Radio reminder

It's a grim subject this week: Atheists Talk radio will be discussing assisted suicide at 9am Sunday morning.

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Hmm, well, ideally assisted suicide only comes up as a serious consideration when the alternative is more grim...

But what of assisted suicide at other times of the morning, and on different days? This particular topic sure is specific.

By crucifinch (not verified) on 04 Apr 2009 #permalink

Maybe cause they're contemplating another long Sunday sermon?

Oh for fecks sake, I see the Great Canadian Nutcase, David Mabus (née Dennis Markuze), has vomited all over everything again.

Luser neem moar verb!

Try ' to understand...'

And again, this time the vomit not only insults Pee Zed but also his daughter. (And yes, I do realise acknowledging the almost certainly insane Mabus/Markuze's presence is quite possibility just what he wants.)

Yawn, banned trolls are sooooooooooo boring.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink


Voilà ce qu'on peut faire quand on se rebiffe et je le conseille à chacun qui peut avoir des ennuis avec ce gros connard de sarkozy ou sa clique de clowns de flics minables : je suis en train de régler un petit problème du genre détail avec cette grosse tache de si peu président de la république Française, en lui envoyant un avocat pour mises sous surveillance illégales, lynchage inspiré de bonnes vieilles méthodes qui ne déplairaient pas au ku klux klan, lynchage qui n'a mobilisé personne sur le web ou dans la presse et plagiat vulgaire et ridicule qui passe à la télé. Avis à la population et merci pour l espace d'expression. Voilà, ceci est également une tentative de gros scandale public parce que ça calme pas mal les gros connards.
et dotclear dit :Vous êtes exclu de ce forum. L'administrateur ou le modérateur qui vous ont exclu envoient le message suivant -
Quels Pétochards gerbants à Dotclear de la " blogosphère " :)

Quant a sarkozy, s'il n'aime pas le web, et s'il n'aime pas la rue qui sait, la preuve, très bien se défendre, qu'il la quitte !

ps-ceci n est évidemment, vu la gravité des propos, pas du tout un " troll " - adresse ip comprise

Cool,Scienceborgs is now in French !!

Pee Zed, you missed at least pile of vomit, #9. Mabus/Markuze also vomited on a couple of other threads this morning.

Why should assisted suicide be a "grim" topic?

War is grim. Genocide is grim. Murder, rape, child abuse, domestic violence are grim.

Choosing to meet death on your own terms? That's noble.

By One Eyed Jack (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

Suicide. Hmm - been there, done that. But then I was resurrected after 3 days or whatever and now I have to drink baby blood every few weeks to keep my self alive. God is soooo cruel.

Hey if I miss the radio show, is there anywhere to catch it afterwards?



Außerdem gibt es mittlerweile Neuigkeiten über die Lehman-Konkursmasse. Laut der ersten Gläubigerversammlung der Lehman Brothers Holding vom 29. Januar verfügt Lehman über Vermögenspositionen von knapp 120 Milliarden Dollar. Die Bank ist damit nicht arm, und es ist nicht auszuschließen, dass es zu Rückflüssen an deutsche Anleger kommt, die über den angebotenen zwei Prozent liegen. In US-Kreisen heißt es, aktuell würden gar Entschädigungsquoten von 15 bis 20 Prozent diskutiert. "Andria Capital hätte diese aktuellen Informationen ihrem Kaufangebot auch beifügen müssen", kritisiert Peter Mattil, Rechtsanwalt aus München. Das gehöre sich so. "Stattdessen bezieht sich die Gesellschaft auf die alte Information vom 8.Oktober", kritisiert Mattil.

Andria Capital schreibt in dem Angebot, man wolle bis zu nominal 50 Millionen Euro an Lehman-Papieren erwerben. Bezogen auf die zwei Prozent, die Andria bezahlen will, investiert die Firma insgesamt eine Million Euro. Vorstandschef von Andria ist laut Handelsregister der 30-jährige Marcus Deetz. Er ist seit 2006 auch Stipendiat am Lehrstuhl für Finanzwirtschaft an der Universität Bremen. Deetz möchte seine Tätigkeit bei Andria auf Nachfrage nicht kommentieren; auch nicht, ob er für sich selbst oder im Auftrag anderer handelt.

By Bjorn Watland re (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

i live near seattle, and felt compelled to vote yes on I-1000, the washington assisted suicide law. There has been a bit of a fuss about it (not as much as i thought there would be), yet i don't see how people can claim to be on the side of compassion and justice and then force people to live through unbearable pain until their deaths. the way i see it, no one should be able to dictate how long you should live, and where we need a lot more resources to go into health, especially mental health, it should be up to no one else but you when you check out for whatever reason.

By Atheist Cameron (not verified) on 05 Apr 2009 #permalink

I agree with One Eyed Jack, who does not think that this subject is grim, or should be considered so. It is almost entirely official religious voices which oppose assistance in dying, yet many religious people support it. Why should atheists not think this is something worthy of their support? Death, and perhaps extreme suffering, comes at last to all of us. Why should those who are in great suffering not be offered the opportunity to hasten their dying? Or do you really think they should be forced to continue, whatever their suffering, because they might offend some god, and die unshriven? Come, come.

The reason most people say that dying is a grim subject is not only because they do not want to die, but because they have nothing to comfort them at the end. Are you advising us to adopt some religious beliefs, so we may be comforted, and so not find this grim? If atheism can't deal with death, then it's going to have a problem convincing most people.

Thee is a half-way house between assisted dying and the 'stay alive at all costs' thing. In the UK, there is the Hospice movement, a charity, that runs full hospital facilities, where the patients are offered palliative care, but no attempt is made to keep them alive. They essentially say that if there's no chance of recovery, we'll help you to die free of pain, and with dignity. there is no attempt made to 'cure' the disease, or to slow it down. Just acceptance of the fat of dying, and care until death.

This is a cause rather too close to my heart at the moment, since my father is lying in a hospice as I type this. For me, what is even more emotional than losing him is watching the loving care that he is being given in the hospice. This truly is the way ahead.