More crazy from that homeschooling mom

She may have deleted her post that called for killing homosexuals, but now she's put up a guest post from some freaky Baptist minister, shrieking about "Sodomites" who are being punished by her loving god, with quotes from the usual suspects — Romans and Leviticus — demanding that they be put to death.

That Christian deity sure is a cranky, bitter, hateful old guy, isn't he? And Christians sure are talented at inventing imaginary enemies to work themselves into a frothing rage over.


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Christianity - Because there simply is nothing more destructive, more terrifying, detrimental and anathema to the biosphere and capable of taking down all society and infrastructure as we know it, as well as destroy heaven and all of God's plans, than a thick penis sliding into a male asshole.

Sure looked like hate speech to me, so I reported it - again.

By Lee Picton (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

I wish these deviant homeschoolers would just knock it off. It's really embarrassing for the rest of us.

I have to put up with this kind of crap every time I try to do anything with my local homeschool group.

I love the Christian God. He's so forgiving of anything you do wrong, for as it says in Matthew
12:31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men.
It's nice to see that Baptists look to the message of Jesus and revel in the kindness of their hearts as they love their neighbour - just as God intended.

A common misconception is that homosexuals are only attracted to and only prey on men. It is clearly seen in the Bible that homosexuals are perverted in other ways and are always bisexual.

Bad news, women. The really hot gay guy didn't reject you because he's only interested in men; he rejected you because you're unattractive.

The Bible says so! (After careful study.)

Why do these idiots always quote something other than the words of Jebus for their justifications? If they call themselves Xians, then the words of X should be their primary literature. What hypocrits.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Days like this make you want to deal with Christians as one of their own suggested: "Tuez-les tous; Dieu reconnaitra les siens."

On the other hand, my morning does of caffeine hasn't had time to kick in yet.

Maybe it's me, but that St Paul sure was an asshole.

By Dave Wisker (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

I'm not sure which website comforts me more when I get enraged by this kind of shit - or

The latter appeals to my inner linguistics nerd (okay, not so much inner as 'really obviously outer') but I can really get behind the former what with my own hatred for sea bugs. (I like to hide in my house when the annual crawfish festival is on around here.)

But then I remember that it's about 90% likely that certain current vice-presidential candidates actually believe this shit and I have to go cry.

Ah, good old hate. See, that's what missing today. Kids these days just don't have enough of that good old fashioned Old Testament kill all the men and rape the women hate. It builds character. Why, I don't make it through breakfast without shivering in hatred for at least three ethnic groups, 2 nationalities, seven PACs, and 1 sex. It keeps me fit and healthy. God bless the hate filled!

I always find these sermons amusing -- as far as I can see, he seems to be arguing that God actually made people gay as a punishment. Isn't that against the general notion of the fundies?

"Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child."
-Robert Heinlein

By mannik5000 (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

She did this a couple of days ago when we started our spiritual assault on her site a couple of days ago. Why oh why did she have to change her name from "Raani" to "Janine"?

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Please, can we have more knitting?

The idiots got it all wrong!!! It says clearly in Deuteronomy that disobedient children should be taken to the city gates and stoned to death.

God's plans were all derailed because not enough xians were willing and able to murder their kids in a gruesome fashion. I'm sure this women with her 5 kids is a slacker too and hasn't yet even stoned one of them to death.

Not even going to mention the role of shrimp, clams, and pigs in the degenerate times we find ourselves.

Notice how the obsession is over male homosexuality. I see no obsessive references to lesbians, either by wacko preachers or, as a matter of fact, in their Bible. If you ask them, I'm sure they'll reject lesbians, but the element that seems to get 'em all frothy is anal penetration (ergo their preference for "Sodomite" over "homosexual"). Technically speaking, lesbians cannot be "Sodomites" so I guess lesbians are A-OK with the sky dude.

I may be wrong, but from a brief look around her blog last time it was discussed, I go the impression that the pastor Anderson referenced here (and in many other places on the blog) is her brother.

By Brain Hertz (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Freaky? Do Baptist Minister ever get their freak on? Inquiring minds want... well, no, I guess we don't want to know, actually.

