I know who Tina Fey will be voting for

The resemblance is uncanny and hilarious. She'll be in great demand if a certain unqualified ignoramus stumbles into the White House.

After you're done laughing, though, sober up to the horror.


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if a certain unqualified ignoramus stumbles into the White House.

Who are you talking about? This statement describes all the candidates.

Good grief, F Troop!

According to Greg Laden over at his blog, there's a story up in the WaPo about how she didn't even do anything as mayor but just cut all her duties and doled out all the menial tasks to subordinates.

Palin's personality seems to be vindictive and ruthless. She throws allies under the bus after they have served their purpose and easily makes and picks out enemies.

Her management style seems to be chaotic and authoritarian with lots of cronyism and ideology and little interest in actually governing.

It is well documented that she is a religious cultist who believes the earth is 6,000 years old, the apocalypse is due any day, and Dominionist xians should set up a theocracy. And like all of them, a hypocrit who has trouble telling the truth.

No big deal, a dime a dozen. Except she may be the next VP to a 72 year old who could drop dead any time. An unholy cross between Dan Quayle and Pol Pot and the Taliban.

The latest poll says McCain is running 47 45 to the dems. There is something drastically wrong with the USA that they are even polling more than 20-35%. The last 8 years have been a disaster, and BTW, it can and might get worse rather than better. If Palin gets in, wave bye bye to the former superpower known as the USA.

Why would she be in demand when Obama stumbles into the white house?

You'd consider it normal for them to poll at 20-35%? There's something wrong with a country when a party like that gets over 5% of the votes, really. (The 5% because you'll always have SOME crazies...and although I don't know the data, I wouldn't be suprised if that figure meant that there's something wrong with a lot of countries...)

The more I read about Ms Palin the more I think McCain's decision will turn out to be an outstanding tactical success but an ultimately doomed strategic failure, bit like Pearl Harbour for the Japanese or 9/11 for Al Qaeda.

You're sure that wasn't Sarah Pailn? Wow! what a resemblance. I noticed the similarity the instant I saw Palin but with costuming and makeup it's perfect. Tina Fey for VP!

By bigjohn756 (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

There's something wrong with a country when a party like that gets over 5% of the votes, really.

Well, we would need a better gene pool. 20% of the population still believes the sun orbits the earth, geocentrism. 400 years after Galileo and Copernicus. This tells you that 20% of the population will believe anything no matter how stupid or weird it is. And half the population has IQs under 100.

Put another way, if McCain had chosen a dog as VP, it wouldn't have knocked his support down all that much. If at all.

You can't blame McCain and Palin. They are what they are. The voters put them where they will. All civilizations end and the vast majority fall from within. This whole situation reminds me of Rome, the British empire, or the Soviet empire. I was hoping it would all hang together for my lifetime but not looking so good right now.

Chemist: I think the woman is gorgeous! Unfortunately that doesn't count toward being a proper VP even though it might get her elected in this nation of shallow thinking voters.

By bigjohn756 (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

The video showed Clinton to be the ruthless, ego maniac that she is.
I like her brand of feminism: wife, mother, person of service.

I should have written I like Palins brand of feminisim. N.15

That opening skit last night on SNL was amazing! I laughed my ass off (and that was the only time during the whole show that I could muster up any laughter). Tina Fey totally nailed it, she is one talented lady, and the resemblance is unbelievable!

As creepy as Palin is (and boy, she is creepy to the nth degree), she "pales" in comparison to the Karl Rove-led goon squad which pressured McCain into appointing her, and which has been massaging her image before the voters.

It is inexplicable that this demonic clown hasn't been jailed over his role the Plame affair, at the very least. It is further inexplicable that McCain has succumbed to this, the most sneeringly, jeeringly corrupt force in Republican politics.

Senator John said he'd rather lose an election than lose a war (that we had no reason to fight in the first place--war crimes trials, anyone?); permitting this filthy cabal to dictate campaign strategy, especially after the Rove-machine-led smearing of his character in the 2000 South Carolina primary (Strom Thurmond-style irony, anyone?) suggests that he'd really rather be president than have any semblance of a political soul.

And the Rove-led smear in 2000 is being repeated every day in this election. Krypto-racist messages can be detected in nearly every Republican campaign ad, and then filter down to the individual voter's level, where they frequently lose all the politely coded language.

