Mmmm-mmm. Yummy!

So you've got a 30lb. squid. What are you going to do with it? Follow along with the photo guide and turn it into something delicious.


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I don't think Cuttlefish is going to recover.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 04 Dec 2008 #permalink

I can cook. Now help me not feel bad about eating cephalopods. They're yummy.

Tormenting vegetarians, are we?

Hey... that doesn't look that bad!

I'd try some. And I won't even remember the fish guts!

I saw a BBC program ("Oceans" I think - vapid presenters, not a patch on "The Blue Planet") featuring Humboldt squid. Apparently they are really nasty creatures, very aggressive, canibalistic, and present in huge numbers just off California, where they may represent a threat to native fish stocks. Ideal for eating, then. But two hours cooking? Let's just tell the Japanese they taste just like whalemeat....

How much of a geek does it make me that I instantly recognized the chef (Chris Cosentino, who was a competitor on The Next Iron Chef and has been a challenger [twice, I think] on Iron Chef America)? I would normally sneer at people who recognize TV chefs on sight... except that it appears I've become one!

(The saddest part is that I don't even really cook much.)

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 04 Dec 2008 #permalink

How much of a geek does it make me that I instantly recognized the chef (Chris Cosentino, who was a competitor on The Next Iron Chef and has been a challenger [twice, I think] on Iron Chef America)? I would normally sneer at people who recognize TV chefs on sight... except that it appears I've become one!

(The saddest part is that I don't even really cook much.)

Being a food geek is the best kind of geek

The best kind of geek? geek, art geek, reality geek. I suppose it's the most delicious kind of geek - but what is the one true geek?

Being a food geek is the best kind of geek

By all appearances, Bill's more of a TV-chef groupie than a food geek. :)

(OK, I did have a bit of a girl-crush on Giada De Laurentiis for a while*, and I think the Italian guy competing on Top Chef NY - if he didn't have to pack his knives and go last night - is quite cute...)

*In my defense, I've actually made several of her recipes. Can Mr. Dauphin say that about Cosentino?

OK, I did have a bit of a girl-crush on Giada De Laurentiis for a while

Holy shit,I think I have a a boy crush on her LOL
She has recipes? Like what?

*attempts to retire to bed with some grace*

She has recipes? Like what?

To answer your question seriously, she has lots. I've made several of her panini (with a higher degree of difficulty as I don't have a panino grill) for parties and the like, and they were great.

You can find many at the Food Network site. They're simple, which works for me.

Uh oh...Now I have my recipe file out...I've been wanting to make her Champagne risotto for a while...

To say something offensive before I retire drunk,the last think Id want to eat from this woman would be her risotto..:-)

I know,I know....
And Im a good cook,and will try her panini !
*Retires hastily*

I have an agreement with the larger creatures in the sea that I made when I used to surf more often: I don't eat you, you don't eat me. Granted, I never got a verbal commitment from their side, but so far it's worked, and that's enough proof by any religion's standards.

To say something offensive before I retire drunk,the last think Id want to eat from this woman would be her risotto..:-)

They can revoke my feminist credentials. That was funny.

(But not as funny as Cuttlefish @ #2.)

Noone beats the Cuttlefish...

Nite all!

Sleep tight!

Only Cuttlefish can win the thread with two words.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 04 Dec 2008 #permalink

I too was familiar with the chef from the Iron Chef shows, but not with the website. In looking around, I came across this video of deboning a pig's head, cooking and serving it.

Looks good, but a lot of work. I'm not sure I'll put it on my list to do, but the vegans in the comments were appalled!.

Only Cuttlefish can win the thread with two words.

Well, he's from a gutsy line.

Looks good, but a lot of work. I'm not sure I'll put it on my list to do, but the vegans in the comments were appalled!.

Those comments look a lot like the drive by creationists here.

Kack, icky.
Thank's PZ, this goes real well with my first cup of coffee this morning.

Wait, what?! No coffee?!

Are you ill?!!

Am I the only one impressed by the fact that he's HOLDING 15 KG IN OUTSTRETCHED ARMS?!

2 hours does not seem so long.
lots of things I like to eat cook a long time most pit barbecue and good rotisserie cooking take a long time as does roast turkey a large one. the thing that puts me off any dream of cooking one myself is that my kitchen just can't handle anything that f'n big, I can't do half a pig either but if anyone around hear starts offering that on their menu I will have to try it.
does that mean we have killed the other more popular food fish off of the California coast??

