Somebody asked about Syracuse University…

I'd hate to think that someone at Syracuse University might be driving to RIT tomorrow to hear my lecture, since I've been invited by The Atheists, Agnostics and Freethinkers Alliance to speak at Syracuse next week, on 8 April.


Oh, and look: Hemant is there tonight, warming up the audience for me. How nice of him!


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Oh man, I'm on vacation and I still can't make the RIT lecture.

*sulks in corner*

By OurDeadSelves (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

Headlining again I see. This is getting to be like 70's stadium rock. You're gonna need a road crew.

PZ is at the foot of the cross...reminds me of a song.

Still too far for me to go on a work night since I have to be up and at work by 6 am. Darn it. Well, I will just have to hope for something I can go to one day....

*joins OurDeadSelves in the corner to sulk*

By triskelethecat (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

PZ: You need to get some professional photos taken.

Everyone else on that poster has nice headshots that are able to be sent out for publicizing events like this. Your photo looks like someone snapped it while walking down the street.

I'm sure if you put out the call you'd have a hundred Pharynguloid photographers ready to jump at the chance.

New Atheist Activism? Hemant has stopped checking the news feeds. The New Atheism was in its death throes a few weeks ago and now it has completely flat-lined!

This is nice an' all, but when are you going to come and speak at Caltech? =)

By summitwulf (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

I think it kind of strange that a cross is featured prominently... Hoping there are a few disappointed Christians!

Somebody asked about Syracuse University…

That was me!! While I live in Ithaca, I work in Syracuse... so... woohoo!

I will most definitely be there...

Also, someone in the Rochester thread mentioned the Dinosaur BBQ... well, the original resides right here in Syracuse and I highly recommend it...

By Celtic_Evolution (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

Iono - your giving a talk on 1/4 is ripe for potential.

Keel over midtalk and go into bouts of glossolalia?

It's not real barbeque, though.[/transplanted midwesterner] :p

I'm sure if you put out the call you'd have a hundred Pharynguloid photographers ready to jump at the chance.

I am sure if we all made some effort we could make PZ look even prettier than the Colgate Twins.

Well OK, maybe it will take a lot of effort. The photos they have on their blog have unnaturally perfect white teeth, flawless skin and not a hair out of place.

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

I couldn't get the poster to enlarge, but it looks like the event is Thursday, April 8, 7-9 p.m., Maxwell Auditorium. Hope that's right.

Anyway, yowzah! I'll be there! Can't wait to see you in the flesh, and hopefully hoist a tankard after ... possibly with a big bowl of the new Cool Ranch Consecrated Hosts.

Everyone else on that poster has nice headshots that are able to be sent out for publicizing events like this. [PZ's] photo looks like someone snapped it while walking down the street.

All those other photos look like typical dust-jacket pics; I imagine PZ will have one just like it in the not-too-distant future!

By Bill Dauphin, OM (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

It's not real barbeque, though.[/transplanted midwesterner] :p

No, no... I spent some time in KC many years ago... so I know what you mean... but it ain't terrible for central NY...

By Celtic_Evolution (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

Hank - I have a full-res of the poster if you need it and have a way I can send it to you. (correct, 7-9 in Maxwell)

Carlie, how did you get a hold of my poster?!?! :)

And so everyone knows, we have Chris Hitchens in the works as well.

And 100% male, how nice.

Lifer | March 31, 2010 11:08 AM:

New Atheist Activism? Hemant has stopped checking the news feeds. The New Atheism was in its death throes a few weeks ago and now it has completely flat-lined!

That was 3 days ago. Now it is risen.

Carlie, how did you get a hold of my poster?!?!

Some dude in Syracuse sent it to me. :D

I have to say, this is an example of the powers of the internet. I had no idea that there was a college freethinker's group of the sort in Syracuse until I saw the date listed on Hemant's blog and went searching for information. So I found out about something happening in central New York via a site based in Chicago which then led to information about a talk by a Minnesotan.

