Monstrous women

This is a promo for a wingnut movie that portrays the autonomy of women as a great evil … with an all-female cast. Even this short clip is nauseating.

The lies fly thick and fast. I'm particularly disgusted with the one interviewee who claims that, as a former representative of family planning education, she would go into schools and increase the teen pregnancy rate so that the girls would have 3-5 abortions between the ages of 13 and 18, and that this was the goal of her agency. Right. It is, of course, the antithesis of what family planning organizations actually do.

The rest is also vile, starting with the odious Phyllis Schlafly. And the foundation of their outrageous claims? The rantings of the 16th century proto-Puritan preacher, John Knox. Hasn't the passage of 500 years been enough to expose him as ridiculous?

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I watched less than a minute of this and couldn't watch more. Can anyone watch this and not be revolted by the lies?
OK, I know...

Sounds ominous. I am glad I can't see this at work or the hurled invective might threaten my future continued employment.

Sounds like the family planning version of expelled. Maybe when I get home from work tonight. Depends on being able to handle lies and stupidity.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

That's it, I can't take that much stupidity this early in the morning. I'm going to back to bed and weep for humanity.

I'm sure everyone already knows this, but Mrs. Schlafly is a lawyer and published author; she is quite well-to-do and has pretty much always had servants.

In 1964, I was visiting relatives in Alton, IL, and a friend took me over to the Schlafly compound to see if she could autograph my copy of one of her books. John, her son, was a buddy of my friend and he told us that his Mom was out of town for a couple of weeks on a book tour.

That seemed to be a regular thing.

James 2:24

This still is the 21st. Century, isn't it? One would be hard pressed to believe so after that load of crap. As for the Scottish religiotard, well we shouldn't be too surprised I suppose, as they do have their share of fundy churches up there.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

At least the end credits gave me a laugh for the irony. When the thesis appears to be that women are against feminism, maybe don't end like this:

"Extolling femininity, blasting feminism...a Gunn Brothers film".

You know what? I think this is fabulous. Please, let every moderate Christian see this film. Let them see what they support. The more light is shined on these bizarre wingnuts, the better. That makes it impossible for people to weasel around and claim that no, nobody's that extreme, no one's saying women shouldn't go to work, etc.

Also, I think "The monstrous regiment of women" would be an awesome name for a band.

What's a "God Tube"? Are those used like the gerbil containers of urban legend?

"I feel my GOD moving deep with me!!!!"

Imagine a fundie pastor being examined by a doctor, who finds the remains of a skeletonized God decaying in an already diseased colon...

... or don't. Um, never mind.

By Sioux Laris (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Hahaha! I bet the woman who used to work at the family planning place has a terribly guilty conscience over all the lying she's doing in the name of preserving her Puritanical religion.

I'm especially floored by that segment with the former military woman who talked about women who were raped.

But they're not oppressed by men or anything. If they don't like getting raped they should just get out....

Complete and utter lack of reasoning. Or conscience for that matter. Ugh, I feel like I need a decon shower.

"Please, let every moderate Christian see this film. Let them see what they support. "

I completely agree. I love it when bigots out themselves, it makes it so much easier for sensible people to see the light and get the hell away from loonies like Schafly before they snap. That much hate can't be good for the heart.

Heh. That's funny. Not the women in the film, but the title. Monstrous Regiment is one of my favourite Discworld Books. It's all about women doing things they "shouldn't do" (like joining the army). It made me chuckle, oh how I do love Terry Pratchett.

Dr Adams may have been conned into it to add a gloss of academic truthiness, much like how PZ ended up in Expelled. The quotes from her look like she's talking about what Knox wanted his legacy to be, not her own personal beliefs.

Hah. I knew it.
From a comment here:

I heard back from Dr. Sharon Adams of Edinburgh University.

She agreed to take part in the film purely to give historical information about John Knox. She said that this does not necessarily mean that she is in agreement with the views taught in that film. She is looking into this further.

"If a woman dresses like she's loose...."

"Loose"? Does this woman think it's still the 1920s?

Wait, nevermind.

I read the title as god lube and I wondered what those crazy Christians were up too now.

MissPrism, good to know. Unfortunately, they wouldn't have to look too far to find such views espoused in Scotland, hence my assumption. Still, mea culpa, I should have remembered Expelled and how the religiotards like to abuse academics and shouldn't have just assumed.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

And, oh my fuck, they used Vivaldi's "Winter" over the credits.

Bastards. That's like when they play Beethoven's 9th during the reconditioning in a Clockwork Orange.

GodTube is Jesus 2.0™ (seriously, that's one of their trademarks).

I think the part where the "homemaker" lady shares her conclusion about humanity, that we all hate children, demonstrates the biggest problem with these people. How can one be so sure about her judgment on the nature of each and every person on the world?

Wow, that was some odious bullshit.
And starting with Schlafly. I was most disturbed by the woman who claimed the goal of the family planning org she worked for was to increase the abortion rate. The really scary part is that she probably actually believes that. She has convinced herself that it was so, even though it wasn't.

By gravitybear (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

"GodTube" must mean "Mary's Vagina."
How come it's OK for God to impregnate married women?
It must be nice to be The King.

Schlafly's legacy is her idiot in denial gay son and his "Monstrous Abortion" Conservapedia.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

I found that utter appalling. I'm not sure which is worse: The swill they produced for the show or the implications they make about women of varying personalities.

I'd go on a tirade producing evidence, but I'm supposed to be at work. Maybe later I'll put something on my own site, if I get the free time.

Some of you don't know about GodTube? Oh, man. It's the place masochistic skeptics go to for a good flagellation. If ever you're feeling the slightest glimmering of hope for humanity, just browse GodTube, and you'll be right back in a properly cynical state of mind.

Unfortunately, they wouldn't have to look too far to find such views espoused in Scotland, hence my assumption.

Wait a minute... OK, we gave the world that bastard Knox, and we're sorry for that. And yes, we do have a few (tiny, more-or-less inconsequential) nutball churches like the "Wee Frees". However, Scotland as a whole is a largely secular nation these days - even our sectarianism is more based on which football team you support and which council estate you live on rather than religion.

And lets not forget you've got the likes of the Plymouth Brethren down there.

Why does it end with a title screen over what I can only deduce is a picture of anti-aging guru Aubrey de Grey?

