Have you been missing it?

The talkorigins domain has been inaccessible for some time now…but no more. All the problems have been resolved and you can now find all the content back online at talkorigins.org.


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Some of you may know I am a contributor to the Talkorigins.org Archive (hey, it's written down the page, to the left, OK? No it's not. It's written on my homepage. Oops). My contributions have been done over the better part of a decade, and obviously as I learn more, I have to revise them. I have…
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The website www.talkorigins.org is now back up, although links to the temporary archive www.toarchive.org/ still work for now. The story is roughly this - the company (joker.com) we bought the domain name from reassigned the IP number for the site as part of changing their data centre. They…

Great news!

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 13 Jan 2009 #permalink

when i follow your link, i get http://www.lunarpages.com/

i assume the host. some problems remain. (i am in the uk, don't know if that makes a difference)

No problems from Australia.

I'm in the UK and the link worked OK for me.

I can see it fine from South Korea. I really want to see new content on it, though.

I know, I know, it's volunteers who do the work and many have actual jobs and stuff...still, I used to check every month for new 'feedback' pages.

Yeah, it was driven by volunteers on usenet, and many of those more active volunteers have since moved on to the world of weblogs, which are updated even more readily. It's hard to go back to static html pages.

I noticed it was back a couple days ago.

I agree with kwandongbrian's sentiment.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 13 Jan 2009 #permalink

The thousands of creationists who use talkorigins.org to study evolutionary biology will be glad to know it's working again.

Was it ever established whom was actually responsible for the attack on the site?
I suspect religiously motivated morons that felt that the real truth was a little hard to reconcile with their version of events..

But then again I am suspicious and biased as to religious intent anyway...I do not trust any of them moderate or fundamental...I would not think it above their moral integrity quotient!

Can any one confirm or indeed refute that allegation?

By strangest brew (not verified) on 13 Jan 2009 #permalink

There are some really good content management systems out there-perhaps they should switch over to a database-driven CMS instead of the static html pages they have. I suspect that there are a few web designers/developers who would volunteer for that, including myself. I'd be happy to work with them to switch over to a blog-like CMS and give them the ability to update the site easier and faster.

Great News! Talkorigins is a fantastic resource.

strangest brew (#13), I believe this downtime was an honest technical problem, not an attack. While TO has been attacked before, the crazies weren't at fault this time.

'I believe this downtime was an honest technical problem, not an attack. While TO has been attacked before, the crazies weren't at fault this time.'

Ahhh! Fair enough...I was under the impression that it was a deliberate attack from their own web site...

"Notice: TalkOrigins Archive Under Attack

2006/12/07: Sometime in mid-November, 2006, a cracker started exploiting the TalkOrigins Archive. The cracker managed to get the TOA de-indexed by Google, and when the TOA was re-indexed on 2006/12/05, the cracker stepped up his efforts to direct webspam to the Google-bot. In order to take back our site, we have taken the step of removing all the scripts on our site. We will restore static content as quickly as possible. We will restore other features, such as feedback, once we write secure scripts to handle those features. We apologize for the inconvenience. It may be some time before we can offer the features that have been script-based."

Is the archive a separate section from Talk origins?

I have seen references to a change of server that started the problem....but that someone took advantage to attack when defences were weakened!

Bit confusing as to what was happening there...!

By strangest brew (not verified) on 13 Jan 2009 #permalink

The talkorigins site has a special place in my heart. After my inlaws accepted Jesus as their blah blah blah, it became my #1 resource to counter their talking point arguments.

By Chili Pepper (not verified) on 13 Jan 2009 #permalink

I really value TO and have wanted to support them for some time, but have been put off by its catatonic state. With no updates for so long it's difficult to know if life support was going to be shut down. Even now there is no announcment on the site that it is is back up or an explanation of the problem - other than the two year old 'under attack' post

Oh and registering as a tax deductible foundation in Canada and the UK would help too.

WooHoo! Finally!

By Michael X (not verified) on 13 Jan 2009 #permalink

It seems that What's New is a broken link.

Forget about the science content - the Feedback was the best part! :-)

'The prefered nomenclature is "Southern white guy."'

okaaaay!...but I have heard that that particular scenario might be difficult to visualize seeing as folks down that way are still reeling from the impact of losing Gettysburg to that northern upstart Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade...fancy stuff like electrikery 'n' them computalators are just not required while they have seven fingers and nine toes per family member!

For some reason Southern Atheists are not affected by technorage...and I cannot see them playing jeebus avenger on t'intertubes!

By strangest brew (not verified) on 14 Jan 2009 #permalink