Congratulations, Connlann Amergyn Myers!


Even though we couldn't be there in the flesh, we did watch the ceremony over the web…and there's our boy, receiving his diploma. Yay!


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Happy Monkey Day, Connlann.

By ThirtyFiveUp (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Yay! Just think what he can do with that old sheep's skin!!!

By rickflick (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Congrats....this fills me with the spirit of Monkey

Stand up, clap, wave, cheer. Still feels good at home? Not quite the same, but still good. Many well wishes to clan Myers.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Congratulations and best wishes to all.

Congratulations all around!

By Angel Kaida (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Whee! Three cheers for Connlann!

Even though his parents couldn't be there, maybe he can find comfort in the fact that they obviously care very much for him and are very proud of him and his achievement.

Since it isn't a diploma from the Discovery Institute, it is practically worthless.

What, no beard? Where does he hide his tentacles?

Yay! Congratulations!

jeez PZ, next time get an hotel!!!!

but congratulations and all nonetheless

does he have a blog yet?

By porco dio (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Congrats, Master Myers and Happy Monkey to you.
Let's all decorate the Monkey Stick

Happy Monkey to you all!

By Flamethorn (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Just before my graduation from college I had a dream we were all in the stadium. The speaker said, "you may all rise and and receive your diplomas." But then he pointed at me and said "everyone but YOU!!!" I woke up in a cold sweat! Congrats and Happy Money to you.

Congrats to father and son. The Monkey works in mysterious and ape-ish ways. ;)

By PopeCoyote (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Happy Monkey! And I hope your boy finds a way to get home for the holidays, even though he's isolated in the wilds of Wisconsin.


Sorry you did not get to be there. :(


You moron, there is more snow on the ground in Minnesota right now than there is ground, you could literally build tiny snow caverns in some places.

Oh well, who wants to be named John anyway.

By Beelzebub (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Congrats and happy monkey to you and yours PZ.

By strangest brew (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Well, at least thanks to the marvels of the interweb, you got to see him graduate, even though you couldn't be there in person. Congrats to Connlann and yay for the Myers family!

Congratulations to all the Myers, young and middle-aged.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Congrats Connlann!

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Connlann Amergyn Myers?
That may cause some confusion.
Can we just call him Bruce?

Happy Monkey to all the Myers clan.

Congratulations Connlann!

Best wishes for a happy, healthy, successful future!

Obviously God is punishing you for being so much like Adolf Hitler. All of the other people halted from attending the ceremonies by the weather are simply casualties of your intolerance as well!

Also, they probably deserved it.


PZ: Congratulations to Connlann and your entire family!

uh, 'Amergyn'? Wow, you really are hardcore hippies.

Congrats on the sheep-skin thing !

What's his degree?

Congratulations to the Myers clan!

By Twin-Skies (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

What's his degree?

English Literature. All hail the might Connlann on this degree day.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Congratulations, not getting "Happy monkey", but it might sound great in Peter Sellers Clouseau voice.

Congratulations to all. Graduations are always amazing--even though I skipped one of mine, I've been proud to bursting when I've attended any of my family's. Sorry you couldn't be there, but you were there in monkey, you know.

Happy Monkey.

By Menyambal (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Next up, the Masters of Divinity, right? ;)

Congrats from another (language and) literature student! :)

Congratulations to the proud parents & the graduate. Has anyone thought of hiring some sled dogs to get the kid home for the holidays [or, well, for good, given that he's graduated...]?

By DominEditrix (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Oh, and Happy Monkey!

31: Irish names, not "hippy".

By DominEditrix (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Hey you should have studied science instead!!

congrats!!! old man, you fire breathing heathen you.

By genesgalore (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Cheers to your grin....

Secular speed to you and your family...!

PZ, just wondering, what possessed you to name your children Connlann and Skatje? They're cool names and all, but where did they even come from?

By Uncephalized (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

In two years of almost daily monitoring I rarely post here. For this one I must. Congratulations, Connlann! Happy Monkey, PZ!

Congratulations, Connlann! And of course congrats to the proud parents too.

Happy Monkey!

Hooray! Well done, Connlann.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Happy monkey to the Myers clan and Connlann in particular.
For those asking about Connlann's name, connlan is a somewhat archaic Irish word for "hero", but just for today, he might prefer my linguistically creative alternative: the suffix "lann" (two n's) means "repository or storage place of/for" (e.g. leabharlann means "library" where leabhar means "book"); when you see "somethinglann", you know it's a place where "somethings" are kept in some way; conn can mean "sense", "reason", "meaning", or "counsel", so connlann could mean "repository of reason/sense/counsel", which seems somewhat appropriate on graduation day.