Hah, seriously thought, these people are disgusting. I've known plenty of people who were both caring and family-oriented and major feminists, so I really don't know what these people think they're bitching about. Oh yeah, they're right-wing nutjobs, they just hate the rest of us.

I suspect fundie churches must have an internal document or something (sort of like the Wedge Document) where it says that lying is fine and dandy as long as it's done to advance their godly cause.

By Andrés Diplotti (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Hey PZ-- next time you tell me you're treating us all to a "Gunn Show," I'm staying home.

Way to get our hopes up, LOL

I'm repeating myself here but for the benefit of you youngsters - Schlafly spent much of the seventies flying around the country telling women they should stay home with their children.

My goodness. I haven't heard such an attack on the evil feminists in decades. But then, I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh.

The military woman's identity being obscured, maybe her voice was also dubbed. She sure sounded like Victoria Jackson (that ex-SNL neo-fundy who, in Oct 08, notoriously called Obama a Marxist etc and then embarrassed even the Fox bobbleheads with her effort to answer why. She's to celeb political activism what Toonces is to ABS design...anyway, do check it out on YouTube (there was a HuffPost embed but its down - it's jaw-dropping.)

But I'm a Brit - crazy American bints all sound much the same to me :)

Anyway, I actually listened through twice to this bunch. I'm struck by one thing in particular:

With them (and, presumably, the surrendered-female fundy fandom) it simply doesn't matter if you cannot explain your position/beliefs with any rationality - no objective examples or stats or supporting facts or comparative philosophy needed. Instead, here come the Rove-Schmidt babies: the word buttons pushed, the association fallacies and so the 'red-meat' is slung, the proof is because-I-say-so and the point is made. The End.

And it's also very much the Sarah Palin Way (with her coda of subsequent bitching and whining when someone - a female TV interviewer, say - has the nerve to ask you questions that you can't answer).

Chelsea Clinton has matured into a responsible, educated, active and attractive young woman. No underage boozing, no teenage pregnancy - none of those troubles her Republican counterparts consistently exemplify despite their Schlafy-approved, Mom's-home, righteous-Xtian template upbringing.

But Chelsea Clinton is the Spawn of Teh Satans so, in Schlafyland, her character is irrelevant.

Anyway, by Phyllis's reckoning, herself thus has to be responsible for that sore embarrassment to secular and non-fundy conservatives everywhere: good ol' unbiased Conservapedia - The Boy Andy's noble effort to bring Truth and the American Way to all, and not really a forum to -unleash his petty dictatorialism and flog more of his shitty homeschool materials.

;) winkies to y'all!

By Thunderbird5 (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Faroese Girl (aka Queequeg) wrote, "Monstrous Regiment is one of my favourite Discworld Books."

Considering that Pratchett got the title from the same John Knox pamphlet.... ;) would think that women would be the ones in uproar over statements like these. With this and the anti-abortion, you should think they want society to go back 50-60 years at least.

Dunc, but just recently the creotards were trying to influence the science curriculum in Sottish schools.…

At least in England and Wales the curriculum was recently strengthened to specifically eliminate the possibility of ID/creationism in the science class. This after the attempt by the UK equivalent of the Dishonesty Institute to introduce a DVD IDiots science resource packs for secondary schools in 2007.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Played the Commie card and everything. Makes me physically sick.

By Leanstrum (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

"crazy American bints"
"subsequent bitching "

Oh goodie. Misogynistic slurs on a thread about misogyny. Excellent!

Wait, wait - I know the punchline. It's "edgy!", It's just a "joke!".

I love how the rationale for women not being in the military is that they'll be raped by men.

Who's problem is this again ?

"If a woman wears a police officer's uniform, she shouldn't be surprised when people think she is a police officer."

Um, did she just steal Dave Chappelle's joke from his "Killing 'em Softly" special? Except somehow she turned it from a joke about "whore's uniforms" to an attempt at a serious argument... I guess they figure no-one who watches GodTube has ever heard of Chappelle.

By Leukocyte (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

John Phillips, FCD:

Dunc, but just recently the creotards were trying to influence the science curriculum in Sottish schools.

Trying to, yes. They tried in England and Wales too. They haven't succeeded yet, and I don't expect them to.

However, even if they should succeed, that says something about the credulity of the SQA, not about the general religiosity of the Scots.

If I am wearing baggy pants and an oversized tee am I dressing like I'm "loose"?

Christie, if you're wearing pants at all, it becomes clear to the men around you that you have legs (a fact of which they would otherwise be completely unaware). Legs, of course, can mean only one thing -- thighs. So of course it means you're loose.

Okay, I'm not a Catholic anymore (or even a Christian [or even a theist]), but the woman who ponderously endorsed sola scriptura gave me a big laugh. The "Bible alone" approach to Christianity is what created the tens of thousands of squabbling Protestant sects that we have today. They replaced the authoritarian figure of the pope with millions of separate little popes. I guess the Bible isn't really self-explanatory (which is actually what one should expect from a compilation of myths and legends). Still, you can't beat the Protestant Reformation for kicking the stuffing out of church discipline and temporal power. It's a good thing.

Sorry, my inner fundie just realized the implications of what I wrote, and is imploring me to add that I was in no way suggesting that not wearing pants was good behavior. Floor-length hoop skirts are the only acceptably non-stimulating clothing for non-loose women.

Schlafly knows what Knox thought of her church, right?
Also I've said before but it bears repeating; I understand she has been a fairly effective campaigner. Does she really believe that it would be better with people like her sons running things than people like her?

*watches a bit more*
EW Quiverfull!

Dunc sorry if you took it that way, but my post wasn't about the general religiosity of the Scots as I am part Scottish myself, just the religiotards you do suffer up there. Though I admit, it can be fun watching them when they fall out among themsleves as to who is the true church or not the true church :)

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

The titles of the sub-sections were things like "FEMINISM," "THE ABORTION INDUSTRY," "MOTHERHOOD," etc.

But near the end was one titled "QUIVERFULL." I had never heard that word, and it's not in my dictionary, but there was no definition given in the video. Is that a standard word for them?

The Planned Parenthood lady made me think that someone should take a still and caption it "PLANNED PARENTHOOD - UR DOIN IT WRONG."

By Curt Cameron (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Curt it means having a quiverfull of kids, basically always being pregnant.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

I always feel ambivalent when PZ posts these kinds of clips. On one hand, I really want to watch it so I can have a good laugh; on the other, I know it's going to be like eating my mother-in-law's hodge-podge casserole: Every bite is a cringe-worthy surprise.