Thanks to Rove, the party that freed the slaves is now wearing a white hood.

Cronyism, values loyalty over competence, has a penchant for secrecy... are we talking about Palin or Bush?

By Reginald Selkirk (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

The video showed Clinton to be the ruthless, ego maniac that she is.
I like her brand of feminism: wife, mother, person of service.


Why don't you come back over to the other thread and continue the discussion of the Joys of Mormonism?

Awesome Clinton, too. Is it wrong to hope that she gets made minister of health in an Obama cabinet? (I'm allowing myself to be optimistic here ...)

The piece about McCain on The View over on Salon was pretty damn good too. I know we've had issues with TV before, but in this case they really nailed it (and him!), I think.

I knew the minute I saw Sarah Palin that I wanted Tina Fey to do her impression on SNL. I just didn't know whether she acted anymore on SNL. I was thrilled to see her in the opening short. :D "With her Tina Fey glasses!"

By magdalune (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

"ignoramus stumbles into the White House".

What makes you think anyone with sense would want to run this broken place. If Sarah hadn't stepped forward, McCan't would have had to recruit someone from the third world. Like, who's that guy in Africa who denies that AIDS is a problem and is circumcising women. On second thought he could not carry the women and gay vote.

By Max Verret (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

"I should have written I like Palins brand of feminisim. N.15"

Mein Gott, a 'con who admits having made a mistake? You are weird.

By bernard quatermass (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

Tina Fey, Sarah Palin, Tina Fey, Sarah Palin

Tina Fey, Sarah Palin , Spiro Agnew

Tina Fey, Sarah Palin, Spiro Agnew

Little known governor of Alaska, little known governor of Maryland.

Palin, Agnew

What does she know and when did she know it?

Palin, Agnew

Watergate, Troopergate

McCain, McCain, what next? what next?

Ms. Palin has pursued vendettas, fired officials who crossed her and blurred the line between government and personal grievance.

There's nothing uniquely sinister about Palin. Politicians have been doing this for hundreds of years.

By Alan Chapman (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

D'Souza seems tight in support of Palin. He does give us this particularly perspicuous insight into her character: "even her 'so called' problems point up her normalcy'". It was her husband who was DUI twenty years ago, not her, her daughter is keeping the baby and marrying the father. Denesh seems to point up an underlying strength that always snatches victory from the jaws of defeat. This is the hallmark of the balanced and centered person.

By Max Verret (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

There should be no question by now that Palin was foisted upon McCain by James Dobson, Tim LeHaye, and the rapture ready crew of the Council for National policy.

Before the conventions, the Republicans saw that McCain was not going to get the votes and grass roots organization of the Conservative Christian Right (CCR), and there was no way to win the election without them. So either the RNC went hat in hand to the CCR, or the CCR offered their support, only if they could name the VP pick, and ensure a big say in policy making which Bush promised, but never delivered on.

Palin is little more than a pretty face, focus group approved, who will serve her dominionist overlords, the likes of John Ashcroft, Sun Myung Moon, Tony Perkins, DeVos (amway), Coors and the rest of the core of extremist Christianity.

Virtually everything these preachers and Palin want, I stand against.

I stand against secrecy in government.

I stand against political cronyism.

I stand against fundamentalist Christianity eliminating the secular nature of our government.

I stand against those who insist that they know "God's will"

I stand against those who wish to replace science with scripture and replace education with ecumenicalism.

I stand against those who cower behind censorship and bloviate about book-banning.

I stand against those who seek to strip us of our freedoms in the name of their faith, and their faith alone.

I stand against the Republican ticket of McCain/Palin

This is one election we cannot afford to let the Republican ticket win.

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

There should be no question by now that Palin was foisted upon McCain by James Dobson, Tim LeHaye, and the rapture ready crew of the Council for National policy.

There never was. It is no secret whatsoever. Dobson and Perkins picked her. McCain had never even met her before.

Palin's christofascist kookery was the sole reason she was picked. The GOP has been trying ever since to play that down and put lipstick on it but you can bet if they get in power it is going to crawl out from under the rock and do as much damage as it can.

By this time I will be on my own reverse 12 step program. How much wine can I drink before they completely wreck the country?

