More declarations

That article I mentioned earlier about a collection of statements from atheists on why they don't believe is now available at the New Statesman. You can read all of them, not just mine!

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This is something that came up in some of the comments on the recent "nimbers" post, and I thought it was worth promoting to the front, and getting up under an easy-to-find title in the "basics" series. In a lot of discussions in all different areas of math, you encounter talk about sets and…
There is no more reverent way to wake to a fine Sunday morning than to discover another religious zealot punching himself in the face. Repeatedly. The Rabbi Avi Shafran is waxing indignant in a syndicated article that is popping up all over the place, in which he tries to denounce Zizek's most…
(via Shakespeare's Sister) I've always found it odd that Christian conservatives constantly claim victim status, particularly when so many of them, when it comes to foreign policy are so convinced that will can overcome anything. It's sort of like Norman Vincent Pearle but with fighter bombers.…