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More like this
Octopus briareus, the Caribbean reef octopus
Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Octopus alpheus
Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Octopus cyanea
Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Octopus micropyrsus
Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Now for the "Cthulhu fhtagn" and tentacle lashings...
What the hell is that tube thingy? Is this cephalopod naughty bits?
It's the siphon
Suppose she's a member of the Red Hat Society?
Oh, Patricia, the "naughty bits" of a male cephalopods is called a hectocotylus. If you'd like to see what it looks like, google image search it. ;)
No thank you Jared. I'll take your word for it. I still haven't recovered from that hideous dissection PZ posted months ago. *cringe*
I do think I like the Patrician most out of the three. It has the proper 'patattude'.
Actually, one of the arms is co-opted as naughty bits. Sometimes, it's very heavily modifies, but in a lot of species you'd have to be a scientist to tell 'em from the other seven.
Think on that for a bit. >:-)
What a beauty!
Nentuaby, yummy fried cephalopod penis!
It's Groucho Marx reincarnated in a cephalopod! Doesn't anyone here know a cigar when they see one?
The red and purple, I can see for myself, but I wish that you would write more about their chromatophores. Is there a comprehensive (online, maybe) resource on colouration of cephalopoda that could be recommended?
I wish we could get this octopus to eat the Presidential debate...
Oh... Wow.
Wow. Is it just me, or do others imagine that "hover car" sound when looking at cephalopod pictures? They just look like they're somehow... technologically advanced hover creatures. (?)
This one, in particular, is absolutely amazing.
I don't trust anything that veiny- just ask Mr Shrek.
cute animation, involving octopi: http://www.mytoons.com/animation/play/18681
They look so smart and dignified. The fact that these things would later be the ancestors of creationists disproves evolution. If evilution dos exits then y did the creatards get stoopider over time?
To Bride of Shrek (No. 15), you should not advertise that. Plenty of women appreciate a well-vascularised organ!
Uggh! Jared.
In the county that serves Mt. Oysters at Miss Piggies Grill, we don't fry penis's.
Get a grip man, that just ain't fittin. Even served with grits, you go too far.
20 ducats deducted from your bar tab.
Ahhh, here we go. "Descending into a cascade of obscenities" to quote good ol' Beltane Brenda von Something.
Red, purple, veiny, and well-vascularized organs get dragged into the discussion.
Every gent here is going to swear he sports one the size of...wait for it... a Peterbilt!
OT but right about now Adam and Jamie are talking like pirates and shooting cannons.
Avast, me hearty swabs! Thar be Discovery!
I saw on some version of google news that Johnny Depp has signed on for a Pirates 4. It had better be damn well better than the last pile of tripe!
I want to see more wooing of strumpets, more sluts, and certainly more corsets in Singapore.
The Tentacled Overlord Davy Jones is good, but get him right in the right scenes!
Hell's bells is Disney so damned stoopid that they can't know about Granuaile the Irish pirate queen? Sheesh!
Good night ye intemperate Ilk. Ye sultry sluts, and veiny voluptuous, venous, volumptrotudenous vipers.
(that last bit hurt)
Wait, am I a sultry slut? If not, can I have one or two(or a dozen)?
#17 Enshoku
My guess is inbreeding within populations. (i.e.churches)
I sure like the dress that calamari is wearing.
Patricia @23; how dare you compare humans to vipers! One is a vicious, aggressive, and repulsive animal, and the other is a family of Squamata
This one is gorgeous
The reference to red hats (I once met a chemist with a red bowler, by the way) made me think he looks like a cardinal.
Yeah, sorry, but "nothing is sacred".
Again I say it: this is a lovely cephalopod, but where are all the cuttlefish? I'm calling the NAACF.
The environment shifted. Obnoxiousness became of greater survival value than intelligence. The first trait was selected for, the second against.
Excellent Dodos reference, PZ, if it was intentional.
Does anyone know how big this cutie is?
Enshoku - Of course you can be a sultry slut. All manner of sluts are welcome!
My reference to vipers was meant as admiration for their well known tempers. :o)