Outside of an actual historical context, "Sodomite" is on my list of "Words Crazy People Use"

By Quiet_Desperation (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

They never mention the relationship between David and Jonathon.

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink


That bisexual thing got me too. Has anyone else heard this claim? Is that a new thing the anti-gays are going to start pushing?

I guess lesbians are A-OK with the sky dude.

Only if He can watch...

(And since He's omniscient, I suppose He can.)

Only if He can watch...

Ha! Well said...

"That bisexual thing got me too. Has anyone else heard this claim? Is that a new thing the anti-gays are going to start pushing?"

I'm gay, and I've heard 'em all, but that's a new one on me.

"Lock up yer daughters!! The fags is a comin'!!"

I see no obsessive references to lesbians, either by wacko preachers or, as a matter of fact, in their Bible.

That's 'cause lesbians are hot.

And their so afraid of man on man action because they might like it.

Five bucks says he's gay.

That's a lot of self-hate goin' on there.

And their so afraid of man on man action because they might like it.



Five bucks says he's gay.

That's a lot of self-hate goin' on there.

I'm sure he's as straight as Ted Haggard.

By Shaden Freud (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

I notice she's taken her picture down from her profile, as well. Do you suppose she's feeling "pharyngulated"?

I know I'm getting a bit talkative instead of just lurking like usual. Must be that fine Sicilian Nero d'Avola I'm sipping.

"Lock up yer daughters!! The fags is a comin'!!"

Send 'em to the roundhouse! They can't corner 'em there!

Five bucks says he's gay.

Meh... never really bought into that theory. I've met guys like than, and as far as I have ever been able to determine, it's good, old fashioned hate for hate's sake. They really are that wrapped up in their bedtime stories that such an affront to their little god really does get their abomination goo flowing.

By Quiet_Desperation (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Here's why the Minister (Social Dominator) and the woman (Authoritarian follower) are the way they are. It's pretty straightforward, and common in the religious right:

This is such a terrific book, and should be compulsory reading for anyone currently living on a large ball of rock.

By Christopher (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

He shoulda played by the Queensberry rules and spelled it "Somdomite".

By Ktesibios (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Hey, Tulse, I think the Ted Haggard comment was a joke. Just sayin'

By Quiet_Desperation (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink


Today's 'Literary Quote of the Day' read:

"The battle between good and evil boils down to the conflict between moderns and primitives." - Anthony Steyning

So much hypocrisy. Fundies pick and choose bits of their own religious doctrine to obey when it suits them. What about keeping kosher? Or keeping the sabbath day holy? Or killing children when they curse at their parents?

If the teachings of Jesus amends anything in the old testament, it is Judge not that ye be not judged (Matthew 7:1) or He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her (John 8:7). If the old testament laws no longer apply to you then stop applying them to others.

Christopher, I've just started reading that book. I've heard bits and pieces of this sort of thing before, but it's scary how some people think and see the world. Did you do the quiz? I scored 33 ... definately NOT authoritarian.

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

I just posted the quote from The God Delusion where Dawkins tears down the old testament god for being capricious, sadomasochistic, etc. Wonder if she'll approve the comment?

The guy seems to be trying to start a new catch-phrase: "preaching to the organ".

By Badjuggler (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Katkinkate, I've just finished it (someone here directed me to it in a previous article's comments - thanks whoever you were!) and I must say I'm completely blown away by how much sense it all makes once you understand the psychology.

It explains exactly and clearly (and amusingly) why we all need to fight the religious right who have infected the Republican organisation.

For those that haven't read it, Professor Robert Altemeyer (Psychology, U Manitoba) has published, free online, a guide to why people who want to lead should never be allowed to, and why so many people blindly follow evil men.

Long live Dr Bob!

By Christopher (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Meh... never really bought into that theory. I've met guys like than, and as far as I have ever been able to determine, it's good, old fashioned hate for hate's sake.