Now, now, I am sure that, should John McCain get elected president and, as bad luck would have it, fall down the stairs in the White House, say... leaving Sarah Palin as President, the individuals she appointed to serve in her administration would all do a heck of a job...

Maybe fleeing to Chile is an option- puedo hablar la lengua y me gustan las mujeres sudamericanas.

By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

It's clear that the last seven years have been a disaster, but you couldn't it tell my watching the Democrats. When they haven't out and out supported Bush, they have enabled virtually his every move. Put another way, if Bush is so bad, why have the Democrats done nothing to stop him?

And what are the voters to make of all this? Are they to conclude that the Democrats will behave differently just because they say so?

Besides talking about it, what have the Democrats actually done to challenge Bush and the Republicans? How many scandals have all those Democratic committee heads who where supposed to swing into action when the Democrats took over Congress uncovered? How many Bush administration criminals have been forced by the Democrats to answer for their crimes? Wait, wait, don't tell me. None.

It pains me greatly to say it but the Democrats, led by the likes of Nancy Pelosi ahd Chuck Schumer, have set the stage for a McCain victory in November.

By The Dancing Kid (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

Read the article in today's NY Times article on her .

She's nothing less that a younger, female Dick Cheney: in thrall to the oil companies, secretive, demanding personal loyalty over competence and brings Dick 'Ratbastard' Nixon's personal vindictiveness to governance.

Imagine what HER enemies list will look like...

She's the neocons AND the fundagelicals wet dream of a candidate.

"I keep telling people that I don't understand why others think she's hot. I just find her incredibly creepy."

Are you aware of the term "hatefuck"?


"It's clear that the last seven years have been a disaster, but you couldn't it tell my watching the Democrats. When they haven't out and out supported Bush, they have enabled virtually his every move. "

You are aware of how the senate and house rules work aren't you? You know about that whole "majority" thing, etc. right. Does the number "60" mean anything to you? You know about veto power, right? OK, then you probably understand that what having a Democraticly controlled Congress has given us these last two years is not the power to send Bush and Cheney off to prison or stop the war, but a stalemate where or treasonous leaders have at least been handcuffed from doing the worst that they would like too.
With that in mind, what are you blubbering about?


As an alternative to the "Even I am more qualified than Sarah Palin to be VP" bumper stickers, I propose "Tina Fey is MUCH more qualified than Sarah Palin to be VP".

It's true.......last night Tina Fay proved she IS the funniest comedian at the moment. Also, MadTv spoofed McCain in it's season opener last night. The did a "So you think you can dance" take-off......w/ McCain/Cindy and Obama/Michelle as contestants. Needless to say McCain was portrayed as "ancient" and barely able to move while Obama had all the moves. Incidentally, the ladies on The View also ripped McCain a new one in an interview w/ him this week. If this keeps up, he should slip in the polls (at least I hope so.)

Obama has pulled ahead in the polls over the weekend. Tina Fey rocks, and she can still parody Palin after the former mayor of Wasilla and John McCain loose to Obama and Biden.

Obama and Biden are getting my vote!

I'm an outdoors woman, National Park Ranger, and Palin does NOT speak for most outdoors women in the United States.

By Woman Voter (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

Vote Palin/Fey 2012!

Blubbering? That's silly.

And handcuffed? There's not a shred of credible evidence to support the notion that a party that controls both houses of congress, even when the president is from the opposition party, is "handcuffed." My statement stands. The Democrats have done nothing to stop the criminal Bush administration.

Anytime the Democrats desired they could have begun impeachment precedings. They did not. They chose instead to protect Bush and the office of the presidency, and embark on their stupid plan of waiting for a Democrat to be elected prsident. Well they're going to wait, alright, along with the rest of us. And the country will continue to sink while we do.

With that in mind, what the hell are you talking about? Bush has been able to do just about anything he has desired. A genuine opposition party would never have allowed that to occur.

By The Dancing KId (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

"Anytime the Democrats desired they could have begun impeachment precedings. They did not."

Um, right. There was no way that they could actually get the president impeached, so why would they take the time and expend the political capital (the majority of people in this nation are STRONGLY against such action) to start the proceedings? I understand your frustration, but you don't seem to be dealing with the realities of our system.

