This photo is incomplete

I was just sent this slightly retouched photo of Titanoboa, and it bothers me. There's something missing.


No, not a caption, although that might help. What it really needs is…a second panel! What will happen in this scene just a few minutes later? I can picture it in my mind's eye, no problem.


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How about: Got Jesus?

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Something along the lines of "Take of this and eat, for it is the body of Chirist which is broken for you" as a caption to the snake swallowing whole :)

Jebus: The Other White Meat.

By Badjuggler (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Bad snake! No apple for you!!!

must. . .free. . .hands. . .to. . .pray.

The most disturbing aspect is that Jesus has to hold his pants (robe) up. Oh wait, that's what you meant was going to happen in the next panel...



I think Jebus is saying "you might think you're the biggest snake on the planet but just wait till you see some of my followers"

Obviously the snake is the biblical snake from Genesis. It would be more appropriate to set Adam and Eve there.

Delicious Jesus is delicious.

Second panel: Jesus runs away from the snake, over the water of course, periodically picking up fish and hurling them back at the snake as each one instantly turns into hundreds of fish in mid-air, attempting to quell the snake's appetite.

Third panel: With his gaze still behind him on the snake, he unknowingly reaches the opposite shore and trips over another Titanoboa, which promptly devours him.

By Levi in NY (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

'S OK, mr. Snake. Show me on the doll where this "savior" touched you.

By Burning Umbrella (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

How about in the second panel there's no sign of Jesus but there is a very lumpy snake - and it's talking to the crocodile-looking thing and asks it, 'Hey - do you think this lump looks like Jesus?'

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Jesus standing next to a telephone pole? I mean, you would get one hell of a big stick from that transmutation.

Sorry, I just couldn't stop myself.

By DGKnipfer (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

This will be the first guy who finds that you can't run fast enough in baggy clothing.

Why is it I keep hearing Shel Silverstein's voice in my head?

By Ferrous Patella (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Snake muttering, in obvious distress, "must shit this thing out before it poisons me".

I would hope the next panel is Jesus walking around Burning Man with that Constrictor wrapped around him. He'd be chatting up the ladies and doing fairly entry-level miracles like turning alkali sand into Red Bull, and re-inflating the tires--with his mind--on that crazy-ass roadster full of drag queens.

OH this explains it.

I did see jesus once.

But it was in Yellowstone, the snake was a bison and Jesus was a fat tourist in shorts, a strange hat and was from Ohio.

Same result essentially.

Moral of the story: Jesus or not, listen to the park rangers and don't fuck with the wildlife.

Second panel: Consumption
The snake is alone in the wilderness

Third panel: The resurrection
3 days after eating a JZ (Jay-Zee) burger the snake feels like eating again

Moral of the story: Jesus or not, listen to the park rangers and don't fuck with the wildlife.

And should this be interpreted literally or metaphorically?

By Burning Umbrella (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Carl Buell @ 20

Thanks for that photo; quite impressive. And to think that the time, location and denizens actually existed as depicted! And all without the god bullshit.

I was thinking that dude has no shadow.

Nono - remove jesus, and make Noah trying to coax it on to his ark

Oh, come. The second panel would have Chuck Norris standing over a dead snake, shaking Jebus' hand.

I think you're all missing what's really going on here.
Panel 1:
jebus to the snake: "Come on, please, please let me pet you. Just one quick 5 second stroke. I created you, you know!"
snake to jebus: "Back off buddy. You better get out of here fast, you've really done it now."

Panel 2:
Having overheard jebus proclaiming his apparent omnipotent creative abilities, which they logically know are ignorant and false and are therefore now filled with unspeakable rage, the crocodile and turtle come form behind and tag team jesus for dinner.

"You think THAT'S a big snake?"

Second panel: robes drop

Yum, a Jesus Wafer! Yum, the body of Christ! Tasty human.

WOWO Obama Just Crossed the Line that Separates State and Crutch:

White House to expand faith-based initiatives
By Andrew Ward in Washington

Barack Obama announced on Thursday an expansion of federal support for faith-based initiatives and community organisations, calling them a “force for good greater than government”.

quoth the big catlick snake at the communion rail " In nomine patri et filli et spiritu sancti, Corpus Christi" )

GMacs: hilarious! I'm currently laughing my ass off at your comment.

In panel two Jesus is replace by the administration of Brookeland High School.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

hey, atheists! Wake up!


Apologies to #10 but more haste less speed.