Schllafly is another slime I loathe, in the same cesspit as Coulter. I cannot go on as I had a late breakfast and would like to keep it in place until digested.

John, gotcha, no worries.

Though I admit, it can be fun watching them when they fall out among themsleves as to who is the true church or not the true church

There is no True Scots Church - they're not even True Scotsmen. ;)

I had to stop as soon as I saw Schlafly. Sorry guys. My mojo is weak.

By Terry Small (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Dunc nice one LOL.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

What's a "God Tube"? Are those used like the gerbil containers of urban legend?

"I feel my GOD moving deep with me!!!!"

No, That would be Redtube. (!!!! NSFW !!!!)

By ananomanimity (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

The forces of ignorance are staggering.

Reason is its own reward.

I had to stop as soon as I saw Schlafly. Sorry guys. My mojo is weak.

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Andrés, it isn't that, it's the fact that many Fundies believe that, if you are born again,there is nothiing you can possibly do that will endanger your salvation -- in other words, eithical and moral behavior's no longer required, anything goes so long as it advances the cause.

By Gaia sighs... (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

"Quiverfull" is a term which basically translates to "let's treat the vagina like a clown car", taken from Psalm 127. Not to be confused with the Little Dashers, who take their name from a verse ten psalms later.

O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

There actually is catholic teachings out there that support the use of lying. The nice theological catch-all being that it is perfectly fine as long as it promotes the goals of the church.

Which of course is relative morality, the one thing that churchies hate the most, while at the same time promoting it themselves.

By Asemodeus (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

That really cracked me up. The women saying people hate children. Just the other day I was discussing with my hubby that it seems to me we almost worship children. We put their needs above everything else.

And sometimes that is bad because we don't see the ramifications of doing that until it is too late. An example:
If you never let a child get into a situation where they can fall, even a short distance, they never learn to be concerned about falling or they become too afraid of falling.

I'm not trying to say every child becomes one extreme or the other, but I think letting kids play in an environment where they WILL get a LITTLE hurt occasionally is very good for their risk management skills.

We are over-protecting our children from life and my hypothesis is that we'll pay in the long run. Or they will.

I think children have a pretty good sense of self-preservation after the age of 2 or 3, depends on the child. Let them have more responsibility for themselves.

With all the work added on by the "guilt factor," no wonder modern mom's appear to "hate" children. All the fun has been taken out of watching them grow and replaced with permanent nanny-ism.

We need to love them enough to let them fall.

Taliban much?

By TheWireMonkey (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

"If I am wearing baggy pants and an oversized tee am I dressing like I'm "loose"?"

Well you did mention being barefooted, preggers, and in the kitchen baking a pie... so yes you are. But then again so am I so I consider it good company.

Probably very close-minded of me but I couldn't bring myself to watch any of that.

Posted by: Curt Cameron @ 49 "But near the end was one titled "QUIVERFULL." I had never heard that word, and it's not in my dictionary, but there was no definition given in the video. Is that a standard word for them?"

It's a reference to a biblical proverb referring to a man's sons as arrows and how blessed the man is who has a full quiver, ie. lots of sons.

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Quiverfull? Hello, am I in the right century? I have just traveled in time!

Be fruitful and multiply until you all very quickly get extincted.

"Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them".

Daughters, of course, are only blessings in that when they turn six you can make them help with looking after the sons.

Curt @49

"Quiverfull" is the name of a Conservative Christian movement in North America to outbreed the unbelievers. Some of it is based on the idea that their kids will think like them and will be more politically powerful in the future, simply based on numbers. They expect that because the secular-progressive Enemy has few kids (if any) they can win by default. Never mind that some of us also have kids, some of us adopt, and some of their kids will turn away from these extremist religions, especially the gay ones.

"Compared to straight men, gay men are more likely ... to be the younger siblings of older brothers...."

"More than a quarter of adult Americans have left the faith of their childhood to join another religion or no religion, according to a new [2008] survey of religious affiliation by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life."

The Quiverfull types may -- to some degree -- also be motivated by white supremacist demographic fears. Another reason they are making themselves and their kids ill-prepared for the future.

And by shoring up female piety, these right-wingers are trying to preserve their political organizing base. It's no wonder they hate feminism, since that glorious movement has already weakened the Right. (Imagine where we'd all be if they hadn't!)…

By Reader5000 (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

@zadig (#46)

Hoop skits? Thou harlot. A pine box on wheels, leaving only the hands and face free is what the truly chaste wear.

A looser woman would flounce at this juncture, but the best I can manage is stately trundle.

As you were.

By Auntie Em (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

@62: Maybe it's because it's 2:14am and I really should go to bed, but "let's treat the vagina like a clown car" is the funniest thing that I've read all night. XD Kudos.

That shit about dressing like a whore, you better expect to be thought of as a whore... she stole that from Dave Chapelle.

Just the other day I was discussing with my hubby that it seems to me we almost worship children. We put their needs above everything else.

I'd disagree - our society fetishises children, and puts the maintenance of that above almost everything else, including the actual needs of children. It rarely about the children themselves - it's about what children mean to adults.

"And lets not forget you've got the likes of the Plymouth Brethren down there."
Hehe, the Brethren. My hometown back in England had a load of Plymouth Brethren ("Open" and Exclusive). They were the only kids in my school with permission to skip prayers and such. On the other hand that they had to stand outside the Post Office while some uncle (they were all one big clan - I guess this was just the Open Brethren) preached in a dull voice about our need to repent.

By Eris, those quiverfull nutjobs scare the shit out of me. Besides the fact that they're overly religious, they're winning from an evolutionary standpoint. What better way to ensure your particular brand of crazy persists than having 10000 kids? *shiver*

Please PZ, make the bad lady go away!

Christie, if you're wearing pants at all, it becomes clear to the men around you that you have legs (a fact of which they would otherwise be completely unaware). Legs, of course, can mean only one thing -- thighs. So of course it means you're loose.

Oh, goodness.. someone needs to point out to these people that, horror of horrors, everybody's naked underneath their clothes.

By James Haight (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Thanks for the education on "quiverfull" - what a disturbing movement. I noticed the same thing Blake did, that the Bible verse is from Psalms 127: "Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of [children]," and how this is so close to the Psalms 137 verse about happy is the man who takes the children and bashes their heads against the stones.

