Comment registration will be switched back on in the next hour.
I truly, deeply, fervently hate spammers.
- Log in to post comments
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A quick announcement:
I've been having a bit of a comment spam problem on the old blog, which is now mothballed and is only maintained as an archive site. Consequently, over the next few days to weeks, I am going to march through all the posts and disable comments.
I hate comment spammers.
Those of you who gave to DonorsChoose will find an email in your inbox with a gift card. This is free money for you to donate to any project you wish. It represents matching funds from Hewlett-Packard, so don't let it go to waste.
Next, commenting. I keep a very open comment policy, since…
The commenting issues here are seriously driving me nuts. I've just written another letter of complaint on the Seed backchannel, which always seems to mean that it will sink into neglect once again, so I've decided to also post it here, publicly. I hate to air dirty laundry like this because I…
I'm dying here, people. It's spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spammity, spam, spam, spam. I get up every morning and get to spend a half hour cleaning up the crap that accumulates every night, and have to invest more time at intervals during the day…
Bye, bye!
What bit of the comment registration system locks you out, Patricia?
I could see the spam infiltrating the threads, so I'm not surprised.
We'll miss you Patricia. The place isn't the same without you.
The real question is "Does comment registration lock out OMs?"
shit. typepad is being mean to me, so I don't know if I'll manage to log in. Again. :-(
nevermind.... google login still seems to work, so that will have to do. y'all will just have to remember that I'm an OM :-p
*waves to Patricia*
spammers are evil, because they deprive us of the Pullet Patrol and the Spanking Couch :-(
If y ht spmmrs s mch, wht s th Nrdy Rdhd stll dng hr?
And wht s th dl tmprtr f th plnt nywy?
I can personally testify that it does not, although sometimes it takes a couple of attempts for me to sign in.
Only some people, not just OM's, have trouble. The last time I had trouble, I logged into TypePad from Google, and had to click a radio button in the account information to automatically pass my e-mail to the requester, then I saved the change. Then I had no problem getting the SB link to work.
Yeah? Well, some of us are grateful for the service they provide to us and our tiny, flaccid penises.
Idjit loser temperature troll, you are the insipid spammer. I just call you what your are. If you don't like it, run along. Now be a good little idjiotic anti-social loser troll and never post here again.
Rdhd prjcts. In thr nws, dg bts mn, th sn wll rs tmrrw, nd th plnt s stll clng.
Fuck spammers they ruin everything.
Crud. I haven't been able to login using TypePad in ages. It keeps giving an error that it can't pass the email information on.
I've (to-date) always been able to login using TypoPathetic, but VERY rarely the first time. A certain amount of persistence and reloading, and closing the page and getting some coffee (or something stronger) is needed.
You should probably just leave it on, instead of going through the trouble of switching it off and on all the time. The spammers will always be there, just waiting for it.
Love the spammers, hate the spam. Nah, just kidding.
For those of you having Mike Wagner's trouble with TypePad.
1. Google TypePad.
2. Go to TypePad from Google.
3. Log in to TypePad.
4. Go to account information (menu upper right).
5. Just under the display name and e-mail is a radio button. The button says to automatically exchange e-mail. Make sure the button is active.
6. Save the change (vital), you may need to scroll down to see the save icon.
7. Log out of TypePad.
8. Come to Pharyngula. You should now be able to sign in, making sure you pick TypePad from the alternatives (don't use the default sign in).
If thing are slightly different for TypeKey, somebody publish the info here.
I don't like spam.
Nerd of Redhead, OM
I think you have saved my day.
I should add for step 5, that if you have a small display, you may need to scroll down a bit to see the radio button. It is indented from the left margin.
I bought a can of spam last year for my daughter to see what it looked like.
We didn't eat it or anything, though.
It was that easy of a fix. Hot damn.
Thank you Nerd of Redhead! You're a superhero!
Can you defend us from zombie Jesus?
ok, so apparently it didn't like my password. after changing the password, it worked. wtf?
No problem signing in using Movable Type.
The Outrage of the Day:…
Brit Hume, on "Fox News Sunday", said that Tiger Woods should convert from Buddhism to Christianity so that he could be forgiven.
It's not your password. TypePad hates everyone in general.
If you cut spam into strips and deep fry it, it's very tasty.
Nerd of Redhead has till April 4 (Easter Sunday) to prepare to battle zombie Jesus. Plan to have popcorn ready.
It takes me a few tries to get TypePad to work.
