I get email

The other day, I pointed out that tasteless web design is a hallmark of crazy web sites, and used this Overcompensating comic to illustrate it…and you all scurried over to Timecube to see one of the best examples on the web.

I got this email today.

Dear Mr. Meyers,

Putting aside any offensive criticism of our website on your web page at http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/contact.php, we found many of the comments extremely humorous, even though at our expense.

We comment on your page at http://lfnexus.com/scumbagwebsites.htm.

Thank you for the good laugh!

Oh, yes, you can share this email with anyone you wish!

PS: There is method in our madness.


Dr. Michael Bisconti
The L. F. Nexus

They got the url of my "offensive criticism" wrong: it's at an article called "How can you tell when you're a kook?" I think he shows all the signs.

Here's what's really funny. I originally laughed at a whole series of insane arguments he made against evolution, homosexuality, and women, and look at what he considers the most offensive thing I said, that warrants rating me as a "medium scumbag":

This website incorrectly reported that we believe that Gay "activity" can be sinless. However, this was due to an editorial problem on one of our web pages, which has since been corrected.

I guess my sin was that I accurately reported on a comment that was less than damning of homosexuality.

But now, you must see this: their updated website. Behold, and tremble in fear. This is getting up there pretty darned near Time Cube territory. It may get even better, since up near the top they prominently mention that they have a new site under construction by WebPsyops, Inc.. Yeah, that's who we all ought to turn to for our professional web design.

More like this

Another day, another outraged Christian. Parents in a Utah school district were horrified to discover a link on the district web page to an evil essay: The new battle centers on a link on the district's Web page that was quietly removed on Feb. 16. Titled "America: Republic or Democracy?" the link…
Amusing, in a twisted an irritating sort of way. Who's on first: Dear scholars: Here is an invitation letter from 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management(ICSSSM'09) which will be held in Xiamen in June next year. We hope you can submit your new papers and…
You can add the George Kaser to the list that includes Pielke Jr, Latif and Lal. It's like he can't help himself. Rose claimed that he was told by Kaser that he wrote to Lal: I'm not the only person in disagreement with Dr Lal. Georg Kaser, the Austrian glaciologist, insists (indeed, he told me…
Over at [Dispatches][dispatches], Ed Brayton has been shredding my old friend Sal Cordova. Ed does a great job arguing that intelligent design is a PR campaign, and not a field of scientific research. Ed does a fine job with the argument; you should definitely click on over to take a look. But Sal…

Deary me! Where do you find them?

By Steve Rumney (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

This is getting up there pretty darned near Time Cube territory.

Still in the ha'penny place compared to Gene Ray — at most 0.5 Tc — so lame, they can't even do “stark raving bonkers” right.

By Emmet Caulfield, OM (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink


Powered by the Nexus Empire?

What the hell is this lunacy??
The page layout makes one dizzy....

Who's this Mr Meyers anyway??

That site hurts my eyes. I have no idea what they're trying to get across or want me to click. It's a bunch of randomly placed, badly spelt tripe.

I think I speak for everyone when I say:


By Simon Scott (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

It burns.

Wow, that guy is a president!

By Frederik Rosenkjær (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Dr. Michael Bisconti knows a lott about scumbags because he is one.

I bet he is a voodoo doctor!

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Must...deny...evolution...one million pages...not wrong...headaches....nexus...ultimate truth...PZ Myers...only man with beard...embryos..evil..must be destroyed...

"because sometimes a person writes things in a temporarily impaired mental or emotional state that they later regret and recant."

Well, there's hope for them, I suppose.

It's not like getting banned in Turkey, though.

#3 - Mr Meyers would be me, strangely almost everyone who writes to me spells it Myers, PZ i want my surname back.

By dead yeti (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

I looked at that before I had my morning coffee. Bleeah.

I feel a stupid day coming on.

eXolution FTW!

Maybe PZ just should have jabbed a fork in our eyes, to save time and everything. That web design stinks worse than rotting olive loaf on a sumo wrestler's taint.

That is all.

Before the internet, the only way to expose yourself to this level of crazy was to work at Kinko's.

Thank you for reminding me of the nauseating horror that is TimeCube. With that in mind, I clicked and trembled in fear at the Nexus site. It does make me wonder if they tried to implant any subliminal messages in there.

Try harder next time PZ, you only rated "medium scumbag" on his rating system, not the highly rated "monster scumbag" category.

By Arnold Facepalmer (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Surely anything called a Medium Scumbag list has to include John Edward et al

I'll get me coat.

I'm more worried about their bliminal images.

Why does the name of that web company make me think of some of the baddies on B5? Did they intend that connection?

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Is it just me, or is the pic of the guy on the upper right look like a stalker or pedophile? I mean, he just looks creepy

That has to be the ugliest website... hard to look at. But at least it does match the "content".

My favorite heading was:

(Now in Alphabetical Order)"

I'm so impressed they finally learned how to list alphabetically.
Even idiots can learn new tricks.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Now THAT is some crazy stuff! I went to the page on eXolution and when I clicked on any of the links explaining it or how evolution was in error all I got was"URL not found".