Eh, I'm so so on the theory. I remember one anti-gay researcher (Paul Cameron?)who kept talking about how we couldn't allow homosexuality because it was "too pleasureful" and no one would ever have heterosexual/reproductive sex if they had the alternative available. That's clearly a case of someone in the closet behind the shoe rack. And men who identify as strongly against homosexuality are more likely to have an erection when watching gay porn. So in some cases, it might be true. But clearly sometimes a homophobe is just a homophobe.

KatKinKate @ 20

Ok, you've sparked my interest. This is a story I do not know (or have forgotten), care to elaborate?

I just posted the quote from The God Delusion where Dawkins tears down the old testament god for being capricious, sadomasochistic, etc. Wonder if she'll approve the comment?

Don't know why she'd start now.

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. (Ezekiel 16:49)

They never mention the relationship between David and Jonathon.

Nor yet the relationship between Jesus and Judas, which was clearly close. Judas was Jesus' close advisor and the one whom he trusted to set his elaborate assisted suicide in motion. Doesn't prove that they were lovers or even attracted, but, well...

Technically speaking, lesbians cannot be "Sodomites" so I guess lesbians are A-OK with the sky dude.

You sure about that? because I know quite a few Lesbians who enjoy anal play, with dildo or without.

By Akheloios (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

I remember one anti-gay researcher (Paul Cameron?)who kept talking about how we couldn't allow homosexuality because it was "too pleasureful"

In a rare bit of honesty in a radio interview, one preacher who opposed 'gay tolerant' curriculum content admitted that when he was young he 'could have gone either way' and he is afraid that will happen to others. [this guy did not advocate violence or harassment--I guess that makes him a moderate fundie]

Not that it's a valid argument. One either has interest or one does not, learning tolerance will not change that.

hagrus: So you're saying that the real sin of sodom is being ungenerous in prosperity and not helping those in need? Sort of like people who are more concerned about their tax rate than whether everyone has health care and a place to live?

"I Samuel 18:1, in the Authorized King James Version, tells us that: "... the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him [David] as his own soul." "

"...I Samuel 18:3,4, in the Byington Translation, says that they: "pledged themselves to each other, in the love that he had for him ..." and "Jonathan stripped off the robe he had on and gave it to David..." This ritualistically represented the establishment of a love covenant relationship between the two men: What's mine is yours, what's yours is mine. From this point on there is no question about their relationship being platonic. This sharing of garments, covering the other, shows it was more than that in context of their culture."

Seems like King David may have been bi. The 2 quotes above are from a more enlightened sermon I found when looking for the bible reference just now on Google. (Sorry, my HTMLfu is weak)

And then there's the even more 'unthinkable' relationship of Jesus and John, 'the disciple that Jesus loved'.

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

...flounces in...
For crying out loud, don't any of you darlin's ever read your bible?!
It isn't just Jerry Falwell that hates pagans, gays and lesbians, gawd himself hates lesbians.

Romans 1:26 - For this reason, God delivered them to degrading passions as their females exchanged their natural sexual function for one that is unnatural.
International Standard Version

For crying out loud, don't any of you darlin's ever read your bible?!

Uh...well... (mumble mumble)...I was going to but my dog ate it. Or maybe that was my god.

I wish I was a lesbian. Lesbians are cool.

Weird stuff; especially the bit about how Ham was the first Sodomite and violated his father. I wonder what that loon's views on the "Curse of Ham" are.

If you click to the church, you find out that the pastor doesn't have a degree, but has memorized over 100 chapters of the Bible. He seems obsessed with the chapters on homosexuality. Hmmmmm......

Ever since I read her original post, I've been leery about going outside for fear of Sodomites leaping out of the bushes and defiling me, my dog and any passing Xian ladies.
Perhaps the government should institute a color-coded threat level.

Pastor Anderson sounds like a learned authority on the subject. Full of passion, too. It reminds me of the time I was watching TV and ran across Jimmy Swaggart denouncing the evils of pornography. A couple of years later we discovered that Swaggart was indeed as great an expert on pornography as anyone could be. I'll bet Anderson is similarly a truly well-informed expert on gay stuff.