Congratulations all around!

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Congrats. Long live and prosper to the new graduate and to the whole Myers Clan.

By Jeanette Garcia (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Cool, Emmett. "Repository of reason" seems like the perfect name for one of PZ's kids. :)

Congrats and Happy Monkey to him!

By Samantha Vimes (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

From Canada
Since the bible says 'the fool has said in his heart there is no God" and the possibility is that this person is like the crowd here then maybe this is not a legitamate reward/recognition foe efforts/success in scholkarship but a atheist quota.
Probably, if not indeed certainly, not. Yet Mr Myers is a typical, maybe not, liberal who believes the government, society, and everybody should interfere with who gets what in higher edycation and life generally based on identity/race/sex.
Then they enjoy when their crowd gets stuff. While compliant with others not getting what they would , fair and square, because of ethnic/sex quotas and the like.
Yes there is a problem with identityism in higher education. Yet it all comes down to interefering with the American man, or people, by segregated identities in the country. Too many Jews, Asians, pushing one way and Blacks, Mexicans, women pushing, by quotas and a culture of 'quota results agenda" the other way.

Anyways contgrats to this guy on his legitimate acheivment and all the best in furture deeds with what he has gained by his education.

By Robert Byers (not verified) on 21 Dec 2008 #permalink

Congratulations on the success of you and yours! May it continue. With my help, of course ;)

Congrats to you Connlann!
Hope you get to celebrate with just the right ammount of fornication and all other fun stuff you might stumble across.

- I know I did in the same situation, hehe :D

Cheers and happy solstice/Jol to all of you!


The proper response for this thread would have been your last sentence, alone. The rest is inappropriate asshattery. Keep it to threads where it might be considered at least tangenitally relevant.

Congratulations all around! Maybe you're done with tuition for him now!

Now I'm curious about Skatje's middle name.

ConnLann's only odd for people used to Michaels and Matthews and little else. Picking names can be difficult, and in a multicultural society can have many influences. ConnLann's easily pronounceable, and has a good composition of sounds.

By CrypticLife (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

From Ireland, congrats Connlann. Really cool name. Robert Byers, does that comment even make sense?

Una, every comment from Byers makes no sense unless you have the same mental illness he does. He's just a total fool, and keeps showing that by posting here. Put him in your killfile, or just skip that post if you seen his name.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

English majors rule!

By Gray Lensman (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

Yes, revel in your secular achievements, liberal Godhaters. For they hold set you on the path of unrighteousness and inequity. A diploma, a birth, a lottery win or a death in the family are all works of the Lord, yet you would think that this child was able to do something to change God's mind--make himself into something God had not made. His degree is meaningless. Your blog is meaningless. I pray for all you proud Godhating rebellious children.

In Christ I pray for you.

By Fly in the Ointment (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

In Christ imaginary deities I pray mentally masturbate for you.

There, fixed it for you.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

@ Fly

So, you're saying that, should someone happen upon you in the street, and start slapping the crap out of you, that would be god's will and doing?

Let me go find my Slappin' Pants. I gots me a new hobby.

What a nasty little shit you are, Fly in the Ointment - and this applies whether you are for real, or a Poe. You even have to poke your filthy nose in when a parent is rejoicing in the achievements of their child.

Yech! I wipe you from my shoe.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

I fear none of you ignorant thugs. If you slap me, beat me, whatever. I am stronger than you for I serve the real God.

In Christ.

By Fly in the Ointment (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

I am stronger than you for I serve the real God.

Matthew 7:21-7:23

In Christ.

Matthew 6:1-6:7

Just saying.

I am stronger weaker minded than you for I serve the real God unprovable imaginary being.
In Christ unproved mythman.

Fixed it for your again.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

Matthew 7:24
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock."

Do not be so proud or think you can out-bible others. Your ignorance is all you will display.

In Christ.

By Fly in the Ointment (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

Congratulations! That's awesome that you at least got to watch it on the net.

In Christ non-existent, mythical, delusional beings.

Fixed it again.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock."

Which you are not doing.

Do not be so proud or think you can out-bible others. Your ignorance is all you will display.

