. We'll have to find some reason for you to venture to the Great Lakes state... there are lots of godless folk around here, too.

Seconded, come to Michigan!

By Chris Nowak (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Still no UK dates, I see...


who gives a shit? Really? One major city, Philly (a PERFECT match for your brand of misanthropy); Denver, home of the most ridiculous convention in decades; the rest, 4th-rate cowtowns.

Wow. You're reeeeeeeeeally popular, aren't you?

No 'Life is too short to dance with an ugly girl' I see (i.e. no GOP conventions).

Any details on the Madison, WI visit? Looking forward to attend your lecture!


There are at least two major cities on that list. Here's a hint for you: The other one is a capital, but not of a state, and until recently it had the tallest free-standing phallic symbol on Earth.

It is also the home of the band Otnorot. :)

By Rick Pikul (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

What no B-F-E, Texas. I bet I could rally 3 people!

By Darth Wader (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

"Any details on the Madison, WI visit? Looking forward to attend your lecture!"

Me too. C'mon. Details.

By --PatF in Madison (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Can't you just come to my house? Maybe you could get through to my wife.

What's going on in Madison? I'm over in Milwaukee and wouldn't mind the drive if I knew some details.

Looking at that travel schedule (especially September), I'm now happy I remain far less popular. There's no way in hell my wife would tolerate me being gone that much. She's already unhappy enough about my modest meeting and speaking schedule for my "real" job. I doubt my partners would put up with covering my patients for me to let me be gone so much.

Maybe relative obscurity is not so bad after all...

Woot! Springfield! I'd have never thought you'd come over this way! Can't wait to see you!

Details will be announced as I get them!

I'm keeping the dates for scienceonline09 free right now, but no promises yet.

I would appreciate it if Nobody would post his invited lecture schedule here, so we can see how reeeeeeeeeally popular he is.

Yeah, I'd been hearing substantial rumors that you were headed to Springfield. Look forward to attending. For those in Springfield, it's being held at the MSU campus to the best of my knowledge, and Dr. Richard Carrier is also going to be in town.

When are you going to be in Toronto, and do you know when your talk is going to be presented. I'll be in town at the same time, and would love to attend.


I live in philadelphia, looking forward to seeing you when you come by.

I wonder if Nobody lives in philly too, or is one of those people whose brand of misanthopy has them living in the suburbs, the kind that sit next to 4th-rate cowtowns. (like pittsburgh =)

//Hey, I live in Springfield//

Youre kidding,right? That is an actual town?? Let me guess,you have a nuclear plant there?

"What? No list of the actual dances you'll be performing?"

It's a rain dance - as in "raining on the creationist parade of lies"!

See you in T.O., P.Z!

By Jason Failes (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Springfield MO!! I'll definitely have to try and check out your talk there (I'm in KC), you are aware that city is under the thumb of what I lovingly refer to as the 'Assemblies of God Mafia'. Where in springfield (and at what event) will you be speaking?

We'd love you to visit Ole Miss, I'm sure some of us would. The south is full of intelligent rational people, who are simply out manned, and literally out gunned by ignorant creationists.

By Orson Zedd (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Hopefully, we'll have a good group in Long Beach. I'll be at the AAI event for the entire weekend.

By Alan Chapman (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

O hai; I am the organizer of the Madison talk. Please send questions to me. There is also a Facebook event - 'AHA - PZ Myers Talk', so put your name on there.

For Madison people, he will be in town from the 19th to the 20th, as advertised; the location will be on Today in the Union ( ). I think we are aiming for an early evening talk (I reserved a lecture hall for 7 pm.).

PZ, are you going to talk to us on the 19th or 20th? I have both days reserved.

Their theories and observations are no match for our torches and pitch forks.

By Darth Wader (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

who gives a shit? Really? One major city, Philly (a PERFECT match for your brand of misanthropy); Denver, home of the most ridiculous convention in decades; the rest, 4th-rate cowtowns.

Wow. You're reeeeeeeeeally popular, aren't you?

I am guessing somewhat here but I am willing to bet that religious fundamentalism and creationism are not as prevalent in large cities compared to smaller communities.

And since when has Toronto not been a major city ?

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Damn. And I just moved out of Springfield, MO. At least I'm in the Twin Cities now.

By Jason Sexton (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

If we Floridians can do anything to help turn your December trip into a 'confirmed' lecture, just say the word. I'm *way* more excited than I should admit =)

I think I can go to Philly, since you insist on not coming to New York...

'Nobody''s assumption that Long Beach, Springfield, and Madison are 'cowtowns' gives me more ammo to say that fundies don't know shit about the world they exist in .

Katharine said:

'Nobody''s assumption that Long Beach, Springfield, and Madison are 'cowtowns' gives me more ammo to say that fundies don't know shit about the world they exist in

It's his similar assumption about Toronto that cracks me up - it's the largest city in Canada for FSMs sake!

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

And since when has Toronto not been a major city ?

Terrono's ferrin. Ferrin cities don't count.

By bybelknap, FCD (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

"Central Florida" is a pretty big area... anyone within about 100 miles of I-4 is in "central Florida". Could you be a bit more specific? Are we talking Tampa? Orlando? Daytona? Melbourne/Titusville/Cape Canaveral? Jacksonville? (That's stretching "central", but...)

-- a loyal reader near Lakeland, FL

By Benjamin Geiger (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

What are the details on your Philadelphia talk?

