Dinner Tonight

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On Friday night we had dinner at Town Hall Grill - the service and the food were excellent! Yum! [For those of you not local, the John Edwards campaign headquarters are exactly above on the second floor] Under the fold you'll see the pictures (let me know if I misidentified or non-identified…
More pictures under the fold (until my batteries died). Again, tell me if I misidentified or non-identified somebody: Abel PharmBoy Abel again Amy Hughes Bill Hooker Bill Hooker, Zuska, Janet D. Stemwedel, Dave and Greta Munger Christina Lenis Chen (left) of DESTINY (science-teaching bus)…
Well, I am back from the Science Blogging Conference, exhilarated and exhausted! After months of preparation, and last few days of frantic last-minute work, the Big Day has come and I could finally relax and enjoy myself. And enjoy it I did! I hope the others did as well. First order of duty:…
The second annual North Carolina Science Blogging Conference, held January 18 and 19, 2008, was an unqualified success. Find a comprehensive listing of links to the many blog entries and video clips posted before, during and after the conference to learn about the conversations and networking at…

Holy cow, now that's a huge group!

I'll probably miss tonight but will be there bright and early tomorrow to help with registration and check-in.

Sorry you could not make it this time....but there is always the next time. Next year's conference? Any time you come the Triangle way, just holler.