Be sure to visit Doug Biklen and his Facilitated Communication Institute while you're at Syracuse!

I saw Hemant last night at RPI with the fledgling SSA group and some members of my atheist/agnostic Meetup group. It was an awesome talk. I was worried about the almost four hour drive from Schenectady to Rochester, but Syracuse is a breeze! I'll be there for sure.

By MikeTheInfidel (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

I saw Hemant last night too! He's a pretty cool speaker -- gave a talk with lots of laughs.


Anyone in the Syracuse area ... what would you recommend a visitor see, if he got there early? We're thinking about taking off from work and making a day of it. And I always have my camera with me. ( )

What's that Science & Technology Museum like? Any cool college coffee shop/bakeries worth hitting?

Where's the best place to park for PZ's talk?

I'm looking at you on Google Earth -- good gosh, what's that huge hole out southeast of town? Quarry? Gravel pit?

@24 I believe it's the largest quarry in the state. We'll be caravannin' it up from Ithaca. If you're coming early and looking to kill time, wander through the SUNY ESF buildings for your science fix. Illick is the environmental science building...I was there back before that sort of thing was cool.


The MOST (Museum of Science and Technology) is ok, but really more of a science-center geared towards kids. It does have an Omni-theater that plays the usual science type documentaries. It has a planetarium that is literally the size of tent... maybe 20 seats. I took my daughter, who loves all things space, and they basically showed a slideshow and didn't even use the star-projector. The Planetarium in Rochester is far far better.

Onondaga Lake Parkway is a nice walk, and the weather is supposed to be nice. If you have the time, it's worth the hour drive down to Ithaca to check out the various waterfalls... especially Taughannock Falls (one of the largest drop waterfalls east of the Rockies... 30 feet higher than Niagara Falls) which is absolutely brilliant right now with all the recent rain.

By Celtic_Evolution (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

Hank - the Irving garage is good for parking, not much of a walk unless you can't do stairs. Armory square (the same area as the MOST science center) has a lot of pubs/bakeries/shops/restaurants and isn't far away. Depending on what direction you're coming from, Chittenango Falls are nice too, and the falls are pretty swollen right now (but only access from the top at the moment).

My husband and I might make it to the RIT talk. I haven't been to the old alma mater in years. :)

I see Syracuse University is still promoting their facilitated communication "research"--maybe PZ can pay a friendly visit to the Inclusion Institute while he's there???

By recovering catholic (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

Please excuse me for bringing biology/anatomy into the discussion, but is that a real spinal column depicted in the poster? It certainly appears to be too long to be human, could it be...Satan's?

All kidding aside, anybody know what creature that thing is from?

By BlueEyedVideot (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

Awesome! Now Im glad I asked. See at SU on the 8th PZ.

Austin gave that talk at the U of MN last month, then went out drinking with us. It's a good talk, and he's a single malt scotch man.

By Ted Meissner (not verified) on 01 Apr 2010 #permalink

I'll see if the husbeast and I can make it--we'll have to leave work a little early, but that should be possible. See you all there!

On the "things to do around Syracuse" topic, the Beaver Lake Nature Center is pretty cool. There's some good trails, too, if the weather is good.

BlueEyedVideot, I was just going to ask that. Looks mammalian (amphiplatyan central articulations) and must be largely tail by the way it tapers to top right, but doesn't have an obvious sacral region. So I suspect it's a small cetacean (i.e. dolphin/porpoise), but someone's pulled all the chevrons off the caudals.

By John Scanlon FCD (not verified) on 02 Apr 2010 #permalink

The are is from someone else. If you come to the talk, someone can let you know! I know lots of animal anatomists will be there.

Beaver lake is nice, but Green Lakes has more pristine vegetation, including some old growth. Its also 2 of the deepest meromictic lakes around! If anyone is staying the night, we can go for a walk on Friday!

However, the weather is supposed to suck all week!

Im glad to see so many people coming to my groups event!
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