What is there fixation with The Rambo Hunters? Isn't that a gay dance troupe?
Hmm, on further reflection The Rambo Hunters appear to be on the side of teaching evolution:

We are now in the process, working with the L. F. Nexus at http://lfnexus.com, of training 10,000 bounty hunters to enforce the upcoming “Lockdown Law,” which prevents the teaching of the scientific uncertainty of evolution in science classrooms.

Emphasis: mine. From: http://rambohunters.com/
If there actually was a law called the "Lockdown Law", that is. And if it actually applied to the illegality of teaching the uncertainty of evolution.
Or would that be yet another 'editorial problem'? Methinks the entire 'organization' might be an editorial problem. Or quite possibly they are incorporated as a disorganization. An LLD (Limited Liability Disorganization) if you will.
But that's just a guess. I certainly don't need 1,000 oily Bear-y Bounty Hunters with lube knocking on my door to make sure I'm doing the sodomy thing correctly.
Most of their pages appear to be some sort of test page for detecting insanity but they read the paper incorrectly and got the captions mistaken then went ahead with Insanity Template Version 2.9.123421349834965874698769844365.b

Who are these people? Well, I looked, and found this on their site:

Our website is a joint venture of the Chicago Christian University, the National Psychiatric Association, the Pneumiatry Institute, the Chicago Theoretical Physics Institute, the Chicago Linguistics Institute, the American Institute for Men, our other partners, and the Chicago Collegiate Church. Our purpose is to establish and demonstrate the foundations of knowledge and belief.

"National Psychiatric Association?" Isn't that a large, legitimate organization?

No, you're thinking of the American Psychiatric Association. According to their webpage, the National Psychiatric Association was founded when the APA "rejected the scientific method in the classification of mental illness" when they no longer considered homosexuality an illness. It appears to be the same folks as in the other site. I'm going to guess that all these organizations consist of the very same people. Or, perhaps, person.


I'm reaching for some kind of comparison, but I've started to realize that 'batshit crazy' is entirely unfair to batshit.

Is anyone else preparing to fight the 10,000 bounty hunters that will enforce the Anti-Evolution law? Finally a use for my Zombie Survival Guide.

I was so impressed to see that WebPsyops is building a "Time Machine".

There's a reason they boast about artificial intelligence.
Their web page is so advanced it doesn't do anything.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Thank you, PZ, for the link to LFNexus. As I read the website, I could tell that I wasn't as smart as I once was. Fortunately, the website itself explained part of my problem. It is "Fornication-Induced Brain Injury" (http://lfnexus.com/braininjuringsin.htm). Also fortunately, the website taught me how to defend myself.... with Sexual Karate! (http://lfnexus.com/sexualkarate.htm). Thank you PZ, and thank you Scienceblogs! You saved my brain with your timely steering towards this valuable knowledge!

I managed to look at that website's front page for nearly 2 seconds. Anyone beat that?

By KnockGoats (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

With some of these sites...my shocked amusement wanes in proportion to my growing suspicion that the author is actually an untreated case of schizophrenia (TimeCube in particular).

By Breakfast (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Is anyone else preparing to fight the 10,000 bounty hunters that will enforce the Anti-Evolution law?

With this group, they will be so inept they will make Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum look like a kick-ass professional bounty hunter.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Wow, that's a wacky little site. I love the section on "Sexual Karate". Great advice. If only all religious nuts would avoid sexuality.


The most basic principles for fighting sexual temptation and the most important principles for fighting sexual temptation are:


Don’t stick your hand in the fire and you won’t get burnt.

This means avoid temptation. For example, avoid television programs and movies that contain sexual images.


If you get pushed into the fire, run, run, run!!!

This means, if you accidentally run across sexual images, flee (run away as if your house was on fire).

By Epinephrine (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

My favourite part...

Try our new high-powered search engine.
Our search engine currently accesses only a part of our website.

Apparently they have 14 million subscribers too.

This guy takes nutbaggery to the level of high-art. Regarding his degrees... his modus operandi appears to be setting up a phony accreditation agency... then setting up a phony institute of 'higher learning', which, is then accredited by the phony accreditation agency... then he grants himself a phony advanced degree from the phony institute of 'higher learning'.


Proof again that just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

Well, at least there's one good thing to be said about this LF Nexus website. The design is perfectly adapted to the content.

Ahhh... I can't resist quoting their stuff...

- They have a page called "Stupid hotel employees".
- They oppose evolution to "exolution" (which is "its contrary"). There's even a link to a page defining exolution. But don't click on it or you'll get a 404.
- The home page is full of missing pictures. Including, apparently, a portrait of Albert Einstein.
- In 2009 they'll open "scrubbed movie theatres" in something like 50 US cities. They are places where you can see expurgated movies (but only "gratuitous violence" is deleted: "healthy violence" is allowed to stay).
- They mock "Muslim ignorance and superstition". Straw vs. beam, pot vs. kettle, etc.
- They have a "ATM system" to rate TV commercials. M stands for "maddening". It means there are "people NOT in street clothing".
- "Futurists see Androids, Dimethrodons, and Android Men."

