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The National Organization for Marriage could be a spoof, they're so silly…but they seem to take themselves very seriously. They have an ad out against gay marriage now that should win a prize for attempted dread.
They try to sound so open to the idea of gays marrying each other, but the real…
An interesting reaction shot from last night's debate:
(via Kobra)
What do you think? Is this what McCain will be remembered for?
(via the Minnesota Independent)
(via Aquaviews)
One of the bonuses of having lots of legs is that you can go bipedal whenever you feel like it.
(via TONMO)
A fun suggestion: do a google image search for "Wonderpus". Be prepared to go blind.
(Also on FtB)
Some days, I just have to get the cephalopod obsession out of my system with a quick purge of links from the mailbag.
Robot tentacles (via Amygdala)
Squid guts ice cream
Japanese manhole covers
Ancient octopus cartoon (via Holbo)
Octopus T-shirts
It Came from Beneath the Sea
Cephalopods get…