I see a partiallyclips strip with three panels:
1st - Jeezus - "Get behind me, foul beast of..."
Snake - "Hey J! Are you enjoying the evo/creo debates on the web?"
2nd - J - "Not really. If it isn't the nails, it's all the nutjobs threatening violence in the name of peace."
3rd - S - "How d'you think I feel? I used to be a brontosaurus."

hey, you atheists come across a mutation that adds a new structure?.....even a tiny piece of new gross anatomy?

By ssssssstan (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Clearly it is obvious that this is the second station of the Titanoboa.

Stations of the Titanoboa
1. JZ is condemned to death
2. JZ receives the Titanaboa
3. JZ is squeezed the first time
4. JZ meets His Maker
5. Simon of Palaeocene comforts Titanoboa
6. Veronica wipes neotropic sweat from JZ with her veil
7. JZ is squeezed the second time
8. JZ meets the 3 coils of hypoxia
9. JZ is squeezed the third time
10. JZ is squeezed out of His garments
11. Crux of it: Jesus is swallowed by the Titanoboa
12. JZ dies in the Titanboboa
13. JZ' body is removed from the Titanoboa (Deposition or Excretion)
14. JZ is laid in the tomb and covered in incense.

15. 3 days later Titanoboa is hungry again.

I wonder if the snake knew about the Christian Cobra Coalition? Non-cobras could join prior to 60 mya.

"Fuck me, you're a big symbol"


By steelstringed (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Hmm.. it seems I am new to posting comments and my html isn't working to post my link to the panel I made..

By steelstringed (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Lumpy snake with a thought bubble: 'Hang on, I'm Jewish - is Jesus kosher? Damn, I wish I had opposable thumbs to work a phone so I could call the Rabbi...'

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

stan @ 51

There is a big snake that wants to meet you and put the fear of jeebus into you. Just give him a nice pat on the head. Schloop!

Jebus: The Other White Meat.

Only Christians think that Jebus was white.


Yes, of course. Double apologies to Rob Balder.

Yawn, time for the tin foil hat.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Stan at ~#51
You won't find many darwinists here. I think the last of them died out 100 years ago or so. What you may find is a number of individuals who recognize the fact that evolution is a on-going work involving contributions by a great many men and women who are not mentally stuck 150 years in the past.

hey evos -- where exactly are those mutations that create new structures or new parts to existing structures? In your sphincter?

By ssssssssssssss… (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

@Cruithne, #12:

When reading your comment, I jumped to this conclusion:

"you might think you're the biggest snake on the planet but just wait till you see what's under this robe"

Panel 2:
Jesus drops his robe to reveal his full glory, Snake gets ready for some lovin'.

Alternative Panel 2:
Jesus turns the snake into a GIANT biscotti to go with his wine.


I use to have high blood pressure. Never as bad as you apparently have, but bad enough. I'm on medication and it's helped immensely. I would suggest you do the same. Perhaps some anger-management classes as well. They can do wonders, I've heard. When you've finished that, take some remedial science classes at your local college and then come back and talk to us. We'll be looking forward to it!

My take on the pic: Jesus makes his saving throw and casts a fireball.

Where exactly are those mutations?

Why there you are!

Hey ssssssssss,

Yes, that's where we keep them.. Or, you could always go out and try to find out for yourself of asking to be spoon-fed. You know, use your brain, find evidence, make your mind up.. It makes perfect sense how you ended up in your current sad state.

Nice work on the second panel! Although I think the 'strip' works better with just the lump on the snake's belly.


Alternatively: Stan appears in the guise of a giant Troll and devours both.

Instead of Jesus, why not Bill Donahue or Fred Phelps or James Dobson or Pat Robertson?

Hm, I hear hissing. But it's not a snake.

I think it's a hydra-like sockpuppet. And it appears to be of the variety that trolls.

Omigad! We should have the hydra-puppet-troll fight Titanoboa! Epic battle of the creepy reptilians!

My bet is on Titanoboa.

"Mutations for new parts and structures"... Hmm. Supersport, is that you?

sssssssssssss: They're about to be in Titanoboa's sphincter.

Snake: Mmm... lunch!

By Pauline in UK (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink


Well, you've once again made incorrect assumptions. Even when I was in the Marines in my late 20's and running 4 to 6 miles a day my BP ran fast. Thanks for the advice though.