By Thomas Allen (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

We're negotiating talks at Rollins and UCF.

You don't want to hear the Philly talk -- it's the same weekend that Janet Browne is speaking! It's part of their big Year of Darwin celebration. I'll be talking about evo-devo from Haeckel to Carroll, and how creationists distort it.

Oh, PZ, as if the actual content of the talk could ever go against the fangirlosity :)

Where in Philadelphia is that YoD celebration? Sounds interesting.

Bah, I'm a USF (Tampa) alumnus.

UCF isn't too far to drive, if the event is open to the public...

By Benjamin Geiger (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

As another resident of the SoCal area, I look forward to seeing your schedule and I'll definitely make time to either see you speak or attend a meetup afterwards.

By Architeuthis (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

As a resident of Long Beach, I renew my invitation to coordinate a PZ meetup.

Send dates, times, dietary restrictions, Pastafarian recipes (we eat our god too) to:

flogan at

Coming to Springfield?!?!? Whoop!

Is there generally an admissions fee for this sort of thing? Tickets to be bought, bribes to be offered? If it's at MSU, do you have to currently be a student?


Ah, details to be announced later. Commence cultivation of patience.

Will there be a Pharyngula Fest in Philly? We're in DC and can come up for beer. Maybe see the talks, too.

PZ said

We're negotiating talks at Rollins and UCF.

Sweet! Those are about an hour west on I-4 for me. I am looking forward to it!

By firemancarl (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Oohh, I'm outside of Baltimore and Philly is a straight shot up Route 95. I'll be awaiting details!

By Lee Picton (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Professor, where in Central Florida are you planning to go?

I live in Lakeland, Polk County and really, our school board has a majority in favor of ID. We could use your help.

You've only given yourself three days for Toronto. That's not nearly enough time if you're driving. :-)

The last time you drove from Toronto to Morris it took at least three days, didn't it?

PZ, what are the details for your Long Beach appearance?

I live in the Valley, but if you're speaking around here I could overcome my loathing of the Harbor Freeway.

By Ktesibios (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Ooh, Central Florida! I eagerly await further details.

Ooh, Central Florida! I eagerly await further details.

"And since when has Toronto not been a major city ?"

When you're far too American-ized(read: ignorant) to know what it is.

PZ where in Philly? I want to come hear it.

So close and yet, so close. Tell you what, you find a way to get down to San Diego for Conjecture on Sunday Sept. 28 and I'll spring for your one day membership. Ask for Alan Kellogg or Mythusmage, they know by both names

Well, you should spend a little bit of time in Lincoln or Omaha, Nebraska, too.

Let us know, we can have a Pharyngufest in Lincoln very easily.

I'll have to just drive out to Kearney, though.

Are you flying in to Omaha? I would hope so, or you're paying way too much.

You should at least spend some time at the state Capitol building in Lincoln to peruse the ode to evolution in the rotunda there. It's really quite nice.

Soo...umm....why aren't you coming to West Virginia? :op

My wife and I are very excited that PZ is coming to Toronto for Halloween! Our daughter has promised to dress up as him.

P.S. PZ, please come to Toronto dressed as one of the Powerpuff girls. You wouldn't break a little girl's heart would you? She's adorable. Check out this dialogue from last year:

Eldest Daughter: Mommy, I do believe in God, but I don't believe in God.

Mom: Why do you say that, sweetie?

Eldest Daughter: Well, I believe in God, because I say 'God damn it!' when I drop something, but I don't believe in God because I don't believe in God.

By Captain Mike (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Rock on PZ!! You're coming to Nebraska!!
The Nebraska Citizens For Science will be there to see you in Kearney.
..hoping I can get a pic with you..
wooo hooo!!

Long time reader, first time poster. Hi everybody.

Right on, #41. Central Florida where? I'm in Daytona personally, and I'd drive a significant distance to see PZ. So...hoping for a more specific location so that I may plan accordingly...

Homie! You're gonna be in Long Beach!?! Sign my ass up.
My folks left Mn. for the more temperate climes of Omaha.

I left Omaha for the even better climes of San Diego and now you have got it right too!?! Awesome.

Who says the scientific method sucks!

See you in LB!

nobody: "who gives a shit? Really? One major city, Philly (a PERFECT match for your brand of misanthropy); Denver, home of the most ridiculous convention in decades; the rest, 4th-rate cowtowns.

Wow. You're reeeeeeeeeally popular, aren't you?"

Toronto is a "4th-rate cowtown"???

Seriously, if I strain something from laughing so hard, you're paying my bills kthx

By Psi Wavefunction (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

You call that "long distance"?

Where's Stockholm on the list? C'mon, you know you want to. Or Uppsala? Every biologist comes to Uppsala eventually. I think there's a rule about it.

#29: Katherine, I don't see a description of the Madison event on your blog; the link to the Union schedule didn't work, I couldn't find the Facebook group. What's happening in Madison?

By John Foust (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

UCF?!?! That would be so amazing!
My dad showed me your blog several months ago and him and I read/discuss it all the time and I am a freshman at the school now. If there is anything that can be done to make your trip to UCF or the Orlando area official, please let us know!

By Brandi Fliegelman (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

Crud, I'm going to be leaving Springfield just a little bit before you come. Oh well, I'll be there in spirit, I guess...

By Spalanzani (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

Come to Maine, please.

I so wish that some one would bring you to Texas :(