Congratulations, Australia!

Australia has a non-religious woman as prime minister! This is nominally promising, but we'll have to wait and see if she actually follows through with some kind of commitment to secularism (the former PM, Kevin Rudd, was known for recruiting god to his party's side).

Also, unfortunately, in all the hullabaloo about having two X chromosomes, red hair, no husband or children, and making a secular affirmation instead of a religious oath of office, I'm not hearing much about her politics, other than that she's more or less expected to continue current Labor Party policies. Is that good or bad? I don't know. Maybe some Australians can explain in the comments.

I wouldn't care if she were a red-haired Hindu if she were doing good work, but the last thing we need is a godless prime minister who is also incompetent — and yes, that could happen!


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