Last night of freedom

I hate to tell you this, but tomorrow I'll be switching required registration back on. There are far too many spammers and trolls hitting the place right now.

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It's coming-out-of-the-closet time. I was a Republican once. Now, saying you're a Republican around is a little bit like saying that you're gay in the middle of a Southern Baptist church service. You're just asking for trouble. Then again, I know at least one out gay Southern…
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Movable Type actually worked - Once in a row.
(its a miracle)

By JamesBrown (not verified) on 10 Dec 2009 #permalink

I wld ly dds tht th fcl lts ccrrd bfr th ccdnt. My hbby drvs nw Escld. Smn trd t brk nt t w/ tr rn, nd t tk thm t lst 4-5 gd swngs t gt th glss brkn ngh t gt n. On tp f tht, nlss bth rws f sts r dwn, th chnc f n tty btty wmn drggng hr hsbnd t th bck jst dsnt cmpt. Pls, f fr sm rsn n st f drs dnt pn, pn th thr. I nrmlly nvr spclt n strs, bt lk I sd bfr, I hv lvd ths n. Ovr nd vr nd vr. Hp t ws n ff knd f thng, thgh. I dnt gv rp bt hm r hr. Jst th bbs. Its vry hrd nd scrwd p lf t pt yr kds thrgh.

By Watch Up in th… (not verified) on 15 Dec 2009 #permalink

Hlfwy thrgh th yr SPIN tppd thr hnd by ffrng th 20 Grtst Albms Of 2009 ... S Fr. If y rmmbr, th lst

wsn't n ny spcfc rdr. Thr 40 Bst < hrf="">bsktbll shs Albms Of 2009 r, nd

t's ntrstng t s ll th ttls tht pppd p ftr th lst n ws pblshd. As wll s th lbms tht mssd th ct ftr

< hrf="">bsktbll shs
thy wr spn bt mr: Ptr Bjrn And Jhn, Blk Jks, Rgn Spktr, Glsvgs, Mvd, nd S-R Crtv Prtnrs r

nwhr t b fnd. Th lst -- n f h s mny < hrf="http://www.chp-ggs-nln.rg">chp ggslsts -- s ls

rfrshngly ntrstng n nd f tslf, fn xmpl f pblctn stppng tsd f th hv mntlty nd cmng p wth

smthng tht fls prsnl. Evn f I dn't prsnlly gr wth lt f t.

By cheap uggs (not verified) on 02 Jan 2010 #permalink