Maybe the Bible prescribes having more and more children so you'll have more and more happiness when you bash in their heads.

By Curt Cameron (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

When I see crap like this, it always reminds me that it's time to send another big donation to Planned Parenthood. Thanks, PZ!

I love that idea that people of the world just hate kids... Yet we seem to keep having them, and wanting to have them, spending time with them, putting them first in life, raising, feeding, clothing, and educating them, work towards their success hoping they will be better then we, yet, we really hate them...

Also that "if women dress loose, people will see them as loose" is just another way of saying "if you dress provocatively, and you get raped, well it is your fault", you know that is what they are thinking.

Ugh. I should have known better than to watch that. Now I'll be thinking of it all day at work. There's so much wrong here that I can't even begin. I think more people should see this though, maybe they won't be so complacent.

Yeah, well, and if you dress like a drab and look like a drab, and sound like a f-ing drab, don't be surprised if people laugh at you and reject your "virtuous" lifestyle and "hate" your gaggle of snot-nosed brats, okay?

I love how these women are mostly sitting in offices! Are they cleaning those offices? Raising their sprogs in them? Baking cookies at the desk? Pressing flowers in those piles of books? The choice of settings shows that feminism has won. Get over it.

No-one seems to have picked up on the date of the entry linked to by Miss Prism #16 - June 18th 2007.

It says there the film was due for release - made a huge splash then :).

What is this about religion being necessary for morality? Just watching this video proves that is completely false.

You don't have to be a crazed religious fanatic to be evil. But it helps a lot.

I'm surprised no one has pointed this out yet, but I found it supremely ironic that the opening lady talked about a false sense of persecution pervading feminism and leading to people have chips on their shoulders over nothing. I think she is confusing feminism with Christianity in terms of fake persecution complexes.

I met Phyllis Schlafly after a debate she had with Sarah Weddington (attorney who represented Jane Roe in Roe v. Wade). Schlafly's line to "meet and greet" her was short - so I saw her prior to meeting Sarah. Unfortunately, due to my leather biker jacket and pins stating "keep abortion legal" she wouldn't shake my hand. Sigh. I must say she was wearing the pinkest, girliest suit I have ever seen. And a cross necklace. Sigh.

I went and looked up the John Knox 'treatise' referenced. (See here.) Sad and blackly humorous. You know the drill, Eve sinned first, so God punished all females forevermore.

There was one bit that struck me: "For two punishments are laid upon her: to wit, a dolour, anguish, and pain, as oft as ever she shall be mother; and a subjection of her self, her appetites, and will, to her husband, and to his will. From the former part of this malediction can neither art, nobility, policy, nor law made by man deliver womankind..."

That reminded me that when "art" actually did come up with a way to deliver womankind - anesthesia during childbirth - there were those who... um... "objected" to it because it would interfere with that 'curse'.

I wonder how many of those women had epidurals?

Made it about 49 seconds into the video (averting my eyes when Phyllis appeared on the screen), and then some primal self-preservation instinct caused me to reflexively hit the stop button.

Thanks a lot ... now I'm going to be pissed off all day long.

Happened to notice the girl about 1/2 way through, listed as "former cadet".

Wasn't strong enough or smart enough to make it through I guess.

USN (Ret)

Interesting that a couple of beings who happen to have penis's create a film about women.

You know, when I was a kid reading Ms. Magazine all through the 1970s, I must've missed all the crap the "ladies" in the clip were talking about. I'm pretty sure the whole idea of feminism was that, you know, women should have control over their own lives and destinies. And part of that meant not only being able to NOT have kids, but also to be able to have as damn many spawn as you desired.

But Phyllis has always been a horrible hypocrite, and it was pointed out decades ago that someone else was raising her son while she flew around signing books and preaching and saying that other women shouldn't be able to do just what she was doing.

It's remarkable, the swill the women in this clip have swallowed. Really, how beaten down and devoid of any sort of self-respect, how brainwashed by religion, how lacking in any capacity for rational thought does someone have to be to accept that claptrap? I'm glad my mother was a feminist -- a feminist who bought me dinosaur and science books when I was a kid, and who always encouraged me to think for myself. (end rant.)

To be fair to old John Knox, he probably did not hate queen Mary of England and regent Mary of Guise because they were women, but because they were Catholics (and, in the latter case, because Mary send him to the rowing bench of a galley).

@Christie #28:

PANTS?! On wimmin folk?!

By Aphrodine (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Knox didn't have a problem with applying to Elizabeth I of England for help in getting Protestant control of the Scottish government, depite having written rabid screeds about women's unfitness to rule. As ever, principles are all very well in principle.

So... if women are the root of all evil, does that mean they want everyone to become gay? :P

Sorry, I could manage only half of this shite.

How did those women manage to give the interviews anyway? They don't actually HAVE the keys to the locks on the chains they've attached themselves to in the kitchen, do they?
My goodness, a band of Ann Coulter wannabe's...

YUCKOLA!! That was vile.

By ctenotrish (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

"How did those women manage to give the interviews anyway? They don't actually HAVE the keys to the locks on the chains they've attached themselves to in the kitchen, do they?"

the "do as I say, not as I do" syndrome. Coulter, Schafly, etc. do it for the money, so it's okay that they don't actually practice what they preach.

My day was going so well with a number of orders. *Gasp* I don't just work and have no children (of course I'm unmarried so I guess they'd approve of my lack of kids) but I actually own my own business. I must be the devil incarnate to these people.

Of course PZ had to go and up my blood pressure by posting this video.

And that's why sexism will never go away. Can you imagine a video of African-Americans talking about how it's wrong for black people to want to be equal to white people? Ofcourse not, they'd be institutionalized. But there are always women who benefit from the patriarchy and are willing to stand up and talk about it how great it is.

A pine box on wheels? JEZEBEL! You should wear a lead-lined radioactive waste casket bolted to the kitchen floor.

You're all missing the point - it doesn't matter what women wear, because women shouldn't be allowed outdoors at all, much less in sight of an uncovered window.

"And that's why sexism will never go away."

While you're likely right, I actually look at things like this as proof that they're worried. What would be the point to go to such lengths if they felt secure that a majority of people agreed with them, or ideas and attitudes didn't change?

Perhaps that me being an idealist, but that's the impression I get.