By uncle frogy (not verified) on 04 Dec 2008 #permalink

Tormenting vegetarians, are we?

Should we be Sautéing them instead?

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 04 Dec 2008 #permalink


By all appearances, Bill's more of a TV-chef groupie than a food geek. :)

Close. I'd say it would be more accurate to call me a food TV geek, or perhaps just a food voyeur: I don't cook much, but I love to watch other people cook (and eat). It's mostly about the food, rather than about the personalities. That said...

(OK, I did have a bit of a girl-crush on Giada De Laurentiis for a while*, don't have to be a girl to have that crush! She inspires the more literal voyeur in me! (I'd say she even looked hot pregnant, but that might be TMI, no?)

and I think the Italian guy competing on Top Chef NY - if he didn't have to pack his knives and go last night - is quite cute...) [emphasis added]

Well thank you very much, spoilsport! Some of us had that DVRed, you know!

*In my defense, I've actually made several of her recipes. Can Mr. Dauphin say that about Cosentino?

I said I don't cook much, didn't I? (Though I'm going to try and change that: My cephalopodmas list will be heavy with cookbooks and kitchen gadgets.) Oddly, I find a lot of the stuff that's most fun to watch people cook and eat is stuff I don't much want to eat myself ("Codfish roe ice cream? Iron Chef, how could you?!?").

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 04 Dec 2008 #permalink

Well thank you very much, spoilsport! Some of us had that DVRed, you know!

Heavens! I was trying to say if he wasn't kicked off (as in, he's still a contestant if he wasn't eliminated), not that he was kicked off. I haven't seen it yet, either. I doubt he was sent home, but I honestly have no idea who was.

I was trying to say if he wasn't kicked off (as in, he's still a contestant if he wasn't eliminated), not that he was kicked off. I haven't seen it yet, either.

Whew! The mystery lives on....

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 04 Dec 2008 #permalink

. Now help me not feel bad about eating cephalopods. They're yummy.

The fact that they tend to be so short-lived clinches it for me. I had a girlfriend from Krakow who really wasn't too clear on just what calimari were... she got a rude awakening in Chinatown:

Me: Ladna, the calimari are nicely priced.
Her (following my finger): You mean THAT is calimari? I have been eating THAT all this time?

I had a nice octopus salad and a vastedda (beef spleen) sandwich last night in Brooklyn, total cephalopod and offal orgy.

I'd say it would be more accurate to call me a food TV geek, or perhaps just a food voyeur

As long as you don't write Food Network slash fiction, you're still okay!

By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 04 Dec 2008 #permalink

Somehow I still prefer takoyaki over all these...

Food Network slash fiction


Actually, if you throw in the Travel Channel foodies as well... hmmm...

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 04 Dec 2008 #permalink

Boing Boing has a picture to soothe people's nerves after the top one.

As long as you don't write Food Network slash fiction, you're still okay!

Well, I'd say that's entirely a matter of whether it's a male squid or not.

A past aquaintance of mine lamented the lack of male tenctacle pr0n out there. And did her best to rectify that.

I've eaten Lutefisk and mussels, how good could it be...I'd eat it...chomp chomp!

Awesome looking animal. I am sort ofsurprized at the final presentation though. From the herbs, tomatoes and the awesome squid broth I would have expected a boulibaisse type presentation, perhaps with some balls of fresh mozz tossed in.

I'm sure this squid is like any other. Chop it small, heat the oil to near burning in a thick pan that retains heat, dump it in and cook for just a very short time. I once had some kind of huge squid slab cooked for me at a Japanese-style steakhouse. That's what they did and it was not overly chewy.

As for Brad D the surfer. Nice pact, but if you don't want to get bit by a shark you need to surf at times where they can easily tell you are not their natural prey. Do not go surfing when the water is murky. Sharks will often test bite whatever they find with their electric sensors when they cannot see what's happening. And absolutely do not surf when common shark prey is abundant in murky water. You will get at least a nudge and possibly a bite from a shark. San Luis pass in Texas is about the worst place to go into the water. The tidal currents themselves kill many, but surfcasters still push the limits because the fishiing is so good. And if the fishing is good, sharks will be there too. Much of the Wesst End of Galveston was destroyed by Ike, so perhaps there are fewer fishermen and surfers there.

Only reliable surfing here is wake surfing in Galveston Bay. Paddle out in front of a big freighter and ride its wake home. Texas wake surfers have been featured in a recent commercial.