They hold power by a one vote margin in the Senate. Just how strong an opposition party (are you British?) do you think that makes them? Remember that that one vote comes from Joe (I'm a Democrat but am happy to appear on the RNC stage supporting Bush's policies) Lieberman as well.

If you aren't aware of how much of a lame duck president Bush has been over the last two years, because of the Democratic run House and Senate, you aren't paying attention. That's "what the hell I'm talking about."

You get an "A" for passion. "F" for dealing with reality.

Maybe Fey can reprise the Palin role in her day job. I see a bit where Alec Baldwin's character from 30 Rcok recruits Sarah Palin, played by Fey, to appear on his network's fictitious show "MILF Island."
As a 30 Rock spin-off, they really ought to do "MILF Island" on pay cable.

By CJColucci (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

I think it's unkind to imply that Tina Fey will vote for McCain/Palin just to ensure a meal ticket as the quintessential double for La Barracuda. (Fey, after all, is not a one-trick pony like the ill-fated Vaughn Meador, whose career ended with JFK's life.) The times being what they are, a well-deserved defeat for McCain/Palin does not mean that Palin has to go away. She is the half-term governor of Alaska and the heart-throb darling of the wacko right. She'll still be governor next year. While McCain would vanish almost without a trace during an Obama administration, Palin will inevitably be groomed by the GOP as the Great Right Hope for 2012.

Fey could have great fun portraying Gov. Palin has she defends the Alaskan shores from the imminent threat of Russian invasion. (She could pose with binoculars in a guard tower while standing under a "Solidarity with Georgia" banner -- decorated with the flag of the U.S. state of Georgia.) So many possibilities.

Wow that New York Times article was scary. It was almost comical in how much power Palin seemed to have, things you'd think only happened in the movies. It seems to show that Palin isn't just politically dumb fundamentalist to satisfy the religious right, that she's a politically smart and vicious fundamentalist. This is worse than a politically simple one because at least if a simple one became president we could hope they wouldn't be politically clever enough to do much damage, but no such hope would exist for Palin; she would use the tactics you see in the New York Times article to get crazy decisions enacted.

BTW Dancing Kid,

My comment @ 40 was that the House and Senate have, themselves "handcuffed" the president. Not that they have been handcuffed BY the president. Please read carefully through entries before you comment on them.

When I clicked on the "horror" link I saw an add for "Burn After Reading" --very weird and appropriate.

I know who Tina Fey will be voting for.
Yes...so do I.
She will vote the same way 90% of the "journalists" on the networks, the "journalists" in the print media,the "journalists" for the wire services and the journalists" for public TV and radio.
But Tina doen't pretend to be objective.

By Eric S Atkinson (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

90 percent huh? What, are Fox News and the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal run by like five guys and carrier pigeon?

The resemblance is uncanny and hilarious. She'll be in great demand if a certain unqualified ignoramus stumbles into the White House.

Nonsense. She doesn't look anything like Barack Obama.

By John Knight (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

Who are you talking about? This statement describes all the candidates.

Some of the candidates are still more unqualified and ignorant than others.

She will vote the same way 90% of the "journalists" on the networks, the "journalists" in the print media,the "journalists" for the wire services and the journalists" for public TV and radio.

If the US media are "liberal", then what are those in any other country on the planet except Saudi Arabia? Trotskyist? Maoist? Anarcho-syndicalist?

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

I'll admit John, I laughed at that. Humor being the juxtaposition of contradictions or what's expected and what's not, I'll readily admit that ignoramus and Barack Obama are quite contradictory.

Well done.

I put this message on the PSA thread about midnight Friday, but I don't thin it received much response so I'm adding it here: Go vote!
...here is a poll we might want to pharyngulate:

"To what degree will religion play a part in your voting decision?"

This is on the PBS Now site at http://www.pbs.org/now/
High and Moderate degree are stll ahead of Small and No degree by ~75% to 25%.

By nicknick bobick (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

As always that poll is poorly worded and meaningless unfortunately.

Religion may play a big roll in my NOT voting for McCain but I guarantee that isn't how that vote in the poll will be viewed.

I agree with Rev.BDC. Palin's religion is a major negative for me and McCain's pandering to the religious right is also off-putting. So an honest answer to the poll would be "moderately important" (there are other issues that are more important to me). But the pollsters could construe that as religion being a positive rather than a negative influence.