Oh, goodness.. someone needs to point out to these people that, horror of horrors, everybody's naked underneath their clothes.

OH NO!!! You shouldn't have told them that... Now you've cursed us all!

PS to all who responded to me: Well, yes, I look damn sexy in those baggy clothes, so I guess that would probably count as appearing 'loose' and whoreish. I was, however, trying to make a play on words...

Another good reminder of why I hate religion so much.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

I shouldn’t be astonished and yet I am. I find that I’m can still be cudgeled upside the head by the stupefying idiocy of religious kooks.

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

I bet these women would just love it in Afghanistan.

By Remy-Grace (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Disturbing trailer, but not surprising.

I'm half-insulted, half-amused at the idea that feminists hate children. I love kids in general, love my own particularly and think there's few things nicer than a snuggle with a wee baby. And I'm one of those nasty feminists who believe in the right to choose if, when and how many children you should have, work outside the home (heck, I'm even the boss!) and will not kowtow to any man on the mere basis of his genitalia.

Schlafly is a hypocrite, Everett is a liar and the rest of them... I don't know if they're just delusional or what their problem is. Feminism puts you in the mindset of victimhood?! Bullshit! How can having the option of governing your own life make you a victim?

Too sweet that this is a doc made by men...

After watching this tripe, I felt my energy renewed and decided to go poking around at GodTube again...
PZ is right. Anytime you start to have hope in mankind, a little dose of GodTube is all it takes to put you back in the cynical frame of mind.

Wow, the stupid...

Women are bad,
women are bad,
women are bad...

A film by the Brothers dumb!

It boggles the mind, how people can seriously believe that the prime aim of Planned Parenthood is to have girls go through a few abortions by the time they're 16... Really? To what end? Oh, the stupid it burns!

Phyllis Schlafly and her self-loathing gay son sicken me. When he was outed there was a big stink made in the meda about how his mother must feel. What was his reaction? Did he use the moment to stand up for himself against the vile attitude of those like his mother. Hell no.

While acknowledging his homosexuality, John Schlafly refused to repudiate
Robertson and other Republicans who publicly mock gays. Instead he attacked
``a band of screechy gay activists and Washington-based pressure groups who
get all the attention. The truth is, family values people... are not out to
bash gay people.''

``I was proud of him,'' Phyllis Schlafly says.

Or this gem:

"It's not a problem for anybody but the press," she said, a little impatiently, on Tuesday night. ''He is very supportive of everything I do. He's a good lawyer and very helpful. He is not a proponent of same-sex marriage."

Indeed, John Schlafly works for the activist group Schlafly founded in 1972, the Eagle Forum, and traveled to New York to help his mother at the convention.

I found it interesting that on the Schlafly microbrewry Q & A page it states that the owner is indeed related to the hateful old witch (my terminology), but she is not involved in the business. I still won't touch the stuff

Couldn't bring myself to watch the film anywhere near breakfast time. Or ever. I read all these comments, though.

It's interesting how much of the biblical description of what a woman's lot is SUPPOSED to be, the pain and subjugation and all, is a punishment for Eve's sin. That implies some things, I think. First, the pain and subjugation were NOT God's original plan (and women may well not be designed to survive under such conditions). Second, when God allows a new soul to be born as a woman, she's predestined for a life of previously-undeserved punishment, which is arbitrary and cruel.

By Menyambal (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

I just don't understand how people can go through life being so self-loathing. They really think they are beholding to the whims of men and that they are cursed? At some point don't they realize how wrong it is to demonize themselves? Obviously they do not but I find it so, so sad.

I had never really thought about Christianity being a death cult before coming here, but every time I hear these people it becomes that much more clear. They really do hate themselves and want to die to go on to where it's better, I just can't fathom it.

From the movie's website:

"Does the movie show both sides?

We have allowed viewpoints from feminists who in their own words describe feminism from their own perspective; this allows us to be fairer in our analysis without creating unrealistic Strawmen (and Women)."

It should read: "We have taken quotes from feminist women to prove our pinheaded beliefs."

Child abuse equals having one child and fulfilling yourself with both family and a fulltime career???

No. Child abuse/child hate equals having as many children as you please and stunting their intellectual possibilities with fairytales and myths that exclude them from the modern world.

This video scares me. I have one child (daughter) and reservations about having more because of religious fundamentalism in the world – not because my career. I guess the “quiverfull” plan has already affected this non-believer :(

By Jeannie in MN (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Minnesota Public Radio: Driver crashes SUV into St. Paul Planned Parenthood clinic

Ugg, Luckily no one was hurt and no visible damage to the building.

No. Child abuse/child hate equals having as many children as you please and stunting their intellectual possibilities with fairytales and myths that exclude them from the modern world.

What really ticks me off is that these people with 10+ kids and say they love them so much, usually pop them off and then hand them to the eldest daughters who have yet to leave the homestead.
Nothing says a child is important than pawning them off to others.

I found it interesting that on the Schlafly microbrewry Q & A page it states that the owner is indeed related to the hateful old witch (my terminology), but she is not involved in the business. I still won't touch the stuff

I had no idea there was a Schlafly Brewery. (It's in St. Louis.)

The website looks relatively sane, but two things tripped my nutjob detector:

(1) Theology Night at the brewery (that must be a real symposium) and

(2) owner Tom Schlafly's (who is Phyllis's nephew, apparently) January 2009 newsletter, which criticizes Joe Biden for confusing Article I and Article II of the Constitution during the VP debate. That little section reads a lot like a Conservapedia entry.

I don't think I'll be purchasing any Schlafly brew, either.

The "Quiverfull" woman's repeated references to society in general as "the world" were particularly strange - where then do she and her friends live?

Carol Everett is notorious for having run abortion clinics in Texas for a few years, then switching sides to spend the next several decades flitting from pulpit to pulpit talking about how bad she was before she Saw the Light. Apparently few if any of her audience has any thoughts about whether a congenital liar would change her habits when she changed her politics & income source.

Godtube has all sorts of good (by which I mean awful) stuff: go there and do a search for "rapture practice", "women are spaghetti brains", "mice and women" (notably vile), "vessels of purity" (scary)...

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

What maroons. Dress loosely. ALL Christian women dress "loosely" compared to the Muslim requirement of wearing a garbage bag over your head. It never occurs to them what aspects are socially driven and have no basis as being right or proper.

"We aren't going to make it, are we. As a species I mean."

