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Finally, the much anticipated return of Friday Flower Porn! For you debauched botanical voyeurs, I have two offerings for you today: a purple posy and turgid Darwinian prose.
Here's a violet blooming in Princeton's Marchand Park where a fair number of specimen trees and shrubs hang out. Just look…
This is a significant issue. That great bastion of science-based medicine "The Doctors" did an episode on this.
Makes me want to sing:
Clitoria, toria
Is it getting hot in here?
Can someone open a window?
I think Jen from Blag Hag can help
with the pink
Probably it's not pink because it's rather cold out there right now?
I was in the Hort dept at NCSU. One of my professors, Dr Fantz worked on this genus and named this species:
Clitoria woytkowskii Fantz
I have to say, I was more than a little uncomfortable when this guy told me about this plant. I think he even offered me a plant.
I did enjoy his plant ID classes though--I love taxonomy!
Actually, I see on the wiki page that Fantz named several species.
You wouldn't be asking if it should be pink if you'd been playing Mass Effect...
Here you go, PZ:
First off - this plant will be banned from any and all godbot gardens - way to nasty for the lil'uns.
Sili @ 4:
Thanks for the link. Now my day will be complete, knowing there are bejeweled crotches out there.
"...roots demonstrated nootropic, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant and antistress activity"
I agree completely.
I wonder what does the insect that pollinates clitoria looks like.
They can be pink, PZ!
Dirty scientists! Naming things for...well, for what they look like!
(Putting on husky voice, batting eyelashes)
Whhyyy - don't you like blue, P.Z.? huh?
Really? Jeese Louise.
I don't know why Clitoria has that name, but the root means twig, not "man in a boat".
squealpiggy @ 10;
Careful now, or else we will have legions of incensed fundies and Super Moral Guardians of Society(TM) (whose super powers include a capacity to annoy others and fixate on the irrelevant that surely transends the abilities of mere humans) ranting on about the marketing of porn to children as computer entertainment (utterly oblivious to the fact that games carry age ratings, that many gamers have their majority, and that if Mass Effect is porn, it is surely the least porny porn in the history Does anyone else here remember the ridiculous, manufactured outrage when the game was released? So many pearls were clutched that I began to fear for the continued survival of oysters as a species.
Of course, the Asari are even more threatening to fundies than a certain other well known sci-fi species who likes to hang around that end of the colour spectrum, because the Asari are depicted as all possessing female-analogous body morphology, and as a result are all lesbian or bisexual (or would be if such terms had meaning when applied to a fictional species that has no male gender of its own. Suffce to say that the Asari approach to procreative sex is a little... different to that of humans). So not only are they sexy blue aliens, they are sexy blue aliens who are all one with 'Teh Ghey'! Sexy blue aliens who are all at one with 'Teh Ghey' and are shown as having a cultural imperative to engage in sexual congress with other species. Shock, horror! Won't someone think of the children! It is Teh Ghey conspiracy to recruit the young and vulnerable, writ large on the Silve...err computer screen!
Asari and Na'vi, leading the charge for the blue-ification of sci-fi everywhere. Blue is the new pink, people.
Oh for fuck's sake PZ, now you're doing it on purpose. A few vaguely genital appearing organisms I could understand but obviously this is some conspiracy by you to make people horny on the internet.
I will have you know that since the 1850s the internet has been a place of cleanliness and sanity with no genitals on it whatsoever. Please continue this tradition. I am very concerned that someone might be overcome with lust and molest a poodle or something.
I'm only too happy to help people catch up their Pharyngureading. (You should see what I posted in The Thread.)
My biotics are far more powerful than their praying.
Although the fact that male commander Sheppard didn't have the option of gaying it up with Garrus or Wrex wasn't entirely lost upon me...
Now, now; a bit of lipstick should give it the proper hue.
Somebody put a helmet on that soldier.
squealpiggy @ 22;
It is good to know that you are so strong with the For.. err, are such a potent biotic. An Adept, I assume? (I am a little surprised that George Lucas did not try to sue Bioware over that one). Element Zero-flakes for breakfast will do that for you...
I also noticed this inequality. It appears that the Bioware of the time was not quite courageous enough to go that far. Some attempt to redress this inequity was made in Dragon Age: Origins (yes, I am a fully paid up geek), but the homosexual relationship depicted was annoyingly stereotypical. Still, at least some attempt was made. However inadequate.
Oddly, in the sequal to the more successful Mass Effect franchise, there was once again no depiction of male homosexuality, only inter-species lesbianism (not that I have anything against lesbianism, involving blue aliens or otherwise.)If I did not know better, I would think that the Bioware executives consider lesbianism somehow less offensive to the moral majority morons than male homosexuality...
It appears that game producing companies are not about to storm the bastille of bigotry. While I suppose that expecting them to do so may be expecting a bit much, it would be nice if someone in the industry spent less time animating female characters with impropable (and indeed, impractical) body proportions and more time actually creating a work of digital art with something relevant to say about social issues.
My favorite exam question: Describe how and explain why flowers (1) attract, (2) reward, and (3) control the behavior of their pollinators. Then (for 1/4 of the marks) use your imagination to design a flower that's pollinated by humans. Do not include pseudocopulation in your answer.
It's related to those "Feminine Protection" greater absorbency commercials. A girl gets to middle school and then - What? Mine's red? I thought it would be blue!
I think PZ was looking for this.
Lithified Detritus
Not necessarily. Zhaan was blue and a plant-based lifeform, too.
Reminds me of something--but what?
I squealed with delight upon seeing the picture of this beautiful flower. I have memories! When I was a kid, my mother had planted a Clitoria plant right outside our house, and every morning it used to bear this brilliant blue flower. Of course, at that time, I had no clue that this flower was called Clitoria (Ah, those innocent times!), but its name in my language was Aparaajitaa, the unvanquished.