It only takes me one try to see that WhatIsOptTemp is a goof.
Just testing Nerd's procedure...
Gyeong Hwa Pak, the Pikachu of Anthropology: TypePad hates everyone in general.
Kind of like god.
PZ, have you considered closing comments on the older threads? Those are the ones that the spammers appear to really love.
Looks like Nerd of Redhead saved the day :)
I will! Extra buttery, bacon flavored. I wouldn't miss this for the world.
Moveable Type works well for me.
Typepad sort of works but it is buggy.
If anyone really doesn't understand about Nerd of Redhead, OM and WhatsOptimalTemp, have a look at:
#7, #9, #11, #12, #18, #20, #21, #23
and ask yourself who of the two is helping on this thread? And who is acting the troll!
Anything more will be feeding the troll and making Nerd of Redhead embarassed!
I logged in with my google account, no problem.
Whatever it is that lets me log in works fine. It works so well that I don't even have to go to the log in menu, I just click "sign in" and I'm signed in.
It's Moveable Type that lets me sign in. However, it wouldn't send the acknowledgment email to my .gmx address but did send it to .gmail.
Oh no, zombie Jebus after my brain? Looks like I'll have to figure out what kills zombies (Wooden stakes? Silver bullets? Spam? The Pullet Patrol™?).
I'm glad I was able to help some people out with signing in.
I'm technologically illiterate and have no idea how I'm posting this. It just happens.
Say, do you think this is how religion starts?
Speaking as one of the many regulars here, I feel no need to comment on the troll feud. Anyone with a functioning memory and a functioning brain knows who is who. I would like to see the troll give people helpful advise.
Doubling over in outrageous laughter and then getting the hiccups.
p.s. Doesn't matter if it's you or the zombie who's laughing…
Most zombies burst out laughing when they see me.
[Ed. Trouble is, all normal people do as well ...]
True. However, if you went into the produce section while blindfolded, grabbed a foodstuff at random, took it home, cut it into thin strips, and deep fried it, you'd have a 95% chance of getting something that was not only very tasty, but tastier than spam. And there is about 70% it would be cheaper.
Isn't it shotgun blasts to the head that kills zombies? Or is it that those don't work?
Have you tried garlic-soaked silver bullets? Or is that for killing Lone Rangers?
Nerd of Redhead, you are the closest thing to an angel that I have ever come upon.
David B
Nerd of Redhead wrote:
Gaw! Help! What am I doing wrong?!
I'm logged into Typepad.
When I go to account info, I get a tabbed "Control Panel" window which has another tab "Account information" which only provides an "Account Overview" saying that I've been a member since April 2009. I see nothing about display name or e-mail.
There are two radio buttons, but neither is about exchanging emails.
Also, when I click on "Edit Your Profile," nothing happens.
Am I just missing the obvious, or does Typepad hate me?
I hope I have better luck with Movable Type.
The Mythies did try silver bullets. Didn't work as well as lead bullets. Something to do with the density differential and resulting masses of the same sized bullets. As any scientist would say, DUH!
*Metals for $400 Alex. Answer: The Long Ranger. Question: Who used silver bullets?*
I use my LiveJournal account. Yes, I am an attention junkie.
I'm also waiting for the day when the Web collapses because it's gotten too rickety and we're forced to rebuild from the ground up. Nothing like panic, chaos, and terror to force corrective measures. :)
Ok, so zombies, normal people, and possibly even Ed., agree Alan B is laugh-at-able, but what about the trolls? And spammers? Not to mention Little Poopyhead Pee Zed (and it's best not to mention him† at all!)?
† Little Poopyhead Pee Zed, that is. Not the one who shall not be named.
Oddly enough, I was having a conversation a couple of weeks ago, with a random stranger on a train, about not knowing the best way to deal with the zombie apocalypse - whereas anti-vampire techniques are highly publicised. Of the tools available where I was about to be, I reckoned the flame-thrower might be quite effective though (albeit only a limited scope one, intended for zapping weeds on paths).
Hmm... well, if you can see this not only has typepad worked, it means I've remembered a long-unused password (I don't comment very often).
Two such coincident things is not quite enough to claim a miracle, though.
Trying again....
Wheeee! Schoolgirl squeals and bosomy bounces!!! It worked - No thanks to gawd.
This is just a test post. I've been gone for a couple of weeks so I just want to make sure I can still sign in and post.
I really wish natural selection worked better on spammers...
It does when the environment gets changed to registration required.