Jebus: "You lie just under the water, I'll walk along your back, and we can do that walking on water trick. They'll be talking about this for years."
Snake: "OK, sssssoundsssss like fun".
(Jebus walks on water before the 5,000, who start feeling hungry).
Jebus: "I need to feed 5,000 people". Hm (looking at snake), I wonder if"...
Snake: "I've just remembered about that sssslithering busssssinessssss your father did to me in the Garden of Eden. Nom nom nom, Burp!... hmmmm, tasty, Jebus was my sweet Lord".
(Jesus doesn't have time even to get cross)...
Snake to Crocodile. "I'm no longer hungry; Jebus was your saviour".

Jesus is perfectly safe. That's a pre-fall snake, so instead of being a predator, it lives on love and rainbows.

and Stan... going out of your way to lash out at others for understanding that some of your beliefs are mistaken is no way to grow as a person. You could learn things from the people here, but instead you just babble.

Do you're own research dickwad... it really ain't that hard.

Stan, it is up to you to prove your theory. Put it out there in the scientific literature for all to admire, or maybe get a real dose of how pathetic your piddly idea is. Methinks the tin man has no balls for real science. You are hereby challenged to write the paper or shut up.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

I suspect a very ill-advised bit of snake-handling...

Congatulations, Stan, on discovering how science is done, opinions properly expressed, and theories approved.
We find generally that shouting and insults have discovered far more than contemplation and rigourous testing.
I mean Isaac "fuck off you agravitational sphincters" Newton, and Charles "are you looking at my wife creationist dumbfuck" Darwin did not succeed as they did by reasoned argument, in the right place, and with a knowledge whereof they spoke; no siree, it was a quick kick in the testicles, the yelled epithet we here on pharyngula no longer use (alas!) and science did its work.
You seem like a reasonable cove, with interesting ideas we would love to hear, so please carry on, we are all ears.
But remember, being well-spoken atheists, we are not at home to Mr Shit-for-Brains.
You were saying?

Ok, I'll just run through 40,000 generations of Zebra for you. I'll get back to you in 200,000 years. Do you mind waiting?

Second Panel: Jebus and snake posing as a black version of the Michelin Man.

"has anyone got a link you can give me of science testing natural selection (in a controlled setting) in animals and validating that it can adapt their populations genetically?"

Not until you jump into the sea and evolve gills. We've been over this, stanster.

Stan, how is your experiment of you growing gills by jumping off a boat into deep water with a few concrete blocks tied to your feet coming? You should have had some results by now.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

I hope someone is looking after you Stan. How do you survive each day with a brain like that? It must be so difficult for you.

JZ: "Hey, um, you know you guys were vegeterian before the Fall? It's true! Hey, maybe you should, like, try it? I mean come on you need to lay off the junk prey, you know, you're gonna get THIS thick! And, um..."

TB: "Look man, I ain't gonna eat you. I just had breakfast and I'm stuffed".

JZ: "...Oh".

TB: "Save it for the Crocodilomorph behind you".

JZ: "Whaaa"? *chomp*

Now tell us, have you been sucking the dick of Mr Ethanol, Stanley?

Stannley: The distribution of beneficial effects at a gene has the same mean regardless of the fitness of the present wild-type allele. Adaptation from new mutations is thus characterized by a kind of invariance: natural selection chooses from the same spectrum of beneficial effects at a locus independent of the fitness rank of the present wild type.

I think it's time PZ gave some other posters the authority to ban certain people and delete their posts - but only those habitual offenders who appear on pre-approved list, of course. If he made sure that he covered all the timezones there'd be no chance a moronic turd like Stan would get the attention his tiny brain demands.

Until then, don't feed the troll. Apart from anything else, when PZ does delete him it's going to put the post numbering completely out of whack.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Stan, I am assuming that you are a troll.

There is plenty of evidence, but whatever you are generously offered you will discard, as it doesn't fit your increasingly tight criteria. Eventually, when you have so many exceptions that you are effectively denying reality, it will dawn on you. Until then, we just have to be patient and put up with your all too common variety of ignorance.

Snake: Oh shit! This will not end well for me.

By Janine, Ignora… (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Sorry to presume you'd gone to bed PZ, or had other things (baby-eating, for example) to do and weren't aware of the troll crapping all over the place.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Did nobody like my panel :(? post #63

I spent 3 minutes on it!

By zaardvark (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Can you please delete my replies to Stan as well? I shouldn't bite, but sometimes I can't resist..

Stanley it really is lovely to have you with us. We're sorry to hear your wife is ahagging other men, largely on account of your own homosexualtiy and inability to perform, and as Pharyngula operates very much as a counselling service for the terminally inadequate, we'd love to help. So please relax, pour yourself another whisky, and just let us know what the matter is. We're all ears.