By And-U-Say (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

29 seconds and I was ready to throw up.

I remember reading on one of these feminist hating wimmins blogs that she would totally wear a burqa to stop her feminine body from causing lust in godly men if it wasn't for all those Muslim women wearing them for the wrong reasons. Those wrong reasons are that the Muslims are just doing it for show while she would be wearing a burqa because she love jebus with all her heart. My irony meter exploded at that and I forgot to save the link.

If you google on "ladies against feminism" you'll find a very rich seam of completely batty views. The resources for modest dressing are especially scary.

I had never really thought about Christianity being a death cult before coming here, but every time I hear these people it becomes that much more clear. They really do hate themselves and want to die to go on to where it's better, I just can't fathom it.

The ones that want to die and go to heaven are the liberals. The others want god to show up, destroy the earth and kill all 6.7 billion people. The only way you can top that Death Cult thinking is if we discover intelligent UFO aliens. Then god can kill all the flying saucer people as well. It is a big universe, so many beings to kill and so little time.

To be fair, many or most xians find that sort of thinking as repulsive as atheists. Fundies don't own the religion, they just pretend they do.

Another documentary from the Gunn Brothers:

This one is about the fundies favorite obsession - gays!
Especially gay marriage and how it will ruin everything.

It does mention that some gays attached a church but I'd bet a thousand dollars they won't mention the countless times that gays have been bashed and/or murdered by fundies.

Another documentary from the Gunn Brothers:

This one is about the fundies favorite obsession - gays!
Especially gay marriage and how it will ruin everything.

It does mention that some gays attached a church but I'd bet a thousand dollars they won't mention the countless times that gays have been bashed and/or murdered by fundies.

Minnesota Public Radio: Driver crashes SUV into St. Paul Planned Parenthood clinic

Oh, more Xian terrorism. Routine, didn't even make the news out here yet.

Time for silver fox to show up and explain that xian terrorists don't exist. Unless it was him in that SUV.

Carlie @ 9

Also, I think "The monstrous regiment of women" would be an awesome name for a band.

Already taken, more or less.

By Cliff Hendroval (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

On second thoughts (#35 supra)

I shouldn't have listened to a word any of that lot said until they presented a verified statement of permission to contribute from their husbands/fathers/clergyman.

Phyllis, being a woman, has no ^biblical^ authority to encourage such flagrant immodesty. And are these women so demonically neglectful of their ^homeschool^ arrows that they left them alone and open to all classes of ungodly influences whilst they indulged their prideful ideas and flaunted their unwomanly intellect? For shame.

By Thunderbird5 (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Posted by: Patricia, OM | January 22, 2009

Another good reminder of why I hate religion so much.

Patricia, when you were in your fundie stage of life, would you have agreed with what those women were saying. And if so, what were you getting out of it?

By Janine, Leftist Bozo (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

MRA Troll Bingo time, everyone!
Card 1:
Card 2:
Card 3:
Card 4:

By Laser Potato (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

I'm seriously tempted to upload some gay porn on Godtube. It'd probably get removed pretty quickly (and my account and IP banned), but the thought of an offended Christian gives me warm feelings of joy. For best ironic impact it would be one with plenty of "Oh my God" moans.

On second thought, nah, I won't do it lest some poor brainwashed child happens to be the one who finds it. Oh well.

By Headbhang (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Rather than echo previous statements, I'll add one more minor quibble that this video brought to mind: this illustrates why I've never been a big fan of the word "patriarchy" when it comes to describing fucked-up, sexist social values. It implies men oppressing women, with men being the root of the problem (and I've heard more than one militant feminist bandy the word about in that fashion). Yes, The Patriarchy is a crock of shit. No, it isn't perpetrated entirely by society's men, nor does it necessarily work to the benefit of men. Men and women alike get brainwashed into this nonsense, and both are impoverished by it.

never did quite understand why liz I didn't have knox beheaded. probably politics, and not wanting to annoy the scots, or something.

but heck, she had mary done, and she wasn't half the pain in the arse knoxy was.

By faux.mulder (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

"this illustrates why I've never been a big fan of the word "patriarchy" when it comes to describing fucked-up, sexist social values.It implies men oppressing women, with men being the root of the problem. Yes, The Patriarchy is a crock of shit. No, it isn't perpetrated entirely by society's men, nor does it necessarily work to the benefit of men."

Sounds like one of the classic misconceptions about patriarchy - that it's about blaming men, all men. Not true.

Patriarchy is a system, not a gender. Men (collectively) aren't at fault for patriarchy; women actively participate as well. Not all men benefit in any large measure, not all women suffer from it in any large measure.

privilege is undeniable. However, patriarchy poisons everything. Men suffer under it as well. You won't find any honest feminist disagreeing that very much.

This just in: Fundamentalist Religious Adherents are STILL afraid of women! Film at 11:00.

Puritanism: the overwhelming fear that someone, somewhere, is having fun.

No kings,


By Desert Son (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Lowell at #121:

I had no idea there was a Schlafly Brewery. (It's in St. Louis.)

I didn't know that, either. Booze is apparently o.k., but independent thought and self-possession among women isn't?

Ah, well. Tonight I'll open a bottle of locally brewed and toast independent women.

No kings,


By Desert Son (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Beer, now there's a good thought. I have some Young's "Kew Gold" with which I can save endangered plants while I drink. Cheers!

Really, I don't see why they think that skirts are more "modest" than pants. Yes, in vinyl pants you can see all kinds of anatomical details, but they take 30 minutes to get back out of. Ideal chastity belt. The dress the woman talking about how having two parents working is the same as Socialism is wearing? You could the skirt of that thing up in two seconds flat. In fact, "The Guide to getting it on" recommends '50's style dresses for sex in public, as they are quite voluminous.

Goodness, I hope Zuska doesn't see this! That's a lot of shoes to puke on.

By JustaTech (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

the quintessential patriarchy blamer

No kidding. I adore Twisty. Long may she blog.

women like the ones in the video piss me off to no end. how many of them have jobs? how many of them have "planned" families? Shit, even the quiverfull chick probably had to be saved by modern medicine at least once during delivery, which is only done because no one considers death-in-childbirth to be a deserved punishment for being female anymore.

and I can't believe they claim modern women hate children. modern women have as many children they think they can raise fairly, whereas they jusp pop out one after the other, without regard to the welfare of their kids. how can you be treated and loved as an individual when there's 20 of you?!