What the hell is the matter with TypePad. Fuck.
Housekeeping: logged in thru Movable Type as always. No problems. Prefer keeping registration active because I think it helps thwart the terrorists.
About to shut down my European household for the night. Here's a bit religious and political blasphemy to help ease yourselves into the new week:
Concluding thought for the week: Too much of our best atheist media is low resolution with bad audio. That concerns me.
If you can see this comment, I successfully logged in via Movable Type using my LiveJournal account.
Crucifixion isn't a long-term solution, but it will give you about 36 hours.
I use movable type and it always seems to wor but it does take a while to work.
Google has worked for me.
The implementation via google is less than ideal, but it seems to at least work.
Now, is there any way we can blackmail Google into allowing people to change their handles?
You guys and gals need to go over to
Hemant has a poll about PZ that yearns for our attention.
You need to read World War Z.
Great. So now you have the undead lurching towards you ON FIRE.
Typepad is - I swear - the most annoying thing ever! Every time I try to sign in, after submitting the form I get a page full of gobbledygook. Google works much better, but I can't get fancy handles like Janine or others... Ah, well.
Testing the login with OpenID (after going rounds with the TypePad login).
Odd.. it uses my domain name instead of my identity (Kaessa). I swear, TypePad has the most screwed up login system I have ever used.
*bangs head against wall*
My moveable type seems to be working okay - the only bugger is I have to remember my login and password after being out of the office for 10 (or so) days.
Typepad has never failed me or given me any trouble in signing-in to post commentary here; I must be living a blessed life -- the FSM is Great!
I've found if TypePad gives me the gobbletygoop page, exiting the browser and starting it up again seems to work the next time I try to sign in. Or signing in under a new tab. Just had to do that from home (OSX 10.6.2 and Foxfire 3.5.6).
Yes, that aspect did concern me at the time. But I thought I probably wouldn't be using a flame-thrower indoors - and zombie stuff is usually associated with dark dank graveyards (much of the UK tends to be wet much of the time). So it would increase their visibility (for purposes of dodging them), with less danger of setting the whole neighbourhood on fire than is apparently the case in California; and it does at least then set a timer on how long an asthmatic and variably disabled newt/snail like me has to be able to outpace them before they're reduced to ash. I don't suppose they'd think of stopping to put themselves out somehow.
PZ now leads everyone else in the world 58/42. :)
So Microsoft's "Live" thing works when nothing else did. Go figure. Bit of overkill, though, creating a Live account.
Darn, SC, you scooped me.
That wiki page doesn't really give enough detail. How much does the brain have to be destroyed? Eg are people with severe Alzheimers very unthreatening as zombies? Would my microwave gun from university be adequate for brain-frying; or does the zombie's brain need to be completely liquified (eg with acid); or just stomped into jelly on the ground; or is mere decapitation sufficient?
Sorry - he leads everyone else in the universe combined.
Here's the direct link:
I hate spammers, too. Do all those peddlers of Godhood Enhancers think I need their pills to pick up another virgin or something? I don't, and I've never ordered any! Besides, they don't deliver the products and they don't work.
Patricia, why don't you pretend you want to create a Vox blog? Has been working for me without a single problem <span style="Homer">so far</span>.
Awww. No liquid nitrogen? I like boiling stuff in nitrogen. Then I suggest pulverizing at leisure and... mixing the powder with an explosive... :-)
Of course, a lot might depend on whether you're dealing with Romero zombies or Russo zombies.
Please ignore, this is only a sign-in test.
Monkey squid *tap* *tap*
Gone off typepad, too buggy.
Movable type, never any login trouble, at least not for a while now.
As to Owlmirrir's suggestion, if we closed older threads, they would probably then just spam the newer ones, which would be really annoying !
Of course a simple captcha might stop most of them in their tracks, but SB would have to have someone to implement that.
I should have no problem commenting on any post since I have OpenID.
Jeebus, people, it's salt that kills zombies. So you either pepper them with rock salt [or kosher salt], or supersoak them with seawater. [Supersoakers available at Toys R Armory] Then, when they're weak, you slam some salt into their mouths and sew their lips together. I believe super glue will work, as well.
Re: Spam. I have a friend who actually likes the stuff. We're trying to have him sectioned.
It would be fun if there were a separate thread that spammers/concern trolls could be relegated to. Kinda like Dooce's [albeit short-lived] Monetizing the Hate for her insane hate mail. There is some amusement in watching them if they're in the zoo.