Glad to see that you're proud of your ignorance.

See you real soon!

Go to heaven Fly. Now.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

Like a true fly, the only evidence of its presence is the excrement left behind.

What's the matter Byers? Feeling sorry for yourself that your made up, worthless god won't force me to suffer in silence anymore? Can't take it when women speak up?

Give it up Byers. Prayin' won't save you, and cryin' don't help.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

I see that Fly, like most trolls would, missed my point (deliberately or not). Given that all actions and events in Fly's world are apparently directed by the invisible superbeing, I am responsible for neither the occurence of distribution of my slapping. If it happens to land on an asshat, so be it, it's superbeings' will.

It is this attitude that, frankly, frightens more than most godbotting. People talk about atheists having no moral compass, but when every single action can be attributed to the will of a being already described as having unfathomable purposes and plans, then any and all actions are fair game. All murders, rapes, genocides, poisonings, car accidents -- god's will, dontcha know. There's nothing stopping any action, because it's foreordained that Cap'n Deity wanted it that way. I'm confused as to how it makes us non-believers evil, as all of our actions are obviously the will of god, including the fact we don't believe. We've been damned, but not of our own free will! Of course, then, Fly has no free will on the insipid, simmering hostility thing, either.

Now, backing off from the usual determinist discussions of free will, when you don't assume a greater plan exists, it throws much more responsibility on the shoulders of the individual. Personally, I think it is a far more ethical thing to be accountable to one's own actions and the consequences than to chalk it up ineffable inevitability.

Of course, Fly either understands this, and is just trolling, or Fly is just an idiot who scarily believes that any course of action is moral, just and right(well, Fly might not, but that's the logical conclusion of his/her/its arguments). Either way, I'm not really going on a slap-fest (as fun as that might be), because I at least think I'm accountable for my own actions.

I still want me some Slappin' Pants, though. Just in case.

Patricia, OM
You think Fly is Byers? Why? It doesn't demonstrate the verbal diarrhoea Byers makes us suffer from, preferring the minimal-hostages-to-fortune approach of many godbotting trolls. Also, no evidence of racism or antisemitism as yet - just general nastiness.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

That lying moron Wagner is loose again. Piss off, Wagner.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

That lying moron Wagner is loose again. Piss off, Wagner.

Ah, that explains the foul troll odor.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

The fact that you're a lying moron. Piss off.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

The fact that you're a lying moron. Piss off.

Now don't insult morons by comparing he who shall not be named to them. Lying slime mold is more like it.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

Indeed. My apologies to all morons!

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

It was such a sincerely good thread until the Christards showed up. Any hope they'll succumb to suicidal ideation?

It was such a sincerely good thread until the Christards showed up. Any hope they'll succumb to suicidal ideation?

Alas, if only. All salvationist religions have, out of necessity, some sort of anti-suicide crap built in to them. Since they all have the purpose of placating the peasants with promises of post-life paradise proportional to their present pathos, they've gotta prevent the perceptive from prising out that they could push off this mortal coil in favour of the perennial picnic.

It's only well for the priest-kings to convince the peons and untouchables that they'll be better off in some indeterminate future life until the peons start killing themselves off, leaving the economy in a serious indentured-labour deficit.

'Dharma', 'God's will': they're all just names for the pipe through which one huffs Marx's opiate.

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

What is it about Christfags that makes them think we want to hear what they have to say? Surely they've made their point by now.

Surely they've made their point by now.

That presumes they are smart enough to have a point. I doubt is fly has a point other than trolling.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

Wagner has been banned repeatedly, yet he keeps coming back. Byers gets nothing but a torrent of abuse, yet he keeps coming back. Fly is small fry compared to those.

Ctenotrish here, chiming in with a hearty congrats to Connlann! Having collected a few degrees myself here and there, I know the feeling of happiness and accomplishment. And congrats to PZ and his lovely other half as well. :) Sorry the nasty weather prevented y'all from being there in person . . .

Something vaguely similar happened to my folks and me when my brother graduated with his MS. He had a rare memory lapse and forgot our tickets, so we had to watch his graduation from the student center (MSC, Texas A&M, College Station). It actually was great! The chairs were deep, comfy leather, there were plenty of snacks and softdrinks, we shopped in the bookstore, and generally had a great time. I still have (somewhere) the picture I took of my brother as he walked across the stage - pic is of the TV, but we clapped and cheered. Happy Monkey!

