I may have to start watching The View

When I've seen bits of it before, I've felt a terrible urge to run howling from the room…but they've hired a new cast member who might well provide some insightful and provocative opinions.


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"a terrible urge to run howling from the room..."

OMFSM that was hilarious, I just laughed really loud in a very quiet library. Put a warning next time or something, i won't be able to read pharyngula in libraries any more.

Wow, poor squiddy, forced to listen to the droning of the harpies of irrelevancy... One day they will pay for such insolence....

"a terrible urge to run howling from the room..."

OMFSM that was hilarious, I just laughed really loud in a very quiet library. Put a warning next time or something, i won't be able to read pharyngula in libraries any more.

"I like the squid," said Chicago resident Anna Herskowitz, 46. "I really relate to it. More than I relate to Elisabeth Hasselbeck, anyway."

Out of satire, the truth is revealed.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

I was just thinking about emailing that to you! I wonder if that was their little tribute to Friday's Appreciation Day.

Haha. Finally! Now the View won't sound inane.

PZ or any other SciBloggers reading this, Uncommon Descent is currently investing in Obama-is-not-a-citizen tinfoil hat conspiracy stuff. Seems like a good time to point out how loony they are without even needing to deal with religious apologists.

If this became a reality, I would start watching the view. Not for the inevitable tentacle rape, but because it might become less stupid.

Deuterostomes and protostomes have such fundamental disagreements about the most basic functions of life, it's hard to see how any agreement could be reached. My prediction: anarchy and blasphemy.

Deuterostomes and protostomes have such fundamental disagreements about the most basic functions of life, it's hard to see how any agreement could be reached. My prediction: anarchy and blasphemy.

If they replaced Hasselbeck and Shepherd with the squid, Goldberg and Walters would cast sighs of relief -- the conversation would be more scintillating.

By Bubba Sixpack (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

Nooo, don't watch. It's a trap. They draw us in with the squid and then, BAM, they have us in their debilitating stupid ray and then were all doomed, DOOMED.

squirted 12 gallons of ink onto Sherri Shepherd


Wow, they finally got a creature on that show with a brain.
I hope they'll interview Cthulhu or Dagon in the near future.

Someone told me that squid have donut shaped brains and that their esophagus runs through the center of it. Is that true? Or more importantly, why does it freak me out so much?

Wow, they finally got a creature on that show with a brain.
I hope they'll interview Cthulhu or Dagon in the near future.

Wow, they finally got a creature on that show with a brain.
I hope they'll interview Cthulhu or Dagon in the near future.

Somewhat unrelated, but a DVD version of Expelled is now available for viewing for free on the Internets (if you know where to go..)

Wow, they finally got a creature on that show with a brain.
I hope they'll interview Cthulhu or Dagon in the near future.

Clearly a SPOOF! Architeuthidae (and other cephalopods, for that matter) is much TOO INTELLIGENT to condescend and be on a television show like The View! Unless, of course, it was "feeding"...

By Jonathan Cahill (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

Has the squid definitely inked the deal yet?

OK, I'll stop right there.

By Quiet Desperation (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

@24 - Link doesn't seem to be working

It has been a pretty long while since I read something funny on the old onion. Giant squids: comedy gold!

By Curseword69 (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

Someone told me that squid have donut shaped brains and that their esophagus runs through the center of it. Is that true?

Yep. It's pretty much true for all protostomes smart enough to have a brain (mollusks, annelid worms, arthropods). When your sense organs are above the mouth but your main nerve cords are ventral, the donut-around-the-esophagus setup is pretty much unavoidable.
Why does it freak you out? Because you're a dorsal-nerve-cord chauvinist. Me too. Deuterostomes, represent!

By Sven DiMIlo (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

It's generally crap, yes, but didn't they do a pretty good job of tearing into McSame recently?

I seem to recall he was challenged wayyyyyy more than by any of the other sycophantastic talking heads.

"Because you're a dorsal-nerve-cord chauvinist." - Sven DiMIlo

But of course! Really, it's more like the way I feel when I see someone put their legs behind their head. Call it an empathetic discomfort, even though I'm sure those with donut brains are as comfortable as those with their legs behind their heads.

I have never seen "The View". I'm proud of this in the same way that I'm proud that I've never gone out and clubbed baby seals.

I don't think the sentence at the end of the article saying the squid has breast cancer is true. I think it's just a ratings ploy.

I'm rather surprised that PZ failed to catch this. He should know better.

M2, wasn't that the one where Whoopi let him have it? After he said he was a strict constitutionalist she said she was worried about being sold back into slavery, and he didn't quite get it. Now that was a good clip.

Come on. You act like this is the first time The View has had a 900# cephalopod on their panel.

By One Eyed Jack (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

Come on. You act like this is the first time The View has had a 900# cephalopod on their panel.

By One Eyed Jack (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

In other stories at the bottom: Hurricane Katrina returns to New Orleans to apologise. :)

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

You so funny!