More like this
Sepia apama
Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
This one is for those blood-thirsty free-riding sprogs.
Sepia apama
Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Sepia sp.
Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
But, does it write poetry?
Not so impressive after all, eh?
He doesn't allow any nonsense in his classes!
Glen D
Again with the Sepia obama? Didn't you mean "Presidential"?
Obviously pompous and bored.
I prefer these ones, they are more tasty
Is that beastie damaged? It looks as if something took a bite out of it near where the tentacles meet the head (forgive my laymaness if I'm using the wrong terminology for squid anatomy).
Looks like a big 'C'; it must have had a run-in with a deranged McCain supporter.
What? Too soon?
Laff o' the day, and no, right on time.
It just has very shaggy (and untrimmed) eyebrows - and rather drooping jowels.
Looks like a big 'C'; it must have had a run-in with a deranged McCain supporter.
Deranged McCain support was annoyed by the Obama bumper sitcker on Squidworth's car?
How does it catch food? It scares it's food to death!
Todd story; she lied, and has admitted it.
The link didn't work, so here's another. The Todd "B for Obama" story is a lie.
The Vet Who Did Not Vet
Made of WIN!
Piglet squid:
Nay, it it merely its gaze that commands its prey into submission.
I've been looking with awe upon the stuff from Cephalopods: A World Guide. They're not just pictures, they're portraits! Somebody's been picking illustrations with extreme prejudice. I hope the photogs are getting showered with gold for their stunning work.
Regal?! How un-American! Death to kings!
He looks sad.
But to be fair, I'd prolly be pretty sad if I looked like that, too.
Wow, that one's a bit scary. Just how big is that?
Wow, its coloring feel so very prismatic. Like a, a rainbow squid.
Pavlovian conditioning in the (pretty brainless) Nautilus.
It took me a while to recall the name, but Clement Freud (or accompanying dog!) is the person / mammal of which that cephalopod reminds me - having a droopy, dignified but somewhat disappointed-in-you expression.
Is it wrong that with every Friday cephalopod, if it is really remarkable, I inevitably ask myself, "I wonder what THAT tastes like"?
Ima go with no. Bring on the calamari! Bring on the tako!
Perhaps a disembodied Mind Flayer?
It certainly looks like it could eat your brain.
Looks kinda Rastafarian
Nice sepia! :D
Cephalopod identification please! Spaciest thing I've seen, looks like someone ripped off Independence Day.
Looks like the predator.
PZ, get ready to renounce your atheism! I know I have! I've discovered the one true faith, and now I can talk to an octopus!
(hilarious spoof of scientology by the makers of tv show "look around you")