PS, is it just me, or are the obnoxious posters *particularly* obnoxious today?

By ctenotrish (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

PS, is it just me, or are the obnoxious posters *particularly* obnoxious today?

Sorry ctenotrish; I'll try to tone it down.

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

Kel, I think he who has been banned just likes to thumb his nose at PZ for banning him. Hey look, you really can't ban me. Lalalalalalalala. Very childish, but such childish behavior (I've waded through the archives) is why he was banned in the first place. Byers just doesn't care about responses, as long as he unloads his offal.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

No, I don't think Fly is Byers. Byers is some old fool, and I think Fly is a punk. Perhaps my brain has gone soft if I sounded otherwise.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

The Great Spirit (who I'm assuming is some sort of representative of Vishnu) wrote:

What exactly is it about me that generates such intense hostility?

Instead of responding to you as if you were a genuine human being, I'm just going to cut and paste a speech from Gandhi to the UN that has nothing to do with the topic at hand:

It is, however, with all these things as the background that I want Englishmen, Europeans and all the United Nations to examine in their hearts what crime had India committed in demanding Independence. I ask, is it right for you to distrust such an organization with all its background, tradition and record of over half a century and misrepresent its endeavors before all the world by every means at your command? Is it right that by hook or by crook, aided by the foreign press, aided by the President of the U.S.A., or even by the Generalissimo of China who has yet to win his laurels, you should present India's struggle in shocking caricature? I have met the Generalissimo. I have known him through Madame Shek who was my interpreter; and though he seemed inscrutable to me, not so Madame Shek; and he allowed me to read his mind through her. There is a chorus of disapproval and righteous protest all over the world against us. They say we are erring, the move is inopportune. I had great regard for British diplomacy which has enabled them to hold the Empire so long. Now it stinks in my nostrils, and others have studied that diplomacy and are putting it into practice. They may succeed in getting, through these methods, world opinion on their side for a time; but India will speak against that world opinion. She will raise her voice against all the organized propaganda. I will speak against it. Even if all the United Nations opposed me, even if the whole of India forsakes me, I will say, "You are wrong. India will wrench with non-violence her liberty from unwilling hands." I will go ahead not for India's sake alone, but for the sake of the world. Even if my eyes close before there is freedom, non-violence will not end. They will be dealing a mortal blow to China and to Russia if they oppose the freedom of non-violent India which is pleading with bended knees for the fulfillment of debt along overdue. Does a creditor ever go to debtor like that? And even when, India is met with such angry opposition, she says, "We won't hit below the belt, we have learnt sufficient gentlemanliness. We are pledged to non-violence." I have been the author of non-embarrassment policy of the Congress and yet today you find me talking this strong language. I say it is consistent with our honour. If a man holds me by the neck and wants to drawn me, may I not struggle to free myself directly? There is no inconsistency in our position today.

Ignoring the lack of moral pretense in the excerpt I've copied, see any similarities between what I just did and what you continually do, asshole?

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 22 Dec 2008 #permalink

Congratulations, Prof Myers and Prof. Jr.

I takes quite an effort to attain a degree, and all pride is well placed. I am sorry, Prof Myers, that you had to miss the moment. Graduation from a university (a real one, not a Liberty type) is the closest thing to a baptism I think I approve of. I hope he continues in his father's footsteps with intellectual honesty and integrity.

*Not kissing up, just being nice for the celebration. Later, I would like to add how cephelapods suck! Nematodes RULE!!!!

To show that I have a firm grasp of the obvious, I will avow Wagner is willfully obstinate and ignorant. (and has been banned once again).

Oh BTW, congratulations, Connlann Amergyn Myers!
(Where did you get that name PZ? I had to copy-paste to be sure I'd get it right!)

By Nick Gotts, OM (not verified) on 23 Dec 2008 #permalink

They certainly put them through at some rate if this picture is of the students receiving their awards. I work as a technician at a Scottish university and video our graduations. Our graduands get their name called - walk to the front, get capped and get their award, and the next one called only as the first is walking away - here they look as if they are in a queue.

By revjimbob (not verified) on 29 Dec 2008 #permalink

Congrats Connlann!

Now, would someone explain to me the point of this sorta brouhahah?

We have something similar for the 6th form here. I spent the day sleeping in.

Rather annoyingly I then actually had to call them up to get my exam result sent to me.