Did anyone else check out that pastor's web site. It is full of batshit crazy awesome. His wife is an anti-vaccine kook who also doesn't like any other modern medicine. She calls medicine "The whore of the government." It is no surprise that this guy has no education, but "has memorized well over 100 bible chapters".

By the way, since gay-baiting is the topic of the hour:

The student council members in Sacramento who voted to endorse the anti-gay Proposition 8 managed to survive a recall vote this week. Too bad. [Link]

The Sodomite story is one of the most disgusting stories in the bible.

Think about it...

The 'two strangers' are represented as angels in the church.

The man gives this gang the woman, and they rape and kill her at his door.

Imagine this, (but not for too long, as it is disgusting), these two 'angels' and the man sit in this house, as they hear this woman being raped. Ignorign her cries for help, her scratches at the door as they kill her. ow long could they stand listening to this? And as evil as they make this crowd to be, who says that death was thier end for her??? What did the angels do to stop this?


These are gods angels. A disgusting figurative creation...

These are the kinds of things I used to bring up in chruch. they didn't like me much over there.

By culmastadm (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Culmastadm, do not forget that Lot offered his daughters to the mob. Family values at it's finest.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

No wonder that woman is so brainless. Ol' pastor Lackawoody can't even roll his eyes, exude froth, or inspire any GLORY! from the congregation.
Why there isn't a hint of any ladies fainting or a sack of snakes anywhere. Humbug. He'll get no mites from me.

Right, Janine, that is quite messed up.

I don't know about the average Christian, but if I heard my daughter getting raped just beyond my front door, there isn't much that would stop me.

And I just don't think leaving her out there would make me as rightous as the church makes these guys.

By Culmastadm (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Dahan #27: "Five bucks says he's gay."

My thoughts exactly. I'm heterosexual and I have no problem looking at billboards of men models. It's kind of sad.

mannik5000 #13: ""Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child."
-Robert Heinlein"

That is said perfectly.

By ThinkingApe (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Hey guys, hows about this for an idea?

DON'T report the post. Spread the URL of the crazy person as far and as wide on the web as possible. Send it to xtian sites; to polititians; to any fora you are involved in.

The best way to counter this drool is to make "ordinary" folks aware of it.

Spread the weird brethern an cistern.

By Spiro Keat (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

It's nice to see that Baptists look to the message of Jesus and revel in the kindness of their hearts as they love their neighbour - just as God intended.

Doesn't the Bible command no to love thy neighbor, but love thy neighbor as you love yourself? I think they're following the bible quite well.


I scored a 32 in that test indicating I am not authoritarian, yet there are times when I appear to myself to be authoritarian. Go figure.

I found the story of the Global Change Game to be a bit too close to current situations to be believable. Why in a situational game would North America follow so closely real life? I question whether that game actually took place as described, the author seems far from impartial.

However, I found the rest of the book, once I got beyond the heavy value judgments, to be reflective of observations I've made about the local conservative 'talk radio' worshiping bunch.

By Gary Bohn (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

You know, if we keep up this blistering pace, pretty soon religion is going to have to change it's label to - entertainment only. Like the WWF wrestling did.
Can't you just imagine the pope gatherin' up his skirts and leading the charge round of 'Roller Derby for Jesus'!

Last item in post #1:

"It is time that preachers and Baptist people take a stand against the Sodomite freaks and turn off the television that tries to shove their perversion down our throat. God help a generation of Christians that does not think that homosexuality is "that bad." We need a revival of old-fashioned righteous indignation and hatred for sin and perverts."

She took the next logical step with post #2:

"The following are products that I recommend that work great but are also affordable:

Dove Beauty Bar

Ivory Soap

St. Ives Makeup Remover and Facial Cleanser

Suave Naturals Tropical Coconut Shampoo and Conditioner

Gain Laundry Detergent


OT, I know, but I couldn't resist. Don't forget to hate! Buy Palmolive!

