Look at this: no originality at all. The wanna-bes and poseurs all have to dress up in their idol's fashions, even if it is cross-phylum dressing.

(via NatGeo)
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This is a plant germinated from 32,000 year old tissue recovered from permafrost. I'll take their word for it, but I'd like to see some ID.
(via NatGeo)
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Tremble in fear, and behold this terrifying homicidal vegetable!
The larger denizens of Brazil may be unaware of the carnage beneath their feet, but trust me — the far more numerous inhabitants of the country, roundworms and such, feel nothing but terror at encountering their roots.
(via NatGeo)
Aside from Mary, that is.
(via NatGeo)
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(via NatGeo)
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