Would you believe I still get email about cracker abuse? At least this one is novel in its tone.
So-Called Atheists a.k.a RUBES a.k.a. LAMESTREAM ACADEMIA PABLUM asks: "Why is so-called defunct ''Christianity Strain'' the prime target of Satan lead OPERATION LAST DREAM/PAGAN-ATHEIST OPERATION PROJECT?''.LESSON NUMBER ONE: IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY STRAIN
THE GREAT ANTI-SPIRITUAL INSURGENCY (a.k.a 'atheism' a.k.a 'secular humanism' a.k.a 'paganism' amongst so-called atheists/RUBES) is only the BEGINNING of the FINAL PHASE of SATAN's PROJECT OPERATION LAST DREAM PROJECT. Operation Last Dream project begins in A.E with the completion of al-Qur'Än the first scripture in the late-line Anti-Spiritual strain and will only end when SATAN is vanquished or all PURE CHRISTIANITY WORSHIP STRAINS are extinct or converted into pseudo-PAGANIST strains.
FACT: Standard dogma of purestrain WRPG is
1.1.Destruction of IMMORAL PAGAN PRINCIPLE A.K.A HEDONISM IE ''Sodom'' and ''Gomorrah''
2.VALIDATION of existing worship structure IE ''JESUS RESURRECTION''FACT: Purestrain CHRISTIANITY 'Catholicism' has been CORRUPTED by Satan LAST DREAM OPERATION INFILTRATION TEAMS who create and flood 'Catholicism' and 'Ecclesiology' with so-called 'saints' that carry ANTI-SPIRITUAL PAGANIST CONTAGION VIRUS.
FACT: ATHEISM dictates dictates replacement of divinity with pagan principles IE ''lifestream'' IE ''Persona-Worship'' IE ''HEDONISM''
FACT: DR.PAUL ZACHARY 'MYERS' a.k.a DR.PAUL ZACHARY MENGELE a.k.a DR.PZ MENGELE is responsible for Killing GOD-PROXY a.k.a Sacrament a.k.a communion wafer, committed contemporaneously with the writing of HARRY POTTER (a.k.a the ORIGIN of PAGANISM contagion-strain!) PAGANISM contagion project is Athei-nihilist culture jamming... Athei-nihilist endgame is to destroy GOD through REPEATED RITUALISTIC EFFIGY ASSASSINATION!!!
Lesson Number One
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