OK... got to stop now...

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink


The L. F. Nexus is working with Rambo Hunters, Inc. to train 10,000 bounty hunters to help enforce the upcoming “Lockdown Law.” The Lockdown Law states:

'Evolution may not be taught in science classrooms.'

Does it indeed?

Anyone aware of this supposed fact?

De Dude is well gaga methinks!

By strangest brew (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

I liked their big plans for "Scrubbed Movie" theaters, where they will edit out all the parts of movies they find offensive.

They plan to open about 50 theaters all over the country this year, where they will get the money for this I can't imagine. Still, it will be sad when they get sued for copyright violation, like the Mormons did when they opened their "Clean Flix" movie rental stores. It's weird how so many people really don't understand why it's wrong to take someone's work, change it without permission, and then sell it.

It was my first visit to Timecube.

Too absurd for words. I scrolled down the page for what seemed like an eternity. About half way down there was a picture of the good doctor aka The Wisest Man. When I finally reached the bottom it actually said "NEXT PAGE". I mean, come on.... next page??? After that already interminable one?

At least he doesn't seem like he could be dangerous to others.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink


They sure do, but i like how they have to write it 14,000,000 (14 million). Just in case you weren't sure what all those zeros mean.

I notice that Gene Ray is asking for financial support for his site. I don't know how long that message has been there - I haven't looked at Time Cube for years now and his posting habits are strange, to say the least.

What does he do that requires financial support? The hosting costs must be very low, even with the traffic that a classic site that Time Cube must generate. Is it to fund his research into Cubism?

If I find a coin with four sides, I'll send it to him.

By hinschelwood (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Ha ha ha!!

Up at the top right it says, "Our new website (see Einstein graphic below) is being built by WebPsyops, Inc., the inventor of web-based artificial intelligence"

Go check out WebPsyops: http://webpsyops.com/

Ha ha ha !!

Oooh, so this is the internet equivalent of a crazy homeless man yelling on the street.

Here's a sample:


This means, if you accidentally run across sexual images, flee (run away as if your house was on fire).


#2 You are a moronic woman if you “wear the pants in your family.”



Note that, for similar reasons, we DO NOT advocate the interracial marriage of ANY two races but note that we DO NOT oppose existing two-race marriages in which children are involved.


The King James Bible is the Word of God.

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink


'At least he doesn't seem like he could be dangerous to others.'

What about the inevitability that mentally challenged bunnies that find this site and think they reached Nirvana...sorry Heaven...

Mind you if anyone finds this site in any way a vindication of their attitude then we is all in grief methinks!

Seems it is a project solely maintained by a bunch of wannabees all accredited by the good Doc's degree scams!
Plus a few erstwhile army buddies and one token female...

Dr Dino would be jealous!

By strangest brew (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Thank goodness I had the Nexus to tell me how to be a good wife (which really seems to consist of saying "yes, dear, you're right" in every situation). Otherwise I might have considered living my life as, you know, something other than a doormat.

And I would pay good money to see the "scrubbed" version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. (Yes, it's actually on the list.) That would be, what, three minutes long?

Sastra, it looks like most, if not all, of those "partner" organizations you listed are simply other Dr. Michael Bisconti endeavours, and appear to be nothing more than single web pages hosted by his own hosting company, Solutions, OCC. For example, here is an exemplary passage from the website of The Pneumiatry Institute:

The terms “Pneumiology,” “Pastoral Anthropology,” “Pneumiatry,” “Pastoral Anthropiatry,” “Anthropiatry,” “Psychiatric Pneumiatry,” and “Pneumiatric Psychiatry” were coined by Dr. Michael J. Bisconti on January 1, 1959. Pneumiology is the science of Pastoral Anthropology. Pastoral Anthropology is scripturally ethical Anthropology. Dr. Bisconti is the founder of the science of Pastoral Anthropology (Pneumiology). Anthropology is the science of human beings. Pneumiatry is the science of Pastoral Anthropiatry. Pastoral Anthropiatry is scripturally ethical Anthropiatry. Dr. Bisconti is the founder of the science of Pastoral Anthropiatry (Pneumiatry). Anthropiatry is the science of the healing of human beings from the scientific and fideistic perspectives. Dr. Bisconti is the founder of the science of Anthropiatry. Medicine is the science of the healing of human beings from the scientific perspective. Medicine is a part of the field of Anthropiatry (e.g., see Abortion). Psychiatric Pneumiatry is scripturally ethical, advanced Pastoral Psychiatry. Psychiatric Pneumiatry is not a medical discipline though it requires a degree of medical knowledge. Dr. Bisconti is the founder of the science of Psychiatric Pneumiatry. Pastoral Psychiatry is not a medical discipline (see Dr. John Bonnell). Pneumiatric Psychiatry is a specialized type of Psychiatry. Pneumiatric Psychiatrists are licensed Psychiatrists who have received additional, advanced training in Pneumiatry, including Psychiatric Pneumiatry, at the Pneumiatry Institute. Dr. Bisconti is the founder of the science of Pneumiatric Psychiatry.

