Dang it, I always sound so moderate when someone else writes the words

There is an account of my Stanford visit in the Stanford Daily. I've definitely gotta work on my rabidity.

More like this

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I've started a new, modest but I think good, project on The X Blog. I've dragged out and dusted off, and rewritten and reorganized, a selected series of essays that I wrote few years ago but were not widely read, especailly by you if you are fairly new to this blog. I'm going to be posting a few…

At least your "mockery" and "blatant criticism" get a mention.

Still, I think those of us who prefer reason to emotion and BS for deciding issues have a hard time sounding rabid.

Glen D

By Glen Davidson (not verified) on 28 Jan 2010 #permalink

This mild-mannered small college professor is a good disguise. Maybe you need a more spectacular transformation.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 28 Jan 2010 #permalink

You are going to have to have bits of squid dangling from your mouth if you want them to notice how furious you are. That is what was missing from your Reddit interview.

By Janine, Mistre… (not verified) on 28 Jan 2010 #permalink

When I argue with creationist's I tend to ration out my anger very carefully as a way of signaling that the person I'm talking to is a moron. It works especially well against religion teachers as they fall apart whenever a student attempts to dissent. That's the only bonus of being in a catholic high school, I get one period a day where I can just own a teacher for being stupid. I'm currently in church history but every Friday is question day where people get to ask the teacher questions about the church. Someone asked about if evolution was anti-catholic "they teach evolution in our biology class so that was a particularly dumb question". The teacher responds with some mindless tripe about jesus and then said "I just can't believe that people came from apes". I immediately explained to her that we are not descended from apes but from a common ancestor and offered to draw a diagram for her. She continued on with some more bullshit before I outright told her that she does not understand Evolution at all, my vitriolic reaction got the rooms attention and every question after that was about evolution.

Spelled your name wrong in the tags. Hee.


Maybe if you said "fuck" more often.

Or ate a baby onstage.

By Your Name's No… (not verified) on 28 Jan 2010 #permalink

This mild-mannered small college professor is a good disguise. Maybe you need a more spectacular transformation.

The problem is, PZ turning into a fire spewing balrog at the podium will not convince too many that there is no supernatural. It might even qualify for the "miracles that make you believe" poll.

Well done PZ. Keep getting the word out about the blog.

By lose_the_woo (not verified) on 28 Jan 2010 #permalink

Anti-Creationist? The article subs "anti-creationist" for whatever PZ actually said -- probably something like "scientist", "biologist" or "skeptics".

Its funny 'cause "Anti-creationist" fits pretty well with the scope of PZ's tour. Still, it feels ever-so-slightly reductive -- yeah, PZ is anti-creationism, but I guess I always thought of that as a sort of side-effect of being pro-science.

I mean, they refer to it as the "anti-creationist" choir that PZ was "preaching" to. I bet most everyone there was against creationism, but it wasn't the "Anti-Creationist" students group who organized the talk, and it isnt "anti-creationistblogs.com".

By a.debaser (not verified) on 28 Jan 2010 #permalink

The Q&A from PZ's appearance at Sacramento City College on Tuesday night is now posted at Halfway There.

“I applaud what you do in class,” the questioner explained. However, he continued, “I don’t like your blog.”

Somebody doesn't like Pharyngula? Doesn't he know how the mild-mannered, soft-spoken people here spend most of their time discussing the proper care of tea cosies and whether or not patchouli is effective in aromatherapy. What's there not to like? =8^\

By 'Tis Himself, OM (not verified) on 28 Jan 2010 #permalink

As it happens, the daughter of a fundamentalist friend of ours is currently doing graduate work in chemistry at Stanford, on full scholarship -- which goes to show that creationists aren't necessarily stupid, in a global sense. I don't suppose she showed up for PZ's talk. Of course, she did her undergrad at Toronto, so I wonder if she ever had Larry Moran....

By Eamon Knight (not verified) on 28 Jan 2010 #permalink

Well, it might help in this instance if the person writing you up wasn't so bad at it. Hope she's, I don't know, an applied maths major or something.

CTC: Well, it might help in this instance if the person writing you up wasn't so bad at it. Hope she's, I don't know, an applied maths major or something.

I beg to point out, CTC, that math majors are perfectly capable of good reporting (even if I do say so myself).

A bit condescending that report.
Not sure how many people understand how refreshing it is with a blog where you can let your hair down a bit, and juicy language used when irate is not sensored.


Myers said that, while he feels the need to ridicule what he considers stupid creationist ideas, he agrees that there is a need for people to use diplomacy and respectful intercourse to make compromises.

Everytime I try this one I end up getting slapped in the face.

Oh, meant the report Flakko #16 referred to!

MOMO, awesome! Glad you stand up to your "stupid" teachers. What is so sad is they should know more than you but obviously, they don't. And people wonder why we rank so low on the education scale compared to other countries.Hopefully you were able to "educate" some of your classmates that day on what Evolution is (maybe even your teacher!)

By prostock69 (not verified) on 28 Jan 2010 #permalink


They're just playing hard to get :-P

"...blatant criticism ..."?

(gasp) Oh my virgin pearls!

By https://www.go… (not verified) on 28 Jan 2010 #permalink