OriGuy at #25, that is a lovely outrage.
Does anyone know: was Brit Hume always like this? I thought he was a respectable journalist. Is this new to him being on FOX?
Where does this put him on the douche - whore spectrum.
You're thinking of slugs and snails.
I've never had any problems signing in. Are you sure you guys are not just technotards? :)
Seriously though, it's good that it's at least reasonably sorted out. Spammers suck, but non-working registration systems suck even more.
In case anyone is still having sign-in issues, I've been coming in though my Live Journal account. Never had any trouble at all.
You're thinking of slugs and snails.
Clearly, you've never chatted with a voudon priest in Haiti.
OT:rubber cement thinner works really well on slugs.
And why are so many people having trouble signing in? I don't even remember what I'm using [something from an earlier sign in requirement here]. I just hit "sign in" and there I am.
testing 2 3 4
Because the login software is ramshackle piece of code from hell whose function depends on the phase of the Moon and what your brother had for breakfast last week.
(I'm keeping my brother on a starvation diet, so I have no problems. If you don't have a brother, tough. If you think you don't have a brother, yet can post, there's something your parents aren't/weren't telling you.)
Yo, PZ, are the SixApart bods still hanging around ScienceBlogs and available to be prodded into fixing things properly?
Among the many sign-in problems here (eg the MT Forbidden error and fatally missing confirmation email error, the Typepad wall of text error and the silliness over the visible names for some accounts being the URL instead of the name), the missing logo images should be the easiest to fix. Someone just needs to upload them to the correct directory so we don't get things like "Author Profile Page" alt text instead of a clickable link to those.
At the moment, the working logos are:
typepad_logo (used instead of typekey but has typekey's design)
Missing logos are:
(NB They should magically appear in those currently blank spaces, as well as next to any of their logged-in account user-names, if they ever do get uploaded! Google and Wordpress ones would already be visible on this thread if the images were available.)
Ive never had a single issue loggin in. I use myopenid on Firefox 3.5.6 on ubuntu linux.
What are you guys using that causes all these issues?
@ devnull73 #95:
For most of the problems, it seems to be irrelevant what OS and browser people are using. The problems are still there across different combinations.
Eg one MovableType issue is where it randomly tells people outright that they are Forbidden to use it. However, that has become a lot less credible as a reason to stop even trying to create an account now that lots more people (of no apparent specialness, such as Sb blog owners or OMs) can be seen using it.
Another, and even more annoying, MT issue is the mysteriously missing confirmation emails. They aren't simply being eaten by people's spam filters. Someone said they'd got their system network managers to check through the logs and verified that the email never came anywhere near arriving at all. Loss of this email is fatal to completing your account creation. You can't get another copy of it and your favoured login name is then gone forever, locked up in the bowels of ScienceBlogs and wasted.
The typepad/TypeKey problems include Sb randomly forgetting what it even is. This is manifested in various symptoms. Eg the Sb page generator showing the default anonymous perkin + speech bubble logo in threads instead of the key+keyhole/person one for users logged-in with typepad/TK. However, typically one can't even get logged in because, having jumped through all the hoops over at typepad itself, the swiss-cheese memory of Sb then throws up a wall of text, full of cascading errors, instead of returning to the original thread as expected when control is returned to Sb.
The problems with other account types may be mainly limited to the mess they make in showing the URL instead of the intended display name. Eg your own "" is hardly neat.
The LiveJournal ones are looking quite good this time round and the few Vox pseudo-users seem to have theirs under control now.
I've always been able to sign in easily using the NSA Data Mining Operation login.
Otherwise known as Google.
Mmmmm. Seems to work. Only took two attempts.
Wordpress FTW.
Now I can haz sign in! All sing the praises of Nerd of Redhead!
Having been stuck, locked-out, behind the Sb page of errors for typepad/TypeKey logins this morning, I resorted to MovableType. It doesn't seem to last very long as a login. And, unlike the TK one, the MT one doesn't reset itself to being accepted as being signed-in again on merely clicking the sign-in link. Paradoxically, on those occasions Sb actually has a better memory for TK than for its own incarnation of MT.
A new problem (or recurring old one): a blank page after submitting a comment, no warning message, URL left on mt comments one and not bounced back properly to the thread.
Worse yet, refreshing the thread (eg opening it up again from a link) doesn't show the post appearing for several minutes (and counting). Though it did eventually appear in the last 10 comments list on the left while still not appearing in the thread itself.