This lovely man's attitude is one of the unfortunate consequences of taking the bible literally; and the "KJV only" movement produces the best examples of crazy. I was a fundie for 25 years, and had never read any commentary on the Bible that wasn't written by someone with the same, or very similar beliefs to me. But because there were things I just couldn't accept, I plucked up the courage (and I say this because as a fundie you are constantly being assailed by fear of that convenient scapegoat for everything - the Devil and his evil plans) to read "The Bible - a biography" by Karen Armstrong. All my doubts just fell into place, so to speak, and the consequence for me could only be atheism.
Seriously, although Karen Armstrong still clearly believes, although in what I'm not sure; give this book to a fundie and if they don't reject it outright (which I suppose most of them will) the only other path is atheism - it can't really lead you anywhere else once your trust in the "good book" is eroded!

"- it can't really lead you anywhere else once your trust in the "good book" is eroded!"

That how I left the Baptist faith. The bible failed to hold up, so being the base of what God is, the rest fell apart.

Then I read all of those commentaries and research books I wouldn't read before.

now I have a greater understanding of the bible, and I understand it is written by primative humans.

By culmastadm (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

"A process must take place before a person can become so perverted as to desire a relationship with the same gender. "

I suppose it would be pointless (and rather beside-the-point as well) to inform Wacky Lady and her Pastor that "gender" refers to types of verbs and NOT sex. Our predilection for saying "gender" when we mean sex is a prudish Victorian carry-over.

It's sex not gender.

Do you think she'd blush?

"OT, I know, but I couldn't resist. Don't forget to hate! Buy Palmolive!"

Palmolive? Splitters! Heretics!! DAWN with GREASE FIGHTING POWER IS THE ONE TRUE SOAP!!!!!

I tried to email the pastor at his church to show him the error of his ways, but was bounced back as the mailbox was full - maybe you've all beaten me to it.

By Paul Bell (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

I like the reasons to home school your kids

"so they don't have to shower with other kids"

what a weird would they live in

By adam miller (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

I suppose it would be pointless (and rather beside-the-point as well)

and pedantic

to inform Wacky Lady and her Pastor that "gender" refers to types of verbs and NOT sex. Our predilection for saying "gender" when we mean sex is a prudish Victorian carry-over.

It's sex not gender.


2: sex

Words mean what people use them to mean, and you understood what they meant.


"God. You're soaking in it."

Sex- What is between your legs.
Gender- What is between your ears.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

On that basis, I guess Mrs. Full-of-Crazy's status is:

Sex: Female
Gender: None

I spent way too much time reading that blog the other day. I think Raani was her real name, and Janine is a pseudonym (the first post on the blog was signed pseudonymously as Janine). The baptist preacher is apparently her brother (as somebody else mentioned). Her sister-in-law blogs as well (link to the sister-in-laws blog is on the Our Pastor page of Faithful Word Baptist Church).

I find the sister-in-laws blog far more disturbing. Same kind of stuff as Raani's (e.g., a post about how she loves Starbucks drinks as long as she isn't "served by a queer"). The sister-in-law (Zsuszana) rally freaks me out since she was raised as a typical European Catholic (i.e., not very observant), met her husband when he was doing mission work in Europe, carried on an email romance with him for a year, and then ended up marry him after spending less than two weeks with him in person. Raani at least was presumably raised with this nonsense, but I'm horrified at the extent to which Zsuzsana has been brainwashed in the last few years.

Qwerty: "If you click to the church, you find out that the pastor doesn't have a degree, but has memorized over 100 chapters of the Bible. He seems obsessed with the chapters on homosexuality. Hmmmmm......"

He's fascinated by the mechanics of male urination as well. Listen to his sermon on the topic:

Spiro Keat @69:

The best way to counter this drool is to make "ordinary" folks aware of it.

I wish that were true. I think ordinary folks are already well aware of hateful anti-gay rhetoric, and many of them buy into it.


WOW. I listened to it. It's funny, I would think that even the people he is preaching to had to sit down to dinner that night and ask themselves what that was about. "I'm not vile. Because God is not vile. It's God's words..." then going on to say that the leaders of this country pee sitting down. GREAT. I did not know that was in the bible.