I have to admit, though, that I'm a bit confused as to who founded all these disciplines...

(It is interesting to note that none of the navigation links on that page seem to work.)

And of the other organizations listed on the Solutions, OCC page, my favourite is noted as:

CSRI White Papers
Formerly "Gays Are Perverts Dot Com"

This means, if you accidentally run across sexual images, flee (run away as if your house was on fire).

Now that's useful information. Just keep a porn mag (or even an underwear catalogue) in your pocket, and if you're approached by "Dr." Bisconti, wave it at him (I mean the mag/catalogue), and he'll instantly flee!

By KnockGoats (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Julie @51 --

1. The wedding (Minus "D*** it, Janet", a little vulgar)
2. Credits

By Breakfast (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

LOL! Their Media Page features Dr. Phil, Lou Dobbs, Bill O'Reilly AND Glenn Beck.

we do believe that they are some of the better advisors, reporters, and commentators currently on television

That explains a lot.

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

The ACLU does not know the history of the First Amendment, or the entire Constitution for that matter. When the founding fathers wrote this amendment, they were using the word “religion” in the way it was used in their time. Religion was not:

The worship of God.

Religion was:

The worship of God according to some set of rules and regulations.

In other words, the First Amendment:

Does NOT prohibit the worship of God in the government arena.

Rather, it prohibits:

FORCING anyone to adopt a SPECIFIC STYLE AND MANNER of worshipping God in the government arena.

(Do not give up your rights! Read the section below titled “Specific STYLE AND MANNER in Government Meetings and in Schools.”)


At the bottom of his page titled "The Ten-Step Proof of the Insanity of Atheists," it says "See Dr. Michael J. Bisconti’s 100-volume, 1000-page-per-volume Encyclopedic Apologetic for Scientific Theism (link not active yet)."

100 volumes ?!? And 1000 pages each ?!?

By Curt Cameron (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

at most 0.5 Tc

At most. That's still pretty far gone, though. ;-)

Only a medium scumbag? PZ, you're going to have to do better than that.

This TimeCube thing - it is a joke, right? Right?! I mean, it has to be.. it just has to..

For some reason, this reminded me of Gregory Simmons second debate with PZ.

Every now and then, another eccentric evolutionist will come out and say that they have discovered another transitional form. Basically, you can think of a transitional form as a creature that is half one creature and half another creature. It would be something like a creature that was half dog and half cat or half buffalo and half deer.

Now, sometimes the transitional form is supposed to be something like half man and half ape. Now, when we ask the evolutionist how they know the creature is half man and half ape, here is their answer:

Because we said so.

When we ask why we should simply take their word for it, they answer:

Because we are smarter than you.

When we ask how they know they are smarter than us, they answer:

Because we know more than you.

When we ask how they know they know more than us, they:

Run away!

By Janine, Bitter… (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

LF Nexus, huh? That's GOT to stand for 'Lunatic Fringe'... right?

God damn that is an ugly site!

Nope Dan. It's the real deal.

I mean look at Icke's site... he's fucking insane and his site isn't an eyesore, but I think that's an outlier. Kooks make sites that are eyesores.

Hahahaha, this dude!

Yes, every credential you see on that LF Nexus website is produced by Michael J. Bisconti himself. It's great. Pure comedy gold.

A scrubbed version of Clockwork Orange?

That has to be one incoherent 25 mins.

By Cut and Paste (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

There are a few laughs on his "Virtual Deism" page.

The idea is that God acts as if he’s not personally involved in the universe. Confirmation is from personal experience: “On one occasion, God confirms in our minds and hearts that he will provide a given blessing. On another occasion, he does not.”


My all-time personal favorite internet kook is this guy:


Although sadly he moved all his quote banners behind a link. Used to be, all the graphics in the "quote banner" link? They were on his front page.

His main shtick is "the evil allopathic medical conspiracy is going to kill us all", but it also veers off into "illuminati MKULTRA demonically-mind-controlled sex slave" and "fight the government's poisoning us with chem trails by building orgone generators to boost up the good cloud beings" territory.

This TimeCube thing - it is a joke, right? Right?! I mean, it has to be.. it just has to..

Nope. It's a man with mental health problems and an internet connection.

My favorite bit:

"There is much we can say here but suffice it to say that there are over a thousand studies (we will be publishing a few) that reveal the following simple economic fact: Men who view pornography make 45% less money in their lifetimes than men who do not view pornography."

By Nangleator (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Wow, that site looks worse than the Drudge Report, which is hard to do...

If only this site existed when I was in High School... The pure hell I could put my geometry teacher thru with that farked up graph paper.


On a side note I can never unread that tripe. Web pages like that should come with warnings.

By kingjoebob (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

As the owner of the only other scumbag website to make "Dr." Almond Biscotti's list, can I say how honored I am to share the table with you? I'm not actually sure what I did to get listed, but it was definitely worth it, and I'll do it again.

