Friday Cephalopod: Hatchling

Euprymna tasmanica

Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.

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Euprymna tasmanica Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Euprymna tasmanica Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Euprymna tasmanica Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Euprymna tasmanica Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.

'bout time too

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink

Who's a cute wittle cephalopod?!

It's such a little cutie I'd love to give it a widdle tickle under its squiddlies have chins?

By Bride of Shrek OM (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink

I wonder why people (by people I mean me) think that insects are alien and kind of scary and gross, but octopuses, which are just as alien, are cute and neat. It is a question for SCIENCE

Now eat your fish larvae so you can grow up to be big and strong.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink


Because HR Giger never scared the living shit out of me with an anthropomorphised squid. (but really I think insects are pretty cool too)

By Bride of Shrek OM (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink

Hi Mr. Myers

Hello from Brazil!
Sorry for the Off Topic, but have you seen this video? And there are many more it seems.



By Eneraldo Carneiro (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink

cameron @7
I wonder if it's the degree of alien. If I remember correctly, the last common ancestor of humans and cephalopods was more recent than the one for humans and insects. A trivial amount of time on the scale of things, but maybe it was just enough.

Either that or its the eyes. We more readily recognize a face from the eyes on a squid than from the compound ones on insects. Without the facial recognition, its suddenly odd to us.

Just some thoughts on it since I tend to feel the same way. I still love a plate of tako sashimi though.

By HumanisticJones (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink

Ahh, now Friday is complete. Definitely a little cutie.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink

@7 - my guess would be:

(a) Octopi have only 2 eyes which are superficially similar to our own (round, with clear cornea kinda covering and iris-like structure) - and the eyes are always the focus of emotion, as any animator can tell you. And,

(b) Their mandibles are usually obscured from view in most pictures, while insects have all sorts of weird shaped clampy, mandible pedipalp type things all over the place

Plus maybe

(c) A lot of insects have some kinda sparse hairlike structures over various appendages (which looks kinda scarecrow-like). Octopuses, meanwhile, are usually smooth as a baby's bottom. And when they're not (if they exhibit some texture based camoflage in addition to color) that usually seems to distract a bit from the cuteness factor.

So, to sum up: similar eyes, hidden mouth parts, and surface texture. That's my theory.

By Rheinhard (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink


Its about food. when your growing up your constantly worried about buggs in your food. but squids are rarely an unexpected and unwanted food item.

Awww, what a cutie-pie! Well worth the wait. (And it's my birthday today, so it's a great birthday cephalopod, too!)

Forgive me for being completely ignorant about cephalopod biology, but are those like little "wings" he/she has? If so, can anyone describe their function?

Plain old curiosity here, never noticed anything like that on a tentacly thing before.

Big huge eyes compared to body, and with pupils and irises that you can focus on, unlike the compound eyes of insects. Remember the alien pictures that they used to show on TV? No pupils. Eyes are completely black. We get a lot of information from pupil dilation and yadda yadda.

Big huge eyes, looks like a baby, and looks squishy.

I want to hug it! eeeeEEEEEEE!!

Harry, most "squids" (as opposed to octopuses) have some kind of fin-like vanes on the mantle. Some even flap 'em like wings. Others seem to use them like an arrow's fletching--prevents roll and pitch when swimming.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink

Well ... I *did* say awwwww.

Then I *looked* at the thing. :shudder:

Maybe it's because of my affinity with Cthulhu. You have to admit, he's a pretty cute little guy too!

That is the cutest thing I have seen today, but I cannot help but comment that it looks like it's surrounded by crack.

This is probably more because I just got back from a visit where a client had crack on the floor than to the actual visual similarity, but it was the first thing that popped into my mind. :)

By Heatherly (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink

It's those big cephalopod eyes that make them so cute.

AAAaaaawwwww, ~sigh~ I really need this cephalopod, especial after all the toxic levels of Teh Stoopid in the other thread.

Seriously PZ, you got the best cephalopods

The Australian Dumpling Squid. Neat, one of these days I'll convince the wife to go to the GBF, might get lucky on an get a picture of one of these guys. Their small 20 to 30 mm mantle at adult stage. Live for only for 5 to 8 months,... must be busy little buggers. ;-)

That's the cutest thing I have seen in a long time. Apart from my cats.

Being desperate and near delusional from open-thread deprivation, I offer this thinking it might entertain and amuse:

Ten pages so far, and it doesn't close until Wednesday.

Nice, this is the coolest one in a few weeks!

I remember one night I was on a few years ago and I had the very good luck of finding a Caribbean Reef Squid, the guy was only about 10 or 12 inches in length and maybe 3 inches across the mantle. He had no fear of me, and I dropped air from my BCD so I resist the slow current running. I spent 15 minutes taking pictures and studying the little guy. He had am awesome neon green colouring and in the pitch black of the reef's night he has flashing these amazing electric blue strips up and down his body.

I called him Cthulhu of Cozumel

Cephalopods are one of coolest group creatures in the oceans.

Every time I go diving in the ocean, I'm on the look out for Cephalopods. I can never get enough of them, even the ones I seen over and over again.

My daughter thinks he's awfully cute. So do I.

By Menyambal (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink

I like this.

By Jessica Freitag (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink

The cute, it slays me. I may lack maternal instinct, but I am a total sucker for the squiddy neoteny. It's got little bitty stubby tentacles! Awwwww!

Zorpheous, that's an awesome picture. Very shiny squid! Everyone should go look at that picture

Let's call him "Zoidberg." it a "him?"

@ Heatherly #22

[quote] "This is probably more because I just got back from a visit where a client had crack on the floor than to the actual visual similarity..." [/quote]


What? What is your job?

It makes me flashback to the game The Mass Effect.

Yeah. How do you sex a squid, exactly?
Also, is the brown with yellow polka dots camo matching the outafocus background of its ma, or showing its apprehensive mood, or is this just one of the chocolate and vanilla flavoured ones?

Happy Birthday SaraJ!

soft squiddy is soft.

awww, cute widdle overlord!

cameron (#7)

I wonder why people (by people I mean me) think that insects are alien and kind of scary and gross, but octopuses, which are just as alien, are cute and neat.

It's likely because many insects (and various other non-aquatic arthropods) are either poisonous to us, carry disease, feed off us, or show up in spoiled food. Given the historical distribution of human ancestors and the distribution of insects, developing an instinctive crawly thing aversion would be a reasonable way to help keep us healthy. (Same logic applies to snakes.) Since the last of our ancestors to be regularly devoured, poisoned, or otherwise harmed by cephalopods probably existed an insanely long time ago, we wouldn't expect to find an aversion to them.

This little guy is outright cute because we instinctively find babies with big eyes, big heads and stubby limbs adorable (thus discouraging us from abandoning our own in a hedge when they keep us up for 4 nights in a row, screaming). Anyways, that's the most coherent scientific explanation I've heard.

Its eyes are beautiful.

By Samantha Vimes (not verified) on 21 Mar 2009 #permalink

I, for one, am very fond of bugs and do what I can to make their habitat productive and safe for them. You should see all the varieties of predator wasps I have in my back yard (I counted seven different species last year, and that without my glasses so I don't know how many I missed).


Those who consider cephalopods cute and cuddly are a small and select minority.

By gaypaganunitar… (not verified) on 21 Mar 2009 #permalink

Cephalopod behavior, too, I think, draws us in. Because they demonstrate a type of intelligence akin to our own. Individualized, flexible, curious. We can more easily relate to that.

Insects act more like machines, and the social insects are hive minded. We find those types of behavior more alien, more creepy.