Usually I find the lies on God Tube funny. This made me want to punch my computer.

What Andrew said.

Funny, hearing that woman who claimed to be a former PP worker made me want to have an abortion.

"Indeed, the quintessential patriarchy blamer is"

Exactly from whom I learned what patriarchy really means. Though "patriarchy is a system, not a gender" I think comes from Melissa McEwan.

"I adore Twisty. Long may she blog."


Grrr! Arrgh!

I is a scawy scawy monstuh. Yay!

BTW, Joel, the plural of "penis" is "penises" - no apostrophe required. You can also use "penes" if, like me, you enjoy being a poncy pedantic classicist. It is fun. You can't be a monster, though. I and my fellow vagina-pharyngulites have baggsies on that.

I wonder if the woman who claims to have worked for a family planning organization a) actually did so and b) actually believes that was the goal of the organization. I can see why that would be plausible to free-market conservatives who can't wrap their minds around the idea that something that looks like a business wouldn't try to make money.

As for "three to five abortions between 13 and 18": I guess that's a plausible average if you count the effects of hormonal contraception and the morning-after pill. I can certainly believe a handful of 18-year-olds walking around right now have had five surgical abortions in the past five years; it's a big country. I doubt that's a mean or modal figure.

I was in the military and almost everybody broke down at least once during basic training, men and women. Crying was not unique to female recruits. And what the hell was the former cadet implying with her talk of sexual assaults? Servicemen who peddle this "blame the victim" crap are probably the same assholes who don't think gays should serve because they are terrified of getting buggered in the shower. Of course, this is where they tell me that guys don't shower with girls, an argument which I think implies a lot about them.

By Guy Incognito (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

"I'm particularly disgusted with the one interviewee who claims that, as a former representative of family planning education, she would go into schools and increase the teen pregnancy rate"

Did she use abstinence-only education to achieve that goal? I hear it's pretty effective.

" so that the girls would have 3-5 abortions between the ages of 13 and 18, and that this was the goal of her agency."

Absolutely appalling. I just can't imagine anyone thinking that that's even REMOTELY plausible. Do these people really think of "the enemy" in terms of some cackling witches who use fetuses in their witch's brew or something?

"Please, let every moderate Christian see this film."

I dunno, they're pretty accomplished at denial.

Okay, I commented earlier that I hadn't watched the video, and rambled a bit about the bible saying a woman's lot is pain and punishment for Eve's sin and how I think that God is arbitrary and cruel towards women.

So I try to watch the vid, and the first thing I see is a woman bitching about how feminism is bad because it teaches that women are victims of a cruel patriarchy. Huh, and I didn't even need to be taught that.

So anti-feminism is another case of Christians hating on things that disagree with what they think their religion is, but pretending to be rational people out to defend the downtrodden. Sanctimonious hypocrisy rides again.

By Menyambal (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

I wonder if the woman who claims to have worked for a family planning organization a) actually did so and b) actually believes that was the goal of the organization. I can see why that would be plausible to free-market conservatives who can't wrap their minds around the idea that something that looks like a business wouldn't try to make money.

she did, and was fired for doing exactly what she accuses abortion clinics of doing(consumer fraud, in this case trying to convince a not pregnant woman that she was pregnant and needed an abortion). she's a money-hungry, heartless, lying vulture. and she's massively projecting.

Wow, this "documentary" must be a hit, it's all over the torrent sites... Oh wait, it's not on any of them.

By Steve Ulven (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

For those asking, Godtube is the Christian equivalent of Youtube. It claims to be accepting of even perspectives opposing their community's, although I've seen plenty of videos and comments get removed just because they didn't run with the fundie's Weltanschauung.

I used to set up an account for GodTube just to argue with some of the crazier residents of the community. Talk about an exercise in futility - all it did was give me more rage to work with during the gym sessions.

Give it a shot - register, and watch your blood pressure spike to new heights!

By Twin-Skies (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

How do you find this crazy shit?

And you see why I loathe organized religion and it's witch-doctors. It produces zealots like those in the video.

So which came first: The mental illness or the religion?

By Eric Paulsen (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

So, let's get out the hay, since I see both parties are cooking up a couple of STRAW MEN!^H^H^H^H PEOPLE!

By Joanne Sanderbaum (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

I find the term Prairie Muffin amusing given how close it is to something like meadow muffin, a euphamism for cow shit. The Prairie Muffin Manifesto certainly contains its share of noxious droppings.

Apologies for coming late to the party but I've only just found this website, and have just watched this video. I'm sitting here shocked and stunned - I've always liked to think of myself as being an optimistic realist, ie I knew the world could be pretty crap but was sort of hoping things would work out. I'm not so sure now, when there is so much poison around. I never wanted to believe that people could go along with stuff like this, but I guess my blinkers have gone now.

Zeno @ #45:

Okay, I'm not a Catholic anymore (or even a Christian [or even a theist]), but the woman who ponderously endorsed sola scriptura gave me a big laugh. The "Bible alone" approach to Christianity is what created the tens of thousands of squabbling Protestant sects that we have today. They replaced the authoritarian figure of the pope with millions of separate little popes. I guess the Bible isn't really self-explanatory (which is actually what one should expect from a compilation of myths and legends). Still, you can't beat the Protestant Reformation for kicking the stuffing out of church discipline and temporal power. It's a good thing.

Zeno, as a fellow former Catholic, maybe you can back me up on this. I find very few Catholics have any understanding of Church doctrine, regardless of their political stance or the alleged depth of their faith. Most of my family and friends, many of whom are Catholic school teachers(!), can't define the doctrine of Immaculate Conception properly. I read the Jeremy Scahill book on Blackwater, and he notes that Blackwater CEO Erik Prince, who was raised Dutch Reformed but converted to Catholicism, was a board member of an organization that required all members to accept Biblical primacy. Well, that would make Mr. Prince a Catholic heretic then, since the Church Church rejects sola scriptura.

By False Prophet (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Welcome Gill. You are hardly late. Judging by the quick look at your site, you are in southeast Asia. You will have the regulars from Oz to keep you company. And the owner of this blog post new topics on a regular basis, there is always new stuff coming in.

As for feeling bad about that clip. Yeah, pretty toxic. But the good news is this, these people are on the defensive. They keep trying to pull us back and we must always be aware of them. But they do not dictate our lives. Feel bad. Feel bummed out. Shit, I do. But do not dispare. And keep battling.

