Ohio details!

Many of you were anxious to find out more about my trip to Columbus, Ohio in a few weeks, and here's the information you need. This is to be a Darwin Day banquet, open to the public, but there is a charge. It's on 14 February, so you could always bring a date and say it's their Valentine's Day gift, too.

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This is one way to deal with looming un- and underemployment. From the NY Times: COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 12 (AP) -- A man who could not find steady work came up with a plan to make it through the next few years until he could collect Social Security: He robbed a bank, handed the money to a guard and…

I'll be there with bells on.

I might show for this. It's close enough that I could arrange it...

But I never have a valentines date so that's out of the question.

I think the Thirsty Ear is the closest best beer selection to the Fawcett Center....

Hey! Alright! I'll have to drive down from Cleveland for this!

I'll probably bring my mom, whom has recently seen the light. She's reading The God Delusion, and has even been sharing it with my dad. They both recognize the ridiculousness of religion, but my dad can't conceive how every exists without starting it off. Actually, the talk might convince him of the truth.

So, I'll still be referring to February 14 as S.A.D --> Singles Appreciation Day. Unless any of the ladies here would like to accompany me. Asking here isn't too pathetic, is it?

By Fred Mounts (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

With apologies to the good Rev, OM. 'every' should of course read 'everything.'

By Fred Mounts (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

Wow, I would love to go. I might have to drive up from Nashville, but what could be better for Valentine's Day?

so you could always bring a date and say it's their Valentine's Day gift

So it's sort of a contraceptive, too? Because, seriously, *no* sex will be happening after a gift like that.

I tease. :-)

By Quiet Desperation (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

Fred: It would only be pathetic if your mom is included on the date.

You should come to North Carolina some time! Like here in Chapel Hill perhaps ;-)

QD: I happen to find science (and Darwin AND PZ) very sexy...

Hey! I think me and my wife will be driving down from Cleveland! She's the sort that would fall for a line like, "Want to go to a humanist banquet for Valentine's? You'll like it better than Titanic, I plomise."

As it's a banquet, does that mean the $35 ticket comes with a hearty feed?

By greedy alan (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

I should warn everyone, though, that this won't be one of my firebreathing godless talks, it will be one of my sciencey talks, with a little history thrown in.

As long as it's a firebreathing sciencey talk.

(I /heart history.)

I'll be there! And yes, some girls do think that this would be a great Valentine's Day date! I just hope they offer vegetarian fare - I'd hate to blow $35 and go home hungry.

Darwin was a racist.

Darwin was a racist.

Ah, so nice to see one of the lack of perspective twits show up. Anything to put as stain on Darwin, who was just a fallable man. It does nothing to detract from his theory, which has been strengthened greatly in the 150 years since Darwin first published his book. So much so it now goes by the name "Modern Synthesis". Now go back to your basement in your parents house and let the big people make their social engagements.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

pz -

while in ohio, would you please remind the good people there that the mountain's name is denali, not mckinley.

fred c dobbs don't say nuthin' he don't mean...

By fred c dobbs (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

"Darwin was a racist."

So was Lincoln.

Ok, so by V-day I need to have a disposable date with a car willing to cover the entrance fee (and my dinner ><) and hopefully is intelligent enough to not fall asleep or act like a total bore...

I'm doomed.

Darwin's theory of natural selection is racist. The subtitle of Origin of Species is "Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life." Favoured Races? Struggle for Life? Where have we heard that before?

By John Chrysostom (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

My, you are an idiot, aren't you? Language usage has changed since the 19th century. Darwin was not referring to "races" in the sense you are using them, but to varieties. Like in pigeons.

Just curious, but have you actually read the book? Or just the title?

Oh, and are you planning to spam lots of random threads with random comments completely unrelated to the topic being discussed? Let me know if you are, so I can preemptively ban you and save myself a little work.

You're coming to Columbus? And you're going to be talking science and history?


Screw the whole dating thing, I'm so there!

By MisterDomino (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

You ought to make the trek down to Cincinnati and check out the creationist museum if you have not yet indulged your funny bone.

$35 bucks a ticket? What exotic banquet foods justify that price?

By Benjamin's Onion (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

Thus spake ildi @10:

Fred: It would only be pathetic if your mom is included on the date.

True that. I'm not quite to the Seymour Skinner level of patheticness yet. There's little hope, that's true, but there's is a smidgen.

By Fred Mounts (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

I'm definitely going to be there, but I have to ask...

Why so pricey?

Since you're going to be in Columbus, will the honorable Frank Zindler of American Atheists also be in attendence?

By Gary Parker (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

I'd like to go, provided I can get my boyfriend to go along with it.

Ok, people, I'm coming to this gala fest all by my lonesome, even though I'm more comfortable showing up at a bar by myself than a place like the Fawcett Center, and if this lady can do it, y'all can too. (Location is probably a reason for the higher price - it will feel somewhat conferencey, I'm guessing.)

I'm assuming that something is being planned for afterward for those unwilling/unable to shell out the jack for the FC?

Oh, and Fred, ignore my snarky comment; I just hate Hallmark holidays like VD.

Are you kidding me? I live in Ohio, but am going out of town that day!

Gah! I would love to attend this, but that entire day I am driving down to Georgia to visit relatives!

Had this been held actually ON Darwin Day, I could've attended. Ah well. Hope you have a chance to stop by Betty's or Jeni's (for a pint or a pint, respectively) while you're out here.

I'll be coming all the way from Edmonton for it!
I kid; I was frustrated at having recently moved to North Carolina, because it meant I missed you in Alberta. The upshot of it, though, is that for only a seven-hour drive (my Valentine's gift; in return, I bought the tickets for us both), we get to spend Darwin Day with a *science-based* (our favorite kind) lecture by P.Z. Myers!
Where's the doin's after the lecture? Can we tag along?

PZ, what are the chances of this selling out ahead of time?

My wife and I are trying to figure out how we can get up there from Louisville to see this (organizing a babysitter, etc.), but being in Mid-February, we're a little worried that a blizzard might come through, making the 4-hr drive more like a 12-hour deathtrap, and then the ticket price going to waste.

If we were fairly confident we could still buy tickets just a couple days ahead of the event, that would ease our fears a little bit.