Personally, I think "the American Institute for Men, our other partners..." is a Freudian slip. Just sayin...

Is this where Ted Haggard will be working soon?

I think even looking at that site for a few seconds damaged my brain. For since I returned here and started reading everyones posts I haven't been able to stop laughing. I also like that WebPsyops are going to build H G Wells' time machine all over again.

20 years ago, crazies like this would have had to be happy writing the odd letter to their local paper and/or screaming on a soap box in their equivalent of London's Hyde Park Corner. But oh no, thanks to the Internet, now they can inflict this on all of us as well as broadcasting it to a million web sites.

Sorry I am rambling, well more than usual. See, I told you that a few seconds at his site damaged my brain.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

I also love how, after PZ, number 2 "scumbag" is a guy who "doesn't understand the system of university accreditation". Provided he really doesn't (I haven't checked), the guy could be stupid, perhaps. But a scumbag? Doesn't the word suppose bad, nasty acts toward other people?
And who is #3, will you ask? Well, there's none. they only found 2 scumbags on the whole Web.

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

I didn't get any farther than this before I got sick. Other than the fact that equal respect != equality, I was especially horrified by #4. It's the assholes who aren't "holotristically righteous" (whatever that is) who absolutely expect you to do whatever they say. Good men don't. I like good men.

"Here are our official positions on men and women and their differences and likenesses:

#1. Men and women are to be afforded EQUAL respect.

#2. Men are better suited for some of life’s callings than women.

#3. Women are better suited for some of life’s callings than men.

#4. Married women are to follow the leadership of their husbands in all things unless the husbands fail to pursue a holotristically righteous lifestyle."

Yeah, what everyone else said!

I think my favourite part is the passive aggressive plea for money ("Keep Your Money" at http://lfnexus.com/keepyourmoney.htm ). Don't send us donations. We don't want them. But if you did compensate us for the good works we do, well, that's different: we could do miracles - like stopping evolution from being taught!


There's even a link to a page defining exolution. But don't click on it or you'll get a 404.

I did find this, but I'm afraid it won't enhance your understanding of eXolution (or anything else) one little bit.

By noncarborundum (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink


That's all I got. What a loon.

"Dr. Michael J. Bisconti, B.E., M.B.A., D.B.A., M.A., Ph.D., M.S., Ph.D., M.A., Litt.D., M.S., D.Sc., Ph.M.D., S.J.D., Et Al"

Damn, this slick dawg has two MAs, two PhDs and even a Ph.M.motherfuckin'D!

Dang BSK, there went the fuse in my BS meter again. That many degrees means probably most of them were bought over the web, or just invented. Otherwise, he would be 150 years old.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Y'know, on the one hand, it's probably good his claims of authority are THAT absolutely mind-bogglingly overdone. Otherwise, some moron might actually *believe* him.

...and, yeah, I'm kinda overestimating humanity when I assume no one will find "Dr. Michael J. Bisconti, B.E., M.B.A., D.B.A., M.A., Ph.D., M.S., Ph.D., M.A., Litt.D., M.S., D.Sc., Ph.M.D., S.J.D., Et Al" believable...

I've always wanted an "Et Al" degree, but the study load intimidated me.

Sounds like I'll have to visit that site, whale.to, and timecube.com (again) to put the Tc scale on a firm quantitative footing. I don't have time, alas.

But I did look at the home- and only page of WebPsyops. ROTFLMAO! I wouldn't have thought it could be possible to diagnose someone as 0.8 Tc based on that little material!

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

That time timecube site is amazing. I can't even grasp how someone could spew that much fecal matter at once. I keep trying to figure out what the hell this 4 corner cubic day is all about. It sounds sweet, and I like to believe in crazy shit, but it just keeps going into one-god-equals-queer-god-blacks-are-going-to-kill-whites-queer-queer-god-mom-dad-Queers-kill-my-lil-brother-HIV-god. Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be that insane.

or the Half of Earth seen from Space cannot exist without the Opposite Half NOT SEEN - existing only as opposites with a plus & minus zero existence. As an Entity, the Opposites will cancel each other out to nothing

Now if that isn't the most logical argument I've ever heard.

SteveM, Nerd:

My guess is he read a footnote somewhere and mistook the "et al" for a qualification after the author's name.

"10,000 Bounty HUnters will Enforce Evolutionary Law".
What, by gunning down the weak, sick and deformed? Are they going to let loose tigers in strip malls?

They need to get to work; when you have 3 times as many categories of scumbags as you have identified scumbags, you're just slackin'.

I can believe it...!!!!

They claim to edit movies like: "bambi", "Fantasia", "Finding Nemo", "A Space Odyssey", "Around the World in 80 Days" to remove:

Profanity, Verbal Obscenity, Visual Obscenity (any degree of nudity, Gay Content, Gratuitous Violence (violence that serves no purpose but to excite the viewer),Gore (extreme damaging of body parts and bodies)...

maybe we are doing them a favor commenting about their site...

Acording alexa:

"pharyngula" receives about 0.0099715% of the world internet trafic, while this site receives: 0.00002%

We are making this site more visible...