By Janine, Leftist Bozo (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Don't these women like Schlafly realise that if it weren't for feminism, they wouldn't be sitting there talking on this video at all? They wouldn't have careers, nobody would want to hear what they have to say.

The worst one is this woman saying that if you dress like a 'slut' you shouldn't wonder why men - who are, to her, a raving bunch of horny beasts who only think with their dicks - rape you. As if men are animals who will be driven mad with lust when they see a bare shoulder or a pair of legs, and can't be held responsible for their actions, and it is somehow up to women to regulate their lust because they can't. I've never seen anyone say of a man who walks round town with just a pair of cut-off jeans 'Oh, well, he's just asking to be raped.'

The more I see of PZ Myers, the more I adore him. He clearly believes in women's rights.

By Whatevermachine (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

If I hadnt watched that dim-witted and evil clip on my own PC, I'd have put my foot through the screen. This is what happens when stupidity becomes a virtue.

By Clinton Huxley (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

I hate it when people think that 'sluts' deserve to be raped. Their 'logic' is that if a woman likes to have sex with 100 men, then she would like to have sex with ANY man. But, what if those 100 men were all part of a Brad Pitt look-alike contest and the man that raped her was some smelly, hairy guy with missing teeth? It seems like some people don't realize that not all men are equally enjoyable when it comes to sex.

Also, I should point out that those women with their faces, hands, or hair uncovered would be considered a slut in some places. They don't seem to understand that what is considered provocative is socially constructed. And they certainly don't give men enough credit for having self-control

@ catgirl, #171

the real issue is not what the guys look like--it's that--if a woman says "yes" to 100 men, and "no" to the last one, that is HER RIGHT, and if the last one doesn't take "no" as an answer, he has raped her. period.

"wingnut, evil, nauseating, lies, disgusting, vile, odious, outrageous, ridiculous"

Great post there champ. It looks like the pot is calling the kettle black here.

As per the advice of people here, I searched for Rapture practice on God tube.

That. Looks. Like. So. Much. Fun. It almost makes me want to be born again. It looks so unsafe too. I mean, they get the angle wrong... SQUISH !!

By Jeff likes logic (not verified) on 23 Jan 2009 #permalink

A silly little anecdote I think of every time I see GodTube mentioned:

I used to work on the camera crew for a Sunday morning church service that gets broadcast in the US and widely abroad. One day the Rev. had a video he wanted shown on GodTube. The producer tries to pull it up and instead goes to Godtub. Many laughs ensued. Unfortunately this only happened during the rehearsal, and not during either of the actual services. It would have been nice for that to appear on the broadcast and Jumbotron...alas.

As for the topic of the thread...truly disgusting video.


Totally agree with hating the "dress like a slut" meme. The last thing us Y-chromosomers need are women telling us it's ok to not take responsibility for our own actions. I hate that religion is so often used to free oneself of personal responsibility.


Talking about covering faces, hands, and hair, it's particularly rich that some nuttier Christians have said that they would wear them, but Muslim women already do "for the wrong reasons"...but their reason is exactly the same, forced modesty. And these nutters lack the ability to realize that.

So is it a bad sign when you can watch obviously insane people ramble on about how half the population deserves to be oppressed and your only reaction is to giggle the entire time?
I think I must've seen too much crazy lately.
Re: That one batshit insane woman that probably has a dozen or more kids: These people seriously piss me off. Visiting my mother I was forced to watch part of a show where a couple had 18 or 19 of the little bastards and pretty much every girl over 12 is treated as the help. Their entire lives are taking care of the kids their mother continues to churn out as rapidly as possible. About 2 minutes in my mom turns to me and says "Of course you know they're fucking religious fanatics."
Of course they are. And religious fanatics with 50 kids always get a rise out of me. Much to the amusement of everyone around. Which is why they make me watch that stuff. These people are who I'm talking about.
So yes, crazy lady, I hate kids, but not kids in general. Just you and your fucked up kids.

By JThompson (not verified) on 23 Jan 2009 #permalink

JThompson, I'm guessing the show you saw was about the Duggars. They're Quiverfull freaks and they have 18 children. Someone on a message board I frequent has a great picture - a photo of the entire Duggar family with a caption reading "Vagina: It's not a clown car". I'd link but I'd rather not search for that term on a work computer.

How did I miss your linking to the family in your post? Reading comprehension fail.

This much evil concentrated in one point could possibly rip a hole in the fabric of space-time. Don't they know or care that they are risking our very existence?

That film should be required to carry a rating making it illegal to show to minors. I know indecency when I see it and that film is indecent.

'Right. It is, of course, the antithesis of what family planning organizations actually do.'

Classic denial by rhetoric. All the flameworthiness of the video aside, your rebuttal is well pathetic. I'm not suggesting it's completely wrong. Just pathetic.

By Intelitary Mil… (not verified) on 25 Jan 2009 #permalink

"Please, let every moderate Christian see this film. Let them see what they support."

Yeah because that's really what moderate Christians support.

I can understand the disgust toward this crap, but why the dishonesty and generalizations?

By Intelitary Mil… (not verified) on 25 Jan 2009 #permalink

The guy that made this... lies like a republican. Typical of repub's , jackels, and other religionists, this is mostly LIES and misstatements and hatred. The two biggest problems in this world are A) Overpopulation of the human species and B) way too many wrong-thinking red-neck conservatives. My advise on these guys ... don't watch their 'movie' and don't listen to them or pay them any attention.

By Mark Paullin (not verified) on 25 Jan 2009 #permalink

The guy that made this... lies like a republican. Typical of repub's , jackels, and other religionists, this is mostly LIES and misstatements and hatred. The two biggest problems in this world are A) Overpopulation of the human species and B) way too many wrong-thinking red-neck conservatives. My advise on these guys ... don't watch their 'movie' and don't listen to them or pay them any attention.

By Mark Paullin (not verified) on 25 Jan 2009 #permalink

God Tube speaks the indeniable truth, well the women are the evil. It's been even proved by mathematically. (women = evil, can be found by googling).

Women are evil if they choose to be.

We took the first bite of the famous apple from the forbidden tree in paradise. So don't remind us about that, we still feel guilty.
there you have good stuff, filled with ideals for anyone who wants to make new series of woman bashing blogging material.