By Mrs. Schaarschmidt (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

"If you click to the church, you find out that the pastor doesn't have a degree, but has memorized over 100 chapters of the Bible. He seems obsessed with the chapters on homosexuality. Hmmmmm......"

Not chapters; verses. Nine of them at last count. Or 7, depending on the interpretation.

That's, at the most, 9 verses in the entire Bible.

(Verses on abortion: 1. For.)

It's amazing how modern Christianity has focussed obsessively on the slightest mention of these two topics, and ignored almost completely the hundreds of injunctions not to "forget the poor."

I'm good at remembering quotes, but bad at remembering the associated names... Anyway, here it goes:

You know that man created god after his own image when it turns out that god hates the same people than man does


Sorry; you've scrambled two separate Bible stories.

In Sodom, the angels "smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness ... so that they wearied themselves to find the door." (Genesis 19:11) So the daughters escaped, scot-free, to seduce their father and have his kids. (Gen. 19: 31 - 36)

Later, in Gibeah, the "men of the city, certain sons of Belial," pounded at the door where a traveller was staying, demanding to "know" the guest. The host offered his daughter and the guest's concubine; in the end, only the concubine was delivered. The gang "knew her" all night, and in the morning she was found dead, with "her hands upon the threshhold." Whole story, very instructive, very gruesome; check out the guest's response, in Judges 19: 16 - 29.

At #72, Patricia wrote:
You know, if we keep up this blistering pace, pretty soon religion is going to have to change it's label to - entertainment only.

Rated NC-17. This religious stuff is just too full of sex and violence for the kiddies.

that particular group of super-fundies (i.e. Raani, her brother and sister-in-law, plus their congregation i imagine) are too batshit-crazy even for other batshit-crazy fundies. there was a thread about that on some fundie board somehwere... and they're massively paranoid. they don't even trust their fellow church-members. (there's a post somewhere where she writes about how dangerous things like sunday-school is because the children are away from their parents, and pedophiles might abuse them!!!)

anyway, they bitch and whine about lesbians too, specifically in the anti-IVF posts.

Plus, this Zsuzsanna person has probably had her mind warped by being a child in a socialist country. she mentions somewhere that she was vaccinated in the east and got infections and scars, which made her distrustful of government and government-connected medicine (believable. I've got those scars, too; and one of them was a pus-filled, infected, painful nastiness for almost half a year). contact with East European, Soviet medicine could scar you for life and drive you into all sorts of paranoia if you were already mentally not quite stable.

And I laugh at the fact that she thinks Starbucks is healthy, natural etc. I guess they forgot to mention that there's vanilla-flavored-syrup (nothing natural about that) in the whipped cream she so admires. Good thing she doesn't get anything with caramel sauce (made from all-natural High Fructose Corn Syrup!)

holey moley, that church is, like, 7 miles from where I live! Maybe I should go one day for some live entertainment?

Being as cute as he is, he's probably been hit on a lot. This can lead to much resentment and fear: "How do they know???!!!!!"

Cody R #45

i posted the passages from samuel to orac's blog a couple days ago in response to his post about the crazy lady.

i love how the bible thumpers tend to overlook certain passages in the book they tout as the word of their god.

here are some examples that they ignore regarding the supposed ancestor of jesus, king david. it appears david and jonathan, the son of saul had a thing going. considering that david is married to jonathan's sister, michel, and later has at least ten concubines i guess that would make him bisexual.

samual 18:1-5
1 And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.
2 And Saul took him that day, and would let him go no more home to his father's house.
3 Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.
4 And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.

samuel 20:3-5
3 And David sware moreover, and said, Thy father certainly knoweth that I have found grace in thine eyes; and he saith, Let not Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved: but truly, as the LORD liveth, and as thy soul liveth, there is but a step between me and death.
4 Then said Jonathan unto David, Whatsoever thy soul desireth, I will even do it for thee.
5 And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, tomorrow is the new moon, Num. 28.11 and I should not fail to sit with the king at meat: but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even.

samuel 20:41-42
41 And as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.
42 And Jonathan said to David, Go in peace, forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the name of the LORD, saying, The LORD be between me and thee, and between my seed and thy seed for ever. And he arose and departed: and Jonathan went into the city.

how much more homosexual evidence on one of the favoured of the christian god is needed?