I miss stupid Stan.

The next panel would be the credits following:


This fantasy was brought to you by Disney. No real snakes were harmed in the making of this film. The actor who plays the fictitious Jesus was also not harmed.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

re @63,95

That's lovely darling!

(Sorry, getting all sarcastic. It's Stan's fault. And your picture was good)

@ zaardvark: I saw your panel, and it definitely steals the laugh away from my attempt on post #52 :) Superpowers Jesus ftw!

By steelstringed (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

PZ, Is there some way you can delete the contents of scurrilous posts and leave the numbering system intact? Or replace the content with "This post has been deleted"? That would save a lot of confusion.

By Lee Picton (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

@72: Dahan,

Marines only run 4-6 miles a day? Perhaps with packs on? Wouldn't a lot of "Joe Average joggers do that? (In my long distance running days I averaged about 10-12 miles a day. 4-6 miles were my "short" days, 16-20 for the long ones.) Not trying to put myself up, just a bit surprised. There must be a wrinkle I'm missing like carrying full kit + packs wearing boots, or whatever.

By Heraclides (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

PZ, you already have the second panel. See your original post on the Titanoboa. ;)

By ArchangelChuck (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Is anyone else really disturbed by the scale implications of Jesus Vs Giant ass snake?

By Mostlyharmless (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Yws, I thought it was only the Beatles who were bigger than Jesus.

I think the crocodile should join in. Too bad Homo sapiens don't have wishbones!

By salon_1928 (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Moral of the story: Jesus or not, listen to the park rangers and don't fuck with the wildlife.

Wait a minute. Bestiality doesn't violate celibacy? Well, that's news to me, but it sure fits with the news that saddlebacking doesn't violate abstinence. If Jesus says it's ok, it must be ok. I'm sure he knows his business.

If you'd superimposed a representation of Abraham, you could have nailed three religions at one go. But I can't think of a readily recognizable image of that guy.

If the Jesus there was Chinese, the next panel would show the poor snake beheaded, and Jeebus dicing it up into chunks before stir-frying 'em in a wok with salt, pepper, and garlic.

They taste like chicken.

By Twin-Skies (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Archangel Chuck, #111

Nice pic - how about you add an easily-seen halo to both the original pic and also one above the lump in the snake where you would imagine JC's head to be? I think that'd be extra hilarious.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

What's this color blind bearded anglo-saxon doing in the steamy tertiary equitorial swamps of the southern continent in the western hemisphere?

As far as mormons are concerned, wasn't this chap supposed to have landed in North America a few millenia ago? Is he really a time-and-space travelling alien? Or did he get his coordinates wrong?

How many of this colorblind dude's followers could this snake eat before it got indigestion?

Too bad they didn't have a population of these serpents in the Palestine of 2 millenia ago. There are at least 12 other jews these serpents should have had for breakfast as well. Why stop with them though, there are plenty of tasty mindless morons that could make quite a feast.

By Helioprogenus (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Are the sizes right? or were humans also bigger 40 million years ago?
(Actually, weren't we little things up in the canopy back then?)
(Awww, the good times....)

Apologies if someone above already mentioned it, but I'm picturing the scene from Anaconda where the giant snake spits out Jon Voight.

hey evos -- where exactly are those mutations that create new structures or new parts to existing structures? In your sphincter?

Hey creo troll - why exactly are you so interested in our asses, hmm? ;)

hmmm...nice pics. It reminds me of the T-shirt I most regretted not buying, at the Glastonbury festival 20 years ago. It was large, and very lurid, and featured Christ on the cross being sucked off by a centurion - the agony and the ecstacy, as it were. It seemed in rather poor taste to me then, and I couldn't see myself ever wearing it. I think I missed the point, as well as the purchase.

I'm so confused. The snake is a traditional symbol of resurrection and renewal; so is JC, which is why some early Christians believed that Jesus was the snake in the garden.

So if the snakes eats Jesus, and then sloughs off its skin -- does the skin come back to life? Does the snake just collapse into a singularity of over-dense metaphor? Does he fall on top of Moses in the desert and get converted into a cracker?

And which one has the orgasm?

Panel two, a lumpy snake with this caption:

How strange... he tasted vaguely like styrofoam. I've got to find some grape juice to wash this down with.

This should be Jesus' speech-bubble for Shane's second panel in #45: "Take, eat; this is my body." (Matt. 26:26)

By steelstringed (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

SFX cue:


By Stardrake (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Gen 3:1 "Now the serpent was more crafty [*] than any other wild animal that the Lord God had made."