That was scarily accurate !

From an article on Salon,written by a woman,pretty much my thoughts exactly,this is what I dont understand :

//I did not think that women being downgraded to second-class, three-holed chattel would be a pressing concern in my lifetime. I thought it was like polio, or witch burning -- an inhumane error that had already been corrected. But after eight years of Republican hegemony, and now the potential ascendance of this sheep in ewe's clothing, I am so mortally offended I feel like it is really time for women to be angry, hardcore and disgusted again. Not just with old white Christian patriarchs and their hopelessly calcified, religiously condoned misogyny, but also with the self-abnegating, submissive female Uncle Tommies whose ambitions and eagerness to please the powerful males of their tribe are so desperate that they would sell out their sovereignty over their own bodies. And yours too.//

Link here :

That was scarily accurate. It makes me very excited for the new season of 30 Rock, surely they can't let this pass them by.

Did you all see that huge protest in Alaska?
Aparently she doesnt have 80% approval ratings.

SOme of the signs held by the women protesters read
"read my lipstick No mcsame/ palin"
another sign read
"Hey hockey mom keep the puck out of DC"

it has been said it is very hard to get demonstraters in alaska and that these people employers are the oil industry and for them to stand up and say no to palin means they know she isnt ready to be POFTUS

im bob barr and i approve this message

@ #61, #62,

Same here. It's not Palin being religious that bothers me, it's how much she might try to shove her religion down my throat.

90 percent huh? What, are Fox News and the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal run by like five guys and carrier pigeon?

C'mon... we all know that they're run by an army of cyborg-monkeys, who are notoriously liberal voters.

C'mon... we all know that they're run by an army of cyborg-monkeys, who are notoriously liberal voters.

I thought they were all run by one of those postmodern gibberish essay writing programs.

I know who Tina Fey will be voting for

There was an episode of Fey's 30 Rock where her character said something to the effect of "I publicly support Obama but I'll end up voting for McCain" (it was meant as a joke at her character's faux interest in liberal causes when she's actually politically apathetic and prone to being swayed by popularism). Anyway, this was aired back when McCain started to become a longshot in the Rep. primary race and Hillary was still seen as the most likely nominee.

I kept remembering that quote when McCain ended up getting the nomination, thinking it was oddly prescient of Fey to have picked the nominees way back then. And now McCain has picked a Tina Fey look-a-like for VP... I think Fey might be a witch.

Posted by: DemiOrator | September 14, 2008 5:42 PM

A shame Fey has her own show to work on. I want to see more.

Are you kidding? 30 Rock is pretty much the only breath of fresh air in network comedy nowadays. SNL suuuuuuucks.

Oh, I also watch House for the comedy.

Posted by: Uke | September 14, 2008 1:59 PM

Why would she be in demand when Obama stumbles into the white house?

Posted by: John Knight | September 14, 2008 7:52 PM

The resemblance is uncanny and hilarious. She'll be in great demand if a certain unqualified ignoramus stumbles into the White House.

Nonsense. She doesn't look anything like Barack Obama.

...Aaaand this is conservative sense of "humor" ladies and gentlemen.

I keep telling people that I don't understand why others think she's hot. I just find her incredibly creepy.

I absolutely agree. Her beliefs and actions make her completely unattractive. I don't get it and I lose respect for anyone who finds her remotely hot. Tina Fey should be insulted by the comparison, but...it is comedy gold!!

By Pimientita (not verified) on 15 Sep 2008 #permalink


Are you implying that people watch House for something other than the humor? That show is comedy gold, in my opinion. It may not be intended as such, and it would likely be a drama if you took out Hugh Laurie (That would make it ER, now that I think about it), but with him in the lead, it can't be anything but a comedy

I think the writers are comedy greats, gotta give them credit as well.

I can tell by the comments that most of the responses and all of the negative ones are being sent by students not adults, students who thank goodness are still learning and have a long way to go.
Face reality, the government, meaning the taxpayers cannot pay for your every desire as have your parents, you are spoiled and ungrateful and think you have all the good ideas, you are but babies and need constant watching so you don`t mess-up, your opinions are so distorted that they have no value in a real world situation, where will you go after you can no longer go to school? Back to mommie?


