Mr Deity picks on the handicapped!

It's OK, though, you know he's the kind of rotten, self-centered guy who would do that.


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While this did, in fact, make me laugh so hard it hurt (punchline, FTW), I am forever unsatisfied, and found myself desperately wishing they'd also throw in a reference to the MST3K take on The Brain That Wouldn't Die.

Mr Deity has potential.
That is all.

By Rorschach (not verified) on 26 Feb 2010 #permalink

Oy. Still trying to wrap my head around that one.

I didn't really find it funny. The all-time funniest film about a head without a body is still The Brain That Wouldn't Die. It's heads above the rest.

Wait, Salomone is Larry's girlfriend? I thought Larry didn't have genitals, something a lusty gal like her just wouldn't do without.

By Akira MacKenzie (not verified) on 26 Feb 2010 #permalink

A new Mr. Deity? Oh Boy!!! That's always a reason to celebrate.

Let's hope he can avoid any head-to-head confrontations.

Of course, rather than a massage, he might like some head.

He could take a college course, and easily go to the head of the class.

Is it bad if my favorite bit was the part at the end where he asks people to donate? "If you're freaked out about me asking for money... you could be pure evil."

By skeptical scientist (not verified) on 26 Feb 2010 #permalink

I must admit - I thought the begging-part was funnier than the actual episode.

Headless jokes can only be taken that far...

@TheBear #10

Headless jokes can only be taken that far...

...unless they're mounted on skateboards.

I skipped the begging part, unfortunately, I'll have to go back watch that. I suffer from credititis - when the credits roll, I press "STOP".

@#1: John in the pan?

Meh. The old head through the table schtick. If they really wanted to show some class, they should have done it this way.


By Blind Squirrel FCD (not verified) on 26 Feb 2010 #permalink

Johnny always wanted to get ahead in life.

show some class, they should have done it this way.


Presumable people aren't tithing enough to support a good SFX department.

For the last time .... I AM NOT HEADLESS!!!!

Since tvilot is too modest to say, I'll note that Tom Vilot (who played John the Baptist in this BMr Deity episode) is also Skyguy. He explains space & astronomy topics to kids in this video podcast:

- Amy Gahran

By Amy Gahran (not verified) on 07 Mar 2010 #permalink