Oh no. According to the interracial marriage link, my daughter is going to get picked on and beaten up 1000 times more than her fellow classmates when she goes to school.

By ThinkingApe (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

For shits and giggles, I went to the Rambo Hunters site. This is everything.


Real American Bounty Hunters


We are now in the process, working with the L. F. Nexus at http://lfnexus.com, of training 10,000 bounty hunters to enforce the upcoming “Lockdown Law,” which prevents the teaching of the scientific uncertainty of evolution in science classrooms.

Anti Gang Division
More than 50,000 bounty hunters active.

Anti Illegal Alien Division
More than 20,000 bounty hunters active.

Anti Sodomite Division
A sodomite is a person who practices homosexuality and/or bestiality.
More than 1,000 bounty hunters active.

Drug War Division
More than 100,000 bounty hunters active.

In the upper right hand corner there are links to the United States Army, United States Air Force, United States Navy and United States Marine Corps.

For some reason, I was really hoping that their mission was to bring Sylvester Stallone down.

By Janine, Bitter… (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Hey! Don't be so down on the LF folks! They have a Unicycle Library! Just that one wheel, going 'round and 'round and 'round...

I'm going to go and wash my mind out now.

By DominEditrix (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

PS: And where there are unicycles, there are usually clowns.

By DominEditrix (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

I think the Timecube is a likely example of though-disordered writing. The author appears to be a florid schizophrenic.

The L F Nexus by "Dr." Bisconti seems qualitatively different to me. The form of his writing is not as disordered. It could be the result of delusion and/or narcissism. It could also be an uneducated person making things up, all the while proclaiming his ideas to be profound. Kook, however is not is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. I, for one, would welcome it as a useful category.

The URL for the "company", WebPsyops, Inc. that is "designing" Dr. Bisconti's "website" (all 1,000,000 pages of it) is webpsyops.com, which is owned by...drumroll...one Micheal Bisconti.


sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

except in the case of dr. bisconti.

By karen marie (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

But, but, but, these people are insane! Have you read the bit where they ´prove´ that the theory of evoluthion os only a ´hypothesis´? Absolutely howling mad!

It hurts.

By Psychodigger (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Before the internet, the only way to expose yourself to this level of crazy was to work at Kinko's.

Oh, I don't know about that. Guess where they go to right after they leave Kinko's?

Yep, straight to the USPS to send it off. And we don't get just the Kinko's nuts. You want some real crazy, get the guys who mail their handwritten diatribes. On notebook paper. In pencil.

We can always spot one of these missives:

1) It never has a return address (someone other than the recipient might know the sender has the ultimate dangerous knowledge t and OH NOES!!!111!!!! The black choppers are kumin!!!!!).

2) The sender has used 22 yards of packing tape to wrap around the entire envelope. And then the address label gets slathered onto the first few layers of tape and wrapped about 50 times with Scotch tape. And then they add the stamps layer and tape over that, a really stupid thing to do, because that invalidates the postage, which means, yep, we postal workers get to open it in the admittedly futile hope of finding contact info inside, read it to ourselves--then to our co-workers, copy it and send it around to all our friends.

Anyone wanting to know how much crazy, stupid and just plain mean there is in America, ask a postal worker. We're not like Best Buy or Target, serving a niche of our fellow citizens. We serve all of them. However crazy and dumb and horrible y'all think Americans can be... Well, it's worse than that.

Freakin' hilarious!!
Have you come across this gem yet?
I'm SO waiting for those analyses being submitted!

Truly a rogue's gallery.

By Janine, Bitter… (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Wow...that's some busy Web site. I have to say I was struck by one of their links:

Human Sexuality: The "Homo-Hetero" Position

The first thing that came to mind is that however you cut it, one of the two in that position is guaranteed to be unhappy about it! Maybe Dr. Bisconti could be the "Hetero" in the position, while the rest of us watch...

PZ, you have some work to do as you are only listed as a Medium Scumbag on Nexus's website. There is room for improvement.

"The URL for the "company", WebPsyops, Inc. that is "designing" Dr. Bisconti's "website" (all 1,000,000 pages of it) is webpsyops.com, which is owned by...drumroll...one Micheal Bisconti."

I knew that was coming. Nuts like Bisconti love to pretend they are a tree of nuts.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Dr Biscuit needs a little gravy

Hah.. the fake counter on that site made me laugh. At least if they try to present themselves as being more successful than they are, they should try to keep it realistic.

Timecube closely approaches a theoretic limit that defines just how monster raving loony you can get without actually burning a hole in the universe or something. It will be around for years for people to marvel at.

Rambohunters.com is also owned by the very same Mr. Bisconti. What a nutter!

By Wottock Hunt (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Before the internet, the only way to expose yourself to this level of crazy was to work at Kinko's.

Forgive my (Australian) ignorance, but why would someone at Kinko's (a photocopying/binding place, yes?) be exposed to 'this level of crazy'? Did something significant happen at one?