The now-locked-off posting contained this unassailable logic:

Homosexuality is totally unnatural behavior. According to the Bible, every one of is us born with a sin nature; we have a natural tendency to sin.

So, if 'tis natural to sin, and homosexual behavior is unnatural... I don't think this leads to where she wants it to lead.

Ditto what Katrina @ #4 said.

Some of us homeschool to get away from the wacky religious stuff. We don't have to devote equal time to the bible when we do studies of myths.

Speaking of freaky pastors and Palin's Pastor Muthee the witch hunting nut...he's still a nut but that witch thing? Not so much;

Bishop Thomas Muthee: Mama Jane Speaks!
By Richard Bartholomew
Thu Oct 16, 2008 at 06:16:47 PM EST print story

Much of the discussion over Sarah Palin's "anointing" by witch-hunting Pastor Thomas Muthee has focused on what this tells us about the VP candidate; however, the resulting scrutiny also now has had unhappy consequences for the Kenyan evangelist, as journalist Zoe Alsop, writing for Womensenews, tracks down Mama Jane Njengu, the supposed "witch" whom Muthee boasts of having run out of town. It seems Muthee's account is disputed by his victim; and his fellow-pastors are not impressed.
Muthee claimed that police rescued Mama Jane from a lynch mob at the time, and then whisked her away for good after gunning down a pet python they mistook for a demon.
But some residents of Kiambu were somewhat skeptical of Muthee's claims.
Not least among them is the herbalist Jane W. Njenga, a pastor with the African Mission of Holy Ghost Church, who is best known as Mama Jane.
She says she didn't own a pet python and she's never left her compound, located about a half-mile from Muthee's immense new church...Robust and topping six feet in the trademark shiny white robes of her church, Njenga is undeniably still in town.

Njenga also claims that Muthee "took a loudspeaker into the street and he told people to pray for seven days that I would die".
The story has been picked up (without acknowledging Alsop's work) by the UK Daily Telegraph, under the headline "False claims exposed of Kenyan pastor who protected Sarah Palin from witches". It includes this detail:
...Rival pastors in Kiambu now denounce Muthee for his treatment of Mama Jane.
"You cannot make personal gain on crucifying a woman," said an ally of Mama Jane, Pastor Gideon Maina. "As a man of God, you don't make your name by stepping on other people's names."
Muthee has been endorsed by C. Peter Wagner, leader of the Charismatic "New Apostolic Reformation". A couple of months ago one evangelist for whom Wagner prophesized a glorious future withdrew from public ministry following an affair.

I didn't report this one. They are allowed to have their opinion, even if a sad and very anti social one. The first one I reported because it did contain a call to violence. But as far as hate speech is concerned I have to admit I like to write hate speech. It's just that I write about hating stupid close-minded extremists that confuse their personal beliefs with everyone eles's.


Hey, Tulse, I think the Ted Haggard comment was a joke. Just sayin'

I know -- I just wanted to share the delight that is Roy Zimmerman to those who might not know of him.

Got the same notice as #103:

"This blog is open to invited readers only"


PEOPLE IN GENERAL are talented at inventing imaginary enemies. Neither religious people nor atheists have a monopoly on being idiots.

By Gyula Somoni (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

Zsuzsanna (Pastor Anderson's wife) and Pastor Anderson do not think that US citizens should have police protection.

"... I think we need to do away with police altogether. It is a concept never found in the Bible. Rather, the people themselves were the ones carrying out the judgments passed down by the judges."

Further on she says that investigation after a crime has been committed is okay, because it is the state's duty to punish, not prevent: that police should not be patrolling or being called to where a crime is occurring, because the state should not be preventing crime, only punishing it.

... her amazing further thinking on this and several other unrelated topics, all making my jaw drop, in the comments to her July 18th entry at:…

handguns, starbucks, printed books, television, aspirin, electricity, cars... all things not mentioned in the bible... I do wonder if she'd like to get rid of all of them, too?