I'm green here

I don't know…should I reward her with a link when I'm seething with envy as GrrlScientist is in London?

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I'm always Green

(even lamer than Andres)

By David Green (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

Exotic swines.

By Christopher Gray (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

Hehehe...I'll be in London in a couple weeks myself! Want me to get you something? :)
It's my first time, and I'm very excited. If any fellow sciencegeeks have suggestions for "must-sees," I'd be happy to hear them.

Would be irresponsible of me to mention that I live just half an hour outside London and could probably be in the Museum in under an hour?


I have been to the American Museum Of Natural History in Manhattan many times, and itching to visit the Natural History Museum in the great city of London.

On a related topic: I am currently reading a new book, "Dry Storeroom No 1: The Secret Life Of The Natural History Museum", by Richard Fortey. Good stuff in their for anyone who has a hunger for our natural world and the great people who made us aware of it. Richard Fortey is a worthwhile author of our persuasion, and I have several of his books, all the worth having.

Well, I live in London and could more or less walk to the museum in not much more than an hour, were it not for al the nice pubs along the way. Back in the sixties when I was growing up the Natural History Museum (and all other buildings in London) was basically black, which was also what ended up in your handkerchief when you had a cold. Then they cleaned it and it was quite a shock - "does it REALLY look like that?!" It still startles me when I see it now. It's just not what I was brought up with...

By Andrew Bolton (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

Holbach, Hold off on Robert Prices book awhile longer. I picked mine up yesterday, and I'm not sure yet if it's pure woo.

Patricia @ 9

Good. We'll let you be the reviewer and perhaps spare us needless reading.

rrt - pay a visit to the Wellcome Centre just opposite Euston Station. I usually hate 'art meets science' stuff, but the Wellcome manages to pull it off with brilliance. Good bookshop, too.

By phil hoggart (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

Oh dear. I thought a biologist knew all about how to deal with mold. It doesn't reflect well on the Trophy Wife(tm) - she comes off as a bit slutty.

I used to live right next door to the museum; Princes Gate halls of residence. :-) OK, across the road, strictly speaking.
Do remember that the ice cream vendors typically charge progressively more as you approach the South Kensington underground station. Be patient for a few hundred yards and you should get a better deal on your 99.
And don't forget that the V&A is just yards away, as are the Albert Hall, the Imperial College (an alma mater of mine), the Royal College of Organists, the Royal College of Art (another alma mater of mine), the Goethe Institute, and probably a longish list I can't recall. Oh and the site of the old Iranian embassy where the hostage taking took place in 1980 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_Embassy_Siege, reasonably reflects my recollections from being there)

By tim Rowledge (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

Thanks for the suggestion,Phil, I'll look into it.

rrt: Can I recommend that you try to get out of London and see some of the rest of our amazingly beautiful country. London is exciting but Britain has much more to offer! Although, you might want to bring your waterproof underwear at the moment!

Yeah I remember when the stone-clad buildings were all black with soot, and the surprise when after the Clean Air Act they got cleaned up.

The Natural History Museum is a rather pretty building (the Life Sciences side, at least--the geology side was originally a separate Geology museum). The facing is terracotta, which gives a much warmer, softer and more colorful frontage than sandstone or granite.

There are many playful carvings of animals and plants on walls throughout the building. In this large image (1,704 × 2,272 pixels) you can see the monkeys on the arches supporting the roof.

As with any country we have a fair amount of geography (but not as much as North America). In general it's much tamer than North America, except for the north of Scotland which appears to have broken off and been left behind by North America in its haste to escape from Euramerica.

Think of it as a big version of The Shire, with more rain, and you won't go far wrong.

If I had to recommend a single place in mainland Britain to a visitor, I'd say head up to York, walk around the city walls one afternoon and visit York Minster when the sun is low and lights up the North Transept. Avoid the tourist traps, you'll just end up queuing for hours and the best stuff is free. If you have a car, drive around North Yorkshire, taking in Harrogate and the beautiful countryside around it (Wuthering Heights country). If you don't have a car, take a coach trip. At this time of year, take warm clothing, good shoes and an umbrella.

Yup, thanks David and Tony. I do plan to spend about half my week outside London, and I think York is a likely stop. :)