Volunteers needed for Camp Quest!

Camp Quest is growing fast and is increasingly popular — they're expecting at least 48 campers to show up at the Minnesota Camp Quest. They need more assistants! If you think you'd enjoy a week at a campground with a group of smart, secular kids, write and get more information and volunteer.

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Camp Quest is a secular summer camp program, and the Minnesota Version of it has been growing in recent years, and needs volunteers to help. 2010 camping dates are June 25 to July 31, not too far from the Twin Cities. Here's a brochure (PDF, 900K) with more info, and the web site is here. If…
I have been abandoned. My wife has left me. The kids have all moved out. I'm stuck home alone with nothing to do but work and take care of the annoying cats for a whole week, and I may just go insane. The Trophy Wife has gone to summer camp! She's working for a week as a camp counselor at Minnesota…
Come on, if Texas can open a Camp Quest, what's your state's excuse? There's also a nice article with a poll on the new godless camp — it's mostly positive, but they do go out of their way to get a quote from a dissenter. But Dr. Darrell Bock of the Dallas Theological Seminary doesn't believe that…
There's some new movie out about religious indoctrination, reviewed by David Byrne. Saw a screening of a documentary called Jesus Camp. It focuses on a woman preacher (Becky Fischer) who indoctrinates children in a summer camp in North Dakota. Right wing political agendas and slogans are mixed with…


Link fail for the e-mail address.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 24 Jan 2010 #permalink


Worked there years ago. Recommend it highly. Please don't pet the beavers.


By Blind Squirrel FCD (not verified) on 24 Jan 2010 #permalink

For those in the UK who remember the fuss in the media about the first Camp Quest UK, there will be camps in Somerset and Lincolnshire in 2010. Both still have places available.

Like BS, I volunteered in the past at Camp Quest and would highly recommend it as well. The volunteers and campers were very fun, and the experience was rewarding. As you can see from the main website, there are also camps in Ohio, Smoky Mountains, Ontario, Michigan, California, UK, Florida and Texas.

I'm just hoping they open a Camp Quest somewhere closer to the PNW than California, before my children are too old to go.

Wish this had been around when my kids were small. In order for me to continue my job we sometimes had to send them to Vacation Bible Schools and various other religious camps--that's all there was. But they were smart enough by then not to take the religious crap seriously (even though they were forced to learn the names of the books of the old testament in order).

By recovering catholic (not verified) on 24 Jan 2010 #permalink

sounds fun, but apparently I might be digging for extinct critter bones somewhere in Poland around that time.

and on another note, the link on their site to the volunteer information seems to be broken

By Jadehawk, OM (not verified) on 24 Jan 2010 #permalink

I'm volunteering for the one in California. It's close enough to Davis for easy travel.

We need more of these. Far, far too many children are being indoctrinated by parents who don't even know there's a choice.

By TJ Hanlon (not verified) on 24 Jan 2010 #permalink