[*] Some manuscripts add: "and biggest-ass wild animal"

steelstringed @ #52

One small change. Snakes eat prey head-first. We should see those oil-annointed feet instead.

"Photo"?!? So that's where -- I mean, "when"--Doc Brown went!

#5: You'd just see a huge snake with a slight lump in the middle.

"My drawing was not a drawing of a hat. It was a drawing of a boa constrictor digesting our Lord and Savior."

By Nurse Ingrid (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

Well He did say "eat of my flesh..."

By Herpetology is… (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink


"My drawing was not a drawing of a hat. It was a drawing of a boa constrictor digesting our Lord and Savior."

What a fine book. Glad to see others are familiar with it.

"And I shall call you Lunch."
"Hello, Lunch!"

I have to admit, Yehova is catchier.

Isn't that Amazonian native kind of over dressed for 100+ deg. F. heat? If the average temperature was 90+, imagine the typical afternoon temps.

Christ fornicates with a snake!??

Egahd man have you no shame!?

besides, per heeddle, Christ did NOT give instruct to the snake before it seduced and raped Eve in order to turn her against the "early Bob Dole Syndrome" Adam.

That was God's first choice to lead his flock of angels.. dodos, er whoever he was hanging out with. OK?


"Hey Satan, hook a brother up!"

By Jimminy Christmas (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

It's midnight and I think I bust a gut on a few of those first replies. Brilliant! I vote for Badjuggler.

Now I know why I have never seen Jesus; he bcame snake food 60 million years ago!

"Jesus and Titanoboa - because some Christians can accept that the Earth is older than seven thousand years."

By perturbed (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

The serpent in the Garden of Eden, explaining evolution to Adam and Eve (Adam and Steve?), then they turn their backs on the idea of a creator.

By rufustfirefly (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

"You are responsible for what you tame..."

By sparkomatic (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

AnthonyK - Most excellent day/night of comments. I hope I'll remember this come Molly time.

But in case I don't - please accept 15 ducats added to your bar tab, a free roll in the gutter with the hogs, and two extra minutes at the spanking couch.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

The presence of a river would suggest baptism in the second panel, wouldn't it?

Clearly, it's a halo that's missing. Otherwise it's just some bearded dude. But the creotards would like having a man in there with dinosaurs, seeing as they did live at the same time.

Patricia, hold off on the Molly. Go look at frog's work in the Face Of Evil thread.

Then again, Anthony did rock the house in here.

Decisions, decisions.

Mmmmmm.... Sacrelicious.

#129,#132: Seconded. Glad I'm not the only one who thought that.

Instead of Jesus, it should be St Francis of Assisi, because he was the animal-friendly one.

As for Titanoboa, I can't wait till it's used in some crappy horror movie. Its name would make a wonderful title!

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink

@Chris Davis, #147:

Wonderful ;) Now please do the third picture in the row!

Btw.. Does anyone know what Snake-poo looks like ?

pwl@35: I'm not sure. The spin and the choice of director are very religious but it reads like the actual policy is to provide funding for voluntary groups to provide social services whether they are Baptist or Marxist or genuinely non-ideological.

Jesus says:
"Dad, I thought you said these were extinct!"

I like the reply to a pushy evangelist:

"Have you found Jesus?"
"I didn't even know he was missing!"

@Martin, #151
Thanks for the kind words. Yes, do knoes what snake poo is like, and it's disgusting!

When you catch a snake, it invariably craps all over you as a deterrent, and the effect makes Sarin resemble Chanel.

However, since you suggest a third panel, I shall work thereupon. Watch that space down there.

By Chris Davis (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

Panel 2: Somnolent snake with Jesus-shaped lump in midsection.
Panel 3: Indignant looking snake with upright Jesus-shaped lump in midsection (caption: 3 days later).
Panel 4: Very surprised looking snake shooting upwards into sky, still with upright Jesus-shaped lump in midsection (caption: 40 days later still).

By Knockgoats (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

The picture of this "fossil" and the puerile humour accompanying this blasphemous picture is a disgrace.
Evolution is a lie and you all know it.
Jesus Lives!

Snake Poe

Ceci n'est pas un biscuit.

By SquidBrandon (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

Dr. Myers, is it me or is it your blog mostly full of humour?
I can't help stop laughing when I read the stuff people post.

Yes Muhamed, you are correct. We are miserable sinners and evangelists for Satan whose only defence against the inevitable hellfires is to laugh hysterically and mock our ultimate fate.
Well, it works for me!