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

"The answer, primarily, is that, today, there are millions of people, especially, young people, who are ruining their lives with information, comments, and pictures they are posting on the Internet."

He got his degrees by out-commaing the rest of the students.

It would be great fun to meet this man face-to-face.



I'd assume they get a decent volume of crazed nutters self-publishing their paranoid and/or delusional pamphlets.

Of course, having dated an Architecture major in college, most of my experiences with Kinko's involved hysterical students running on nowhere near enough sleep trying to get something printed and getting worked up when "the guy that does the oversized printing" isn't in today. It can be difficult to mediate in these situations.


Thanks for that - it makes a bit more sense. I hadn't considered the whole pamphlet-as-a-popular-choice-for-spreading-wackaloon-philosophy option; we don't see that much of that here.

Probably a good thing...

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Posted by: Steve_C | January 15, 2009 6:19 PM
"One of my favorite nutters is Alex Jones..."

Yes, but Alex Jones is a nut with an agenda.... money. He has built a complete empire around 911 Inc. I'm convinced he's cynical opportunist and says whatever will give his radio show higher ratings and drive the real nuts to his sight to buy his "exclusive" videos.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

You bastard PZ. The least you could have done was give a firm warning about visiting that site. Although to be fair as it refused to display correctly in Firefox and opened up Internet Explorer before I got the full hideous effect.

I should have stopped there but being the inquisitive type followed some of the links. Bloody hell (sorry SC) these people must just run on a very primitive nervous system as there is absolutely no evidence of higher brain function. If the government here in Australia is going to filter the web that site should be number one on the hit list.

I fear for the sanity of anyone who sees it, not because I think they may believe the inanities contained therein but it may cause a matter\antimatter like reaction with a sane mind.

The unicycle encyclopedia might be the best part. 2 billion pages, really? Shall we visit the calculations required for that?

Assuming it takes about 1 minute to complete a single page by holding down the 'f' key, that's a quick 2 billion minutes, or ~33 million man hours to complete the unicyclopedia. Assuming his craziness would ward off anyone from working for him, he alone can be expected to complete the project in a swift 3,805 years. Provided he does absolutely nothing else in his life besides work on it.

Outstanding. Thanks PZ, I've discovered a man who has PROVEN that evolution is 'only a hypothesis' and there is only '0.00002%' of the data needed to prove the Theory. This proof is succinctly laid out on the page

but if you can't follow it you can buy the 20 page pamphlet. If that's too skinny on detail, the 100 page booklet may be required. If, however, you're really not getting it, the 1000 page book, or for the terminally insane, 3000 page encyclopedic version may be required for you to fully appreciate Dr Bisconti's TOTAL LACK OF A CLUE.

The Clarks at http://www.skepticsfieldguide.net/ would implode studying the Doctor's work.

He's considerate enough to place a Warning regarding the website, but instead of apologising for designing the website under the Borel Infinite Monkey Law, he states that he will change his opinion as he learns new evidence. Just like Science.

Oh, except for inviolate (I think he means inviolable... but I'm not the Doctor) facts like the existence of God.

And Gay=Bad


In case any of you missed it, WebPsyops's website was made in Microsoft Word.

I think that really speaks for itself.

By AntimatterSpork (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

What part of "Claim of single 1st Day composed
of Day, Night, Morning & Evening
was a Lie, as they were Static points
as 4 corners and did not rotate as
Time motion" don't you get. Sheeesh.

This is really the ultimate in nuts. I think this is also the best example of fractal craziness. Click on any link, and you will find a page just as crazy and poorly constructed as any of the previous pages.

On the 'unicyclopedia' page, they make the claim that they use chipless plasma stream technology, stemming from the Unified Field Theory. This amazing technology is so advanced, it is apparently only available to 'L. F. Nexus and the Chicago Christian University'.


I mean, 'cybortron'?! That sounds like a character off of the fucking transformers shows!

It's really funny that you need special permission to view an explanation of the technology.

This guy shows you why L. Ron. Hubbard and Scientology are so friggin amazing. L. Ron Hubbard made up a bunch of whacky sci-fi shit and created all this pseudo-scientific bull-caca tech crap similar to "Doc" Bisconti and should have failed just like Bisconti, but fortunately for RON, he knew the secert to making a successful nut-job religion... Hollywood.

come on PZ ...making fun of sick people isn't nice. He is clearly in need of psychiatric treatment.

What does "Dr" Bisconti does with his money? He buys domain names by the dozen. I've discovered yet another one:

What is it supposed to be? Well, you can see for yourself. It's not like it will take you very long. By the way, this super-secret safety force is where "Dr" Bisconti took his training.

Oh but...

I've just discovered the "OCC Solutions" webpage. Crazy. Just crazy. How does this guy find the time to create hundreds of webpages? Well of course some of them are only a few lines long...

For your enjoyment, I suggest the "Pro-Evolution society":

Also an "organization" called PENSA, "the best of MENSA";

Is there really "method in his madness"? Well, perhaps. But then it's a mad method.