Actually, I'd be willing to wager that there are more educators (like myself) commenting on this site than students. Then, of course, there's the large number that have nothing to do with academia, but are just interested in the natural world.
Your feelings of inadequacy, most likely stemming from not being properly educated yourself, show through in your comment. I would suggest that instead of making rather pathetic comments about what the "real world" is like, you return to school yourself and shore up that eighth grade education. Perhaps then you won't feel the need to try to put down others who are actually trying to better themselves and learn.
Oh, when you do, please make sure you take some writing classes. Your inability to use proper punctuation makes reading anything by you a real strain.

Governor Palin, I served with Tina Fey: I knew Tina Fey; Tina Fey was a friend of mine. Governor, you're no Tina Fey.

Hey look. Another sophmoric thread about Sarah Palin.

You pinheads definitely doth protestest to mucheth!

"It's true.......last night Tina Fay proved she IS the funniest comedian at the moment. Also, MadTv spoofed McCain in it's season opener last night. The did a "So you think you can dance" take-off......w/ McCain/Cindy and Obama/Michelle as contestants. Needless to say McCain was portrayed as "ancient" and barely able to move while Obama had all the moves. Incidentally, the ladies on The View also ripped McCain a new one in an interview w/ him this week. If this keeps up, he should slip in the polls (at least I hope so.)"

Well if the women on the View are on your side......egads.

"Hey look. Another sophmoric thread about Sarah Palin.
You pinheads definitely doth protestest to mucheth!"

Everyone who posts is likely to commit a spelling error here and there, so I won't make too much heavy weather over "sophmoric," or even "to" for "too." But before you go archaic on us again, you might first do a little research. You'd discover that -(e)th is an archaic VERBAL (not ADVERBIAL) termination, confined to the third person singular (though occasionally, I believe, found as a third-person plural). -(e)st IS second person, but always singular. "Do," "does," and "doth" take an infinitive--in other words a verb form with no termination in early modern or more recent English.

To put it another way, you're confirming the proposition that Sarah Palin supporter = ignoramus pretty nicely.

By Aaron Baker (not verified) on 15 Sep 2008 #permalink

Did you all see that huge protest in Alaska?

Where on the web can I see it?

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 15 Sep 2008 #permalink

"Ye do protest too much" then.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 15 Sep 2008 #permalink

Ouch! BK, really! Perhaps you and Wayne can both get into some of the same remedial English classes. They're really going to come in handy when you attempt to participate in many forms of communication and may allow others to take what you say seriously.

While you're at it, enroll in a few other liberal studies classes as well. Maybe that'll help you choose quotes which more accurately reflect your thoughts and you won't embarrass yourself quite as much.

i've had a crush on Tina Fey for years. smart, funny women have that effect on me =)

and since someone asked, link to anti-Palin protest coverage in the Anchorage Daily News: http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/story/525008.html

it just refererences "hundreds" but i've heard the total was over a thousand, with a few tens of pro-Sarah counter-protesters

And now McCain has picked a Tina Fey look-a-like for VP... I think Fey might be a witch.

Too bad Alaskans can't build a bridge out of her!

By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 15 Sep 2008 #permalink

jpf said I kept remembering that quote when McCain ended up getting the nomination, thinking it was oddly prescient of Fey to have picked the nominees way back then

Really? Did anyone seriously think the Republicans were going to nominate someone else? It was clear once the field was shown that McCain would ultimately get the nomination. I never had any doubt that he was going to be their nominee. Everyone else had too many problems.

I was wrong on the dems. I thought we'd eventually get around to nominating John Edwards (at first) though I'm glad we didn't now that his affair turned up.

BTW I thought Fey was Palin for a couple of seconds when I saw SNL. The resemblance really is uncanny.

By Pygmy Loris (not verified) on 15 Sep 2008 #permalink

I'll admit John, I laughed at that. Humor being the juxtaposition of contradictions or what's expected and what's not, I'll readily admit that ignoramus and Barack Obama are quite contradictory.

Well done.

What was it Forrest Gump said? "Stupid is as stupid does"? And Obama's policy proposals are pretty darn stupid.

...Unless he knows how harmful they are. Then he'd just be grossly immoral.

But maybe we can agree that he's utterly unqualified since he has no real experience other than working as a tool for the Daley Machine.

By John Knight (not verified) on 16 Sep 2008 #permalink