'And should this be interpreted literally or metaphorically?'

Makes not an iota of difference if indulged in... tis the same outcome!

By strangest brew (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

Jebus: That's it! I've had it with these motherfuckkin snakes in this mutherfukkin garden!

By Carpworld (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

AnthonyK, old chap, I think I'm on the same boat, well, I was the last time I looked in to my head.

And, yes, Rev. BDC, some of us do try.

No, no no. Most of you have it all wrong. That's God and the Devil before they broke up. It didn't go well for the devil, hence the fossil. God? Well, sustained some injuries but managed to survive until Nietzsche dealt the final, psychological blow...

Muhamad - interesting blog (but looks awful, apart from the lovely photo, in explorer - are you working with a non-standard character set?) so I thought I'd ask, are there any atheist/sceptical blog in the "Muslim" world? It seems to me, and pardon my ignorance, but most Muslim sites are concerned with politics/religion (oh, and of course, mundane real life), not any alternative mode of thought. Do you feel censored? And this is assuming of course that you do have atheist leanings. I'm dying to know who, if anyone, is the PZ/Dawkins/Hitchens of that partiular world, which I am so unfamiliar with that I don't even know what to call it without risking offence or overly exposing my own lack of knowledge.

Over the weekend I am a-gonna Photoshop me up a picture of a cavemean riding that snake and send it to AiG.

How about: "Hey snake! Smell my finger!"

"Hey snake, pull my finger!"

This phenomena of gigantism was described in the Bible before actual fossil discoveries were made: Genesis 6:4 - "There were giants in the earth in those days..." (Click here for more descriptions of gigantism.) And don't forget about leviathan and behemoth!

The First Foot Fetishist

By Laser Potato (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

Pharyngula has suddenly turned into Fark.

Long haired dude with the stigmata: "Look, I've had to come all the way back to the genesis of the world to try and straighten out your mistake... give Adam the apple this time, not Eve."

By DiscoveredJoys (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

Incidentally, you should all check out; if you want to have fun with this colorblind chaps wardrobe.

Also, be sure to read the frothy, venomous, response letters by morons who are taking all of it a bit to seriously.

By Helioprogenus (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

oops, ignore the grammatical errors. Should have been "chap's", and "too seriously". Must be the immigrant in me.

By Helioprogenus (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

Your scenario leads to the birth of True Science®, PZ. In the next panel Jesus gets eaten. In the third, 60 million years later, paleontologists find the fossils of Jesus in another titanoboa. This proves that not only was Jesus real, but that he performed miracles, for how else could he have traveled back in time? A new renaissance of science begins, and Creationists assume their rightful place in... crap, I can't finish this.

Isn't he a little tall in this photo? The plaeoherpetologist said that titanoboa would be waist high when you stood near his middle. I hadn't realized that Joshua ben Yahweh was that tall.

Jebus, "Okay listen Tiamat, in a moment this naked girl is going to come down to the river. Don't eat her."

Snake, "That's gross Jebus. Have you seen what she was doing with Adam earlier?"

Jebus, "Dad damn it, knock it off Tiamat. Just tell her about how good the fruit on that tree over there is."

Snake, "The one your dad said not to touch?"

Jebus, "Yeah, that one."

Snake, "You’re going get me in trouble, Jebus."

Jebus, “Just do it for Dad’s sake. I’m going to hide over there and paint a picture of it.”

Snake, “Okay Jebus, but only because it’s you.”

Jebus, "Oh for my sake, lighten up. It's just a joke. Dad isn't going to get pissed or anything."

By DGKnipfer (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

"Call that a meal? Bring on the 12 Apostles! With fries, hold the sandals."

JC to Snake: I'm looking for Steve Irwin, have you seen him?

He removes the thorn from its paw, right?

The snake's turned turtle, eyes X'ed, tongue hanging out, clearly dead. The robed dude, robe now torn and covered in blood, is praying next to a copy of The Joy of Cooking: “Hey Dad, Me, and Spooky, where's that fecking recipe for bloody great snake?”

Child porn much Pilty?

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

Is that the hoax's idea of humor?

By Janine, Ignora… (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

It was a cute attempt at blasphemy but I'm afraid the script has already been written.

By Piltdown Man (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

JC and the snake are hanging out waiting for Cheney to bring some Colt 45.

William #31,
Chuck Norris is gay. He’d be shaking jebus’ wanker.

DGKnipfer wins the thread with #184.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 07 Feb 2009 #permalink