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 15 Jan 2009 #permalink

Years later, I learned that one of the conspiracy nuts I waited on at Kinko's is famous:


His demeanor was very sane, not like the woman who once tried to run over me in the parking lot because...well, apaprently, "the Jews"?!

@ Aquaria--before they get to you, they've had me make 18 copies of those letters even though they're written on shreddy spiral notebook paper (and I am NOT to cut the shreds off), and they have inspected every page for little black dots, which are part of the conspiracy against them. All the sentences in the letters end with question marks, and I had to run the copies because the other guy working my shift "has evil cat eyes." Also my hourly wage was probably about half of yours.

Man, I miss that job.

I miss spelling mistakes when I preview, too--apparently.

Forgive my (Australian) ignorance, but why would someone at Kinko's (a photocopying/binding place, yes?) be exposed to 'this level of crazy'? Did something significant happen at one?

I took it to mean that before the internet, these guys would have to go to Kinko's to print up thousands of pamphlets to hand out on the street corner, in order to distribute their craziness.

If you have the chance, and you're up for a laugh, do a little digging into "Dr" Bisconti's background. Take the "Microtech Institute," the source of one of his PhDs, for example. You'll find a rarely-updated site (and poorly-designed for a computer science institute) that looks suspiciously like all his other sites and the sites of his numerous "Alma maters."

Of course, it's moot. He addresses suspicion in his background page in a statement that can be summed up as "it doesn't matter if my credentials are all fake, 'cuz I done be smart."

By AndymanEC (not verified) on 16 Jan 2009 #permalink

Under the "Evolution" heading (down in the disorganized mess-o'-pages) there's a claim that the LF Nexus is working with "Rambo Hunters" a nationwide bounty hunter network that has gathered 10,000 bounty hunters to enforce his "no evolution in science class" edict.

Gee, I wonder why the website for a nation-wide bounty hunter network (that's at least 10,000 strong) has only a few statements about going after "immoral" activity (like the anti-sodomite division), and no actual information about bounty hunting? Oh, and also looks like every other website linked to from the Nexus.

By AndymanEC (not verified) on 16 Jan 2009 #permalink

—”got rid of web pages”— is this kinda like Congressional Pages??

Has this one been mentioned yet?

Electric Windmill Car?


Wow. 0.9 Tc, and I'm serious. Is that just Safari, or does that page refuse to scroll for everyone else, too? To continue reading, I had to grab the scroll bar and keep it grabbed. That's not the case on endwaronearth.com, though.

Check it out, people. He wants 100 wives so that they can inspire (!) him to find "the" cure for cancer and a way to overcome gravity.

Best of all, he really writes in Comic Sans!

The page for "is masturbation a sin" is simply amazing.


Quite so, but right on the top it says:

Before you read this article, read The “M” Word for some background information.

…so let's do him the favor:

Sensitive Terminology

For the sake of our less mature readers we have coined the terms “biosis,” “biotic,” “bioticity,” and “heterobiotic” to use in place of the word “sex” and its derivatives.

I rest my case.

By David Marjanovi? (not verified) on 16 Jan 2009 #permalink

I haven't laughed this much in a long time. My family is wondering what is wrong with me.

If that's not satire at least the writer(s) is not killing trees passing around leaflets on streetcorners.

Maybe it's just 'cause it's Friday and I'm shot to shit, but I think todays pharyngula is (for me at least) one of the best all around pharyngula's I have ever enjoyed, and I have enjoyed many. But OMG TimeCube. OMG OMDarwin WTF?!?!? Someone really needs to study the brain that can do TimeCube.

PZ... I don't know how you do it... sifting all this shit out and getting it to us. I only hope you keep it up and have a patient family.

You nurture us all. May you live long. May you be happy... even if you make the rest of us sad. At least we get to laugh.

Thank you.

By Everbleed (not verified) on 16 Jan 2009 #permalink

Paul McCartney knows about the suppression of the Electricwindmillcar and is paid off by the governments of Britain and the USA not to write a song about this.

BEST. LUNACY. EVEH. Because if there is one person who can bring down the US government...

Lots of them links save in my Favourites (under humour, of course) along with the 'Earth is not moving' (for which thise with an Irony deficiency attacked me when I posted, thinking I was an US citizen).

I especially liked the "We are a super secret organisation. Here is our web page."

US pop, approx 300m. UK pop 61m.

So why do you out strip us by more than 5:1 in looney webmasters?

I was really disappointed with Sexual Karate. I thought it would teach me how to chop a plank in two with my penis.

Does anyone understand why masterbation is a sin. I followed the 'if you choose to do it' arguement, but he never said why masterbation, rather than, say, opening a door.

By Last Hussar (not verified) on 17 Jan 2009 #permalink

The Electric Windmill Car website is...uh...interesting.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 17 Jan 2009 #permalink

HA! That cannot be a serious site. I really really hope it's just a really elaborate satire. The following quote nearly made me fall off my chair with laughter:

"Note that there are only three races in the world – hobkobb, coggerbot, and tukertoc"

Weren't they characters in the BFG?

By Sgt Skepper (not verified) on 20 Jan 2009 #permalink